#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Archey [version 0.3.0] # # Archey is a simple system information tool written in Python. # # Copyright 2010 Melik Manukyan # Copyright 2010 David Vazgenovich Shakaryan # # ASCII art by Brett Bohnenkamper # Changes Jerome Launay # Fedora support by YeOK # # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for the full license text. # Import libraries import os, sys, subprocess, optparse, re, linecache from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from optparse import OptionParser from getpass import getuser from time import ctime, sleep #---------------Output---------------# output = [ 'User', 'Hostname', 'Distro', 'Kernel', 'Uptime', 'WindowManager', 'DesktopEnvironment', 'Shell', 'Terminal', 'Packages', 'CPU', 'RAM', 'Disk' ] #---------------Dictionaries---------------# colorDict = { 'Arch Linux': ['\x1b[0;34m', '\x1b[1;34m'], 'Ubuntu': ['\x1b[0;31m', '\x1b[1;31m', '\x1b[0;33m'], 'Debian': ['\x1b[0;31m', '\x1b[1;31m'], 'Mint': ['\x1b[0;32m', '\x1b[1;37m'], 'Crunchbang': ['\x1b[1;37m'], 'Fedora': ['\x1b[0;34m', '\x1b[1;37m'], 'Sensors': ['\x1b[0;31m', '\x1b[0;32m', '\x1b[0;33m'], 'Clear': ['\x1b[0m'] } deDict = { 'cinnamon-sessio': 'Cinnamon', 'gnome-session': 'GNOME', 'mate-session': 'MATE', 'ksmserver': 'KDE', 'xfce4-session': 'Xfce', 'lxsession': 'LXDE' } wmDict = { 'awesome': 'Awesome', 'beryl': 'Beryl', 'blackbox': 'Blackbox', 'compiz': 'Compiz', 'dwm': 'DWM', 'enlightenment': 'Enlightenment', 'herbstluftwm': 'herbstluftwm', 'fluxbox': 'Fluxbox', 'fvwm': 'FVWM', 'i3': 'i3', 'icewm': 'IceWM', 'kwin': 'KWin', 'metacity': 'Metacity', 'musca': 'Musca', 'nemo': 'Nemo', 'openbox': 'Openbox', 'pekwm': 'PekWM', 'ratpoison': 'ratpoison', 'scrotwm': 'ScrotWM', 'wmaker': 'Window Maker', 'wmfs': 'Wmfs', 'wmii': 'wmii', 'xfwm4': 'Xfwm', 'xmonad': 'xmonad' } logosDict = {'Arch Linux': '''{color[1]} {color[1]} + {results[0]} {color[1]} # {results[1]} {color[1]} ### {results[2]} {color[1]} ##### {results[3]} {color[1]} ###### {results[4]} {color[1]} ; #####; {results[5]} {color[1]} +##.##### {results[6]} {color[1]} +########## {results[7]} {color[1]} ######{color[0]}#####{color[1]}##; {results[8]} {color[1]} ###{color[0]}############{color[1]}+ {results[9]} {color[1]} #{color[0]}###### ####### {results[10]} {color[0]} .######; ;###;`\". {results[11]} {color[0]} .#######; ;#####. {results[12]} {color[0]} #########. .########` {results[13]} {color[0]} ######' '###### {results[14]} {color[0]} ;#### ####; {results[15]} {color[0]} ##' '## {results[16]} {color[0]} #' `# {results[17]} \x1b[0m''' } processes = str(subprocess.check_output(('ps', '-u', getuser(), '-o', 'comm', '--no-headers')), encoding='utf8').rstrip('\n').split('\n') #---------------Classes---------------# class Output: results = [] results.extend(['']*(18-len(output))) def __init__(self): self.distro = self.__detectDistro() def __detectDistro(self): if os.path.exists('/etc/pacman.conf'): return 'Arch Linux' else: sys.exit(1) def append(self, display): self.results.append('%s%s: %s%s' % (colorDict[self.distro][1], display.key, colorDict['Clear'][0], display.value)) def output(self): print(logosDict[self.distro].format(color = colorDict[self.distro], results = self.results)) class User: def __init__(self): self.key = 'User' self.value = os.getenv('USER') class Hostname: def __init__(self): hostname = Popen(['uname', '-n'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('Utf-8').rstrip('\n') self.key = 'Hostname' self.value = hostname class Distro: def __init__(self): if os.path.exists('/etc/pacman.conf'): distro = 'Arch Linux' self.key = 'Distro' self.value = distro class Kernel: def __init__(self): kernel = Popen(['uname', '-r'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('Utf-8').rstrip('\n') self.key = 'Kernel' self.value = kernel class Uptime: def __init__(self): fuptime = int(open('/proc/uptime').read().split('.')