# Maintainer: Laurie Clark-Michalek pkgname=archey3 pkgver=20110612 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Python script to display system infomation alongside Arch Linux logo" arch=('any') url="http://bluepeppers.github.com/archey3" license=('GPL') depends=('python' 'imagemagick') makedepends=('git' 'python-distribute') optdepends=( 'python3-mpd-git: python mpd libary for mpd protocol (optional, mpc can be used instead)' 'python-logbook-git: for logging' 'imagemagick: for default screenshot command' ) conflicts=('archey') provides=('archey') md5sums=() _gitroot="git://github.com/bluepeppers/archey3.git" _gitname="archey3" build() { cd ${srcdir} msg "Connecting to GIT server...." if [ -d archey3 ] ; then cd archey3 && git pull origin msg "The local files are updated." else git clone ${_gitroot} fi msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout" msg "Starting make..." cd ${srcdir}/${_gitname} python setup.py install --root=${pkgdir} # Comment line below to install side by side with standard archey ln -s /usr/bin/archey3 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/archey || return 1 install -D -m644 COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/archey/COPYING }