#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # archey3 [version 0.2-2] # # Copyright 2010 Melik Manukyan # Copyright 2010-2011 Laurie Clark-Michalek # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for the full license text. # # Simple python script to display an Archlinux logo in ASCII art # Along with basic system information. # Display [Comment/Uncomment to Enable/Disable information.] # Protocols: # uname:x = return output of `uname -x` (see UNAME_FLAG_MEANINGS for more info) # sensors:x = return output of `sensors x` # env:x = return value of env variable x # fs:x = return space of partition at x # mpd:stat,hostname,port = returns value of an mpd stat (options: artists|albums|songs) DISPLAY = [ 'distro', # Display Operating System 'uname:n', # Display Machine Hostname 'uname:r', # Display Kernel Version 'uptime', # Display System Uptime 'sensors:coretemp-*', # Display System Core tempature 'wm', # Display Window Manager 'de', # Display Desktop Environment 'packages', # Display Number of Packages Installed 'ram', # Display RAM Usage 'uname:p', # Display CPU Model 'env:shell', # Display Current Shell 'env:editor', # Display Editor, using EDITOR env 'mpd:songs', # 'fs:/boot', # Display /boot Partition Usage # 'fs:/home', # Display /home Partition Usage # 'fs:/MOUNT/POINT', # Display * Partition, Edit To Your Needs 'fs:/', # Display / Partition Usage ] # Import libraries import subprocess, optparse, re, sys, configparser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from optparse import OptionParser from getpass import getuser from time import ctime, sleep from os import getenv UNAME_FLAG_MEANINGS = { 'a': 'System Infomation', 's': 'Kernel Name', 'n': 'Hostname', 'r': 'Kernel Release', 'v': 'Kernel Version', 'm': 'Machine Hardware name', 'p': 'Processor Type', 'i': 'Hardware Platform', } LOGOS = {'Arch Linux': '''{c1} {c1} + {results[0]} {c1} # {results[1]} {c1} ### {results[2]} {c1} ##### {results[3]} {c1} ###### {results[4]} {c1} ; #####; {results[5]} {c1} +##.##### {results[6]} {c1} +########## {results[7]} {c1} ######{c2}#####{c1}##; {results[8]} {c1} ###{c2}############{c1}+ {results[9]} {c1} #{c2}###### ####### {results[10]} {c2} .######; ;###;`\". {results[11]} {c2} .#######; ;#####. {results[12]} {c2} #########. .########` {results[13]} {c2} ######' '###### {results[14]} {c2} ;#### ####; {results[15]} {c2} ##' '## {results[16]} {c2} #' `# {results[17]} \x1b[0m''' } FUNC_MAPPINGS = { 'distro': 'distroCheck', 'uname': 'unameDisplay', 'uptime': 'uptimeDisplay', 'sensors': 'sensorDisplay', 'wm': 'wmDisplay', 'de': 'deDisplay', 'packages': 'packageDisplay', 'ram': 'ramDisplay', 'env': 'envDisplay', 'fs': 'fsDisplay', 'mpd': 'mpdDisplay', } DE_DICT = {'gnome-session': 'GNOME', 'ksmserver': 'KDE', 'xfce4-session': 'Xfce 4.6', 'lxsession': 'LXDE', '': 'None', } WM_DICT = { 'awesome': 'Awesome', 'beryl': 'Beryl', 'blackbox': 'Blackbox', 'compiz': 'Compiz', 'dwm': 'DWM', 'enlightenment': 'Enlightenment', 'fluxbox': 'Fluxbox', 'fvwm': 'FVWM', 'i3': 'i3', 'icewm': 'IceWM', 'kwin': 'KWin', 'metacity': 'Metacity', 'musca': 'Musca', 'openbox': 'Openbox', 'pekwm': 'PekWM', 'ratpoison': 'ratpoison', 'scrotwm': 'ScrotWM', 'subtle': 'subtle', 'wmaker': 'Window Maker', 'wmfs': 'Wmfs', 'wmii': 'wmii', 'xfwm4': 'Xfwm', 'xmonad': 'xmonad', '': 'None', } COLORS = { 'black': '0', 'red': '1', 'green': '2', 'yellow': '3', 'blue': '4', 'magenta': '5', 'cyan': '6', 'white': '7' } class display(object): __slots__ = ['command_line', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 'stdindata', 'proccess', '_parent', 'config'] command_line = '' arg1 = '' arg2 = '' arg3 = '' stdindata = '' def __init__(self, config, parent=None): self.config = config self._parent = parent def run_command(self): if self.command_line: if '{arg3}' in self.command_line: cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1, arg2=self.arg2, arg3=self.arg3) elif '{arg2}' in self.command_line: cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1, arg2=self.arg2) elif '{arg1}' in self.command_line: cmd = self.command_line.format(arg1=self.arg1) else: cmd = self.command_line try: self.proccess = Popen(cmd.