diff options
134 files changed, 7041 insertions, 1692 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index e91ecfdfdf..98769fbee8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1990,16 +1990,21 @@ endif
+ man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.5 \
man/nss-resolve.8 \
man/resolved.conf.5 \
man/ \
man/resolved.conf.d.5 \
- man/systemd-resolved.8
+ man/systemd-resolved.8 \
+ man/systemd.negative.5 \
+ man/systemd.positive.5
man/ man/nss-resolve.8
man/resolved.conf.d.5: man/resolved.conf.5
man/systemd-resolved.8: man/systemd-resolved.service.8
+man/systemd.negative.5: man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.5
+man/systemd.positive.5: man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.5
man/ man/nss-resolve.html
@@ -2009,6 +2014,12 @@ man/resolved.conf.d.html: man/resolved.conf.html
man/systemd-resolved.html: man/systemd-resolved.service.html
+man/systemd.negative.html: man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.html
+ $(html-alias)
+man/systemd.positive.html: man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.html
+ $(html-alias)
@@ -2434,6 +2445,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
man/coredumpctl.xml \
man/crypttab.xml \
man/daemon.xml \
+ man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.xml \
man/file-hierarchy.xml \
man/halt.xml \
man/hostname.xml \
diff --git a/ b/
index f552f7a60b..c5b15b884a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1054,7 +1054,9 @@ libshared_la_SOURCES = \
src/shared/machine-image.c \
src/shared/machine-image.h \
src/shared/machine-pool.c \
- src/shared/machine-pool.h
+ src/shared/machine-pool.h \
+ src/shared/resolve-util.c \
+ src/shared/resolve-util.h
libshared_la_SOURCES += \
@@ -3744,6 +3746,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TESTS += \
@@ -3756,6 +3759,7 @@ TESTS += \
manual_tests += \
test-libudev \
@@ -3775,8 +3779,10 @@ test_udev_LDADD = \
check_DATA += \
# packed sysfs test tree
@@ -6281,14 +6287,14 @@ install-tree: all
tree $(abs_srcdir)/install-tree
# Let's run all tests of the test suite, but under valgrind. Let's
-# exclude the one perl script we have in there
+# exclude perl/python/shell scripts we have in there
.PHONY: valgrind-tests
valgrind-tests: $(TESTS)
- $(AM_V_GEN)for f in $(filter-out, $^); do \
+ $(AM_V_GEN)for f in $(filter-out, $^); do \
if file $$f | grep -q shell; then \
echo -e "$${x}Skipping non-binary $$f"; else \
echo -e "$${x}Running $$f"; \
- libtool --mode=execute valgrind -q --leak-check=full --max-stackframe=5242880 --error-exitcode=55 $(builddir)/$$f ; fi; \
+ $(LIBTOOL) --mode=execute valgrind -q --leak-check=full --max-stackframe=5242880 --error-exitcode=55 $(builddir)/$$f ; fi; \
x="\n\n"; \
diff --git a/catalog/ b/catalog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30d76916cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# This file is part of systemd.
+# Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering
+# Copyright 2016 Gabor Kelemen
+# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+# Message catalog for systemd's own messages
+# The catalog format is documented on
+# For an explanation why we do all this, see
+-- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b
+Subject: A napló elindult
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszernapló folyamat elindult, megnyitotta írásra a naplófájlokat,
+és most készen áll kérések feldolgozására.
+-- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b
+Subject: A napló leállt
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszernapló folyamat leállt, és bezárt minden jelenleg aktív naplófájlt.
+-- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e
+Subject: Egy szolgáltatás üzenetei elnémítva
+Defined-By: systemd
+Documentation: man:journald.conf(5)
+Egy szolgáltatás túl sok üzenetet naplózott adott idő alatt. A
+szolgáltatástól származó üzenetek eldobásra kerültek.
+Ne feledje, hogy csak a kérdéses szolgáltatás üzenetei kerültek eldobásra,
+ más szolgáltatások üzeneteit ez nem befolyásolja.
+Az üzenetek eldobását vezérlő korlátok az /etc/systemd/journald.conf
+RateLimitInterval= és RateLimitBurst= beállításaival adhatók meg.
+Részletekért lásd a journald.conf(5) man oldalt.
+-- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606
+Subject: Naplóüzenetek vesztek el
+Defined-By: systemd
+Kernelüzenetek vesztek el, mert a naplózó rendszer nem tudta elég gyorsan
+feldolgozni azokat.
+-- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1
+Subject: Egy folyamat összeomlott: @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@)
+Defined-By: systemd
+Documentation: man:core(5)
+Ez a folyamat: @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) összeomlott, és core fájlt
+ írt ki.
+Ez általában programozási hibát jelez az összeomló programban, és
+a szállítója felé kell bejelenteni.
+-- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66
+Subject: Új munkamenet (@SESSION_ID@) létrehozva, felhasználója: @USER_ID@
+Defined-By: systemd
+Létrejött egy új munkamenet @SESSION_ID@ azonosítóval ezen felhasználóhoz:
+A munkamenet vezető folyamata: @LEADER@.
+-- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a
+Subject: Munkamenet (@SESSION_ID@) befejezve
+Defined-By: systemd
+A következő azonosítójú munkamenet befejeződött: @SESSION_ID@.
+-- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b
+Subject: Elérhető egy új munkaállomás: @SEAT_ID@
+Defined-By: systemd
+Beállításra kerül és használható egy új munkaállomás: @SEAT_ID@.
+-- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5
+Subject: A munkaállomás eltávolítva: @SEAT_ID@
+Defined-By: systemd
+A munkaállomás el lett távolítva, és már nem érhető el: @SEAT_ID@
+-- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27
+Subject: Időmódosítás
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszeróra beállítva @REALTIME@ ezredmásodpercre 1970. január 1. után.
+-- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990
+Subject: Időzóna-módosítás erre: @TIMEZONE@
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszer időzónája módosítva lett erre: @TIMEZONE@.
+-- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff
+Subject: A rendszer indítása kész
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszerindításkor szükséges indításhoz sorba állított összes
+rendszerszolgáltatás elindult. Ne feledje, hogy ez nem jelenti, hogy a
+gép üresjáratban van, mivel egyes szolgáltatások még az indítás
+befejezésével lehetnek elfoglalva.
+A kernel indítása @KERNEL_USEC@ ezredmásodpercet igényelt.
+A kiinduló RAM lemez indítása @INITRD_USEC@ ezredmásodpercet igényelt.
+A felhasználói programok indítása @USERSPACE_USEC@ ezredmásodpercet igényelt.
+-- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128
+Subject: A rendszer „@SLEEP@” alvási állapotba lépett
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszer belépett ebbe az alvási állapotba: @SLEEP@.
+-- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14
+Subject: A rendszer „@SLEEP@” alvási állapotból kilépett
+Defined-By: systemd
+A rendszer kilépett ebből az alvási állapotból: @SLEEP@.
+-- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40
+Subject: Rendszer leállítása kezdeményezve
+Defined-By: systemd
+A systemd leállítása kezdeményezve. A leállítás megkezdődött, minden
+rendszerszolgáltatás befejeződik, minden fájlrendszer leválasztásra kerül.
+-- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység indítása megkezdődött
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység megkezdte az indulást.
+-- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység befejezte az indulást
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység befejezte az indulást
+Az indítás eredménye: @RESULT@.
+-- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység megkezdte a leállást
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység megkezdte a leállást.
+-- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység befejezte a leállást
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység befejezte a leállást.
+-- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység hibát jelzett
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység hibát jelzett.
+Az eredmény: @RESULT@.
+-- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység megkezdte a beállításainak újratöltését
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység megkezdte a beállításainak újratöltését.
+-- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54
+Subject: A(z) @UNIT@ egység befejezte a beállításainak újratöltését
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @UNIT@ egység befejezte a beállításainak újratöltését.
+Az eredmény: @RESULT@.
+-- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7
+Subject: A folyamat végrehajtása sikertelen: @EXECUTABLE@
+Defined-By: systemd
+A folyamat végrehajtása sikertelen volt, és hibát jelzett: @EXECUTABLE@.
+A folyamat által visszaadott hibaszám: @ERRNO@.
+-- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e
+Subject: Legalább egy üzenet nem továbbítható a rendszernaplónak
+Defined-By: systemd
+Legalább egy üzenet nem volt továbbítható a journald-vel párhuzamosan futó
+syslog szolgáltatásnak. Ez általában azt jelenti, hogy a syslog
+megvalósítás nem volt képes lépést tartani a sorba állított
+üzenetek sebességével.
+-- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7
+Subject: A csatolási pont nem üres
+Defined-By: systemd
+A csatolási pontként megadott @WHERE@ könyvtár (második mező az /etc/fstab
+fájlban, vagy a Where= sor a systemd egységfájlban) nem üres. Ez nem
+akadályozza meg a csatolást, de a könyvtárban már meglévő fájlok
+elérhetetlenné válnak. A fájlok láthatóvá tételéhez csatolja
+az azokat tartalmazó fájlrendszert egy másodlagos helyre.
+-- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2
+Subject: Egy virtuális gép vagy konténer elindult
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @NAME@ nevű virtuális gép (vezető PID: @LEADER@) elindult, és
+használatra kész.
+-- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758
+Subject: Egy virtuális gép vagy konténer befejeződött
+Defined-By: systemd
+A(z) @NAME@ nevű virtuális gép (vezető PID: @LEADER@) leállt.
diff --git a/ b/
index c2222c376c..3128ca8672 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -668,11 +668,14 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([smack], AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-smack],[Disable optional SMACK
-if test "x${have_smack}" = xauto; then
+if test "x${have_smack}" != xno; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SMACK, 1, [Define if SMACK is available])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_SMACK], [test "x$have_smack" = "xyes"])
@@ -690,12 +693,6 @@ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-smack-default-process-label=STRING],
[AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SMACK_DEFAULT_PROCESS_LABEL, ["$withval"], [Default SMACK label for executed processes])],
-if test "x${have_smack}" = xyes ; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SMACK, 1, [Define if SMACK is available])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_SMACK], [test "x$have_smack" = "xyes"])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-gcrypt],[Disable optional GCRYPT support]),
diff --git a/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb b/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb
index a825e744e1..516abad246 100644
--- a/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb
+++ b/hwdb/20-bluetooth-vendor-product.hwdb
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ bluetooth:v0224*
@@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ bluetooth:v024E*
ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Microtronics Engineering GmbH
- ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Schneider Schreibgerte GmbH
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Schneider Schreibgeräte GmbH
@@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ bluetooth:v0275*
- ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=E.G.O. Elektro-Gertebau GmbH
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=E.G.O. Elektro-Gerätebau GmbH
@@ -2066,3 +2066,168 @@ bluetooth:v02AD*
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Bestechnic(Shanghai),Ltd
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Schneider Electric
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Chrono Therapeutics
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Rinnai Corporation
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Swissprime Technologies AG
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Seguro Technology Sp. z o.o.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Redbird Flight Simulations
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Guillemot Corporation
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Techtronic Power Tools Technology Limited
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Wilson Sporting Goods
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Lenovo (Singapore) Pte Ltd. ( 联想(新加坡) )
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Electronics Tomorrow Limited
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=VASCO Data Security International, Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Eijkelkamp Soil & Water
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Powercast Corporation
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Fliegl Agrartechnik GmbH
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Digi International Inc (R)
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=DeWalch Technologies, Inc.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Flint Rehabilitation Devices, LLC
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Blur Product Development
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=University of Michigan
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Carmanah Technologies Corp.
+ ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Espressif Incorporated ( 乐鑫信息科技(上海)有限公司 )
diff --git a/hwdb/60-evdev.hwdb b/hwdb/60-evdev.hwdb
index f7a82ee26c..4e846676e0 100644
--- a/hwdb/60-evdev.hwdb
+++ b/hwdb/60-evdev.hwdb
@@ -115,6 +115,13 @@ evdev:name:AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:bd*:svnDellInc.:pnInsp
+# Dell Latitude E6220
+evdev:name:AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:bd*:svnDellInc.:pnLatitudeE6220*
+ EVDEV_ABS_00=76:1815:22
+ EVDEV_ABS_01=131:1330:30
+ EVDEV_ABS_35=76:1815:22
+ EVDEV_ABS_36=131:1330:30
# Google
diff --git a/hwdb/60-keyboard.hwdb b/hwdb/60-keyboard.hwdb
index 94906abcbf..69a1e8fa37 100644
--- a/hwdb/60-keyboard.hwdb
+++ b/hwdb/60-keyboard.hwdb
@@ -652,6 +652,11 @@ evdev:atkbd:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:svnLENOVO*:pn*IdeaPad*Z370*:pvr*
+# Lenovo Thinkcentre M800z AIO machine
+# key_scancode 00 is KEY_MICMUTE
+keyboard:name:Microphone Mute Button:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:bd*:svnLENOVO*:pn*
# enhanced USB keyboard
KEYBOARD_KEY_90001=prog1 # ThinkVantage
diff --git a/hwdb/70-mouse.hwdb b/hwdb/70-mouse.hwdb
index 2383d586a3..eda1adcfca 100644
--- a/hwdb/70-mouse.hwdb
+++ b/hwdb/70-mouse.hwdb
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ mouse:usb:v046dpc046:name:Logitech USB Optical Mouse:
mouse:usb:v046dpc05a:name:Logitech USB Optical Mouse:
# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-U0011-O rebranded as "terra Laser"
mouse:usb:v046dpc065:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:
+# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-U0007 [M500]
+mouse:usb:v046dpc069:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:
# Logitech V500 Cordless Notebook Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc510:name:Logitech USB Receiver:
# Logitech M560 Wireless Mouse
@@ -340,8 +342,6 @@ mouse:usb:v046dp1024:name:Logitech M310:
# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-UAS144 [LS1 Laser Mouse]
mouse:usb:v046dpc062:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:
-# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-U0007
-mouse:usb:v046dpc069:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:
# Logitech T620 (or, the soap)
diff --git a/man/busctl.xml b/man/busctl.xml
index d8c1085021..26d778d4dd 100644
--- a/man/busctl.xml
+++ b/man/busctl.xml
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ ARRAY "s" {
<title>Invoking a Method</title>
- <para>The following command invokes a the
+ <para>The following command invokes the
<literal>StartUnit</literal> method on the
interface of the
diff --git a/man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.xml b/man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51271abc16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/dnssec-trust-anchors.d.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?> <!--*- Mode: nxml; nxml-child-indent: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-->
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+ "">
+ This file is part of systemd.
+ Copyright 2016 Lennart Poettering
+ systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+<refentry id="dnssec-trust-anchors.d" conditional='ENABLE_RESOLVED'
+ xmlns:xi="">
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <title>dnssec-trust-anchors.d</title>
+ <productname>systemd</productname>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <contrib>Developer</contrib>
+ <firstname>Lennart</firstname>
+ <surname>Poettering</surname>
+ <email></email>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>dnssec-trust-anchors.d</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>dnssec-trust-anchors.d</refname>
+ <refname>systemd.positive</refname>
+ <refname>systemd.negative</refname>
+ <refpurpose>DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <para><filename>/etc/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/*.positive</filename></para>
+ <para><filename>/run/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/*.positive</filename></para>
+ <para><filename>/usr/lib/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/*.positive</filename></para>
+ <para><filename>/etc/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/*.negative</filename></para>
+ <para><filename>/run/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/*.negative</filename></para>
+ <para><filename>/usr/lib/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/*.negative</filename></para>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Description</title>
+ <para>The DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files define positive
+ and negative trust anchors
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ bases DNSSEC integrity proofs on.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Positive Trust Anchors</title>
+ <para>Positive trust anchor configuration files contain DNSKEY and
+ DS resource record definitions to use as base for DNSSEC integrity
+ proofs. See <ulink
+ url="">RFC 4035,
+ Section 4.4</ulink> for more information about DNSSEC trust
+ anchors.</para>
+ <para>Positive trust anchors are read from files with the suffix
+ <filename>.positive</filename> located in
+ <filename>/etc/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/</filename>,
+ <filename>/run/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/</filename> and
+ <filename>/usr/lib/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/</filename>. These
+ directories are searched in the specified order, and a trust
+ anchor file of the same name in an earlier path overrides a trust
+ anchor files in a later path. To disable a trust anchor file
+ shipped in <filename>/usr/lib/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/</filename>
+ it is sufficient to provide an identically-named file in
+ <filename>/etc/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/</filename> or
+ <filename>/run/dnssec-trust-anchors.d/</filename> that is either
+ empty or a symlink to <filename>/dev/null</filename> ("masked").</para>
+ <para>Positive trust anchor files are simple text files resembling
+ DNS zone files, as documented in <ulink
+ url="">RFC 1035, Section
+ 5</ulink>. One DS or DNSKEY resource record may be listed per
+ line. Empty lines and lines starting with a semicolon
+ (<literal>;</literal>) are ignored and considered comments. A DS
+ resource record is specified like in the following example:</para>
+ <programlisting>. IN DS 19036 8 2 49aac11d7b6f6446702e54a1607371607a1a41855200fd2ce1cdde32f24e8fb5</programlisting>
+ <para>The first word specifies the domain, use
+ <literal>.</literal> for the root domain. The domain may be
+ specified with or without trailing dot, which is considered
+ equivalent. The second word must be <literal>IN</literal> the
+ third word <literal>DS</literal>. The following words specify the
+ key tag, signature algorithm, digest algorithm, followed by the
+ hex-encoded key fingerprint. See <ulink
+ url="">RFC 4034,
+ Section 5</ulink> for details about the precise syntax and meaning
+ of these fields.</para>
+ <para>Alternatively, DNSKEY resource records may be used to define
+ trust anchors, like in the following example:</para>
+ <programlisting>. IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAagAIKlVZrpC6Ia7gEzahOR+9W29euxhJhVVLOyQbSEW0O8gcCjFFVQUTf6v58fLjwBd0YI0EzrAcQqBGCzh/RStIoO8g0NfnfL2MTJRkxoXbfDaUeVPQuYEhg37NZWAJQ9VnMVDxP/VHL496M/QZxkjf5/Efucp2gaDX6RS6CXpoY68LsvPVjR0ZSwzz1apAzvN9dlzEheX7ICJBBtuA6G3LQpzW5hOA2hzCTMjJPJ8LbqF6dsV6DoBQzgul0sGIcGOYl7OyQdXfZ57relSQageu+ipAdTTJ25AsRTAoub8ONGcLmqrAmRLKBP1dfwhYB4N7knNnulqQxA+Uk1ihz0=</programlisting>
+ <para>The first word specifies the domain again, the second word
+ must be <literal>IN</literal>, followed by
+ <literal>DNSKEY</literal>. The subsequent words encode the DNSKEY
+ flags, protocol and algorithm fields, followed by the key data
+ encoded in Base64. See See <ulink
+ url="">RFC 4034,
+ Section 2</ulink> for details about the precise syntax and meaning
+ of these fields.</para>
+ <para>If multiple DS or DNSKEY records are defined for the same
+ domain (possibly even in different trust anchor files), all keys
+ are used and are considered equivalent as base for DNSSEC
+ proofs.</para>
+ <para>Note that <filename>systemd-resolved</filename> will
+ automatically use a built-in trust anchor key for the Internet
+ root domain if no positive trust anchors are defined for the root
+ domain. In most cases it is hence unnecessary to define an
+ explicit key with trust anchor files. The built-in key is disabled
+ as soon as at least one trust anchor key for the root domain is
+ defined in trust anchor files.</para>
+ <para>It is generally recommended to encode trust anchors in DS
+ resource records, rather than DNSKEY resource records.</para>
+ <para>If a trust anchor specified via a DS record is found revoked
+ it is automatically removed from the trust anchor database for the
+ runtime. See <ulink url="">RFC
+ 5011</ulink> for details about revoked trust anchors. Note that
+ <filename>systemd-resolved</filename> will not update its trust
+ anchor database from DNS servers automatically. Instead, it is
+ recommended to update the resolver software or update the new
+ trust anchor via adding in new trust anchor files.</para>
+ <para>The current DNSSEC trust anchor for the Internet's root
+ domain is available a the <ulink
+ url="">IANA
+ Trust Anchor and Keys</ulink> page.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>Negative Trust Anchors</title>
+ <para>Negative trust anchors define domains where DNSSEC
+ validation shall be turned off. Negative trust anchor files are
+ found at the same location as positive trust anchor files, and
+ follow the same overriding rules. They are text files with the
+ <filename>.negative</filename> suffix. Empty lines and lines whose
+ first character is <literal>;</literal> are ignored. Each line
+ specifies one domain name where DNSSEC validation shall be
+ disabled on.</para>
+ <para>Negative trust anchors are useful to support private DNS
+ subtrees that are not referenced from the Internet DNS hierarchy,
+ and not signed.</para>
+ <para><ulink url="">RFC
+ 7646</ulink> for details on negative trust anchors.</para>
+ <para>If no negative trust anchor files are configured a built-in
+ set of well-known private DNS zone domains is used as negative
+ trust anchors.</para>
+ <para>It is also possibly to define per-interface negative trust
+ anchors using the <varname>DNSSECNegativeTrustAnchors=</varname>
+ setting in
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ files.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>See Also</title>
+ <para>
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>resolved.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
diff --git a/man/journal-remote.conf.xml b/man/journal-remote.conf.xml
index fc60258d0b..2d345963d9 100644
--- a/man/journal-remote.conf.xml
+++ b/man/journal-remote.conf.xml
@@ -72,6 +72,13 @@
<literal>[Remote]</literal> section:</para>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><varname>Seal=</varname></term>
+ <listitem><para>Periodically sign the data in the journal using Forward Secure Sealing.
