path: root/archey3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'archey3')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archey3 b/archey3
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c199ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archey3
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# archey3 [version 0.2-1]
+# Copyright 2010 Melik Manukyan <>
+# Copyright 2010 Laurie Clark-Michalek <>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.
+# See for the full license text.
+# Simple python script to display an Archlinux logo in ASCII art
+# Along with basic system information.
+# Import libraries
+import subprocess, optparse, re, sys
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from getpass import getuser
+from time import ctime, sleep
+from os import getenv
+# Display [Comment/Uncomment to Enable/Disable information.]
+# Protocols:
+# uname:x = return output of uname -x (see UNAME_FLAG_MEANINGS for more info)
+# sensors:x = return output of sensors x
+# env:x = return value of env variable x
+# fs:x = return space of partition at x
+ 'distro', # Display Operating System
+ 'uname:n', # Display Machine Hostname
+ 'uname:r', # Display Kernel Version
+ 'uptime', # Display System Uptime
+ 'sensors:coretemp-*', # Display System Core tempature
+ 'wm', # Display Window Manager
+ 'de', # Display Desktop Environment
+ 'packages', # Display Number of Packages Installed
+ 'ram', # Display RAM Usage
+ 'uname:p', # Display CPU Model
+ 'env:shell', # Display Current Shell
+ 'env:editor', # Display Editor, using EDITOR env
+# 'fs:/boot', # Display /boot Partition Usage
+# 'fs:/home', # Display /home Partition Usage
+# 'fs:/MOUNT/POINT', # Display * Partition, Edit To Your Needs
+ 'fs:/' # Display / Partition Usage
+ ]
+ 'a': 'System Infomation',
+ 's': 'Kernel Name',
+ 'n': 'Hostname',
+ 'r': 'Kernel Release',
+ 'v': 'Kernel Version',
+ 'm': 'Machine Hardware name',
+ 'p': 'Processor Type',
+ 'i': 'Hardware Platform',
+LOGOS = {'Arch Linux': '''{c1}
+{c1} + {results[0]}
+{c1} # {results[1]}
+{c1} ### {results[2]}
+{c1} ##### {results[3]}
+{c1} ###### {results[4]}
+{c1} ; #####; {results[5]}
+{c1} +##.##### {results[6]}
+{c1} +########## {results[7]}
+{c1} ######{c2}#####{c1}##; {results[8]}
+{c1} ###{c2}############{c1}+ {results[9]}
+{c1} #{c2}###### ####### {results[10]}
+{c2} .######; ;###;`\". {results[11]}
+{c2} .#######; ;#####. {results[12]}
+{c2} #########. .########` {results[13]}
+{c2} ######' '###### {results[14]}
+{c2} ;#### ####; {results[15]}
+{c2} ##' '## {results[16]}
+{c2} #' `# {results[17]}
+{c2} '''
+ 'distro': 'distroCheck',
+ 'uname': 'unameDisplay',
+ 'uptime': 'uptimeDisplay',
+ 'sensors': 'sensorDisplay',
+ 'wm': 'wmDisplay',
+ 'de': 'deDisplay',
+ 'packages': 'packageDisplay',
+ 'ram': 'ramDisplay',
+ 'env': 'envDisplay',
+ 'fs': 'fsDisplay',
+DE_DICT = {'gnome-session': 'GNOME',
+ 'ksmserver': 'KDE',
+ 'xfconfd': 'Xfce 4.6',
+ 'lxsession': 'LXDE',
+ '': 'None',
+WM_DICT = {'awesome': 'Awesome',
+ 'beryl': 'Beryl',
+ 'blackbox': 'Blackbox',
+ 'compiz': 'Compiz',
+ 'dwm': 'DWM',
+ 'enlightenment': 'Enlightenment',
+ 'fluxbox': 'Fluxbox',
+ 'fvwm': 'FVWM',
+ 'icewm': 'IceWM',
+ 'kwin': 'KWin',
+ 'metacity': 'Metacity',
+ 'musca': 'Musca',
+ 'openbox': 'Openbox',
+ 'pekwm': 'PekWM',
+ 'wmaker': 'Window Maker',
+ 'wmii': 'wmii',
+ 'xfwm4': 'Xfwm',
+ 'xmonad': 'xmonad',
+ 'scrotwm': 'ScrotWM',
+ '': 'None',
+ 'black': '0',
+ 'red': '1',
+ 'green': '2',
+ 'yellow': '3',
+ 'blue': '4',
+ 'magenta': '5',
+ 'cyan': '6',
+ 'white': '7'
+class display(object):
+ __slots__ = ['command_line', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 'stdindata', 'proccess', '_parent']
+ command_line = ''
+ arg1 = ''
+ arg2 = ''
+ arg3 = ''
+ stdindata = ''
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self._parent = parent
+ def run_command(self):
+ if self.command_line:
+ if '{arg3}' in self.command_line:
+ cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1, arg2=self.arg2, arg3=self.arg3)
+ elif '{arg2}' in self.command_line:
+ cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1, arg2=self.arg2)
+ elif '{arg1}' in self.command_line:
+ cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1)
+ else:
+ cmd = self.command_line