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except Exception as e: pass def render(self): (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = self.proccess.communicate(self.stdindata or None) return self.format_output(stdoutdata.decode()) def color_me(self, output, number=None, low=30, low_color='green', medium=60, medium_color='yellow', high_color='red'): if number is None and output.isdigit(): number = int(output) elif number is None: return output if number <= low: color = low_color elif low < number <= medium: color = medium_color elif medium < number: color = high_color return '{0}{1}{2}'.format(self._parent.color(color), output, self._parent.color('clear')) class fsDisplay(display): command_line = "df -TPh {arg1}" conversions = { 'binary': { 'KB': 2 ** 10, 'MB': 2 ** 20, 'GB': 2 ** 30, 'TB': 2 ** 40, }, 'si': { 'KB': 10 ** 3, 'MB': 10 ** 6, 'GB': 10 ** 9, 'TB': 10 ** 12, }, } def __init__(self, config, path='/', parent=None): self.arg1 = path self.config = config self._parent = parent def format_output(self, instring): values = [line for line in instring.split('\n') if line][1].split() used = values[3] total = values[2] fstype = values[1] conversion_type = self.config.get('fs', 'unit').lower() conversions = self.conversions[conversion_type] mount = '/root' if self.arg1 == '/' else self.arg1 title = mount.split('/')[-1].title() + " FS" try: #convert to straight int used_ = int(used[:-1]) * conversions[used[-1].upper()] total_ = int(total[:-1]) * conversions[total[-1].upper()] persentage = used_ / total_ * 100 except: pass else: used = self.color_me(used, persentage) part = '{used} / {total} ({fstype})'.format(used=used, total=total, fstype=fstype) return title, part class ramDisplay(display): command_line = "free -m" def format_output(self, instring): ram = ''.join(line for line in str(instring).split('\n') if\ line.startswith('Mem:')).split() used = int(ram[2]) - int(ram[5]) - int(ram[6]) total = int(ram[1]) title = 'RAM' try: persentage = (used / total * 100) except: used += ' MB' else: used = self.color_me(number=persentage, output=str(used) + ' MB') part = '{used} / {total} MB'.format(used=used, total=total) return title, part class sensorDisplay(display): command_line = "sensors {arg1}" def __init__(self, config, sensors='', parent=None): self.config = config self._parent = parent arg_from_conf = config.get('sensor', 'sensor', 'coretemp-*') arg_from_arg = sensors if arg_from_arg: self.arg1 = arg_from_arg else: self.arg1 = arg_from_conf def format_output(self, instring): tempinfo = instring.split('\n')[2::4] out = [] for line in tempinfo: info = [re.sub("\s\s+", "", line) for line in line.split(' ') if\ line] value = info[1] intvalue = int(value[:3]) if intvalue > 45: temp = (self._parent.color("red") + info[1] + self._parent.color("clear")) elif intvalue in range(30, 45): temp = (self._parent.color("magenta") + info[1] + self._parent.color("clear")) else: temp = (self._parent.color("green") + info[1] + self._parent.color("clear")) out.append((info[0], temp)) return out class envDisplay(display): def __init__(self, config, env='SHELL', parent=None): self.arg1 = env self.config = config self._parent = parent def render(self): argvalue = getenv(self.arg1.upper()) return ('$' + self.arg1.upper(), argvalue) class unameDisplay(display): command_line = "uname {arg1}" def __init__(self, config, flag=False, parent=None): self.config = config self._parent = parent arg_from_conf = config.get('uname', 'argument', '') arg_from_arg = flag if arg_from_arg: self.arg1 = '-' + arg_from_arg elif arg_from_conf: self.arg1 = '-' + arg_from_conf else: self.arg1 = '' def format_output(self, instring): return (UNAME_FLAG_MEANINGS[self.arg1[1]], instring) class uptimeDisplay(display): def render(self): with open("/proc/uptime") as upfile: raw = upfile.read() fuptime = int(raw.split('.')