+ </para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
@@ -105,7 +112,7 @@
<title>See Also</title>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-journal-remote</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-journal-remote</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
diff --git a/man/machinectl.xml b/man/machinectl.xml
index a7288c249b..f9395f3d72 100644
--- a/man/machinectl.xml
+++ b/man/machinectl.xml
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
<literal>checksum</literal> is specified, the download is
checked for integrity after the transfer is complete, but no
signatures are verified. If <literal>signature</literal> is
- specified, the checksum is verified and the images's signature
+ specified, the checksum is verified and the image's signature
is checked against a local keyring of trustable vendors. It is
strongly recommended to set this option to
<literal>signature</literal> if the server and protocol
diff --git a/man/resolved.conf.xml b/man/resolved.conf.xml
index 4680b6a4e5..5da2d5488e 100644
--- a/man/resolved.conf.xml
+++ b/man/resolved.conf.xml
@@ -124,6 +124,98 @@
global setting is on.</para></listitem>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><varname>MulticastDNS=</varname></term>
+ <listitem><para>Takes a boolean argument or
+ <literal>resolve</literal>. Controls Multicast DNS support
+ (<ulink url="">RFC
+ 6762</ulink>) on the local host. If true, enables full
+ Multicast DNS responder and resolver support. If false,
+ disables both. If set to <literal>resolve</literal>, only
+ resolution support is enabled, but responding is
+ disabled. Note that
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-networkd.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ also maintains per-interface Multicast DNS settings. Multicast
+ DNS will be enabled on an interface only if the per-interface
+ and the global setting is on.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><varname>DNSSEC=</varname></term>
+ <listitem><para>Takes a boolean argument or
+ <literal>allow-downgrade</literal>. If true all DNS lookups are
+ DNSSEC-validated locally (excluding LLMNR and Multicast
+ DNS). If a response for a lookup request is detected invalid
+ this is returned as lookup failure to applications. Note that
+ this mode requires a DNS server that supports DNSSEC. If the
+ DNS server does not properly support DNSSEC all validations
+ will fail. If set to <literal>allow-downgrade</literal> DNSSEC
+ validation is attempted, but if the server does not support
+ DNSSEC properly, DNSSEC mode is automatically disabled. Note
+ that this mode makes DNSSEC validation vulnerable to
+ "downgrade" attacks, where an attacker might be able to
+ trigger a downgrade to non-DNSSEC mode by synthesizing a DNS
+ response that suggests DNSSEC was not supported. If set to
+ false, DNS lookups are not DNSSEC validated.</para>
+ <para>Note that DNSSEC validation requires retrieval of
+ additional DNS data, and thus results in a small DNS look-up
+ time penalty.</para>
+ <para>DNSSEC requires knowledge of "trust anchors" to prove
+ data integrity. The trust anchor for the Internet root domain
+ is built into the resolver, additional trust anchors may be
+ defined with
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>dnssec-trust-anchors.d</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
+ Trust anchors may change in regular intervals, and old trust
+ anchors may be revoked. In such a case DNSSEC validation is
+ not possible until new trust anchors are configured locally or
+ the resolver software package is updated with the new root
+ trust anchor. In effect, when the built-in trust anchor is
+ revoked and <varname>DNSSEC=</varname> is true, all further
+ lookups will fail, as it cannot be proved anymore whether
+ lookups are correctly signed, or validly unsigned. If
+ <varname>DNSSEC=</varname> is set to
+ <literal>allow-downgrade</literal> the resolver will
+ automatically turn off DNSSEC validation in such a case.</para>
+ <para>Client programs looking up DNS data will be informed
+ whether lookups could be verified using DNSSEC, or whether the
+ returned data could not be verified (either because the data
+ was found unsigned in the DNS, or the DNS server did not
+ support DNSSEC or no appropriate trust anchors were known). In
+ the latter case it is assumed that client programs employ a
+ secondary scheme to validate the returned DNS data, should
+ this be required.</para>
+ <para>It is recommended to set <varname>DNSSEC=</varname> to
+ true on systems where it is known that the DNS server supports
+ DNSSEC correctly, and where software or trust anchor updates
+ happen regularly. On other systems it is recommended to set
+ <varname>DNSSEC=</varname> to
+ <literal>allow-downgrade</literal>.</para>
+ <para>In addition to this global DNSSEC setting
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-networkd.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ also maintains per-interface DNSSEC settings. For system DNS
+ servers (see above), only the global DNSSEC setting is in
+ effect. For per-interface DNS servers the per-interface
+ setting is in effect, unless it is unset in which case the
+ global setting is used instead.</para>
+ <para>Site-private DNS zones generally conflict with DNSSEC
+ operation, unless a negative (if the private zone is not
+ signed) or positive (if the private zone is signed) trust
+ anchor is configured for them. If
+ <literal>allow-downgrade</literal> mode is selected, it is
+ attempted to detect site-private DNS zones using top-level
+ domains (TLDs) that are not known by the DNS root server. This
+ logic does not work in all private zone setups.</para>
+ <para>Defaults to off.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
@@ -133,6 +225,7 @@
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>dnssec-trust-anchors.d</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
diff --git a/man/sd-event.xml b/man/sd-event.xml
index 47989f4421..fc615f0906 100644
--- a/man/sd-event.xml
+++ b/man/sd-event.xml
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
<listitem><para>Event sources may be assigned a 64bit priority
value, that controls the order in which event sources are
- dispatched if multiple are pending simultanously. See
+ dispatched if multiple are pending simultaneously. See
<listitem><para>The event loop may automatically send watchdog
diff --git a/man/sd_bus_creds_get_pid.xml b/man/sd_bus_creds_get_pid.xml
index aec12bda16..3bcda46656 100644
--- a/man/sd_bus_creds_get_pid.xml
+++ b/man/sd_bus_creds_get_pid.xml
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
modified by the caller.</para>
<para>All functions that take a <parameter>char***</parameter>
- parameter will store the answer there as an address of a an array
+ parameter will store the answer there as an address of an array
of strings. Each individual string is NUL-terminated, and the
array is NULL-terminated as a whole. It will be valid as long as
<parameter>c</parameter> remains valid, and should not be freed or
diff --git a/man/sd_event_add_child.xml b/man/sd_event_add_child.xml
index d4b180cf03..bc732db7fa 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_add_child.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_add_child.xml
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<constant>SD_EVENT_OFF</constant> with
- <para>If the the second parameter of
+ <para>If the second parameter of
<function>sd_event_add_child()</function> is passed as NULL no
reference to the event source object is returned. In this case the
event source is considered "floating", and will be destroyed
diff --git a/man/sd_event_add_defer.xml b/man/sd_event_add_defer.xml
index 6a13ede76e..d9ebd3b179 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_add_defer.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_add_defer.xml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
handler will be called once
(<constant>SD_EVENT_ONESHOT</constant>). Note that if the event
source is set to <constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant> the event loop
- will never go to sleep again, but continously call the handler,
+ will never go to sleep again, but continuously call the handler,
possibly interleaved with other event sources.</para>
<para><function>sd_event_add_post()</function> adds a new event
diff --git a/man/sd_event_add_io.xml b/man/sd_event_add_io.xml
index 4cc0428e29..eeb406ba5b 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_add_io.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_add_io.xml
@@ -141,14 +141,14 @@
<constant>EPOLLHUP</constant> set.</para>
<para>By default, the I/O event source will stay enabled
- continously (<constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant>), but this may be
+ continuously (<constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant>), but this may be
changed with
If the handler function returns a negative error code, it will be
disabled after the invocation, even if the
<constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant> mode was requested before. Note
that an I/O event source set to <constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant> will
- fire continously unless data is read or written to the file
+ fire continuously unless data is read or written to the file
descriptor in order to reset the mask of events seen.
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
<constant>SD_EVENT_OFF</constant> with
- <para>If the the second parameter of
+ <para>If the second parameter of
<function>sd_event_add_io()</function> is passed as NULL no
reference to the event source object is returned. In this case the
event source is considered "floating", and will be destroyed
diff --git a/man/sd_event_add_signal.xml b/man/sd_event_add_signal.xml
index b5312735d2..a2aabd3c1a 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_add_signal.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_add_signal.xml
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
<constant>SD_EVENT_OFF</constant> with
- <para>If the the second parameter of
+ <para>If the second parameter of
<function>sd_event_add_signal()</function> is passed as NULL no
reference to the event source object is returned. In this case the
event source is considered "floating", and will be destroyed
diff --git a/man/sd_event_add_time.xml b/man/sd_event_add_time.xml
index df38f52fc9..b58d740bd8 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_add_time.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_add_time.xml
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
disabled after the invocation, even if the
<constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant> mode was requested before. Note
that a timer event set to <constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant> will
- fire continously unless its configured time is updated using
+ fire continuously unless its configured time is updated using
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
<constant>SD_EVENT_OFF</constant> with
- <para>If the the second parameter of
+ <para>If the second parameter of
<function>sd_event_add_time()</function> is passed as NULL no
reference to the event source object is returned. In this case the
event source is considered "floating", and will be destroyed
diff --git a/man/sd_event_exit.xml b/man/sd_event_exit.xml
index 4f34f3b122..9846a3eaf4 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_exit.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_exit.xml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
exit. The <parameter>code</parameter> parameter may be any integer
value and is returned as-is by
- after the last event loop iteration. It may also be be queried
+ after the last event loop iteration. It may also be queried
using <function>sd_event_get_exit_code()</function>, see
below. </para>
diff --git a/man/sd_event_now.xml b/man/sd_event_now.xml
index f577e44c0e..58d7375eac 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_now.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_now.xml
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<para><function>sd_event_now()</function> returns the timestamp
the most recent event loop iteration began. This timestamp is
- taken right after after returning from the event sleep, and before
+ taken right after returning from the event sleep, and before
dispatching any event sources. The <parameter>event</parameter>
parameter takes the even loop object to retrieve the timestamp
from. The <parameter>clock</parameter> parameter specifies the clock to
diff --git a/man/sd_event_source_set_enabled.xml b/man/sd_event_source_set_enabled.xml
index 74c02e87bb..6844f29a49 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_source_set_enabled.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_source_set_enabled.xml
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
with calls such as
<citerefentry><refentrytitle>sd_event_add_time</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>. However,
- depending on the event source type they are enabled continously
+ depending on the event source type they are enabled continuously
(<constant>SD_EVENT_ON</constant>) or only for a single invocation
of the event source handler
(<constant>SD_EVENT_ONESHOT</constant>). For details see the
diff --git a/man/sd_event_source_set_prepare.xml b/man/sd_event_source_set_prepare.xml
index 7066a55306..24861d01d9 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_source_set_prepare.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_source_set_prepare.xml
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<para><function>sd_event_source_set_prepare()</function> may be
- used to set a prepartion callback for the event source object
+ used to set a preparation callback for the event source object
specified as <parameter>source</parameter>. The callback function
specified as <parameter>callback</parameter> will be invoked
immediately before the event loop goes to sleep to wait for
diff --git a/man/sd_event_source_set_priority.xml b/man/sd_event_source_set_priority.xml
index cc0f5a0103..9234f4233e 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_source_set_priority.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_source_set_priority.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
dispatched is undefined, but the event loop generally tries to
dispatch them in the order it learnt about events on them. As the
backing kernel primitives do not provide accurate information
- about the order in which events occured this is not necessarily
+ about the order in which events occurred this is not necessarily
reliable. However, it is guaranteed that if events are seen on
multiple same-priority event sources at the same time, each one is
not dispatched again until all others have been dispatched
diff --git a/man/sd_event_wait.xml b/man/sd_event_wait.xml
index 1eefa80700..f2aea00e98 100644
--- a/man/sd_event_wait.xml
+++ b/man/sd_event_wait.xml
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
for higher-level functions that execute individual but complete
- iterations of an event loop or run it continously.</para>
+ iterations of an event loop or run it continuously.</para>
<para><function>sd_event_prepare()</function> checks for pending
events and arms necessary timers. If any events are ready to be
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
<listitem><para>An event source is currently being prepared,
- i.e. the preparation handler is currently being excuted, as
+ i.e. the preparation handler is currently being executed, as
set with
<citerefentry><refentrytitle>sd_event_set_prepare</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>. This
state is only seen in the event source preparation handler
diff --git a/man/sd_notify.xml b/man/sd_notify.xml
index dbf6330453..bd6cfdcd29 100644
--- a/man/sd_notify.xml
+++ b/man/sd_notify.xml
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
multiple file descriptors are submitted at once, the specified
name will be assigned to all of them. In order to assign
different names to submitted file descriptors, submit them in
- seperate invocations of
+ separate invocations of
<function>sd_pid_notify_with_fds()</function>. The name may
consist of any ASCII character, but must not contain control
characters or <literal>:</literal>. It may not be longer than
diff --git a/man/sd_seat_get_active.xml b/man/sd_seat_get_active.xml
index 6e1d505dce..c5e6ddab02 100644
--- a/man/sd_seat_get_active.xml
+++ b/man/sd_seat_get_active.xml
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
<function>sd_seat_can_tty()</function> and
- <function>sd_seat_can_grapical()</function> interfaces are
+ <function>sd_seat_can_graphical()</function> interfaces are
available as a shared library, which can be compiled and linked to
with the
<constant>libsystemd</constant> <citerefentry project='die-net'><refentrytitle>pkg-config</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
diff --git a/man/systemctl.xml b/man/systemctl.xml
index 1fb056874c..a55e06059a 100644
--- a/man/systemctl.xml
+++ b/man/systemctl.xml
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ kobject-uevent 1 systemd-udevd-kernel.socket systemd-udevd.service
output. If you are looking for computer-parsable output,
use <command>show</command> instead. By default, this
function only shows 10 lines of output and ellipsizes
- lines to fit in the terminal window. This can be changes
+ lines to fit in the terminal window. This can be changed
with <option>--lines</option> and <option>--full</option>,
see above. In addition, <command>journalctl
--unit=<replaceable>NAME</replaceable></command> or
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ kobject-uevent 1 systemd-udevd-kernel.socket systemd-udevd.service
- <entry>Unit file is invalid or another error occured. Note that <command>is-enabled</command> will not actually return this state, but print an error message instead. However the unit file listing printed by <command>list-unit-files</command> might show it.</entry>
+ <entry>Unit file is invalid or another error occurred. Note that <command>is-enabled</command> will not actually return this state, but print an error message instead. However the unit file listing printed by <command>list-unit-files</command> might show it.</entry>
<entry>&gt; 0</entry>
diff --git a/man/systemd-resolved.service.xml b/man/systemd-resolved.service.xml
index 43d568c6f7..8e1ca1c092 100644
--- a/man/systemd-resolved.service.xml
+++ b/man/systemd-resolved.service.xml
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
<listitem><para>Multi-label names are routed to all local
interfaces that have a DNS sever configured, plus the globally
configured DNS server if there is one. Address lookups from the
- link-local addres range are never routed to
+ link-local address range are never routed to
@@ -144,7 +144,9 @@
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>dnssec-trust-anchors.d</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>resolv.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
diff --git a/man/ b/man/
index e6dedb027d..5a6383cfc2 100644
--- a/man/
+++ b/man/
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
<literal>ipv4</literal>, or <literal>ipv6</literal>.</para>
<para>Note that DHCPv6 will by default be triggered by Router
- Advertisment, if that is enabled, regardless of this parameter.
+ Advertisement, if that is enabled, regardless of this parameter.