+ self.proccess = Popen(cmd.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ def render(self):
+ (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = self.proccess.communicate(self.stdindata or None)
+ return self.format_output(stdoutdata.decode())
+class fsDisplay(display):
+ command_line = "df -TPh {arg1}"
+ def __init__(self, path='/', parent=None):
+ self.arg1 = path
+ self._parent = parent
+ def format_output(self, instring):
+ values = [line for line in instring.split('\n') if line][1].split()
+ used = values[3]
+ total = values[2]
+ fstype = values[1]
+ mount = '/root' if self.arg1 == '/' else self.arg1
+ title = mount.split('/')[-1].title() + " FS"
+ part = '{used} / {total} ({fstype})'.format(used=used, total=total, fstype=fstype)
+ return title, part
+class ramDisplay(display):
+ command_line = "free -m"
+ def format_output(self, instring):
+ ram = ''.join(line for line in str(instring).split('\n') if line.startswith('Mem:')).split()
+ used = int(ram[2]) - int(ram[5]) - int(ram[6])
+ total = int(ram[1])
+ title = 'RAM'
+ part = '{used} MB / {total} MB'.format(used=used, total=total)
+ return title, part
+class sensorDisplay(display):
+ command_line = "sensors {arg1}"
+ def __init__(self, sensors="coretemp-*", parent=None):
+ self.arg1 = sensors
+ self._parent = parent
+ def format_output(self, instring):
+ tempinfo = instring.split('\n')[2::4]
+ out = []
+ for line in tempinfo:
+ info = [re.sub("\s\s+", "", line) for line in line.split(' ') if line]
+ value = info[1]
+ intvalue = int(value[:3])
+ if intvalue > 45:
+ temp = self._parent.color("red") + info[1] + self._parent.color("clear")
+ elif intvalue in range(30, 45):
+ temp = self._parent.color("magenta") + info[1] + self._parent.color("clear")
+ else:
+ temp = self._parent.color("green") + info[1] + self._parent.color("clear")
+ out.append((info[0], temp))
+ return out
+class envDisplay(display):
+ def __init__(self, env='SHELL', parent=None):
+ self.arg1 = env
+ self._parent = parent
+ def render(self):
+ argvalue = getenv(self.arg1.upper())
+ return ('$' + self.arg1.upper(), argvalue)
+class unameDisplay(display):
+ command_line = "uname {arg1}"
+ def __init__(self, flag=False, parent=None):
+ self.arg1 = '-' + flag if flag else ''
+ self._parent = parent
+ def format_output(self, instring):
+ return (UNAME_FLAG_MEANINGS[self.arg1[1]], instring)
+class uptimeDisplay(display):
+ def render(self):
+ with open("/proc/uptime") as upfile:
+ raw =
+ fuptime = int(raw.split('.')[0])
+ day = int(fuptime / 86400)
+ fuptime = fuptime % 86400
+ hour = int(fuptime / 3600)
+ fuptime = fuptime % 3600
+ minute = int(fuptime / 60)
+ uptime = '{daystring}{hours}:{mins}'.format(
+ daystring='{days} day{s}, '.format(days=day, s=int(day) > 1) if day else '',
+ hours = hour, mins = minute
+ )
+ return "Uptime", uptime
+class packageDisplay(display):
+ command_line = "pacman -Q"
+ def format_output(self, instring):
+ return "Packages", len(instring.split('\n'))
+class distroCheck(display):
+ def render(self):
+ try:
+ rc = open("/etc/pacman.conf")
+ except IOError:
+ distro = render(unameDisplay("o"))[1]
+ else:
+ distro = "Arch Linux"
+ distro = ' '.join([distro, render(unameDisplay('m'))[1]])
+ return "OS", distro
+class proccessCheck(display):
+ __slots__ = display.__slots__ + ['_processes']
+ command_line = "ps -u {arg1}"
+ render = lambda self: self
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self.arg1 = getuser()
+ self._parent = parent
+ def run_command(self):
+ super().run_command()
+ out = str(self.proccess.communicate()[0])
+ self._processes = set([line.split()[3] for line in out.split('\\n') if len(line.split()) == 4])
+ def __call__(self, proc):
+ if proc in self._processes:
+ return True
+ return False
+class wmDisplay(display):
+ def render(self):
+ wm = ''
+ for key in WM_DICT.keys():
+ if processes(key):
+ wm = key
+ break
+ return "WM", WM_DICT[wm]
+class deDisplay(display):
+ def render(self):
+ de = ''
+ for key in DE_DICT.keys():
+ if processes(key):
+ de = key
+ break
+ return "DE", DE_DICT[de]
+def screenshot():
+ print('Screenshotting in')
+ list = list(range(1,6))
+ list.reverse()
+ for x in list:
+ print('%s...' % x, end=' ')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sleep(1)
+ print('Say Cheese!')