[0]) day = int(fuptime / 86400) fuptime = fuptime % 86400 hour = int(fuptime / 3600) fuptime = fuptime % 3600 minute = int(fuptime / 60) uptime = '{daystring}{hours}:{mins:02d}'.format( daystring='{days} day{s}, '.format(days=day, s=('s' if day > 1 else '')) if day else '', hours = hour, mins = minute ) return "Uptime", uptime class packageDisplay(display): command_line = "pacman -Q" def format_output(self, instring): return "Packages", len(instring.split('\n')) class distroCheck(display): def render(self): try: rc = open("/etc/pacman.conf") except IOError: distro = render(unameDisplay("o"))[1] else: distro = "Arch Linux" distro = ' '.join([distro, render(unameDisplay('m'))[1]]) return "OS", distro class proccessCheck(display): __slots__ = display.__slots__ + ['_processes'] command_line = "ps -u {arg1}" render = lambda self: self def __init__(self, config, parent=None): self.arg1 = getuser() self.config = config self._parent = parent def run_command(self): super().run_command() out = str(self.proccess.communicate()[0]) self._processes = set([line.split()[3] for line in out.split('\\n') if\ len(line.split()) == 4]) def __call__(self, proc): if proc in self._processes: return True return False class wmDisplay(display): def render(self): wm = '' for key in WM_DICT.keys(): if processes(key): wm = key break return "WM", WM_DICT[wm] class deDisplay(display): def render(self): de = '' for key in DE_DICT.keys(): if processes(key): de = key break return "DE", DE_DICT[de] class mpdDisplay(display): """ Displays certain stat about MPD database. If mpd not installed, output nothing. """ command_line = "mpc stats --host {arg1} --port {arg2}" def __init__(self, config, stat='songs', parent=None): self.stat = stat self.hostname = config.get('mpd', 'host', 'localhost') self.port = int(config.get('mpd', 'port', 8800)) self.arg1 = hostname self.arg2 = port self.method = config.get('mpd', 'method', 'mpc') self.config = config self._parent = parent def run_command(self): if self.method == 'python3mpd': self.proccess = mpd.MPDClient() try: self.proccess.connect(self.hostname, self.port) except Exception: self.method == 'mpc' super().run_command() else: super().run_command() def render(self): if self.method == 'python3mpd': try: return '{statname} in MPD database'.format( statname=self.stat.title()), self.proccess.stats()[self.stat] except Exception: return False else: if hasattr(self, "proccess"): return super().render() else: return None def format_output(self, instring): lines = instring.split('\n') stats = {} try: stats['artists'] = lines[0].split(':')[1].strip() stats['albums'] = lines[1].split(':')[1].strip() stats['songs'] = lines[2].split(':')[1].strip() #if people don't have mpc installed then return None) except ValueError: return False return ('{statname} in MPD database'.format(statname=self.stat.title()), stats[self.stat]) #------------ Config ----------- class ArcheyConfigParser(configparser.SafeConfigParser): """ A parser for the archey config file. """ defaults = {'core': {'align': 'top', 'color': 'blue', 'modules': """ os, hostname, kernel, uptime, wm, de, pacman, ram, cpu, env:editor, df:/, mpd:albums """ }, } def __init__(self): super(ArcheyConfigParser, self).__init__() def read(self, file_location="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg"): """ Loads the config options stored in at file_location. If file_location does not exist, it will attempt to load from the default config location ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg). If that does not exist, it will write a default config file to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg. """ config_location = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(file_location)) loaded = super(ArcheyConfigParser, self).read(config_location) if file_location == "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/archey3.cfg": self.load_default_config() self.write_config(file_location) if not loaded: #Try with default loaded = super(ArcheyConfigParser, self).read() def