By enabling DHCPv6 support explicitly, the DHCPv6 client will
be started regardless of the presence of routers on the link,
or what flags the routers pass. See
@@ -277,10 +277,59 @@
- <para>A boolean or <literal>resolve</literal>. When true, enables
- Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution on the link. When set to
- <literal>resolve</literal>, only resolution is enabled, but not
- announcement. Defaults to true.</para>
+ <para>A boolean or <literal>resolve</literal>. When true,
+ enables <ulink
+ url="">Link-Local
+ Multicast Name Resolution</ulink> on the link. When set to
+ <literal>resolve</literal>, only resolution is enabled,
+ but not host registration and announcement. Defaults to
+ true. This setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><varname>MulticastDNS=</varname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>A boolean or <literal>resolve</literal>. When true,
+ enables <ulink
+ url="">Multicast
+ DNS</ulink> support on the link. When set to
+ <literal>resolve</literal>, only resolution is enabled,
+ but not host or service registration and
+ announcement. Defaults to false. This setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><varname>DNSSEC=</varname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>A boolean or
+ <literal>allow-downgrade</literal>. When true, enables
+ <ulink
+ url="">DNSSEC</ulink>
+ DNS validation support on the link. When set to
+ <literal>allow-downgrade</literal>, compatibility with
+ non-DNSSEC capable networks is increased, by automatically
+ turning off DNSEC in this case. This option defines a
+ per-interface setting for
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>resolved.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>'s
+ global <varname>DNSSEC=</varname> option. Defaults to
+ false. This setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><varname>DNSSECNegativeTrustAnchors=</varname></term>
+ <listitem><para>A space-separated list of DNSSEC negative
+ trust anchor domains. If specified and DNSSEC is enabled,
+ look-ups done via the interface's DNS server will be subject
+ to the list of negative trust anchors, and not require
+ authentication for the specified domains, or anything below
+ it. Use this to disable DNSSEC authentication for specific
+ private domains, that cannot be proven valid using the
+ Internet DNS hierarchy. Defaults to the empty list. This
+ setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>.</para>
@@ -346,19 +395,22 @@
<para>A DNS server address, which must be in the format
described in
<citerefentry project='man-pages'><refentrytitle>inet_pton</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
- This option may be specified more than once.</para>
+ This option may be specified more than once. This setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry></para>
- <para>The domains used for DNS resolution over this link.</para>
+ <para>The domains used for DNS resolution over this link. This setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry></para>
- <para>An NTP server address. This option may be specified more than once.</para>
+ <para>An NTP server address. This option may be specified more than once. This setting is read by
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-timesyncd.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry></para>
@@ -673,7 +725,7 @@
<listitem><para>When true, the timezone received from the
- DHCP server will be set as as timezone of the local
+ DHCP server will be set as timezone of the local
system. Defaults to <literal>no</literal>.</para></listitem>
@@ -1011,9 +1063,10 @@ DHCP=yes
<title>See Also</title>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-networkd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-networkd.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd.netdev</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd.netdev</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>systemd-resolved.service</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
diff --git a/man/systemd.special.xml b/man/systemd.special.xml
index 54e7c49a9e..d28f3d5f90 100644
--- a/man/systemd.special.xml
+++ b/man/systemd.special.xml
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
- <para>A special target unit that umounts all mount and
+ <para>A special target unit that unmounts all mount and
automount points on system shutdown.</para>
<para>Mounts that shall be unmounted on system shutdown
diff --git a/man/systemd.timer.xml b/man/systemd.timer.xml
index cfa13015b0..29e235e2dc 100644
--- a/man/systemd.timer.xml
+++ b/man/systemd.timer.xml
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
unloaded. Turning this off is particularly useful for
transient timer units that shall disappear after they first
elapse. Note that this setting has an effect on repeatedly
- starting the a timer unit that only elapses once: if
+ starting a timer unit that only elapses once: if
<varname>RemainAfterElapse=</varname> is on, it will not be
started again, and is guaranteed to elapse only once. However,
if <varname>RemainAfterLeapse=</varname> is off, it might be
diff --git a/man/systemd.unit.xml b/man/systemd.unit.xml
index 5b12378eda..126b1b5cb4 100644
--- a/man/systemd.unit.xml
+++ b/man/systemd.unit.xml
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@
<filename>/var</filename> on the next following boot. Units
making use of this condition should order themselves before
- to make sure they run before the stamp files's modification
+ to make sure they run before the stamp file's modification
time gets reset indicating a completed update.</para>
<para><varname>ConditionFirstBoot=</varname> takes a boolean
diff --git a/man/tmpfiles.d.xml b/man/tmpfiles.d.xml
index 5bf1f2956b..3c847d74a9 100644
--- a/man/tmpfiles.d.xml
+++ b/man/tmpfiles.d.xml
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
<command>systemd-tmpfiles</command> will automatically add
the required base entries for user and group based on the
access mode of the file, unless base entries already exist
- or are explictly specified. The mask will be added if not
+ or are explicitly specified. The mask will be added if not
specified explicitly or already present. Lines of this type
accept shell-style globs in place of normal path names. This
can be useful for allowing additional access to certain
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
index 21050623c5..88fecbc506 100644
--- a/po/hu.po
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Hungarian translation of systemd
-# Copyright (C) 2015. Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016. Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the systemd package.
-# Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at gnome dot hu>, 2015.
+# Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at gnome dot hu>, 2015, 2016.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: systemd master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-22 16:37+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-02 22:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-02 13:41+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-02 13:45+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng at ubuntu dot com>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian <openscope at googlegroups dot com>\n"
"Language: hu\n"
@@ -29,15 +29,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Hitelesítés szükséges a bevitt jelmondat visszaküldéséhez a rendszernek."
#: ../src/core/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Manage system services or other units"
-msgstr "Rendszerszolgáltatások vagy -egységek kezelése"
+msgstr "Rendszerszolgáltatások vagy más egységek kezelése"
#: ../src/core/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to manage system services or other units."
msgstr ""
-"Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszerszolgáltatások vagy -egységek kezeléséhez."
+"Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszerszolgáltatások vagy más egységek kezeléséhez."
#: ../src/core/
msgid "Manage system service or unit files"
@@ -51,14 +49,16 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../src/core/
msgid "Set or unset system and service manager environment variables"
msgstr ""
+"Rendszer- és szolgáltatáskezelő környezeti változóinak beállítása vagy "
#: ../src/core/
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Authentication is required to set or unset system and service manager "
"environment variables."
msgstr ""
-"Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszerszolgáltatás- vagy egységfájlok kezeléséhez."
+"Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszer- és szolgáltatáskezelő környezeti "
+"változóinak beállításához vagy törléséhez."
#: ../src/core/
msgid "Reload the systemd state"
@@ -98,30 +98,27 @@ msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gép információinak beállításáho
#: ../src/import/
msgid "Import a VM or container image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VM vagy konténer lemezkép importálása"
#: ../src/import/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to import a VM or container image"
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a VM vagy konténer lemezkép importálásához."
#: ../src/import/
msgid "Export a VM or container image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VM vagy konténer lemezkép exportálása"
#: ../src/import/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to export a VM or container image"
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a VM vagy konténer lemezkép exportálásához."
#: ../src/import/
msgid "Download a VM or container image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VM vagy konténer lemezkép letöltése"
#: ../src/import/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to download a VM or container image"
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a VM vagy konténer lemezkép letöltéséhez."
#: ../src/locale/
msgid "Set system locale"
@@ -409,123 +406,113 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../src/login/
msgid "Manage active sessions, users and seats"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktív munkamenetek, felhasználók és munkaállomások kezelése"
#: ../src/login/
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Authentication is required for managing active sessions, users and seats."
msgstr ""
-"Hitelesítés szükséges eszköz csatolásának engedélyezéséhez egy "
+"Hitelesítés szükséges az aktív munkamenetek, felhasználók és munkaállomások "
#: ../src/login/
msgid "Lock or unlock active sessions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktív munkamenetek zárolása vagy feloldása"
#: ../src/login/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to lock or unlock active sessions."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr ""
+"Hitelesítés szükséges az aktív munkamenetek zárolásához vagy feloldásához."
#: ../src/login/
msgid "Allow indication to the firmware to boot to setup interface"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A firmware-nek jelezhető, hogy a beállítófelületet bootolja"
#: ../src/login/
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Authentication is required to indicate to the firmware to boot to setup "
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gépnév beállításához."
+msgstr ""
+"Hitelesítés szükséges a firmware-nek jelzéshez, hogy a beállítófelületet "
#: ../src/login/
msgid "Set a wall message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Falüzenet beállítása"
#: ../src/login/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to set a wall message"
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gépnév beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a falüzenet beállításához"
#: ../src/machine/
msgid "Log into a local container"
msgstr "Bejelentkezés helyi konténerbe"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to log into a local container."
msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Log into the local host"
-msgstr "Bejelentkezés helyi konténerbe"
+msgstr "Bejelentkezés a helyi gépre"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to log into the local host."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez a helyi gépre."
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Acquire a shell in a local container"
-msgstr "Bejelentkezés helyi konténerbe"
+msgstr "Parancsértelmező elérése helyi konténerben"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to acquire a shell in a local container."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a parancsértelmező eléréséhez helyi konténerben."
#: ../src/machine/
msgid "Acquire a shell on the local host"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Parancsértelmező elérése a helyi gépen"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to acquire a shell on the local host."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gépnév beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a parancsértelmező eléréséhez a helyi gépen."
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Acquire a pseudo TTY in a local container"
-msgstr "Bejelentkezés helyi konténerbe"
+msgstr "Pszeudoterminál elérése helyi konténerben"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Authentication is required to acquire a pseudo TTY in a local container."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a pszeudoterminál eléréséhez helyi konténerben."
#: ../src/machine/
msgid "Acquire a pseudo TTY on the local host"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pszeudoterminál elérése helyi gépen"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Authentication is required to acquire a pseudo TTY on the local host."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gépnév beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a pszeudoterminál eléréséhez a helyi gépen."
#: ../src/machine/
msgid "Manage local virtual machines and containers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Virtuális gépek és konténerek kezelése"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Authentication is required to manage local virtual machines and containers."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gép információinak beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges helyi virtuális gépek és konténerek kezeléséhez."
#: ../src/machine/
msgid "Manage local virtual machine and container images"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Helyi virtuális gép és konténer lemezképek kezelése"
#: ../src/machine/
-#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Authentication is required to manage local virtual machine and container "
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gép információinak beállításához."
+msgstr ""
+"Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi virtuális gép és konténer lemezképek "
#: ../src/timedate/
msgid "Set system time"
@@ -565,37 +552,33 @@ msgid ""
"shall be enabled."
msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a hálózati időszinkronizáció engedélyezéséhez."
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:428
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:449
msgid "Authentication is required to start '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszeridő beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a következő elindításához: „$(unit)”."
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:429
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:450
msgid "Authentication is required to stop '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszeridő beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a következő leállításához: „$(unit)”."
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:430
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:451
msgid "Authentication is required to reload '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a systemd állapotának újratöltéséhez."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a következő újratöltéséhez: „$(unit)”."
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:431 ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:432
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:452 ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:453
msgid "Authentication is required to restart '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszeridő beállításához."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a következő újraindításához: „$(unit)”."
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:535
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:556
msgid "Authentication is required to kill '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a bejelentkezéshez egy helyi konténerbe."
+msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a következő kilövéséhez: „$(unit)”."
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:565
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:586
msgid "Authentication is required to reset the \"failed\" state of '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a helyi gépnév beállításához."
+msgstr ""
+"Hitelesítés szükséges a következő „sikertelen” állapotának törléséhez: "
-#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:597
-#, fuzzy
+#: ../src/core/dbus-unit.c:618
msgid "Authentication is required to set properties on '$(unit)'."
-msgstr "Hitelesítés szükséges a rendszeridő beállításához."
+msgstr ""
+"Hitelesítés szükséges a következő tulajdonságainak beállításához: „$(unit)”."
diff --git a/src/analyze/analyze-verify.c b/src/analyze/analyze-verify.c
index 6e460697db..3c9766da04 100644
--- a/src/analyze/analyze-verify.c
+++ b/src/analyze/analyze-verify.c
@@ -30,6 +30,47 @@
#include "pager.h"
#include "path-util.h"
#include "strv.h"
+#include "unit-name.h"
+static int prepare_filename(const char *filename, char **ret) {
+ int r;
+ const char *name;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *abspath = NULL;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *dir = NULL;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *with_instance = NULL;
+ char *c;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(ret);
+ r = path_make_absolute_cwd(filename, &abspath);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ name = basename(abspath);
+ if (!unit_name_is_valid(name, UNIT_NAME_ANY))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (unit_name_is_valid(name, UNIT_NAME_TEMPLATE)) {
+ r = unit_name_replace_instance(name, "i", &with_instance);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ dir = dirname_malloc(abspath);
+ if (!dir)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (with_instance)
+ c = path_join(NULL, dir, with_instance);
+ else
+ c = path_join(NULL, dir, name);
+ if (!c)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ *ret = c;
+ return 0;
static int generate_path(char **var, char **filenames) {
char **filename;
@@ -233,18 +274,19 @@ int verify_units(char **filenames, ManagerRunningAs running_as, bool check_man)
log_debug("Loading remaining units from the command line...");
STRV_FOREACH(filename, filenames) {
- char fname[UNIT_NAME_MAX + 2 + 1] = "./";
+ _cleanup_free_ char *prepared = NULL;
log_debug("Handling %s...", *filename);
- /* manager_load_unit does not like pure basenames, so prepend
- * the local directory, but only for valid names. manager_load_unit
- * will print the error for other ones. */
- if (!strchr(*filename, '/') && strlen(*filename) <= UNIT_NAME_MAX) {
- strncat(fname + 2, *filename, UNIT_NAME_MAX);
- k = manager_load_unit(m, NULL, fname, &err, &units[count]);
- } else
- k = manager_load_unit(m, NULL, *filename, &err, &units[count]);
+ k = prepare_filename(*filename, &prepared);
+ if (k < 0) {
+ log_error_errno(k, "Failed to prepare filename %s: %m", *filename);
+ if (r == 0)
+ r = k;
+ continue;
+ }
+ k = manager_load_unit(m, NULL, prepared, &err, &units[count]);
if (k < 0) {
log_error_errno(k, "Failed to load %s: %m", *filename);
if (r == 0)
diff --git a/src/basic/bitmap.c b/src/basic/bitmap.c
index 95f59e400a..50078822a7 100644
--- a/src/basic/bitmap.c
+++ b/src/basic/bitmap.c
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ bool bitmap_isset(Bitmap *b, unsigned n) {
bool bitmap_isclear(Bitmap *b) {
unsigned i;
- assert(b);
+ if (!b)
+ return true;
for (i = 0; i < b->n_bitmaps; i++)
if (b->bitmaps[i] != 0)
@@ -150,7 +151,9 @@ bool bitmap_isclear(Bitmap *b) {
void bitmap_clear(Bitmap *b) {
- assert(b);
+ if (!b)
+ return;
b->bitmaps = mfree(b->bitmaps);
b->n_bitmaps = 0;
@@ -197,7 +200,10 @@ bool bitmap_equal(Bitmap *a, Bitmap *b) {
Bitmap *c;
unsigned i;
- if (!a ^ !b)
+ if (a == b)
+ return true;
+ if (!a != !b)
return false;
if (!a)
diff --git a/src/basic/conf-files.c b/src/basic/conf-files.c
index 75dad228e3..5854caeb51 100644
--- a/src/basic/conf-files.c
+++ b/src/basic/conf-files.c
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
static int files_add(Hashmap *h, const char *root, const char *path, const char *suffix) {
_cleanup_closedir_ DIR *dir = NULL;
const char *dirpath;
+ struct dirent *de;
int r;
@@ -55,18 +56,9 @@ static int files_add(Hashmap *h, const char *root, const char *path, const char
return -errno;
- for (;;) {
- struct dirent *de;
+ FOREACH_DIRENT(de, dir, return -errno) {
char *p;
- errno = 0;
- de = readdir(dir);
- if (!de && errno != 0)
- return -errno;
- if (!de)
- break;
if (!dirent_is_file_with_suffix(de, suffix))
@@ -116,17 +108,15 @@ static int conf_files_list_strv_internal(char ***strv, const char *suffix, const
STRV_FOREACH(p, dirs) {
r = files_add(fh, root, *p, suffix);
- if (r == -ENOMEM) {
+ if (r == -ENOMEM)
return r;
- } else if (r < 0)
- log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to search for files in %s: %m",
- *p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to search for files in %s, ignoring: %m", *p);
files = hashmap_get_strv(fh);
- if (files == NULL) {
+ if (!files)
return -ENOMEM;
- }
qsort_safe(files, hashmap_size(fh), sizeof(char *), base_cmp);
*strv = files;
diff --git a/src/basic/hashmap.c b/src/basic/hashmap.c
index b3954e3223..286ddfef5b 100644
--- a/src/basic/hashmap.c
+++ b/src/basic/hashmap.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "util.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
#include "list.h"
diff --git a/src/basic/missing.h b/src/basic/missing.h
index d539ed00e4..880e724cb4 100644
--- a/src/basic/missing.h
+++ b/src/basic/missing.h
@@ -131,6 +131,10 @@
+#ifndef SOL_SCTP
+#define SOL_SCTP 132
static inline int pivot_root(const char *new_root, const char *put_old) {
return syscall(SYS_pivot_root, new_root, put_old);
diff --git a/src/basic/string-table.h b/src/basic/string-table.h
index 2181a3a767..588404ab5a 100644
--- a/src/basic/string-table.h
+++ b/src/basic/string-table.h
@@ -47,16 +47,34 @@ ssize_t string_table_lookup(const char * const *table, size_t len, const char *k
return (type) string_table_lookup(name##_table, ELEMENTSOF(name##_table), s); \
+ scope type name##_from_string(const char *s) { \
+ int b; \
+ b = parse_boolean(s); \
+ if (b == 0) \
+ return (type) 0; \
+ else if (b > 0) \
+ return yes; \
+ return (type) string_table_lookup(name##_table, ELEMENTSOF(name##_table), s); \
+ }
#define _DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(name,type,scope) \
struct __useless_struct_to_allow_trailing_semicolon__
+#define _DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP_WITH_BOOLEAN(name,type,yes,scope) \
+ struct __useless_struct_to_allow_trailing_semicolon__
/* For string conversions where numbers are also acceptable */
int name##_to_string_alloc(type i, char **str) { \
diff --git a/src/core/dbus-manager.c b/src/core/dbus-manager.c
index 61bd0f8d5f..8a523cc8ac 100644
--- a/src/core/dbus-manager.c
+++ b/src/core/dbus-manager.c
@@ -229,7 +229,10 @@ static int property_set_log_level(
if (r < 0)
return r;
- return log_set_max_level_from_string(t);
+ r = log_set_max_level_from_string(t);
+ if (r == 0)
+ log_info("Setting log level to %s.", t);
+ return r;
static int property_get_n_names(
diff --git a/src/core/dbus.c b/src/core/dbus.c
index e7ee216f0e..1d89b9e250 100644
--- a/src/core/dbus.c
+++ b/src/core/dbus.c
@@ -734,9 +734,11 @@ static int bus_on_connection(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void
return 0;
-static int bus_list_names(Manager *m, sd_bus *bus) {
+int manager_sync_bus_names(Manager *m, sd_bus *bus) {
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **names = NULL;
- char **i;
+ const char *name;
+ Iterator i;
+ Unit *u;
int r;
@@ -746,15 +748,55 @@ static int bus_list_names(Manager *m, sd_bus *bus) {
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to get initial list of names: %m");
- /* This is a bit hacky, we say the owner of the name is the
- * name itself, because we don't want the extra traffic to
- * figure out the real owner. */
- STRV_FOREACH(i, names) {
- Unit *u;
+ /* We have to synchronize the current bus names with the
+ * list of active services. To do this, walk the list of
+ * all units with bus names. */
+ HASHMAP_FOREACH_KEY(u, name, m->watch_bus, i) {
+ Service *s = SERVICE(u);
+ assert(s);
- u = hashmap_get(m->watch_bus, *i);
- if (u)
- UNIT_VTABLE(u)->bus_name_owner_change(u, *i, NULL, *i);
+ if (!streq_ptr(s->bus_name, name)) {
+ log_unit_warning(u, "Bus name has changed from %s → %s, ignoring.", s->bus_name, name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Check if a service's bus name is in the list of currently
+ * active names */
+ if (strv_contains(names, name)) {
+ _cleanup_(sd_bus_creds_unrefp) sd_bus_creds *creds = NULL;
+ const char *unique;
+ /* If it is, determine its current owner */
+ r = sd_bus_get_name_creds(bus, name, SD_BUS_CREDS_UNIQUE_NAME, &creds);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_error_errno(r, "Failed to get bus name owner %s: %m", name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ r = sd_bus_creds_get_unique_name(creds, &unique);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_error_errno(r, "Failed to get unique name for %s: %m", name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Now, let's compare that to the previous bus owner, and
+ * if it's still the same, all is fine, so just don't
+ * bother the service. Otherwise, the name has apparently
+ * changed, so synthesize a name owner changed signal. */
+ if (!streq_ptr(unique, s->bus_name_owner))
+ UNIT_VTABLE(u)->bus_name_owner_change(u, name, s->bus_name_owner, unique);
+ } else {
+ /* So, the name we're watching is not on the bus.
+ * This either means it simply hasn't appeared yet,
+ * or it was lost during the daemon reload.