+ subprocess.check_call(['import', '-window', 'root', ctime().replace(' ','_')+'.jpg'])
+def render(instance):
+ instance.run_command()
+ return instance.render()
+#create process list
+class Archey(object):
+ def __init__(self, display=None, colorscheme='blue'):
+ self.display = display or []
+ for key in COLORS.keys():
+ if key == colorscheme:
+ self.colorcode = COLORS[key]
+ self.distro_name = ' '.join(render(distroCheck())[1].split()[:-1])
+ def render(self):
+ results = self.prepare_results()
+ print(LOGOS[self.distro_name].format(c1=self.color(1),
+ c2=self.color(2),
+ results = results
+ ))
+ def prepare_results(self):
+ outputs = []
+ # Run functions found in 'display' array.
+ for func in self.display:
+ if len(func.split(':')) > 1:
+ cls = eval(FUNC_MAPPINGS[func.split(':')[0]])
+ args = tuple(func.split(':')[1].split(','))
+ else:
+ cls = eval(FUNC_MAPPINGS[func])
+ args = ()
+ out = render(cls(*args, parent=self))
+ if isinstance(out, list):
+ for o in out:
+ outputs.append(o)
+ else:
+ outputs.append(out)
+ for i in range(18):
+ if i < len(outputs):
+ outputs[i] = self.format_item(outputs[i])
+ else:
+ outputs.append('')
+ return outputs
+ def format_item(self, item):
+ return "{color}{title}:{clear} {data}".format(
+ color=self.color(1),
+ title=item[0].rstrip(':'),
+ data=str(item[1]).rstrip(),
+ clear=self.color("clear")
+ )
+ def color(self, code):
+ if code == 1:
+ return '\x1b[1;3%sm' % self.colorcode
+ elif code == 2:
+ return '\x1b[0;3%sm' % self.colorcode
+ if code == "clear":
+ return '\x1b[0m'
+ return '\x1b[0;3%sm' % COLORS[code]
+def main():
+ global processes
+ processes = render(proccessCheck())
+ parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [-c COLOR] [-s, --screenshot] [-d, --display]',
+ description="""Archey is a utility to take """,
+ version="%prog 0.2-1")
+ parser.add_option('-c',
+ action='store', default='blue', type='choice', dest='color',
+ choices=('black',
+ 'red',
+ 'green',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'blue',
+ 'magenta',
+ 'cyan',
+ 'white'),
+ help='choose a color: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white [Default: blue]')
+ parser.add_option('-s', '--screenshot',
+ action='store_true', dest='screenshot', help='Take a screenshot')
+ parser.add_option('-d', '--display',
+ action='store', dest='display', help='Define info to be displayed by archey. DISPLAY must be in the \
+format "archey_display_module:arg1,arg2,arg3.second_display_module". Availible display modules are uname, fs, env, \
+uptime, sensors, ram, de and wm. See the DISPLAY list in the archey source file for more info.')
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if options.display:
+ global DISPLAY
+ DISPLAY = options.display.split('.')
+ archey = Archey(display=DISPLAY, colorscheme=options.color)
+ archey.render()
+ if options.screenshot:
+ screenshot()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main() \ No newline at end of file