path: root/test/TEST-01-BASIC/
diff options
authorAnthony G. Basile <>2012-11-15 10:33:16 -0500
committerAnthony G. Basile <>2012-11-15 10:33:16 -0500
commit7d4a62f8c1404ed426500b97af03d4ef8d034a71 (patch)
tree2436cd4f0460a3a3d589875d4ffba55556f3c582 /test/TEST-01-BASIC/
parent2944f347d087ff24ec808e4b70fe104a772a97a0 (diff)
Isolation of udev code from remaining systemd
This commit is a first attempt to isolate the udev code from the remaining code base. It intentionally does not modify any files but purely delete files which, on a first examination, appear to not be needed. This is a sweeping commit which may easily have missed needed code. Files can be retrieved by doing a checkout from the previous commit: git checkout 2944f347d0 -- <filename>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/TEST-01-BASIC/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/test/TEST-01-BASIC/ b/test/TEST-01-BASIC/
deleted file mode 100755
index eb6a80a07c..0000000000
--- a/test/TEST-01-BASIC/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
-# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh
-TEST_DESCRIPTION="Basic systemd setup"
-KVERSION=${KVERSION-$(uname -r)}
-KERNEL_VER=$(uname -r)
-# Uncomment this to debug failures
-DEBUGTOOLS="df free ls stty cat ps ln ip route dmesg dhclient mkdir cp ping dhclient strace less grep id tty touch du sort"
-run_qemu() {
- # TODO: qemu wrapper script:
- qemu-kvm \
- -hda $TESTDIR/rootdisk.img \
- -m 512M -nographic \
- -net none -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$KERNEL_VER \
- -append "root=/dev/sda1 systemd.log_level=debug raid=noautodetect loglevel=2 init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd ro console=ttyS0,115200n81 selinux=0 $DEBUGFAIL" || return 1
- ret=1
- mkdir -p $TESTDIR/root
- mount ${LOOPDEV}p1 $TESTDIR/root
- [[ -e $TESTDIR/root/testok ]] && ret=0
- cp -a $TESTDIR/root/failed $TESTDIR
- cp -a $TESTDIR/root/var/log/journal $TESTDIR
- umount $TESTDIR/root
- cat $TESTDIR/failed
- ls -l $TESTDIR/journal/*/*.journal
- test -s $TESTDIR/failed && ret=$(($ret+1))
- return $ret
-run_nspawn() {
- systemd-nspawn -b -D $TESTDIR/nspawn-root --capability=CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL,CAP_AUDIT_WRITE /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
- ret=1
- [[ -e $TESTDIR/nspawn-root/testok ]] && ret=0
- cp -a $TESTDIR/nspawn-root/failed $TESTDIR
- cp -a $TESTDIR/nspawn-root/var/log/journal $TESTDIR
- cat $TESTDIR/failed
- ls -l $TESTDIR/journal/*/*.journal
- test -s $TESTDIR/failed && ret=$(($ret+1))
- return $ret
-test_run() {
- if check_qemu ; then
- run_qemu || return 1
- else
- dwarn "can't run qemu-kvm, skipping"
- fi
- if check_nspawn; then
- run_nspawn || return 1
- else
- dwarn "can't run systemd-nspawn, skipping"
- fi
- return 0
-test_setup() {
- rm -f $TESTDIR/rootdisk.img
- # Create the blank file to use as a root filesystem
- dd if=/dev/null of=$TESTDIR/rootdisk.img bs=1M seek=200
- LOOPDEV=$(losetup --show -P -f $TESTDIR/rootdisk.img)
- [ -b $LOOPDEV ] || return 1
- sfdisk -C 6400 -H 2 -S 32 -L $LOOPDEV <<EOF
- mkfs.ext3 -L systemd ${LOOPDEV}p1
- echo -n test >$TESTDIR/keyfile
- mkdir -p $TESTDIR/root
- mount ${LOOPDEV}p1 $TESTDIR/root
- mkdir -p $TESTDIR/root/run
- # Create what will eventually be our root filesystem onto an overlay
- (
- initdir=$TESTDIR/root
- # create the basic filesystem layout
- setup_basic_dirs
- # install compiled files
- (cd ../..; make DESTDIR=$initdir install)
- # remove unneeded documentation
- rm -fr $initdir/usr/share/{man,doc,gtk-doc}
- # install possible missing libraries
- for i in $initdir/{sbin,bin}/* $initdir/lib/systemd/*; do
- inst_libs $i
- done
- # make a journal directory
- mkdir -p $initdir/var/log/journal
- # install some basic config files
- inst /etc/sysconfig/init
- inst /etc/passwd
- inst /etc/shadow
- inst /etc/group
- inst /etc/shells
- inst /etc/nsswitch.conf
- inst /etc/pam.conf
- inst /etc/securetty
- inst /etc/os-release
- inst /etc/localtime
- # we want an empty environment
- > $initdir/etc/environment