load_default_config(self): """ Loads the config options stored at self.defaults. """ for section, values in self.defaults.iteritems(): for option, value in values.iteritems(): #strip any excess spaces while value.find(' ') != -1: value = value.replace(' ', ' ') self.set(section, option, value) def write_config(self, location): """ Writes the current config to the given location. """ with open(location, 'wb') as configfile: self.write(configfile) #------------ Functions ----------- def screenshot(): print('Screenshotting in') for x in sorted(range(1,6), reverse=True): print('%s' % x, end='') sys.stdout.flush() sleep(1.0/3) for x in range(3): print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() sleep(1.0/3) print('Say Cheese!') sys.stdout.flush() try: subprocess.check_call(['import', '-window', 'root', ctime().replace(' ','_')+'.jpg']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('Screenshot failed with return code {0}.'.format( e.returncode)) def render(instance): try: instance.run_command() return instance.render() except: return None #------------ Display object --------- class Archey(object): def __init__(self, display=None, colorscheme='blue'): self.display = display or [] for key in COLORS.keys(): if key == colorscheme: self.colorcode = COLORS[key] self.distro_name = ' '.join(render(distroCheck())[1].split()[:-1]) def render(self): results = self.prepare_results() print(LOGOS[self.distro_name].format(c1=self.color(1), c2=self.color(2), results = results )) def prepare_results(self): outputs = [] # Run functions found in 'display' array. for func in self.display: if len(func.split(':')) > 1: cls = eval(FUNC_MAPPINGS[func.split(':')[0]]) args = tuple(func.split(':')[1].split(',')) else: cls = eval(FUNC_MAPPINGS[func]) args = () out = render(cls(*args, parent=self)) if isinstance(out, list): for o in out: outputs.append(o) elif out: outputs.append(out) else: continue for i in range(18): if i < len(outputs): outputs[i] = self.format_item(outputs[i]) else: outputs.append('') return outputs def format_item(self, item): title = item[0].rstrip(':') data = str(item[1]).rstrip() #if we're dealing with a fraction if len(data.split('/')) == 2: numerator = data.split('/')[0] numerator = (self.color(1, bold=True) + numerator + self.color('clear')) denominator = data.split('/')[1] data = '/'.join((numerator, denominator)) return "{color}{title}:{clear} {data}".format( color=self.color(1), title=title, data=data, clear=self.color("clear") ) def color(self, code, bold=False): if code == 2: bold = True first_bitty_bit = '\x1b[{0};'.format(int(not bold)) if code in range(3): second_bitty_bit = '3{0}m'.format(self.colorcode) elif code == "clear": return '\x1b[0m' else: second_bitty_bit = '3{0}m'.format(COLORS[code]) return first_bitty_bit + second_bitty_bit def main(): global processes processes = render(proccessCheck()) parser = OptionParser( usage='%prog [-c COLOR] [-s, --screenshot] [-d, --display]', description="""Archey is a utility to take """, version="%prog 0.2-1") parser.add_option('-c', action='store', default='blue', type='choice', dest='color', choices=('black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white'), help="""choose a color: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta,\ cyan, white [Default: blue]""") parser.add_option('-s', '--screenshot', action='store_true', dest='screenshot', help='Take a screenshot') parser.add_option('-d', '--display', action='store', dest='display', help="""Define info to be displayed by archey. DISPLAY must be in the format "archey_display_module:arg1,arg2,arg 3.second_display_module". Availible display modules are un ame, fs, env, uptime, sensors, ram, de and wm. See the DISPLAY list in the archey source file for more info.""") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.display: global DISPLAY DISPLAY = options.display.split('.') archey = Archey(display=DISPLAY, colorscheme=options.color) archey.render() if options.screenshot: screenshot() if __name__ == "__main__": main()