+ * Check if the service has a stored name owner,
+ * and synthesize a name loss signal in this case. */
+ if (s->bus_name_owner)
+ UNIT_VTABLE(u)->bus_name_owner_change(u, name, s->bus_name_owner, NULL);
+ }
return 0;
@@ -808,7 +850,9 @@ static int bus_setup_api(Manager *m, sd_bus *bus) {
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to register name: %m");
- bus_list_names(m, bus);
+ r = manager_sync_bus_names(m, bus);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
log_debug("Successfully connected to API bus.");
return 0;
diff --git a/src/core/dbus.h b/src/core/dbus.h
index 4f06ad11c4..ff761668f3 100644
--- a/src/core/dbus.h
+++ b/src/core/dbus.h
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ void bus_track_serialize(sd_bus_track *t, FILE *f);
int bus_track_deserialize_item(char ***l, const char *line);
int bus_track_coldplug(Manager *m, sd_bus_track **t, char ***l);
+int manager_sync_bus_names(Manager *m, sd_bus *bus);
int bus_foreach_bus(Manager *m, sd_bus_track *subscribed2, int (*send_message)(sd_bus *bus, void *userdata), void *userdata);
int bus_verify_manage_units_async(Manager *m, sd_bus_message *call, sd_bus_error *error);
diff --git a/src/core/manager.c b/src/core/manager.c
index 34dd715e93..711b0cdcee 100644
--- a/src/core/manager.c
+++ b/src/core/manager.c
@@ -380,6 +380,9 @@ static int enable_special_signals(Manager *m) {
+ if (m->test_run)
+ return 0;
/* Enable that we get SIGINT on control-alt-del. In containers
* this will fail with EPERM (older) or EINVAL (newer), so
* ignore that. */
@@ -1885,23 +1888,21 @@ static int manager_dispatch_signal_fd(sd_event_source *source, int fd, uint32_t
switch (sfsi.ssi_signo - SIGRTMIN) {
case 20:
- log_debug("Enabling showing of status.");
manager_set_show_status(m, SHOW_STATUS_YES);
case 21:
- log_debug("Disabling showing of status.");
manager_set_show_status(m, SHOW_STATUS_NO);
case 22:
- log_notice("Setting log level to debug.");
+ log_info("Setting log level to debug.");
case 23:
- log_notice("Setting log level to info.");
+ log_info("Setting log level to info.");
case 24:
@@ -2576,6 +2577,10 @@ int manager_reload(Manager *m) {
/* Third, fire things up! */
+ /* Sync current state of bus names with our set of listening units */
+ if (m->api_bus)
+ manager_sync_bus_names(m, m->api_bus);
assert(m->n_reloading > 0);
@@ -2961,6 +2966,9 @@ void manager_set_show_status(Manager *m, ShowStatus mode) {
if (m->running_as != MANAGER_SYSTEM)
+ if (m->show_status != mode)
+ log_debug("%s showing of status.",
+ mode == SHOW_STATUS_NO ? "Disabling" : "Enabling");
m->show_status = mode;
if (mode > 0)
diff --git a/src/core/mount-setup.c b/src/core/mount-setup.c
index 2b8d590ed1..d73b319c5d 100644
--- a/src/core/mount-setup.c
+++ b/src/core/mount-setup.c
@@ -304,13 +304,18 @@ int mount_cgroup_controllers(char ***join_controllers) {
return log_oom();
r = symlink(options, t);
- if (r < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
- return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to create symlink %s: %m", t);
+ if (r >= 0) {
- r = mac_smack_copy(t, options);
- if (r < 0 && r != -EOPNOTSUPP)
- return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to copy smack label from %s to %s: %m", options, t);
+ _cleanup_free_ char *src;
+ src = strappend("/sys/fs/cgroup/", options);
+ if (!src)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = mac_smack_copy(t, src);
+ if (r < 0 && r != -EOPNOTSUPP)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to copy smack label from %s to %s: %m", src, t);
+ } else if (errno != EEXIST)
+ return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to create symlink %s: %m", t);
diff --git a/src/core/service.c b/src/core/service.c
index 41a729c421..c5b689a35c 100644
--- a/src/core/service.c
+++ b/src/core/service.c
@@ -323,6 +323,8 @@ static void service_done(Unit *u) {
s->bus_name = mfree(s->bus_name);
+ s->bus_name_owner = mfree(s->bus_name_owner);
s->bus_endpoint_fd = safe_close(s->bus_endpoint_fd);
@@ -2122,6 +2124,7 @@ static int service_serialize(Unit *u, FILE *f, FDSet *fds) {
unit_serialize_item(u, f, "main-pid-known", yes_no(s->main_pid_known));
unit_serialize_item(u, f, "bus-name-good", yes_no(s->bus_name_good));
+ unit_serialize_item(u, f, "bus-name-owner", s->bus_name_owner);
r = unit_serialize_item_escaped(u, f, "status-text", s->status_text);
if (r < 0)
@@ -2249,6 +2252,10 @@ static int service_deserialize_item(Unit *u, const char *key, const char *value,
log_unit_debug(u, "Failed to parse bus-name-good value: %s", value);
s->bus_name_good = b;
+ } else if (streq(key, "bus-name-owner")) {
+ r = free_and_strdup(&s->bus_name_owner, value);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_unit_error_errno(u, r, "Unable to deserialize current bus owner %s: %m", value);
} else if (streq(key, "status-text")) {
char *t;
@@ -3134,6 +3141,13 @@ static void service_bus_name_owner_change(
s->bus_name_good = !!new_owner;
+ /* Track the current owner, so we can reconstruct changes after a daemon reload */
+ r = free_and_strdup(&s->bus_name_owner, new_owner);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_unit_error_errno(u, r, "Unable to set new bus name owner %s: %m", new_owner);
+ return;
+ }
if (s->type == SERVICE_DBUS) {
/* service_enter_running() will figure out what to
diff --git a/src/core/service.h b/src/core/service.h
index d0faad88e0..19efbccfc7 100644
--- a/src/core/service.h
+++ b/src/core/service.h
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ struct Service {
bool reset_cpu_usage:1;
char *bus_name;
+ char *bus_name_owner; /* unique name of the current owner */
char *status_text;
int status_errno;
diff --git a/src/core/socket.c b/src/core/socket.c
index 7beec3644e..2e4173aabc 100644
--- a/src/core/socket.c
+++ b/src/core/socket.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <linux/sctp.h>
#include "sd-event.h"
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "bus-error.h"
#include "bus-util.h"
@@ -156,14 +156,16 @@ static void socket_done(Unit *u) {
s->tcp_congestion = mfree(s->tcp_congestion);
s->bind_to_device = mfree(s->bind_to_device);
- free(s->smack);
- free(s->smack_ip_in);
- free(s->smack_ip_out);
+ s->smack = mfree(s->smack);
+ s->smack_ip_in = mfree(s->smack_ip_in);
+ s->smack_ip_out = mfree(s->smack_ip_out);
- free(s->user);
- free(s->group);
+ s->user = mfree(s->user);
+ s->group = mfree(s->group);
+ s->fdname = mfree(s->fdname);
s->timer_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(s->timer_event_source);
@@ -875,8 +877,14 @@ static void socket_apply_socket_options(Socket *s, int fd) {
if (s->no_delay) {
int b = s->no_delay;
- if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &b, sizeof(b)) < 0)
- log_unit_warning_errno(UNIT(s), errno, "TCP_NODELAY failed: %m");
+ if (s->socket_protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP) {
+ if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SCTP, SCTP_NODELAY, &b, sizeof(b)) < 0)
+ log_unit_warning_errno(UNIT(s), errno, "SCTP_NODELAY failed: %m");
+ } else {
+ if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &b, sizeof(b)) < 0)
+ log_unit_warning_errno(UNIT(s), errno, "TCP_NODELAY failed: %m");
+ }
if (s->broadcast) {
diff --git a/src/hostname/hostnamed.c b/src/hostname/hostnamed.c
index d383041d39..84605fa267 100644
--- a/src/hostname/hostnamed.c
+++ b/src/hostname/hostnamed.c
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ try_dmi:
unreliable enough, so let's not do any additional guesswork
on top of that.
- See the SMBIOS Specification 4.0 section 7.4.1 for
+ See the SMBIOS Specification 3.0 section 7.4.1 for
details about the values listed here:
diff --git a/src/journal-remote/journal-remote.c b/src/journal-remote/journal-remote.c
index b2f5fbf6b4..3f93e85232 100644
--- a/src/journal-remote/journal-remote.c
+++ b/src/journal-remote/journal-remote.c
@@ -1181,6 +1181,7 @@ static DEFINE_CONFIG_PARSE_ENUM(config_parse_write_split_mode,
static int parse_config(void) {
const ConfigTableItem items[] = {
+ { "Remote", "Seal", config_parse_bool, 0, &arg_seal },
{ "Remote", "SplitMode", config_parse_write_split_mode, 0, &arg_split_mode },
{ "Remote", "ServerKeyFile", config_parse_path, 0, &arg_key },
{ "Remote", "ServerCertificateFile", config_parse_path, 0, &arg_cert },
diff --git a/src/journal-remote/ b/src/journal-remote/
index 3e32f34def..7122d63362 100644
--- a/src/journal-remote/
+++ b/src/journal-remote/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# Seal=false
# SplitMode=host
# ServerKeyFile=@CERTIFICATEROOT@/private/journal-remote.pem
# ServerCertificateFile=@CERTIFICATEROOT@/certs/journal-remote.pem
diff --git a/src/journal/compress.c b/src/journal/compress.c
index 1a3d2cdd80..1828165894 100644
--- a/src/journal/compress.c
+++ b/src/journal/compress.c
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ static const char* const object_compressed_table[_OBJECT_COMPRESSED_MAX] = {
DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(object_compressed, int);
-int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_size) {
+int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size) {
#ifdef HAVE_XZ
static const lzma_options_lzma opt = {
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_
assert(src_size > 0);
+ assert(dst_alloc_size > 0);
/* Returns < 0 if we couldn't compress the data or the
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_
return -ENOBUFS;
ret = lzma_stream_buffer_encode((lzma_filter*) filters, LZMA_CHECK_NONE, NULL,
- src, src_size, dst, &out_pos, src_size - 1);
+ src, src_size, dst, &out_pos, dst_alloc_size);
if (ret != LZMA_OK)
return -ENOBUFS;
@@ -94,13 +96,15 @@ int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_
-int compress_blob_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_size) {
+int compress_blob_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size) {
#ifdef HAVE_LZ4
int r;
assert(src_size > 0);
+ assert(dst_alloc_size > 0);
/* Returns < 0 if we couldn't compress the data or the
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ int compress_blob_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst
if (src_size < 9)
return -ENOBUFS;
- r = LZ4_compress_limitedOutput(src, dst + 8, src_size, src_size - 8 - 1);
+ r = LZ4_compress_limitedOutput(src, dst + 8, src_size, (int) dst_alloc_size - 8);
if (r <= 0)
return -ENOBUFS;
@@ -306,6 +310,7 @@ int decompress_startswith_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
* prefix */
int r;
+ size_t size;
assert(src_size > 0);
@@ -322,10 +327,18 @@ int decompress_startswith_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
r = LZ4_decompress_safe_partial(src + 8, *buffer, src_size - 8,
prefix_len + 1, *buffer_size);
+ if (r >= 0)
+ size = (unsigned) r;
+ else {
+ /* lz4 always tries to decode full "sequence", so in
+ * pathological cases might need to decompress the
+ * full field. */
+ r = decompress_blob_lz4(src, src_size, buffer, buffer_size, &size, 0);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
- if (r < 0)
- return -EBADMSG;
- if ((unsigned) r >= prefix_len + 1)
+ if (size >= prefix_len + 1)
return memcmp(*buffer, prefix, prefix_len) == 0 &&
((const uint8_t*) *buffer)[prefix_len] == extra;
@@ -438,7 +451,7 @@ int compress_stream_lz4(int fdf, int fdt, uint64_t max_bytes) {
_cleanup_(LZ4F_freeCompressionContextp) LZ4F_compressionContext_t ctx = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ char *buf = NULL;
char *src = NULL;
- size_t size, n, total_in = 0, total_out = 0, offset = 0, frame_size;
+ size_t size, n, total_in = 0, total_out, offset = 0, frame_size;
struct stat st;
int r;
static const LZ4F_compressOptions_t options = {
@@ -461,7 +474,7 @@ int compress_stream_lz4(int fdf, int fdt, uint64_t max_bytes) {
if (!buf)
return -ENOMEM;
- n = offset = LZ4F_compressBegin(ctx, buf, size, &preferences);
+ n = offset = total_out = LZ4F_compressBegin(ctx, buf, size, &preferences);
if (LZ4F_isError(n))
return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/src/journal/compress.h b/src/journal/compress.h
index 9a065eb763..758598730a 100644
--- a/src/journal/compress.h
+++ b/src/journal/compress.h
@@ -28,17 +28,20 @@
const char* object_compressed_to_string(int compression);
int object_compressed_from_string(const char *compression);
-int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_size);
-int compress_blob_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_size);
+int compress_blob_xz(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size);
+int compress_blob_lz4(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size);
-static inline int compress_blob(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_size) {
+static inline int compress_blob(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
+ void *dst, size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size) {
int r;
#ifdef HAVE_LZ4
- r = compress_blob_lz4(src, src_size, dst, dst_size);
+ r = compress_blob_lz4(src, src_size, dst, dst_alloc_size, dst_size);
if (r == 0)
- r = compress_blob_xz(src, src_size, dst, dst_size);
+ r = compress_blob_xz(src, src_size, dst, dst_alloc_size, dst_size);
if (r == 0)
diff --git a/src/journal/journal-file.c b/src/journal/journal-file.c
index 6f09301521..9e362bacae 100644
--- a/src/journal/journal-file.c
+++ b/src/journal/journal-file.c
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ static int journal_file_append_data(
size_t rsize = 0;
- compression = compress_blob(data, size, o->data.payload, &rsize);
+ compression = compress_blob(data, size, o->data.payload, size - 1, &rsize);
if (compression >= 0) {
o->object.size = htole64(offsetof(Object, data.payload) + rsize);
diff --git a/src/journal/sd-journal.c b/src/journal/sd-journal.c
index 5cde7f17f7..cd5160154a 100644
--- a/src/journal/sd-journal.c
+++ b/src/journal/sd-journal.c
@@ -1940,10 +1940,14 @@ _public_ int sd_journal_get_data(sd_journal *j, const char *field, const void **
compression = o->object.flags & OBJECT_COMPRESSION_MASK;
if (compression) {
#if defined(HAVE_XZ) || defined(HAVE_LZ4)
- if (decompress_startswith(compression,
+ r = decompress_startswith(compression,
o->data.payload, l,
&f->compress_buffer, &f->compress_buffer_size,
- field, field_length, '=')) {
+ field, field_length, '=');
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_debug_errno(r, "Cannot decompress %s object of length %zu at offset "OFSfmt": %m",
+ object_compressed_to_string(compression), l, p);
+ else if (r > 0) {
size_t rsize;
diff --git a/src/journal/test-compress-benchmark.c b/src/journal/test-compress-benchmark.c
index 93ea9c6318..baed0d82a4 100644
--- a/src/journal/test-compress-benchmark.c
+++ b/src/journal/test-compress-benchmark.c
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
#include "string-util.h"
#include "util.h"
-typedef int (compress_t)(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst, size_t *dst_size);
+typedef int (compress_t)(const void *src, uint64_t src_size, void *dst,
+ size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size);
typedef int (decompress_t)(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
void **dst, size_t *dst_alloc_size, size_t* dst_size, size_t dst_max);
@@ -111,8 +112,8 @@ static void test_compress_decompress(const char* label, const char* type,
memzero(buf, MIN(size + 1000, MAX_SIZE));
- r = compress(text, size, buf, &j);
- /* assume compression must be successful except for small inputs */
+ r = compress(text, size, buf, size, &j);
+ /* assume compression must be successful except for small or random inputs */
assert_se(r == 0 || (size < 2048 && r == -ENOBUFS) || streq(type, "random"));
/* check for overwrites */
diff --git a/src/journal/test-compress.c b/src/journal/test-compress.c
index b9d90a8988..68c9a4d76c 100644
--- a/src/journal/test-compress.c
+++ b/src/journal/test-compress.c
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+#ifdef HAVE_LZ4
+#include <lz4.h>
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "compress.h"
#include "fd-util.h"
@@ -38,7 +42,7 @@
typedef int (compress_blob_t)(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
- void *dst, size_t *dst_size);
+ void *dst, size_t dst_alloc_size, size_t *dst_size);
typedef int (decompress_blob_t)(const void *src, uint64_t src_size,
void **dst, size_t *dst_alloc_size,
size_t* dst_size, size_t dst_max);
@@ -57,15 +61,14 @@ static void test_compress_decompress(int compression,
size_t data_len,
bool may_fail) {
char compressed[512];
- size_t csize = 512;
- size_t usize = 0;
+ size_t csize, usize = 0;
_cleanup_free_ char *decompressed = NULL;
int r;
log_info("/* testing %s %s blob compression/decompression */",
object_compressed_to_string(compression), data);
- r = compress(data, data_len, compressed, &csize);
+ r = compress(data, data_len, compressed, sizeof(compressed), &csize);
if (r == -ENOBUFS) {
log_info_errno(r, "compression failed: %m");
@@ -101,43 +104,45 @@ static void test_decompress_startswith(int compression,
size_t data_len,
bool may_fail) {
- char compressed[512];
- size_t csize = 512;
- size_t usize = 0;
- _cleanup_free_ char *decompressed = NULL;
+ char *compressed;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *compressed1 = NULL, *compressed2 = NULL, *decompressed = NULL;
+ size_t csize, usize = 0, len;
int r;
- log_info("/* testing decompress_startswith with %s on %s text*/",
+ log_info("/* testing decompress_startswith with %s on %.20s text*/",
object_compressed_to_string(compression), data);
- r = compress(data, data_len, compressed, &csize);
+#define BUFSIZE_1 512
+#define BUFSIZE_2 20000
+ compressed = compressed1 = malloc(BUFSIZE_1);
+ assert_se(compressed1);
+ r = compress(data, data_len, compressed, BUFSIZE_1, &csize);
if (r == -ENOBUFS) {
log_info_errno(r, "compression failed: %m");
- return;
+ compressed = compressed2 = malloc(BUFSIZE_2);
+ assert_se(compressed2);
+ r = compress(data, data_len, compressed, BUFSIZE_2, &csize);
+ assert(r == 0);
assert_se(r == 0);
- assert_se(decompress_sw(compressed,
- csize,
- (void **) &decompressed,
- &usize,
- data, strlen(data), '\0') > 0);
- assert_se(decompress_sw(compressed,
- csize,
- (void **) &decompressed,
- &usize,
- data, strlen(data), 'w') == 0);
- assert_se(decompress_sw(compressed,
- csize,
- (void **) &decompressed,
- &usize,
- "barbarbar", 9, ' ') == 0);
- assert_se(decompress_sw(compressed,
- csize,
- (void **) &decompressed,
- &usize,
- data, strlen(data), '\0') > 0);
+ len = strlen(data);
+ r = decompress_sw(compressed, csize, (void **) &decompressed, &usize, data, len, '\0');
+ assert_se(r > 0);
+ r = decompress_sw(compressed, csize, (void **) &decompressed, &usize, data, len, 'w');
+ assert_se(r == 0);
+ r = decompress_sw(compressed, csize, (void **) &decompressed, &usize, "barbarbar", 9, ' ');
+ assert_se(r == 0);
+ r = decompress_sw(compressed, csize, (void **) &decompressed, &usize, data, len - 1, data[len-1]);
+ assert_se(r > 0);
+ r = decompress_sw(compressed, csize, (void **) &decompressed, &usize, data, len - 1, 'w');
+ assert_se(r == 0);
+ r = decompress_sw(compressed, csize, (void **) &decompressed, &usize, data, len, '\0');
+ assert_se(r > 0);
static void test_compress_stream(int compression,
@@ -199,6 +204,44 @@ static void test_compress_stream(int compression,
assert_se(unlink(pattern2) == 0);
+#ifdef HAVE_LZ4
+static void test_lz4_decompress_partial(void) {
+ char buf[20000];
+ size_t buf_size = sizeof(buf), compressed;
+ int r;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *huge = NULL;
+#define HUGE_SIZE (4096*1024)
+ huge = malloc(HUGE_SIZE);
+ memset(huge, 'x', HUGE_SIZE);
+ memcpy(huge, "HUGE=", 5);
+ r = LZ4_compress_limitedOutput(huge, buf, HUGE_SIZE, buf_size);
+ assert_se(r >= 0);
+ compressed = r;
+ log_info("Compressed %i → %zu", HUGE_SIZE, compressed);
+ r = LZ4_decompress_safe(buf, huge, r, HUGE_SIZE);
+ assert_se(r >= 0);
+ log_info("Decompressed → %i", r);
+ r = LZ4_decompress_safe_partial(buf, huge,
+ compressed,
+ 12, HUGE_SIZE);
+ assert_se(r >= 0);
+ log_info("Decompressed partial %i/%i → %i", 12, HUGE_SIZE, r);
+ /* We expect this to fail, because that's how current lz4 works. If this
+ * call succeeds, then lz4 has been fixed, and we need to change our code.