- > $initdir/etc/machine-id
- # set the hostname
- echo systemd-testsuite > $initdir/etc/hostname
- eval $(udevadm info --export --query=env --name=${LOOPDEV}p2)
- cat >$initdir/etc/fstab <<EOF
-LABEL=systemd / ext3 rw 0 1
- # setup the testsuite target
- cat >$initdir/etc/systemd/system/ <<EOF
-Description=Testsuite target
- # setup the testsuite service
- cat >$initdir/etc/systemd/system/testsuite.service <<EOF
-Description=Testsuite service
-ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'set -x; systemctl --failed --no-legend --no-pager > /failed ; echo OK > /testok; while : ;do echo "testsuite service waiting for journal to move to /var/log/journal" > /dev/console ; for i in /var/log/journal/*;do [ -d "\$i" ] && echo "\$i" && break 2; done; sleep 1; done; sleep 1; exit 0;'
-ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff
- mkdir -p $initdir/etc/systemd/system/
- ln -fs ../testsuite.service $initdir/etc/systemd/system/
- # make the testsuite the default target
- ln -fs $initdir/etc/systemd/system/
- mkdir -p $initdir/etc/rc.d
- cat >$initdir/etc/rc.d/rc.local <<EOF
-exit 0
- chmod 0755 $initdir/etc/rc.d/rc.local
- # install basic tools needed
- dracut_install sh bash setsid loadkeys setfont \
- login sushell sulogin gzip sleep echo mount umount cryptsetup
- dracut_install dmsetup modprobe
- # install libnss_files for login
- inst_libdir_file "libnss_files*"
- # install dbus and pam
- find \
- /etc/dbus-1 \
- /etc/pam.d \
- /etc/security \
- /lib64/security \
- /lib/security -xtype f \
- | while read file; do
- inst $file
- done
- # install dbus socket and service file
- inst /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus.socket
- inst /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus.service
- # install basic keyboard maps and fonts
- for i in \
- /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts/latarcyrheb-sun16* \
- /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/include/* \
- /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/include/* \
- /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us.*; do
- [[ -f $i ]] || continue
- inst $i
- done
- # some basic terminfo files
- for _terminfodir in /lib/terminfo /etc/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo; do
- [ -f ${_terminfodir}/l/linux ] && break
- done
- dracut_install -o ${_terminfodir}/l/linux
- # softlink mtab
- ln -fs /proc/self/mounts $initdir/etc/mtab
- # install any Exec's from the service files
- egrep -ho '^Exec[^ ]*=[^ ]+' $initdir/lib/systemd/system/*.service \
- | while read i; do
- i=${i##Exec*=}; i=${i##-}
- inst $i
- done
- # install plymouth, if found... else remove plymouth service files
- # if [ -x /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-populate-initrd ]; then
- # /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-populate-initrd -t $initdir
- # dracut_install plymouth plymouthd
- # else
- rm -f $initdir/{usr/lib,etc}/systemd/system/plymouth* $initdir/{usr/lib,etc}/systemd/system/*/plymouth*
- # fi
- # some helper tools for debugging
- [[ $DEBUGTOOLS ]] && dracut_install $DEBUGTOOLS
- # install* and run ldconfig
- cp -a /etc/* $initdir/etc
- ldconfig -r "$initdir"
- ddebug "Strip binaeries"
- find "$initdir" -perm +111 -type f | xargs strip --strip-unneeded | ddebug
- # copy depmod files
- inst /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/modules.order
- inst /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER/modules.builtin
- # generate module dependencies
- if [[ -d $initdir/lib/modules/$KERNEL_VER ]] && \
- ! depmod -a -b "$initdir" $KERNEL_VER; then
- dfatal "\"depmod -a $KERNEL_VER\" failed."
- exit 1
- fi
- )
- rm -fr $TESTDIR/nspawn-root
- ddebug "cp -ar $TESTDIR/root $TESTDIR/nspawn-root"
- cp -ar $TESTDIR/root $TESTDIR/nspawn-root
- # we don't mount in the nspawn root
- rm -fr $TESTDIR/nspawn-root/etc/fstab
- ddebug "umount $TESTDIR/root"
- umount $TESTDIR/root
-test_cleanup() {
- umount $TESTDIR/root 2>/dev/null
- [[ $LOOPDEV ]] && losetup -d $LOOPDEV
- return 0
-. $TEST_BASE_DIR/test-functions
-do_test "$@"