# DS4LiBSD It's a scripts for clean nonfree codes and files for any BSD, then generate two separated sources: * fully OS source named "DyfBOS-*". * kernel and tools source named "DyfBKS-*" and add compability for the GNU C Library. --- ## Fully Free BSDs and New Names: All fully free OS and kernel gain with a new names, like: * FreeBSD -> DyfBOS-FreeIce and DyfBKS-FreeIce * NetBSD -> DyfBOS-LightNet and DyfBKS-LightNet * OpenBSD -> DyfBOS-LibreAqua and DyfBKS-LibreAqua * DragonFly BSD -> DyfBOS-AirBird and DyfBKS-AirBird --- ## Recursive Acronym Names: All the names's a recursive acronym, like: * DS4LiBSD: DS4LiBSD's scripts for liberate BSDs. * DyfBOS: DyfBOSD's full"Y" "F"ree "B"erkeley "O"perating "S"ystem. * DyfBKS: DyfBKSD's full"Y" "F"ree "B"erkeley "K"ernel "S"oftware. * The letter "D" mean DAVIANA. * DAVIANA: DAVIANA's "A" ser"VI"ce "A"nd "N"ot d"A"emon. -- ## DAVIANA mascot: DAVIANA is a new generic mascot that replace the Beastie daemon mascot, It's a human girl, with blue and white dress and serving a water drink.