+ */
+ r = LZ4_decompress_safe_partial(buf, huge,
+ compressed,
+ 12, HUGE_SIZE-1);
+ assert_se(r < 0);
+ log_info("Decompressed partial %i/%i → %i", 12, HUGE_SIZE-1, r);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const char text[] =
"text\0foofoofoofoo AAAA aaaaaaaaa ghost busters barbarbar FFF"
@@ -206,6 +249,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char data[512] = "random\0";
+ char huge[4096*1024];
+ memset(huge, 'x', sizeof(huge));
+ memcpy(huge, "HUGE=", 5);
+ char_array_0(huge);
random_bytes(data + 7, sizeof(data) - 7);
@@ -215,12 +263,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
text, sizeof(text), false);
test_compress_decompress(OBJECT_COMPRESSED_XZ, compress_blob_xz, decompress_blob_xz,
data, sizeof(data), true);
compress_blob_xz, decompress_startswith_xz,
text, sizeof(text), false);
compress_blob_xz, decompress_startswith_xz,
data, sizeof(data), true);
+ test_decompress_startswith(OBJECT_COMPRESSED_XZ,
+ compress_blob_xz, decompress_startswith_xz,
+ huge, sizeof(huge), true);
test_compress_stream(OBJECT_COMPRESSED_XZ, "xzcat",
compress_stream_xz, decompress_stream_xz, argv[0]);
@@ -232,15 +285,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
text, sizeof(text), false);
test_compress_decompress(OBJECT_COMPRESSED_LZ4, compress_blob_lz4, decompress_blob_lz4,
data, sizeof(data), true);
compress_blob_lz4, decompress_startswith_lz4,
text, sizeof(text), false);
compress_blob_lz4, decompress_startswith_lz4,
data, sizeof(data), true);
+ test_decompress_startswith(OBJECT_COMPRESSED_LZ4,
+ compress_blob_lz4, decompress_startswith_lz4,
+ huge, sizeof(huge), true);
test_compress_stream(OBJECT_COMPRESSED_LZ4, "lz4cat",
compress_stream_lz4, decompress_stream_lz4, argv[0]);
+ test_lz4_decompress_partial();
log_info("/* LZ4 test skipped */");
diff --git a/src/libsystemd-network/sd-lldp.c b/src/libsystemd-network/sd-lldp.c
index d3ea74404b..1c696f9ef0 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd-network/sd-lldp.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd-network/sd-lldp.c
@@ -145,12 +145,9 @@ static int lldp_receive_frame(sd_lldp *lldp, tlv_packet *tlv) {
/* 10.3.2 LLDPDU validation: rxProcessFrame() */
int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
+ bool system_description = false, system_name = false, chassis_id = false;
+ bool malformed = false, port_id = false, ttl = false, end = false;
uint16_t type, len, i, l, t;
- bool chassis_id = false;
- bool malformed = false;
- bool port_id = false;
- bool ttl = false;
- bool end = false;
lldp_port *port;
uint8_t *p, *q;
sd_lldp *lldp;
@@ -163,8 +160,7 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
lldp = (sd_lldp *) port->userdata;
if (lldp->port->status == LLDP_PORT_STATUS_DISABLED) {
- log_lldp("Port is disabled : %s . Dropping ...",
- lldp->port->ifname);
+ log_lldp("Port: %s is disabled. Dropping.", lldp->port->ifname);
goto out;
@@ -182,8 +178,7 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
if (type == LLDP_TYPE_END) {
if (len != 0) {
- log_lldp("TLV type end is not length 0. Length:%d received . Dropping ...",
- len);
+ log_lldp("TLV type end must be length 0 (not %d). Dropping.", len);
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -193,8 +188,7 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
} else if (type >=_LLDP_TYPE_MAX) {
- log_lldp("TLV type not recognized %d . Dropping ...",
- type);
+ log_lldp("TLV type: %d not recognized. Dropping.", type);
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -209,7 +203,7 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
if (i <= 3) {
if (i != type) {
- log_lldp("TLV missing or out of order. Dropping ...");
+ log_lldp("TLV missing or out of order. Dropping.");
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -220,25 +214,22 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
if (len < 2) {
- log_lldp("Received malformed Chassis ID TLV len = %d. Dropping",
- len);
+ log_lldp("Received malformed Chassis ID TLV length: %d. Dropping.", len);
malformed = true;
goto out;
if (chassis_id) {
- log_lldp("Duplicate Chassis ID TLV found. Dropping ...");
+ log_lldp("Duplicate Chassis ID TLV found. Dropping.");
malformed = true;
goto out;
/* Look what subtype it has */
- log_lldp("Unknown subtype: %d found in Chassis ID TLV . Dropping ...",
- *q);
+ log_lldp("Unknown subtype: %d found in Chassis ID TLV. Dropping.", *q);
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -251,25 +242,22 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
if (len < 2) {
- log_lldp("Received malformed Port ID TLV len = %d. Dropping",
- len);
+ log_lldp("Received malformed Port ID TLV length: %d. Dropping.", len);
malformed = true;
goto out;
if (port_id) {
- log_lldp("Duplicate Port ID TLV found. Dropping ...");
+ log_lldp("Duplicate Port ID TLV found. Dropping.");
malformed = true;
goto out;
/* Look what subtype it has */
- log_lldp("Unknown subtype: %d found in Port ID TLV . Dropping ...",
- *q);
+ log_lldp("Unknown subtype: %d found in Port ID TLV. Dropping.", *q);
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -282,16 +270,14 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
if(len != 2) {
- log_lldp(
- "Received invalid lenth: %d TTL TLV. Dropping ...",
- len);
+ log_lldp("Received invalid TTL TLV lenth: %d. Dropping.", len);
malformed = true;
goto out;
if (ttl) {
- log_lldp("Duplicate TTL TLV found. Dropping ...");
+ log_lldp("Duplicate TTL TLV found. Dropping.");
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -300,11 +286,45 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
ttl = true;
+ /* According to RFC 1035 the length of a FQDN is limited to 255 characters */
+ if (len > 255) {
+ log_lldp("Received invalid system name length: %d. Dropping.", len);
+ malformed = true;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (system_name) {
+ log_lldp("Duplicate system name found. Dropping.");
+ malformed = true;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ system_name = true;
+ break;
+ /* 0 <= n <= 255 octets */
+ if (len > 255) {
+ log_lldp("Received invalid system description length: %d. Dropping.", len);
+ malformed = true;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (system_description) {
+ log_lldp("Duplicate system description found. Dropping.");
+ malformed = true;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ system_description = true;
+ break;
if (len == 0) {
- log_lldp("TLV type = %d's, length 0 received . Dropping ...",
- type);
+ log_lldp("TLV type: %d length 0 received. Dropping.", type);
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -314,7 +334,7 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
if(!chassis_id || !port_id || !ttl || !end) {
- log_lldp( "One or more mandotory TLV missing . Dropping ...");
+ log_lldp("One or more mandatory TLV missing. Dropping.");
malformed = true;
goto out;
@@ -323,7 +343,7 @@ int lldp_handle_packet(tlv_packet *tlv, uint16_t length) {
r = tlv_packet_parse_pdu(tlv, length);
if (r < 0) {
- log_lldp( "Failed to parse the TLV. Dropping ...");
+ log_lldp("Failed to parse the TLV. Dropping.");
malformed = true;
goto out;
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.c b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.c
index 8d486fcbbd..6e2594d001 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.c
@@ -67,12 +67,14 @@ BUS_ERROR_MAP_ELF_REGISTER const sd_bus_error_map bus_common_errors[] = {
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.h b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.h
index f2092795f4..9e49725843 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.h
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/bus-common-errors.h
@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@
#define BUS_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES "org.freedesktop.resolve1.NoResources"
#define BUS_ERROR_CNAME_LOOP "org.freedesktop.resolve1.CNameLoop"
#define BUS_ERROR_ABORTED "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Aborted"
+#define BUS_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILURE "org.freedesktop.resolve1.ConnectionFailure"
+#define BUS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.resolve1.NoSuchService"
+#define BUS_ERROR_DNSSEC_FAILED "org.freedesktop.resolve1.DnssecFailed"
+#define BUS_ERROR_NO_TRUST_ANCHOR "org.freedesktop.resolve1.NoTrustAnchor"
#define _BUS_ERROR_DNS "org.freedesktop.resolve1.DnsError."
#define BUS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_TRANSFER "org.freedesktop.import1.NoSuchTransfer"
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-cleanup.c b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-cleanup.c
index 1c3ccda364..cbc450fdb2 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-cleanup.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-cleanup.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static void test_bus_new(void) {
static int test_bus_open(void) {
- _cleanup_(sd_bus_unrefp) sd_bus *bus = NULL;
+ _cleanup_(sd_bus_flush_close_unrefp) sd_bus *bus = NULL;
int r;
r = sd_bus_open_system(&bus);
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ static void test_bus_new_method_call(void) {
printf("after message_new_method_call: refcount %u\n", REFCNT_GET(bus->n_ref));
- sd_bus_unref(bus);
- printf("after bus_unref: refcount %u\n", m->n_ref);
+ sd_bus_flush_close_unref(bus);
+ printf("after bus_flush_close_unref: refcount %u\n", m->n_ref);
static void test_bus_new_signal(void) {
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ static void test_bus_new_signal(void) {
printf("after message_new_signal: refcount %u\n", REFCNT_GET(bus->n_ref));
- sd_bus_unref(bus);
- printf("after bus_unref: refcount %u\n", m->n_ref);
+ sd_bus_flush_close_unref(bus);
+ printf("after bus_flush_close_unref: refcount %u\n", m->n_ref);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-marshal.c b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-marshal.c
index 077cc6ddac..b9d1ea5217 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-marshal.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-bus/test-bus-marshal.c
@@ -246,6 +246,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
log_error("%s", error.message);
+ dbus_error_free(&error);
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-event/sd-event.c b/src/libsystemd/sd-event/sd-event.c
index 3191b458d1..7fccbd1a71 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-event/sd-event.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-event/sd-event.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "process-util.h"
#include "set.h"
#include "signal-util.h"
+#include "string-table.h"
#include "string-util.h"
#include "time-util.h"
#include "util.h"
@@ -60,6 +61,23 @@ typedef enum EventSourceType {
} EventSourceType;
+static const char* const event_source_type_table[_SOURCE_EVENT_SOURCE_TYPE_MAX] = {
+ [SOURCE_IO] = "io",
+ [SOURCE_TIME_REALTIME] = "realtime",
+ [SOURCE_TIME_BOOTTIME] = "bootime",
+ [SOURCE_TIME_MONOTONIC] = "monotonic",
+ [SOURCE_TIME_REALTIME_ALARM] = "realtime-alarm",
+ [SOURCE_TIME_BOOTTIME_ALARM] = "boottime-alarm",
+ [SOURCE_SIGNAL] = "signal",
+ [SOURCE_CHILD] = "child",
+ [SOURCE_DEFER] = "defer",
+ [SOURCE_POST] = "post",
+ [SOURCE_EXIT] = "exit",
+ [SOURCE_WATCHDOG] = "watchdog",
/* All objects we use in epoll events start with this value, so that
* we know how to dispatch it */
typedef enum WakeupType {
@@ -482,7 +500,8 @@ static void source_io_unregister(sd_event_source *s) {
r = epoll_ctl(s->event->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, s->io.fd, NULL);
if (r < 0)
- log_debug_errno(errno, "Failed to remove source %s from epoll: %m", strna(s->description));
+ log_debug_errno(errno, "Failed to remove source %s (type %s) from epoll: %m",
+ strna(s->description), event_source_type_to_string(s->type));
s->io.registered = false;
@@ -2281,12 +2300,9 @@ static int source_dispatch(sd_event_source *s) {
s->dispatching = false;
- if (r < 0) {
- if (s->description)
- log_debug_errno(r, "Event source '%s' returned error, disabling: %m", s->description);
- else
- log_debug_errno(r, "Event source %p returned error, disabling: %m", s);
- }
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_debug_errno(r, "Event source %s (type %s) returned error, disabling: %m",
+ strna(s->description), event_source_type_to_string(s->type));
if (s->n_ref == 0)
@@ -2319,12 +2335,9 @@ static int event_prepare(sd_event *e) {
r = s->prepare(s, s->userdata);
s->dispatching = false;
- if (r < 0) {
- if (s->description)
- log_debug_errno(r, "Prepare callback of event source '%s' returned error, disabling: %m", s->description);
- else
- log_debug_errno(r, "Prepare callback of event source %p returned error, disabling: %m", s);
- }
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_debug_errno(r, "Prepare callback of event source %s (type %s) returned error, disabling: %m",
+ strna(s->description), event_source_type_to_string(s->type));
if (s->n_ref == 0)
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-network/sd-network.c b/src/libsystemd/sd-network/sd-network.c
index efbceba83d..c1f5867ee4 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-network/sd-network.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-network/sd-network.c
@@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ _public_ int sd_network_get_domains(char ***ret) {
return network_get_strv("DOMAINS", ret);
-_public_ int sd_network_link_get_setup_state(int ifindex, char **state) {
+static int network_link_get_string(int ifindex, const char *field, char **ret) {
_cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *p = NULL;
int r;
assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
- assert_return(state, -EINVAL);
+ assert_return(ret, -EINVAL);
- if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%d", ifindex) < 0)
+ if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%i", ifindex) < 0)
return -ENOMEM;
- r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, "ADMIN_STATE", &s, NULL);
+ r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, field, &s, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT)
return -ENODATA;
if (r < 0)
@@ -117,82 +117,72 @@ _public_ int sd_network_link_get_setup_state(int ifindex, char **state) {
if (isempty(s))
return -ENODATA;
- *state = s;
+ *ret = s;
s = NULL;
return 0;
-_public_ int sd_network_link_get_network_file(int ifindex, char **filename) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *p = NULL;
+static int network_link_get_strv(int ifindex, const char *key, char ***ret) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL, *s = NULL;
+ _cleanup_strv_free_ char **a = NULL;
int r;
assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
- assert_return(filename, -EINVAL);
+ assert_return(ret, -EINVAL);
if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%d", ifindex) < 0)
return -ENOMEM;
- r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, "NETWORK_FILE", &s, NULL);
+ r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, key, &s, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT)
return -ENODATA;
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (isempty(s))
- return -ENODATA;
- *filename = s;
- s = NULL;
+ if (isempty(s)) {
+ *ret = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
- return 0;
+ a = strv_split(s, " ");
+ if (!a)
+ return -ENOMEM;
-_public_ int sd_network_link_get_operational_state(int ifindex, char **state) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *p = NULL;
- int r;
+ strv_uniq(a);
+ r = strv_length(a);
- assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
- assert_return(state, -EINVAL);
+ *ret = a;
+ a = NULL;
- if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%d", ifindex) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return r;
- r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, "OPER_STATE", &s, NULL);
- if (r == -ENOENT)
- return -ENODATA;
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (isempty(s))
- return -ENODATA;
+_public_ int sd_network_link_get_setup_state(int ifindex, char **state) {
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "ADMIN_STATE", state);
- *state = s;
- s = NULL;
+_public_ int sd_network_link_get_network_file(int ifindex, char **filename) {
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "NETWORK_FILE", filename);
- return 0;
+_public_ int sd_network_link_get_operational_state(int ifindex, char **state) {
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "OPER_STATE", state);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_llmnr(int ifindex, char **llmnr) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *p = NULL;
- int r;
- assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
- assert_return(llmnr, -EINVAL);
- if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%d", ifindex) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "LLMNR", llmnr);
- r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, "LLMNR", &s, NULL);
- if (r == -ENOENT)
- return -ENODATA;
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (isempty(s))
- return -ENODATA;
+_public_ int sd_network_link_get_mdns(int ifindex, char **mdns) {
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "MDNS", mdns);
- *llmnr = s;
- s = NULL;
+_public_ int sd_network_link_get_dnssec(int ifindex, char **dnssec) {
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "DNSSEC", dnssec);
- return 0;
+_public_ int sd_network_link_get_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(int ifindex, char ***nta) {
+ return network_link_get_strv(ifindex, "DNSSEC_NTA", nta);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_lldp(int ifindex, char **lldp) {
@@ -221,85 +211,32 @@ _public_ int sd_network_link_get_lldp(int ifindex, char **lldp) {
int sd_network_link_get_timezone(int ifindex, char **ret) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *p = NULL;
- int r;
- assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
- assert_return(ret, -EINVAL);
- if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%d", ifindex) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, "TIMEZONE", &s, NULL);
- if (r == -ENOENT)
- return -ENODATA;
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (isempty(s))
- return -ENODATA;
- *ret = s;
- s = NULL;
- return 0;
-static int network_get_link_strv(const char *key, int ifindex, char ***ret) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL, *s = NULL;
- _cleanup_strv_free_ char **a = NULL;
- int r;
- assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
- assert_return(ret, -EINVAL);
- if (asprintf(&p, "/run/systemd/netif/links/%d", ifindex) < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- r = parse_env_file(p, NEWLINE, key, &s, NULL);
- if (r == -ENOENT)
- return -ENODATA;
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (isempty(s)) {
- *ret = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- a = strv_split(s, " ");
- if (!a)
- return -ENOMEM;
- strv_uniq(a);
- r = strv_length(a);
- *ret = a;
- a = NULL;
- return r;
+ return network_link_get_string(ifindex, "TIMEZONE", ret);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_dns(int ifindex, char ***ret) {
- return network_get_link_strv("DNS", ifindex, ret);
+ return network_link_get_strv(ifindex, "DNS", ret);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_ntp(int ifindex, char ***ret) {
- return network_get_link_strv("NTP", ifindex, ret);
+ return network_link_get_strv(ifindex, "NTP", ret);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_domains(int ifindex, char ***ret) {
- return network_get_link_strv("DOMAINS", ifindex, ret);
+ return network_link_get_strv(ifindex, "DOMAINS", ret);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_carrier_bound_to(int ifindex, char ***ret) {
- return network_get_link_strv("CARRIER_BOUND_TO", ifindex, ret);
+ return network_link_get_strv(ifindex, "CARRIER_BOUND_TO", ret);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_carrier_bound_by(int ifindex, char ***ret) {
- return network_get_link_strv("CARRIER_BOUND_BY", ifindex, ret);
+ return network_link_get_strv(ifindex, "CARRIER_BOUND_BY", ret);
_public_ int sd_network_link_get_wildcard_domain(int ifindex) {
- int r;
_cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL, *s = NULL;
+ int r;
assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL);
diff --git a/src/libsystemd/sd-resolve/test-resolve.c b/src/libsystemd/sd-resolve/test-resolve.c
index e78a75c9ea..ce97e81ed6 100644
--- a/src/libsystemd/sd-resolve/test-resolve.c
+++ b/src/libsystemd/sd-resolve/test-resolve.c
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (r < 0)
log_error_errno(r, "sd_resolve_getnameinfo(): %m");
- /* Wait until the two queries are completed */
- while (sd_resolve_query_is_done(q1) == 0 ||
- sd_resolve_query_is_done(q2) == 0) {
+ /* Wait until all queries are completed */
+ for (;;) {
r = sd_resolve_wait(resolve, (uint64_t) -1);
+ if (r == 0)
+ break;
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "sd_resolve_wait(): %m");
assert_not_reached("sd_resolve_wait() failed");
diff --git a/src/login/logind-dbus.c b/src/login/logind-dbus.c
index c1643cf41a..4631f5fc90 100644
--- a/src/login/logind-dbus.c
+++ b/src/login/logind-dbus.c
@@ -1944,9 +1944,9 @@ static int method_schedule_shutdown(sd_bus_message *message, void *userdata, sd_
action_multiple_sessions = "org.freedesktop.login1.halt-multiple-sessions";
action_ignore_inhibit = "org.freedesktop.login1.halt-ignore-inhibit";
} else if (streq(type, "poweroff")) {
- action = "org.freedesktop.login1.poweroff";
- action_multiple_sessions = "org.freedesktop.login1.poweroff-multiple-sessions";
- action_ignore_inhibit = "org.freedesktop.login1.poweroff-ignore-inhibit";
+ action = "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off";
+ action_multiple_sessions = "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off-multiple-sessions";
+ action_ignore_inhibit = "org.freedesktop.login1.power-off-ignore-inhibit";
} else
return sd_bus_error_setf(error, SD_BUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Unsupported shutdown type");
diff --git a/src/machine/machine-dbus.c b/src/machine/machine-dbus.c
index 9f7c9952d3..03d32c6ed7 100644
--- a/src/machine/machine-dbus.c
+++ b/src/machine/machine-dbus.c
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ int bus_machine_method_bind_mount(sd_bus_message *message, void *userdata, sd_bu
First, we start by creating a private playground in /tmp,
that we can mount MS_SLAVE. (Which is necessary, since
- MS_MOUNT cannot be applied to mounts with MS_SHARED parent
+ MS_MOVE cannot be applied to mounts with MS_SHARED parent
mounts.) */
if (!mkdtemp(mount_slave))
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-link.c b/src/network/networkd-link.c
index 9811526c6d..4a807bacc3 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-link.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-link.c
@@ -2868,6 +2868,26 @@ int link_save(Link *link) {
fprintf(f, "LLMNR=%s\n",
+ fprintf(f, "MDNS=%s\n",
+ resolve_support_to_string(link->network->mdns));
+ if (link->network->dnssec_mode != _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID)