[0]) day = int(fuptime / 86400) fuptime = fuptime % 86400 hour = int(fuptime / 3600) fuptime = fuptime % 3600 minute = int(fuptime / 60) uptime = '' if day == 1: uptime += '%d day, ' % day if day > 1: uptime += '%d days, ' % day uptime += '%d:%02d' % (hour, minute) self.key = 'Uptime' self.value = uptime class WindowManager: def __init__(self): wm = '' for key in wmDict.keys(): if key in processes: wm = wmDict[key] break self.key = 'Window Manager' self.value = wm class DesktopEnvironment: def __init__(self): de = '' for key in deDict.keys(): if key in processes: de = deDict[key] break self.key = 'Desktop Environment' self.value = de class Shell: def __init__(self): self.key = 'Shell' self.value = os.getenv('SHELL') class Terminal: def __init__(self): self.key = 'Terminal' self.value = os.getenv('TERM') class Packages: def __init__(self): p1 = Popen(['pacman', '-Q'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("Utf-8") packages = len(p1.rstrip('\n').split('\n')) self.key = 'Packages' self.value = packages class CPU: def __init__(self): file = open('/proc/cpuinfo').readlines() cpuinfo = re.sub(' +', ' ', file[4].replace('model name\t: ', '').rstrip('\n')) self.key = 'CPU' self.value = cpuinfo class RAM: def __init__(self): raminfo = Popen(['free', '-m'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('Utf-8').split('\n') ram = ''.join(filter(re.compile('M').search, raminfo)).split() used = int(ram[2]) - int(ram[5]) - int(ram[6]) usedpercent = ((float(used) / float(ram[1])) * 100) if usedpercent <= 33: ramdisplay = '%s%s MB %s/ %s MB' % (colorDict['Sensors'][1], used, colorDict['Clear'][0], ram[1]) if usedpercent > 33 and usedpercent < 67: ramdisplay = '%s%s MB %s/ %s MB' % (colorDict['Sensors'][2], used, colorDict['Clear'][0], ram[1]) if usedpercent >= 67: ramdisplay = '%s%s MB %s/ %s MB' % (colorDict['Sensors'][0], used, colorDict['Clear'][0], ram[1]) self.key = 'RAM' self.value = ramdisplay class Disk: def __init__(self): p1 = Popen(['df', '-Tlh', '--total', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'ext3', '-t', 'ext2', '-t', 'reiserfs', '-t', 'jfs', '-t', 'ntfs', '-t', 'fat32', '-t', 'btrfs', '-t', 'fuseblk', '-t', 'xfs'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("Utf-8") total = p1.splitlines()[-1] used = total.split()[3] size = total.split()[2] usedpercent = float(total.split()[5][:-1]) if usedpercent <= 33: disk = '%s%s %s/ %s' % (colorDict['Sensors'][1], used, colorDict['Clear'][0], size) if usedpercent > 33 and usedpercent < 67: disk = '%s%s %s/ %s' % (colorDict['Sensors'][2], used, colorDict['Clear'][0], size) if usedpercent >= 67: disk = '%s%s %s/ %s' % (colorDict['Sensors'][0], used, colorDict['Clear'][0], size) self.key = 'Disk' self.value = disk classes = { 'User': User, 'Hostname': Hostname, 'Distro': Distro, 'Kernel': Kernel, 'Uptime': Uptime, 'WindowManager': WindowManager, 'DesktopEnvironment': DesktopEnvironment, 'Shell': Shell, 'Terminal': Terminal, 'Packages': Packages, 'CPU': CPU, 'RAM': RAM, 'Disk': Disk } out = Output() for x in output: out.append(classes[x]()) out.output()