path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 7e8b9ab..e7dcd3a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -39,24 +39,45 @@ output = [
-colorDict = {
+class NoDeleteDict(dict):
+ """
+ This dict silently disables deletions. This is because allthough we will want users to be able to
+ edit these dicts from their config files, we don't want them to muck up somthing important, so we
+ disable deletions to protect them from themselves.
+ >>>dic = NoDeleteDict({'a':1, 'b':2})
+ We can still access items normally:
+ >>>dic['a']
+ 1
+ But when we delete items, nothing happens:
+ >>>del dic['b']
+ >>>dic['b']
+ 2
+ """
+ def __delitem__(self, name):
+ return
+COLOR_DICT = NoDeleteDict({
'Arch Linux': ['\x1b[0;34m', '\x1b[1;34m'],
'Ubuntu': ['\x1b[0;31m', '\x1b[1;31m', '\x1b[0;33m'],
'Debian': ['\x1b[0;31m', '\x1b[1;31m'],
'Mint': ['\x1b[0;32m', '\x1b[1;37m'],
'Crunchbang': ['\x1b[1;37m'],
'Fedora': ['\x1b[0;34m', '\x1b[1;37m'],
- 'Clear': ['\x1b[0m']
- }
+ 'Clear': '\x1b[0m'
+ })
-deDict = {
+DE_DICT = NoDeleteDict({
'gnome-session': 'GNOME',
'ksmserver': 'KDE',
'xfce4-session': 'Xfce',
'lxsession': 'LXDE'
- }
+ })
-wmDict = {
+WM_DICT = NoDeleteDict({
'awesome': 'Awesome',
'beryl': 'Beryl',
'blackbox': 'Blackbox',
@@ -79,9 +100,10 @@ wmDict = {
'wmii': 'wmii',
'xfwm4': 'Xfwm',
'xmonad': 'xmonad'
- }
+ })
-logosDict = {'Arch Linux': '''{color[1]}
+LOGO_DICT = NoDeleteDict({'Arch Linux': '''{color[1]}
{color[1]} + {results[0]}
{color[1]} # {results[1]}
{color[1]} ### {results[2]}
@@ -100,10 +122,9 @@ logosDict = {'Arch Linux': '''{color[1]}
{color[0]} ;#### ####; {results[15]}
{color[0]} ##' '## {results[16]}
{color[0]} #' `# {results[17]}
-processes = str(subprocess.check_output(('ps', '-u', getuser(), '-o', 'comm',
+PROCESSES = str(subprocess.check_output(('ps', '-u', getuser(), '-o', 'comm',
'--no-headers')), encoding='utf8').rstrip('\n').split('\n')
@@ -115,7 +136,6 @@ class ArcheyException(Exception): pass
class Output():
results = []
- results.extend(['']*(13))
def __init__(self):
self.distro = self.__detectDistro()
@@ -125,12 +145,54 @@ class Output():
return 'Arch Linux'
sys.exit("Unsupported distro")
+ def _color(self, index):
+ """
+ Returns the escape code for either:
+ a) The color scheme of the distro value stored in self.distro
+ or
+ b) The value of the entry in COLOR_DICT for the key passed
+ >>out = Output()
+ >>out._color(1) == COLOR_DICT[out.distro][1]
+ >>out._color(out.distro) == COLOR_DICT[out.distro]
+ """
+ if isinstance(index, str):
+ return COLOR_DICT[index]
+ return COLOR_DICT[self.distro][index]
+ def _get_logo(self):
+ return LOGO_DICT[self.distro]
+ def _center_results(self, results, max_length=17):
+ """
+ Centers a list of results. Length of desired list can be given via max_length kwarg.
+ >>>out = Output()
+ >>>out._center_results([1])
+ [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 1, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']
+ >>>out._center_results([1], max_length=3)
+ [' ', 1, ' ']
+ """
+ length = len(results)
+ if length > max_length:
+ return results[:max_length + 1]
+ center = int(max_length/2)
+ start = int(center - length/2)
+ new_results = list(' ' * max_length)
+ new_results[start:start + length - 1] = results
+ return new_results
def append(self, display):
- self.results.append('%s%s: %s%s' % (colorDict[self.distro][1], display.key, colorDict['Clear'][0], display.value))
+ self.results.append('%s%s: %s%s' % (self._color(1), display.key, self._color('Clear'), display.value))
def output(self):
- print(logosDict[self.distro].format(color = colorDict[self.distro], results = self.results))
+ results = self._center_results(self.results)
+ print(self._get_logo().format(color=self._color(self.distro), results=results))
class BaseDisplay():
@@ -183,9 +245,9 @@ class Uptime(BaseDisplay):
class WindowManager(BaseDisplay):
def __init__(self):
wm = ''
- for key in wmDict.keys():
- if key in processes:
- wm = wmDict[key]
+ for key in WM_DICT.keys():
+ if key in PROCESSES:
+ wm = WM_DICT[key]
self.key = 'Window Manager'
@@ -194,9 +256,9 @@ class WindowManager(BaseDisplay):
class DesktopEnvironment(BaseDisplay):
def __init__(self):
de = ''
- for key in deDict.keys():
- if key in processes:
- wm = wmDict[key]
+ for key in DE_DICT.keys():
+ if key in PROCESSES:
+ wm = WM_DICT[key]
self.key = 'Desktop Environment'