+ fprintf(f, "DNSSEC=%s\n",
+ dnssec_mode_to_string(link->network->dnssec_mode));
+ if (!set_isempty(link->network->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors)) {
+ const char *n;
+ fputs("DNSSEC_NTA=", f);
+ space = false;
+ SET_FOREACH(n, link->network->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors, i) {
+ if (space)
+ fputc(' ', f);
+ fputs(n, f);
+ space = true;
+ }
+ fputc('\n', f);
+ }
fputs("ADDRESSES=", f);
space = false;
@@ -2881,7 +2901,6 @@ int link_save(Link *link) {
fprintf(f, "%s%s/%u", space ? " " : "", address_str, a->prefixlen);
space = true;
fputc('\n', f);
fputs("ROUTES=", f);
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf b/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf
index de2c66d153..2f2a36ccca 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf
+++ b/src/network/networkd-network-gperf.gperf
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ Network.Address, config_parse_address,
Network.Gateway, config_parse_gateway, 0, 0
Network.Domains, config_parse_domains, 0, offsetof(Network, domains)
Network.DNS, config_parse_strv, 0, offsetof(Network, dns)
-Network.LLMNR, config_parse_resolve, 0, offsetof(Network, llmnr)
+Network.LLMNR, config_parse_resolve_support, 0, offsetof(Network, llmnr)
+Network.MulticastDNS, config_parse_resolve_support, 0, offsetof(Network, mdns)
+Network.DNSSEC, config_parse_dnssec_mode, 0, offsetof(Network, dnssec_mode)
+Network.DNSSECNegativeTrustAnchors, config_parse_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors, 0, offsetof(Network, dnssec_negative_trust_anchors)
Network.NTP, config_parse_strv, 0, offsetof(Network, ntp)
Network.IPForward, config_parse_address_family_boolean_with_kernel,0, offsetof(Network, ip_forward)
Network.IPMasquerade, config_parse_bool, 0, offsetof(Network, ip_masquerade)
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-network.c b/src/network/networkd-network.c
index 29723a852f..c11cb3dcb3 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-network.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-network.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "networkd-network.h"
#include "networkd.h"
#include "parse-util.h"
+#include "set.h"
#include "stat-util.h"
#include "string-table.h"
#include "string-util.h"
@@ -121,6 +122,8 @@ static int network_load_one(Manager *manager, const char *filename) {
network->unicast_flood = true;
network->llmnr = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES;
+ network->mdns = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
+ network->dnssec_mode = _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID;
network->link_local = ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6;
@@ -275,6 +278,8 @@ void network_free(Network *network) {
+ set_free_free(network->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors);
@@ -908,3 +913,55 @@ int config_parse_dhcp_server_ntp(
n->dhcp_server_ntp = m;
+int config_parse_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(
+ const char *unit,
+ const char *filename,
+ unsigned line,
+ const char *section,
+ unsigned section_line,
+ const char *lvalue,
+ int ltype,
+ const char *rvalue,
+ void *data,
+ void *userdata) {
+ const char *p = rvalue;
+ Network *n = data;
+ int r;
+ assert(filename);
+ assert(lvalue);
+ assert(rvalue);
+ if (isempty(rvalue)) {
+ n->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors = set_free_free(n->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *w = NULL;
+ r = extract_first_word(&p, &w, NULL, 0);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_ERR, filename, line, r, "Failed to extract negative trust anchor domain, ignoring: %s", rvalue);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r == 0)
+ break;
+ r = dns_name_is_valid(w);
+ if (r <= 0) {
+ log_syntax(unit, LOG_ERR, filename, line, r, "%s is not a valid domain name, ignoring.", w);
+ continue;
+ }
+ r = set_put(n->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors, w);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ if (r > 0)
+ w = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-network.h b/src/network/networkd-network.h
index cb3a50d9ba..b07fa41abc 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-network.h
+++ b/src/network/networkd-network.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "condition.h"
+#include "resolve-util.h"
typedef struct Network Network;
@@ -144,6 +145,9 @@ struct Network {
char **domains, **dns, **ntp, **bind_carrier;
ResolveSupport llmnr;
+ ResolveSupport mdns;
+ DnssecMode dnssec_mode;
+ Set *dnssec_negative_trust_anchors;
LIST_FIELDS(Network, networks);
@@ -170,6 +174,7 @@ int config_parse_hostname(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line,
int config_parse_timezone(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
int config_parse_dhcp_server_dns(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
int config_parse_dhcp_server_ntp(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
+int config_parse_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
/* Legacy IPv4LL support */
int config_parse_ipv4ll(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-util.c b/src/network/networkd-util.c
index 2545621a93..93135bb658 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-util.c
+++ b/src/network/networkd-util.c
@@ -101,54 +101,3 @@ int config_parse_address_family_boolean_with_kernel(
return 0;
-static const char* const resolve_support_table[_RESOLVE_SUPPORT_MAX] = {
-DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(resolve_support, ResolveSupport);
-int config_parse_resolve(
- const char* unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- ResolveSupport *resolve = data;
- int k;
- assert(filename);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- assert(resolve);
- /* Our enum shall be a superset of booleans, hence first try
- * to parse as boolean, and then as enum */
- k = parse_boolean(rvalue);
- if (k > 0)
- else if (k == 0)
- *resolve = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
- else {
- ResolveSupport s;
- s = resolve_support_from_string(rvalue);
- if (s < 0){
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_ERR, filename, line, 0, "Failed to parse %s= option, ignoring: %s", lvalue, rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- *resolve = s;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/network/networkd-util.h b/src/network/networkd-util.h
index cc41aae85a..021ce4b128 100644
--- a/src/network/networkd-util.h
+++ b/src/network/networkd-util.h
@@ -33,20 +33,8 @@ typedef enum AddressFamilyBoolean {
} AddressFamilyBoolean;
-typedef enum ResolveSupport {
-} ResolveSupport;
-int config_parse_resolve(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
int config_parse_address_family_boolean(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
int config_parse_address_family_boolean_with_kernel(const char* unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
-const char* resolve_support_to_string(ResolveSupport i) _const_;
-ResolveSupport resolve_support_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
const char *address_family_boolean_to_string(AddressFamilyBoolean b) _const_;
AddressFamilyBoolean address_family_boolean_from_string(const char *s) _const_;
diff --git a/src/nspawn/nspawn-cgroup.c b/src/nspawn/nspawn-cgroup.c
index 270bcf010f..3c0e26ea5a 100644
--- a/src/nspawn/nspawn-cgroup.c
+++ b/src/nspawn/nspawn-cgroup.c
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ int chown_cgroup(pid_t pid, uid_t uid_shift) {
+ "",
diff --git a/src/nspawn/nspawn-setuid.c b/src/nspawn/nspawn-setuid.c
index aa6a16309c..014a40b243 100644
--- a/src/nspawn/nspawn-setuid.c
+++ b/src/nspawn/nspawn-setuid.c
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ int change_uid_gid(const char *user, char **_home) {
return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to set auxiliary groups: %m");
if (setresgid(gid, gid, gid) < 0)
- return log_error_errno(errno, "setregid() failed: %m");
+ return log_error_errno(errno, "setresgid() failed: %m");
if (setresuid(uid, uid, uid) < 0)
- return log_error_errno(errno, "setreuid() failed: %m");
+ return log_error_errno(errno, "setresuid() failed: %m");
if (_home) {
*_home = home;
diff --git a/src/resolve-host/resolve-host.c b/src/resolve-host/resolve-host.c
index 0f154d9798..2cabfeaefa 100644
--- a/src/resolve-host/resolve-host.c
+++ b/src/resolve-host/resolve-host.c
@@ -33,16 +33,24 @@
#include "parse-util.h"
#include "resolved-def.h"
#include "resolved-dns-packet.h"
+#include "terminal-util.h"
static int arg_family = AF_UNSPEC;
static int arg_ifindex = 0;
-static int arg_type = 0;
+static uint16_t arg_type = 0;
static uint16_t arg_class = 0;
static bool arg_legend = true;
static uint64_t arg_flags = 0;
-static bool arg_resolve_service = false;
+static enum {
+} arg_mode = MODE_RESOLVE_HOST;
static void print_source(uint64_t flags, usec_t rtt) {
@@ -320,8 +328,7 @@ static int parse_address(const char *s, int *family, union in_addr_union *addres
return 0;
-static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
+static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name, uint16_t class, uint16_t type) {
_cleanup_(sd_bus_message_unrefp) sd_bus_message *req = NULL, *reply = NULL;
_cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;
char ifname[IF_NAMESIZE] = "";
@@ -335,7 +342,7 @@ static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
if (arg_ifindex > 0 && !if_indextoname(arg_ifindex, ifname))
return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to resolve interface name for index %i: %m", arg_ifindex);
- log_debug("Resolving %s %s %s (interface %s).", name, dns_class_to_string(arg_class), dns_type_to_string(arg_type), isempty(ifname) ? "*" : ifname);
+ log_debug("Resolving %s %s %s (interface %s).", name, dns_class_to_string(class), dns_type_to_string(type), isempty(ifname) ? "*" : ifname);
r = sd_bus_message_new_method_call(
@@ -347,8 +354,7 @@ static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
if (r < 0)
return bus_log_create_error(r);
- assert((uint16_t) arg_type == arg_type);
- r = sd_bus_message_append(req, "isqqt", arg_ifindex, name, arg_class, arg_type, arg_flags);
+ r = sd_bus_message_append(req, "isqqt", arg_ifindex, name, class, type, arg_flags);
if (r < 0)
return bus_log_create_error(r);
@@ -369,7 +375,7 @@ static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
while ((r = sd_bus_message_enter_container(reply, 'r', "iqqay")) > 0) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
_cleanup_(dns_packet_unrefp) DnsPacket *p = NULL;
- _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL;
+ const char *s;
uint16_t c, t;
int ifindex;
const void *d;
@@ -399,17 +405,13 @@ static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
- r = dns_packet_read_rr(p, &rr, NULL);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_error("Failed to parse RR.");
- return r;
- }
+ r = dns_packet_read_rr(p, &rr, NULL, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse RR: %m");
- r = dns_resource_record_to_string(rr, &s);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_error("Failed to format RR.");
- return r;
- }
+ s = dns_resource_record_to_string(rr);
+ if (!s)
+ return log_oom();
ifname[0] = 0;
if (ifindex > 0 && !if_indextoname(ifindex, ifname))
@@ -439,6 +441,127 @@ static int resolve_record(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
return 0;
+static int resolve_rfc4501(sd_bus *bus, const char *name) {
+ uint16_t type = 0, class = 0;
+ const char *p, *q, *n;
+ int r;
+ assert(bus);
+ assert(name);
+ assert(startswith(name, "dns:"));
+ /* Parse RFC 4501 dns: URIs */
+ p = name + 4;
+ if (p[0] == '/') {
+ const char *e;
+ if (p[1] != '/')
+ goto invalid;
+ e = strchr(p + 2, '/');
+ if (!e)
+ goto invalid;
+ if (e != p + 2)
+ log_warning("DNS authority specification not supported; ignoring specified authority.");
+ p = e + 1;
+ }
+ q = strchr(p, '?');
+ if (q) {
+ n = strndupa(p, q - p);
+ q++;
+ for (;;) {
+ const char *f;
+ f = startswith_no_case(q, "class=");
+ if (f) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL;
+ const char *e;
+ if (class != 0) {
+ log_error("DNS class specified twice.");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ e = strchrnul(f, ';');
+ t = strndup(f, e - f);
+ if (!t)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = dns_class_from_string(t);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_error("Unknown DNS class %s.", t);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ class = r;
+ if (*e == ';') {
+ q = e + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ f = startswith_no_case(q, "type=");
+ if (f) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL;
+ const char *e;
+ if (type != 0) {
+ log_error("DNS type specified twice.");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ e = strchrnul(f, ';');
+ t = strndup(f, e - f);
+ if (!t)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = dns_type_from_string(t);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_error("Unknown DNS type %s.", t);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ type = r;
+ if (*e == ';') {
+ q = e + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ } else
+ n = p;
+ if (type == 0)
+ type = arg_type;
+ if (type == 0)
+ type = DNS_TYPE_A;
+ if (class == 0)
+ class = arg_class;
+ if (class == 0)
+ class = DNS_CLASS_IN;
+ return resolve_record(bus, n, class, type);
+ log_error("Invalid DNS URI: %s", name);
+ return -EINVAL;
static int resolve_service(sd_bus *bus, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain) {
const char *canonical_name, *canonical_type, *canonical_domain;
_cleanup_(sd_bus_message_unrefp) sd_bus_message *req = NULL, *reply = NULL;
@@ -640,6 +763,125 @@ static int resolve_service(sd_bus *bus, const char *name, const char *type, cons
return 0;
+static int show_statistics(sd_bus *bus) {
+ _cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;
+ _cleanup_(sd_bus_message_unrefp) sd_bus_message *reply = NULL;
+ uint64_t n_current_transactions, n_total_transactions,
+ cache_size, n_cache_hit, n_cache_miss,
+ n_dnssec_secure, n_dnssec_insecure, n_dnssec_bogus, n_dnssec_indeterminate;
+ int r;
+ assert(bus);
+ r = sd_bus_get_property(bus,
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1",
+ "/org/freedesktop/resolve1",
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager",
+ "TransactionStatistics",
+ &error,
+ &reply,
+ "(tt)");
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to get transaction statistics: %s", bus_error_message(&error, r));
+ r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "(tt)",
+ &n_current_transactions,
+ &n_total_transactions);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return bus_log_parse_error(r);
+ printf("%sTransactions%s\n"
+ "Current Transactions: %" PRIu64 "\n"
+ " Total Transactions: %" PRIu64 "\n",
+ ansi_highlight(),
+ ansi_normal(),
+ n_current_transactions,
+ n_total_transactions);
+ reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply);
+ r = sd_bus_get_property(bus,
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1",
+ "/org/freedesktop/resolve1",
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager",
+ "CacheStatistics",
+ &error,
+ &reply,
+ "(ttt)");
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to get cache statistics: %s", bus_error_message(&error, r));
+ r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "(ttt)",
+ &cache_size,
+ &n_cache_hit,
+ &n_cache_miss);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return bus_log_parse_error(r);
+ printf("\n%sCache%s\n"
+ " Current Cache Size: %" PRIu64 "\n"
+ " Cache Hits: %" PRIu64 "\n"
+ " Cache Misses: %" PRIu64 "\n",
+ ansi_highlight(),
+ ansi_normal(),
+ cache_size,
+ n_cache_hit,
+ n_cache_miss);
+ reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply);
+ r = sd_bus_get_property(bus,
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1",
+ "/org/freedesktop/resolve1",
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager",
+ "DNSSECStatistics",
+ &error,
+ &reply,
+ "(tttt)");
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to get DNSSEC statistics: %s", bus_error_message(&error, r));
+ r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "(tttt)",
+ &n_dnssec_secure,
+ &n_dnssec_insecure,
+ &n_dnssec_bogus,
+ &n_dnssec_indeterminate);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return bus_log_parse_error(r);
+ printf("\n%sDNSSEC%s\n"
+ " Secure RRsets: %" PRIu64 "\n"
+ " Insecure RRsets: %" PRIu64 "\n"
+ " Bogus RRsets: %" PRIu64 "\n"
+ "Indeterminate RRsets: %" PRIu64 "\n",
+ ansi_highlight(),
+ ansi_normal(),
+ n_dnssec_secure,
+ n_dnssec_insecure,
+ n_dnssec_bogus,
+ n_dnssec_indeterminate);
+ return 0;
+static int reset_statistics(sd_bus *bus) {
+ _cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;
+ int r;
+ r = sd_bus_call_method(bus,
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1",
+ "/org/freedesktop/resolve1",
+ "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager",
+ "ResetStatistics",
+ &error,
+ NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to reset statistics: %s", bus_error_message(&error, r));
+ return 0;
static void help_dns_types(void) {
int i;
const char *t;
@@ -684,6 +926,8 @@ static void help(void) {
" --cname=BOOL Do [not] follow CNAME redirects\n"
" --search=BOOL Do [not] use search domains\n"
" --legend=BOOL Do [not] print column headers\n"
+ " --statistics Show resolver statistics\n"
+ " --reset-statistics Reset resolver statistics\n"
, program_invocation_short_name, program_invocation_short_name);
@@ -696,20 +940,24 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
static const struct option options[] = {
- { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
- { "version", no_argument, NULL, ARG_VERSION },
- { "type", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
- { "class", required_argument, NULL, 'c' },
- { "legend", required_argument, NULL, ARG_LEGEND },
- { "protocol", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
- { "cname", required_argument, NULL, ARG_CNAME },
- { "service", no_argument, NULL, ARG_SERVICE },
- { "service-address", required_argument, NULL, ARG_SERVICE_ADDRESS },
- { "service-txt", required_argument, NULL, ARG_SERVICE_TXT },
- { "search", required_argument, NULL, ARG_SEARCH },
+ { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
+ { "version", no_argument, NULL, ARG_VERSION },
+ { "type", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
+ { "class", required_argument, NULL, 'c' },
+ { "legend", required_argument, NULL, ARG_LEGEND },
+ { "protocol", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
+ { "cname", required_argument, NULL, ARG_CNAME },
+ { "service", no_argument, NULL, ARG_SERVICE },
+ { "service-address", required_argument, NULL, ARG_SERVICE_ADDRESS },
+ { "service-txt", required_argument, NULL, ARG_SERVICE_TXT },
+ { "search", required_argument, NULL, ARG_SEARCH },
+ { "statistics", no_argument, NULL, ARG_STATISTICS, },
+ { "reset-statistics", no_argument, NULL, ARG_RESET_STATISTICS },
@@ -758,13 +1006,15 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
- arg_type = dns_type_from_string(optarg);
- if (arg_type < 0) {
+ r = dns_type_from_string(optarg);
+ if (r < 0) {
log_error("Failed to parse RR record type %s", optarg);
- return arg_type;
+ return r;
- assert(arg_type > 0 && (uint16_t) arg_type == arg_type);
+ arg_type = (uint16_t) r;
+ assert((int) arg_type == r);
case 'c':
@@ -773,11 +1023,13 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
- r = dns_class_from_string(optarg, &arg_class);
+ r = dns_class_from_string(optarg);
if (r < 0) {
log_error("Failed to parse RR record class %s", optarg);
return r;
+ arg_class = (uint16_t) r;
+ assert((int) arg_class == r);
@@ -806,7 +1058,7 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- arg_resolve_service = true;
@@ -849,6 +1101,14 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
arg_flags &= ~SD_RESOLVED_NO_SEARCH;
+ arg_mode = MODE_STATISTICS;
+ break;
+ break;
case '?':
return -EINVAL;
@@ -861,7 +1121,7 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return -EINVAL;
- if (arg_type != 0 && arg_resolve_service) {
+ if (arg_type != 0 && arg_mode != MODE_RESOLVE_RECORD) {
log_error("--service and --type= may not be combined.");
return -EINVAL;
@@ -869,6 +1129,9 @@ static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (arg_type != 0 && arg_class == 0)
arg_class = DNS_CLASS_IN;
+ if (arg_class != 0 && arg_type == 0)
+ arg_type = DNS_TYPE_A;
return 1 /* work to do */;
@@ -883,20 +1146,61 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (r <= 0)
goto finish;
- if (optind >= argc) {
- log_error("No arguments passed");
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto finish;
- }
r = sd_bus_open_system(&bus);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "sd_bus_open_system: %m");
goto finish;
- if (arg_resolve_service) {
+ switch (arg_mode) {
+ if (optind >= argc) {
+ log_error("No arguments passed");
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ while (argv[optind]) {
+ int family, ifindex, k;
+ union in_addr_union a;
+ if (startswith(argv[optind], "dns:"))
+ k = resolve_rfc4501(bus, argv[optind]);
+ else {
+ k = parse_address(argv[optind], &family, &a, &ifindex);
+ if (k >= 0)
+ k = resolve_address(bus, family, &a, ifindex);
+ else
+ k = resolve_host(bus, argv[optind]);
+ }
+ if (r == 0)
+ r = k;
+ optind++;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (optind >= argc) {
+ log_error("No arguments passed");
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ while (argv[optind]) {
+ int k;
+ k = resolve_record(bus, argv[optind], arg_class, arg_type);
+ if (r == 0)
+ r = k;
+ optind++;
+ }
+ break;
if (argc < optind + 1) {
log_error("Domain specification required.");
r = -EINVAL;
@@ -914,27 +1218,27 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
goto finish;
- goto finish;
- }
+ break;
- while (argv[optind]) {
- int family, ifindex, k;
- union in_addr_union a;
- if (arg_type != 0)
- k = resolve_record(bus, argv[optind]);
- else {
- k = parse_address(argv[optind], &family, &a, &ifindex);
- if (k >= 0)
- k = resolve_address(bus, family, &a, ifindex);
- else
- k = resolve_host(bus, argv[optind]);
+ if (argc > optind) {
+ log_error("Too many arguments.");
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto finish;
- if (r == 0)
- r = k;
+ r = show_statistics(bus);
+ break;
+ if (argc > optind) {
+ log_error("Too many arguments.");
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto finish;
+ }
- optind++;
+ r = reset_statistics(bus);
+ break;
diff --git a/src/resolve/RFCs b/src/resolve/RFCs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33f4dd9cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/resolve/RFCs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Y = Comprehensively Implemented, to the point appropriate for resolved
+D = Comprehensively Implemented, by a dependency of resolved
+! = Missing and something we might want to implement
+~ = Needs no explicit support or doesn't apply
+? = Is this relevant today?
+ = We are working on this
+? → DNS Encoding of Network Names and Other Types
+Y → Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support
+~ → Using the Domain Name System To Store Arbitrary String Attributes
+Y → Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes
+Y → A Means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System
+Y → Clarifications to the DNS Specification
+ → Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS NCACHE)
+Y → A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)
+D → Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
+Y → DNS Extensions to Support IP Version 6
+Y → Handling of Unknown DNS Resource Record (RR) Types
+ → DNS Security Introduction and Requirements
+ → Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions
+ → Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions
+! → A Suggested Scheme for DNS Resolution of Networks and Gateways
+Y → Using DNS to Securely Publish Secure Shell (SSH) Key Fingerprints
+Y → Domain Name System (DNS) Case Insensitivity Clarification
+~ → Minimally Covering NSEC Records and DNSSEC On-line Signing
+Y → Domain Name System Uniform Resource Identifiers
+Y → Use of SHA-256 in DNSSEC Delegation Signer (DS) Resource Records (RRs)
+~ → The Role of Wildcards in the Domain Name System
+~ → Observed DNS Resolution Misbehavior
+Y → Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)
+Y → Automated Updates of DNS Security (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors
+ → DNS Security (DNSSEC) Hashed Authenticated Denial of Existence
+Y → Measures for Making DNS More Resilient against Forged Answers
+Y → Use of SHA-2 Algorithms with RSA in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC
+Y → Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA): Definitions and Document Framework
+Y → Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA): Protocol
+Y → DNS Transport over TCP - Implementation Requirements
+Y → Locally Served DNS Zones
+ → xNAME RCODE and Status Bits Clarification
+Y → Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for DNSSEC
+ → DNAME Redirection in the DNS
+! → Improved Recursive DNS Server Selection for Multi-Interfaced Nodes
+Y → Special-Use Domain Names
+ → Multicast DNS
+ → DNS-Based Service Discovery
+ → DNSSEC Operational Practices, Version 2
+ → Clarifications and Implementation Notes for DNS Security (DNSSEC)
+Y → Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS(0))
+Y → Applicability Statement: DNS Security (DNSSEC) DNSKEY Algorithm Implementation Status
+Y → Signaling Cryptographic Algorithm Understanding in DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC)
+ → Authenticated Denial of Existence in the DNS
+Y → Definition and Use of DNSSEC Negative Trust Anchors
+~ → DNS Terminology
+Also relevant:
diff --git a/src/resolve/dns-type.c b/src/resolve/dns-type.c
index a626ecf01a..0571d65f0b 100644
--- a/src/resolve/dns-type.c
+++ b/src/resolve/dns-type.c
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "dns-type.h"
+#include "string-util.h"
typedef const struct {
uint16_t type;
@@ -44,7 +45,98 @@ int dns_type_from_string(const char *s) {
return sc->id;
-/* XXX: find an authoritative list of all pseudo types? */
-bool dns_type_is_pseudo(uint16_t n) {
+bool dns_type_is_pseudo(uint16_t type) {
+ /* Checks whether the specified type is a "pseudo-type". What
+ * a "pseudo-type" precisely is, is defined only very weakly,
+ * but apparently entails all RR types that are not actually
+ * stored as RRs on the server and should hence also not be
+ * cached. We use this list primarily to validate NSEC type
+ * bitfields, and to verify what to cache. */
+ return IN_SET(type,
+ 0, /* A Pseudo RR type, according to RFC 2931 */
+ );
+bool dns_class_is_pseudo(uint16_t class) {
+ return class == DNS_TYPE_ANY;
+bool dns_type_is_valid_query(uint16_t type) {
+ /* The types valid as questions in packets */
+ return !IN_SET(type,
+ 0,
+bool dns_type_is_valid_rr(uint16_t type) {
+ /* The types valid as RR in packets (but not necessarily
+ * stored on servers). */
+ return !IN_SET(type,
+bool dns_class_is_valid_rr(uint16_t class) {
+ return class != DNS_CLASS_ANY;
+bool dns_type_may_redirect(uint16_t type) {
+ /* The following record types should never be redirected using
+ * <>. */
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(type))
+ return false;
+ return !IN_SET(type,
+const char *dns_class_to_string(uint16_t class) {
+ switch (class) {
+ case DNS_CLASS_IN:
+ return "IN";
+ return "ANY";
+ }
+ return NULL;
+int dns_class_from_string(const char *s) {
+ if (!s)
+ if (strcaseeq(s, "IN"))
+ return DNS_CLASS_IN;
+ else if (strcaseeq(s, "ANY"))
+ return DNS_CLASS_ANY;
diff --git a/src/resolve/dns-type.h b/src/resolve/dns-type.h
index 2868025ad7..c3bb26a5ee 100644
--- a/src/resolve/dns-type.h
+++ b/src/resolve/dns-type.h
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@
#include "macro.h"
-const char *dns_type_to_string(int type);
-int dns_type_from_string(const char *s);
-bool dns_type_is_pseudo(uint16_t n);
/* DNS record types, taken from
@@ -119,3 +115,26 @@ enum {
assert_cc(DNS_TYPE_SSHFP == 44);
assert_cc(DNS_TYPE_TLSA == 52);
assert_cc(DNS_TYPE_ANY == 255);
+/* DNS record classes, see RFC 1035 */
+enum {
+ DNS_CLASS_IN = 0x01,
+bool dns_type_is_pseudo(uint16_t type);
+bool dns_type_is_valid_query(uint16_t type);
+bool dns_type_is_valid_rr(uint16_t type);
+bool dns_type_may_redirect(uint16_t type);
+bool dns_class_is_pseudo(uint16_t class);
+bool dns_class_is_valid_rr(uint16_t class);
+const char *dns_type_to_string(int type);
+int dns_type_from_string(const char *s);
+const char *dns_class_to_string(uint16_t type);
+int dns_class_from_string(const char *name);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-bus.c b/src/resolve/resolved-bus.c
index 1427638233..7193f639d4 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-bus.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-bus.c
@@ -57,13 +57,20 @@ static int reply_query_state(DnsQuery *q) {
return sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES, "Not enough resources");
+ return sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILURE, "DNS server connection failure");
return sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_ABORTED, "Query aborted");
- return sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_ABORTED, "DNSSEC validation failed");
+ return sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_DNSSEC_FAILED, "DNSSEC validation failed: %s",
+ dnssec_result_to_string(q->answer_dnssec_result));
+ return sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_NO_TRUST_ANCHOR, "No suitable trust anchor known");
_cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL;
if (q->answer_rcode == DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN)
@@ -153,7 +160,7 @@ static void bus_method_resolve_hostname_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
- if (r > 0) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
+ if (r == DNS_QUERY_RESTARTED) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
r = sd_bus_message_new_method_return(q->request, &reply);
@@ -308,7 +315,7 @@ static void bus_method_resolve_address_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
- if (r > 0) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
+ if (r == DNS_QUERY_RESTARTED) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
r = sd_bus_message_new_method_return(q->request, &reply);
@@ -474,7 +481,7 @@ static void bus_method_resolve_record_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
- if (r > 0) /* Following a CNAME */
+ if (r == DNS_QUERY_RESTARTED) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
r = sd_bus_message_new_method_return(q->request, &reply);
@@ -553,6 +560,9 @@ static int bus_method_resolve_record(sd_bus_message *message, void *userdata, sd
if (r == 0)
return sd_bus_error_setf(error, SD_BUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid name '%s'", name);
+ if (!dns_type_is_valid_query(type))
+ return sd_bus_error_setf(error, SD_BUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid RR type for query %" PRIu16, type);
r = check_ifindex_flags(ifindex, &flags, 0, error);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -889,7 +899,7 @@ static void resolve_service_hostname_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
r = dns_query_process_cname(q);
- if (r > 0) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
+ if (r == DNS_QUERY_RESTARTED) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
/* This auxiliary lookup is finished or failed, let's see if all are finished now. */
@@ -965,10 +975,11 @@ static void bus_method_resolve_service_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
- if (r > 0) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
+ if (r == DNS_QUERY_RESTARTED) /* This was a cname, and the query was restarted. */
if (q->answer) {
+ bool has_root_domain = false;
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
int ifindex;
@@ -982,6 +993,11 @@ static void bus_method_resolve_service_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
if (rr->key->type != DNS_TYPE_SRV)
+ if (dns_name_is_root(rr-> {
+ has_root_domain = true;
+ continue;
+ }
if ((q->flags & SD_RESOLVED_NO_ADDRESS) == 0) {
q->block_all_complete ++;
r = resolve_service_hostname(q, rr, ifindex);
@@ -993,6 +1009,18 @@ static void bus_method_resolve_service_complete(DnsQuery *q) {
+ if (has_root_domain && found == 0) {
+ /* If there's exactly one SRV RR and it uses
+ * the root domain as host name, then the
+ * service is explicitly not offered on the
+ * domain. Report this as a recognizable
+ * error. See RFC 2782, Section "Usage
+ * Rules". */
+ r = sd_bus_reply_method_errorf(q->request, BUS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_SERVICE, "'%s' does not provide the requested service", dns_question_first_name(q->question));
+ goto finish;
+ }
if (found <= 0) {
@@ -1210,16 +1238,101 @@ static int bus_property_get_search_domains(
return sd_bus_message_close_container(reply);
+static int bus_property_get_transaction_statistics(
+ sd_bus *bus,
+ const char *path,
+ const char *interface,
+ const char *property,
+ sd_bus_message *reply,
+ void *userdata,
+ sd_bus_error *error) {
+ Manager *m = userdata;
+ assert(reply);
+ assert(m);
+ return sd_bus_message_append(reply, "(tt)",
+ (uint64_t) hashmap_size(m->dns_transactions),
+ (uint64_t) m->n_transactions_total);
+static int bus_property_get_cache_statistics(
+ sd_bus *bus,
+ const char *path,
+ const char *interface,
+ const char *property,
+ sd_bus_message *reply,
+ void *userdata,
+ sd_bus_error *error) {
+ uint64_t size = 0, hit = 0, miss = 0;
+ Manager *m = userdata;
+ DnsScope *s;
+ assert(reply);
+ assert(m);
+ LIST_FOREACH(scopes, s, m->dns_scopes) {
+ size += dns_cache_size(&s->cache);
+ hit += s->cache.n_hit;
+ miss += s->cache.n_miss;
+ }
+ return sd_bus_message_append(reply, "(ttt)", size, hit, miss);
+static int bus_property_get_dnssec_statistics(
+ sd_bus *bus,
+ const char *path,
+ const char *interface,
+ const char *property,
+ sd_bus_message *reply,
+ void *userdata,
+ sd_bus_error *error) {
+ Manager *m = userdata;
+ assert(reply);
+ assert(m);
+ return sd_bus_message_append(reply, "(tttt)",
+ (uint64_t) m->n_dnssec_secure,
+ (uint64_t) m->n_dnssec_insecure,
+ (uint64_t) m->n_dnssec_bogus,
+ (uint64_t) m->n_dnssec_indeterminate);
+static int bus_method_reset_statistics(sd_bus_message *message, void *userdata, sd_bus_error *error) {
+ Manager *m = userdata;
+ DnsScope *s;
+ assert(message);
+ assert(m);
+ LIST_FOREACH(scopes, s, m->dns_scopes)
+ s->cache.n_hit = s->cache.n_miss = 0;
+ m->n_transactions_total = 0;
+ m->n_dnssec_secure = m->n_dnssec_insecure = m->n_dnssec_bogus = m->n_dnssec_indeterminate = 0;
+ return sd_bus_reply_method_return(message, NULL);
static const sd_bus_vtable resolve_vtable[] = {
SD_BUS_PROPERTY("LLMNRHostname", "s", NULL, offsetof(Manager, llmnr_hostname), 0),
SD_BUS_PROPERTY("DNSServers", "a(iiay)", bus_property_get_dns_servers, 0, 0),
SD_BUS_PROPERTY("SearchDomains", "a(is)", bus_property_get_search_domains, 0, 0),
+ SD_BUS_PROPERTY("TransactionStatistics", "(tt)", bus_property_get_transaction_statistics, 0, 0),
+ SD_BUS_PROPERTY("CacheStatistics", "(ttt)", bus_property_get_cache_statistics, 0, 0),
+ SD_BUS_PROPERTY("DNSSECStatistics", "(tttt)", bus_property_get_dnssec_statistics, 0, 0),
SD_BUS_METHOD("ResolveHostname", "isit", "a(iiay)st", bus_method_resolve_hostname, SD_BUS_VTABLE_UNPRIVILEGED),
SD_BUS_METHOD("ResolveAddress", "iiayt", "a(is)t", bus_method_resolve_address, SD_BUS_VTABLE_UNPRIVILEGED),
SD_BUS_METHOD("ResolveRecord", "isqqt", "a(iqqay)t", bus_method_resolve_record, SD_BUS_VTABLE_UNPRIVILEGED),
SD_BUS_METHOD("ResolveService", "isssit", "a(qqqsa(iiay)s)aayssst", bus_method_resolve_service, SD_BUS_VTABLE_UNPRIVILEGED),
+ SD_BUS_METHOD("ResetStatistics", NULL, NULL, bus_method_reset_statistics, 0),
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-conf.c b/src/resolve/resolved-conf.c
index 1b2f3e336e..88df7534c4 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-conf.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-conf.c
@@ -200,75 +200,6 @@ int config_parse_search_domains(
return 0;
-int config_parse_support(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Support support, *v = data;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- support = support_from_string(rvalue);
- if (support < 0) {
- r = parse_boolean(rvalue);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_ERR, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse support level '%s'. Ignoring.", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- support = r ? SUPPORT_YES : SUPPORT_NO;
- }
- *v = support;
- return 0;
-int config_parse_dnssec(
- const char *unit,
- const char *filename,
- unsigned line,
- const char *section,
- unsigned section_line,
- const char *lvalue,
- int ltype,
- const char *rvalue,
- void *data,
- void *userdata) {
- Manager *m = data;
- DnssecMode mode;
- int r;
- assert(filename);
- assert(lvalue);
- assert(rvalue);
- mode = dnssec_mode_from_string(rvalue);
- if (mode < 0) {
- r = parse_boolean(rvalue);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_syntax(unit, LOG_ERR, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse DNSSEC mode '%s'. Ignoring.", rvalue);
- return 0;
- }
- mode = r ? DNSSEC_YES : DNSSEC_NO;
- }
- m->unicast_scope->dnssec_mode = mode;
- return 0;
int manager_parse_config_file(Manager *m) {
int r;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-conf.h b/src/resolve/resolved-conf.h
index 668ea02bba..b4ef1b0378 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-conf.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-conf.h
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ const struct ConfigPerfItem* resolved_gperf_lookup(const char *key, unsigned len
int config_parse_dns_servers(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
int config_parse_search_domains(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
-int config_parse_support(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
int config_parse_dnssec(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.c
index 55e6ffbad7..b50558e280 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "dns-domain.h"
#include "resolved-dns-answer.h"
+#include "resolved-dns-dnssec.h"
#include "string-util.h"
DnsAnswer *dns_answer_new(unsigned n) {
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ DnsAnswer *dns_answer_unref(DnsAnswer *a) {
return NULL;
-static int dns_answer_add_raw(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex) {
+static int dns_answer_add_raw(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex, DnsAnswerFlags flags) {
if (!a)
@@ -82,19 +83,22 @@ static int dns_answer_add_raw(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex)
if (a->n_rrs >= a->n_allocated)
return -ENOSPC;
- a->items[a->n_rrs].rr = dns_resource_record_ref(rr);
- a->items[a->n_rrs].ifindex = ifindex;
- a->n_rrs++;
+ a->items[a->n_rrs++] = (DnsAnswerItem) {
+ .rr = dns_resource_record_ref(rr),
+ .ifindex = ifindex,
+ .flags = flags,
+ };
return 1;
static int dns_answer_add_raw_all(DnsAnswer *a, DnsAnswer *source) {
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
int ifindex, r;
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(rr, ifindex, source) {
- r = dns_answer_add_raw(a, rr, ifindex);
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(rr, ifindex, flags, source) {
+ r = dns_answer_add_raw(a, rr, ifindex, flags);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ static int dns_answer_add_raw_all(DnsAnswer *a, DnsAnswer *source) {
return 0;
-int dns_answer_add(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex) {
+int dns_answer_add(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex, DnsAnswerFlags flags) {
unsigned i;
int r;
@@ -121,28 +125,48 @@ int dns_answer_add(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex) {
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0) {
- /* Entry already exists, keep the entry with
- * the higher RR, or the one with TTL 0 */
+ /* Don't mix contradicting TTLs (see below) */
+ if ((rr->ttl == 0) != (a->items[i].rr->ttl == 0))
+ return -EINVAL;
- if (rr->ttl == 0 || (rr->ttl > a->items[i].rr->ttl && a->items[i].rr->ttl != 0)) {
+ /* Entry already exists, keep the entry with
+ * the higher RR. */
+ if (rr->ttl > a->items[i].rr->ttl) {
a->items[i].rr = rr;
+ a->items[i].flags |= flags;
return 0;
+ r = dns_resource_key_equal(a->items[i].rr->key, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ /* There's already an RR of the same RRset in
+ * place! Let's see if the TTLs more or less
+ * match. We don't really care if they match
+ * precisely, but we do care whether one is 0
+ * and the other is not. See RFC 2181, Section
+ * 5.2.*/
+ if ((rr->ttl == 0) != (a->items[i].rr->ttl == 0))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
- return dns_answer_add_raw(a, rr, ifindex);
+ return dns_answer_add_raw(a, rr, ifindex, flags);
static int dns_answer_add_all(DnsAnswer *a, DnsAnswer *b) {
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
int ifindex, r;
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(rr, ifindex, b) {
- r = dns_answer_add(a, rr, ifindex);
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(rr, ifindex, flags, b) {
+ r = dns_answer_add(a, rr, ifindex, flags);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -150,7 +174,7 @@ static int dns_answer_add_all(DnsAnswer *a, DnsAnswer *b) {
return 0;
-int dns_answer_add_extend(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex) {
+int dns_answer_add_extend(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex, DnsAnswerFlags flags) {
int r;
@@ -160,7 +184,7 @@ int dns_answer_add_extend(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex) {
if (r < 0)
return r;
- return dns_answer_add(*a, rr, ifindex);
+ return dns_answer_add(*a, rr, ifindex, flags);
int dns_answer_add_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const char *name, uint32_t ttl) {
@@ -186,85 +210,177 @@ int dns_answer_add_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const char *name, uint32_t ttl) {
soa->soa.expire = 1;
soa->soa.minimum = ttl;
- return dns_answer_add(a, soa, 0);
+ return dns_answer_add(a, soa, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
-int dns_answer_match_key(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
+int dns_answer_match_key(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags *ret_flags) {
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags = 0, i_flags;
DnsResourceRecord *i;
+ bool found = false;
int r;
- if (!a)
- return 0;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(i, i_flags, a) {
r = dns_resource_key_match_rr(key, i, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (r > 0)
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (!ret_flags)
return 1;
+ if (found)
+ flags &= i_flags;
+ else {
+ flags = i_flags;
+ found = true;
+ }
- return 0;
+ if (ret_flags)
+ *ret_flags = flags;
+ return found;
-int dns_answer_contains_rr(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+int dns_answer_contains_rr(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, DnsAnswerFlags *ret_flags) {
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags = 0, i_flags;
DnsResourceRecord *i;
+ bool found = false;
int r;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(i, i_flags, a) {
r = dns_resource_record_equal(i, rr);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (r > 0)
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (!ret_flags)
return 1;
+ if (found)
+ flags &= i_flags;
+ else {
+ flags = i_flags;
+ found = true;
+ }
- return 0;
+ if (ret_flags)
+ *ret_flags = flags;
+ return found;
-int dns_answer_find_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret) {
- DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+int dns_answer_contains_key(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags *ret_flags) {
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags = 0, i_flags;
+ DnsResourceRecord *i;
+ bool found = false;
+ int r;
- assert(ret);
- if (!a)
- return 0;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(i, i_flags, a) {
+ r = dns_resource_key_equal(i->key, key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (!ret_flags)
+ return true;
+ if (found)
+ flags &= i_flags;
+ else {
+ flags = i_flags;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret_flags)
+ *ret_flags = flags;
+ return found;
+int dns_answer_contains_nsec_or_nsec3(DnsAnswer *a) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *i;
+ if (IN_SET(i->key->type, DNS_TYPE_NSEC, DNS_TYPE_NSEC3))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+int dns_answer_find_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret, DnsAnswerFlags *flags) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr, *soa = NULL;
+ DnsAnswerFlags rr_flags, soa_flags = 0;
+ int r;
+ assert(key);
/* For a SOA record we can never find a matching SOA record */
if (key->type == DNS_TYPE_SOA)
return 0;
- if (dns_resource_key_match_soa(key, rr->key)) {
- *ret = rr;
- return 1;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, rr_flags, a) {
+ r = dns_resource_key_match_soa(key, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ if (soa) {
+ r = dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(soa->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ soa = rr;
+ soa_flags = rr_flags;
- return 0;
+ if (!soa)
+ return 0;
+ if (ret)
+ *ret = soa;
+ if (flags)
+ *flags = soa_flags;
+ return 1;
-int dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret) {
+int dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret, DnsAnswerFlags *flags) {
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ DnsAnswerFlags rr_flags;
+ int r;
- if (!a)
- return 0;
/* For a {C,D}NAME record we can never find a matching {C,D}NAME record */
- if (key->type == DNS_TYPE_CNAME || key->type == DNS_TYPE_DNAME)
+ if (!dns_type_may_redirect(key->type))
return 0;
- if (dns_resource_key_match_cname_or_dname(key, rr->key, NULL)) {
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, rr_flags, a) {
+ r = dns_resource_key_match_cname_or_dname(key, rr->key, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
if (ret)
*ret = rr;
+ if (flags)
+ *flags = rr_flags;
return 1;
@@ -356,20 +472,21 @@ int dns_answer_remove_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
if ((*a)->n_ref > 1) {
_cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *copy = NULL;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
int ifindex;
copy = dns_answer_new((*a)->n_rrs);
if (!copy)
return -ENOMEM;
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(rr, ifindex, *a) {
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(rr, ifindex, flags, *a) {
r = dns_resource_key_equal(rr->key, key);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0)
- r = dns_answer_add_raw(copy, rr, ifindex);
+ r = dns_answer_add_raw(copy, rr, ifindex, flags);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -407,16 +524,103 @@ int dns_answer_remove_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
return 1;
-int dns_answer_copy_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *source, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
+int dns_answer_remove_by_rr(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rm) {
+ bool found = false, other = false;
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ unsigned i;
+ int r;
+ assert(a);
+ assert(rm);
+ /* Remove all entries matching the specified RR from *a */
+ r = dns_resource_record_equal(rr, rm);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ found = true;
+ else
+ other = true;
+ if (found && other)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ return 0;
+ if (!other) {
+ *a = dns_answer_unref(*a); /* Return NULL for the empty answer */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((*a)->n_ref > 1) {
+ _cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *copy = NULL;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ int ifindex;
+ copy = dns_answer_new((*a)->n_rrs);
+ if (!copy)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(rr, ifindex, flags, *a) {
+ r = dns_resource_record_equal(rr, rm);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_answer_add_raw(copy, rr, ifindex, flags);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ dns_answer_unref(*a);
+ *a = copy;
+ copy = NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Only a single reference, edit in-place */
+ i = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (i >= (*a)->n_rrs)
+ break;
+ r = dns_resource_record_equal((*a)->items[i].rr, rm);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ /* Kill this entry */
+ dns_resource_record_unref((*a)->items[i].rr);
+ memmove((*a)->items + i, (*a)->items + i + 1, sizeof(DnsAnswerItem) * ((*a)->n_rrs - i - 1));
+ (*a)->n_rrs --;
+ continue;
+ } else
+ /* Keep this entry */
+ i++;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int dns_answer_copy_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *source, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags or_flags) {
DnsResourceRecord *rr_source;
int ifindex_source, r;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags_source;
/* Copy all RRs matching the specified key from source into *a */
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(rr_source, ifindex_source, source) {
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(rr_source, ifindex_source, flags_source, source) {
r = dns_resource_key_equal(rr_source->key, key);
if (r < 0)
@@ -429,7 +633,7 @@ int dns_answer_copy_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *source, const DnsResourceKe
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = dns_answer_add(*a, rr_source, ifindex_source);
+ r = dns_answer_add(*a, rr_source, ifindex_source, flags_source|or_flags);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -437,6 +641,20 @@ int dns_answer_copy_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *source, const DnsResourceKe
return 0;
+int dns_answer_move_by_key(DnsAnswer **to, DnsAnswer **from, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags or_flags) {
+ int r;
+ assert(to);
+ assert(from);
+ assert(key);
+ r = dns_answer_copy_by_key(to, *from, key, or_flags);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ return dns_answer_remove_by_key(from, key);
void dns_answer_order_by_scope(DnsAnswer *a, bool prefer_link_local) {
DnsAnswerItem *items;
unsigned i, start, end;
@@ -539,3 +757,40 @@ int dns_answer_reserve_or_clone(DnsAnswer **a, unsigned n_free) {
return 0;
+void dns_answer_dump(DnsAnswer *answer, FILE *f) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ int ifindex;
+ if (!f)
+ f = stdout;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(rr, ifindex, flags, answer) {
+ const char *t;
+ fputc('\t', f);
+ t = dns_resource_record_to_string(rr);
+ if (!t) {
+ log_oom();
+ continue;
+ }
+ fputs(t, f);
+ fputs("\t;", f);
+ if (ifindex != 0)
+ printf(" ifindex=%i", ifindex);
+ fputs(" authenticated", f);
+ fputs(" cachable", f);
+ fputs(" shared-owner", f);
+ fputc('\n', f);
+ }
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.h
index 56b462ed7e..715e487d94 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-answer.h
@@ -32,11 +32,18 @@ typedef struct DnsAnswerItem DnsAnswerItem;
* can qualify A and AAAA RRs referring to a local link with the
* right ifindex.
- * Note that we usually encode the empty answer as a simple NULL. */
+ * Note that we usually encode the the empty DnsAnswer object as a simple NULL. */
+typedef enum DnsAnswerFlags {
+ DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED = 1, /* Item has been authenticated */
+ DNS_ANSWER_CACHEABLE = 2, /* Item is subject to caching */
+ DNS_ANSWER_SHARED_OWNER = 4, /* For mDNS: RRset may be owner by multiple peers */
+} DnsAnswerFlags;
struct DnsAnswerItem {
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
int ifindex;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
struct DnsAnswer {
@@ -49,15 +56,17 @@ DnsAnswer *dns_answer_new(unsigned n);
DnsAnswer *dns_answer_ref(DnsAnswer *a);
DnsAnswer *dns_answer_unref(DnsAnswer *a);
-int dns_answer_add(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex);
-int dns_answer_add_extend(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex);
+int dns_answer_add(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex, DnsAnswerFlags flags);
+int dns_answer_add_extend(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int ifindex, DnsAnswerFlags flags);
int dns_answer_add_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const char *name, uint32_t ttl);
-int dns_answer_match_key(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key);
-int dns_answer_contains_rr(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr);
+int dns_answer_match_key(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags *combined_flags);
+int dns_answer_contains_rr(DnsAnswer *a, DnsResourceRecord *rr, DnsAnswerFlags *combined_flags);
+int dns_answer_contains_key(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags *combined_flags);
+int dns_answer_contains_nsec_or_nsec3(DnsAnswer *a);
-int dns_answer_find_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret);
-int dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret);
+int dns_answer_find_soa(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret, DnsAnswerFlags *flags);
+int dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord **ret, DnsAnswerFlags *flags);
int dns_answer_merge(DnsAnswer *a, DnsAnswer *b, DnsAnswer **ret);
int dns_answer_extend(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *b);
@@ -68,12 +77,17 @@ int dns_answer_reserve(DnsAnswer **a, unsigned n_free);
int dns_answer_reserve_or_clone(DnsAnswer **a, unsigned n_free);
int dns_answer_remove_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, const DnsResourceKey *key);
-int dns_answer_copy_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *source, const DnsResourceKey *key);
+int dns_answer_remove_by_rr(DnsAnswer **a, DnsResourceRecord *rr);
+int dns_answer_copy_by_key(DnsAnswer **a, DnsAnswer *source, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags or_flags);
+int dns_answer_move_by_key(DnsAnswer **to, DnsAnswer **from, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswerFlags or_flags);
static inline unsigned dns_answer_size(DnsAnswer *a) {
return a ? a->n_rrs : 0;
+void dns_answer_dump(DnsAnswer *answer, FILE *f);
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsAnswer*, dns_answer_unref);
#define _DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(q, kk, a) \
@@ -93,6 +107,36 @@ DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsAnswer*, dns_answer_unref);
0; \
}); \
(a) && (UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs); \
- UNIQ_T(i, q)++, (kk) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].rr : NULL), (ifi) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].ifindex : 0))
+ UNIQ_T(i, q)++, \
+ (kk) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].rr : NULL), \
+ (ifi) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].ifindex : 0))
#define DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(kk, ifindex, a) _DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(UNIQ, kk, ifindex, a)
+#define _DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(q, kk, fl, a) \
+ for (unsigned UNIQ_T(i, q) = ({ \
+ (kk) = ((a) && (a)->n_rrs > 0) ? (a)->items[0].rr : NULL; \
+ (fl) = ((a) && (a)->n_rrs > 0) ? (a)->items[0].flags : 0; \
+ 0; \
+ }); \
+ (a) && (UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs); \
+ UNIQ_T(i, q)++, \
+ (kk) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].rr : NULL), \
+ (fl) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].flags : 0))
+#define DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(kk, flags, a) _DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(UNIQ, kk, flags, a)
+#define _DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(q, kk, ifi, fl, a) \
+ for (unsigned UNIQ_T(i, q) = ({ \
+ (kk) = ((a) && (a)->n_rrs > 0) ? (a)->items[0].rr : NULL; \
+ (ifi) = ((a) && (a)->n_rrs > 0) ? (a)->items[0].ifindex : 0; \
+ (fl) = ((a) && (a)->n_rrs > 0) ? (a)->items[0].flags : 0; \
+ 0; \
+ }); \
+ (a) && (UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs); \
+ UNIQ_T(i, q)++, \
+ (kk) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].rr : NULL), \
+ (ifi) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].ifindex : 0), \
+ (fl) = ((UNIQ_T(i, q) < (a)->n_rrs) ? (a)->items[UNIQ_T(i, q)].flags : 0))
+#define DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(kk, ifindex, flags, a) _DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FULL(UNIQ, kk, ifindex, flags, a)
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.c
index 9ab44400bd..301f383809 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.c
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@
#include "resolved-dns-packet.h"
#include "string-util.h"
-/* Never cache more than 1K entries */
-#define CACHE_MAX 1024
+/* Never cache more than 4K entries. RFC 1536, Section 5 suggests to
+ * leave DNS caches unbounded, but that's crazy. */
+#define CACHE_MAX 4096
-/* We never keep any item longer than 10min in our cache */
+/* We never keep any item longer than 2h in our cache */
typedef enum DnsCacheItemType DnsCacheItemType;
typedef struct DnsCacheItem DnsCacheItem;
@@ -42,14 +43,18 @@ enum DnsCacheItemType {
struct DnsCacheItem {
+ DnsCacheItemType type;
DnsResourceKey *key;
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
usec_t until;
- DnsCacheItemType type;
- unsigned prioq_idx;
- bool authenticated;
+ bool authenticated:1;
+ bool shared_owner:1;
int owner_family;
union in_addr_union owner_address;
+ unsigned prioq_idx;
LIST_FIELDS(DnsCacheItem, by_key);
@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ static void dns_cache_item_free(DnsCacheItem *i) {
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsCacheItem*, dns_cache_item_free);
-static void dns_cache_item_remove_and_free(DnsCache *c, DnsCacheItem *i) {
+static void dns_cache_item_unlink_and_free(DnsCache *c, DnsCacheItem *i) {
DnsCacheItem *first;
@@ -85,34 +90,55 @@ static void dns_cache_item_remove_and_free(DnsCache *c, DnsCacheItem *i) {
-void dns_cache_flush(DnsCache *c) {
- DnsCacheItem *i;
+static bool dns_cache_remove_by_rr(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ DnsCacheItem *first, *i;
+ int r;
+ first = hashmap_get(c->by_key, rr->key);
+ LIST_FOREACH(by_key, i, first) {
+ r = dns_resource_record_equal(i->rr, rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ dns_cache_item_unlink_and_free(c, i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool dns_cache_remove_by_key(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key) {
+ DnsCacheItem *first, *i, *n;
+ assert(key);
- while ((i = hashmap_first(c->by_key)))
- dns_cache_item_remove_and_free(c, i);
+ first = hashmap_remove(c->by_key, key);
+ if (!first)
+ return false;
- assert(hashmap_size(c->by_key) == 0);
- assert(prioq_size(c->by_expiry) == 0);
+ LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(by_key, i, n, first) {
+ prioq_remove(c->by_expiry, i, &i->prioq_idx);
+ dns_cache_item_free(i);
+ }
- c->by_key = hashmap_free(c->by_key);
- c->by_expiry = prioq_free(c->by_expiry);
+ return true;
-static bool dns_cache_remove(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key) {
- DnsCacheItem *i;
- bool exist = false;
+void dns_cache_flush(DnsCache *c) {
+ DnsResourceKey *key;
- assert(key);
- while ((i = hashmap_get(c->by_key, key))) {
- dns_cache_item_remove_and_free(c, i);
- exist = true;
- }
+ while ((key = hashmap_first_key(c->by_key)))
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, key);
- return exist;
+ assert(hashmap_size(c->by_key) == 0);
+ assert(prioq_size(c->by_expiry) == 0);
+ c->by_key = hashmap_free(c->by_key);
+ c->by_expiry = prioq_free(c->by_expiry);
static void dns_cache_make_space(DnsCache *c, unsigned add) {
@@ -142,7 +168,7 @@ static void dns_cache_make_space(DnsCache *c, unsigned add) {
/* Take an extra reference to the key so that it
* doesn't go away in the middle of the remove call */
key = dns_resource_key_ref(i->key);
- dns_cache_remove(c, key);
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, key);
@@ -154,7 +180,6 @@ void dns_cache_prune(DnsCache *c) {
/* Remove all entries that are past their TTL */
for (;;) {
- _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *key = NULL;
DnsCacheItem *i;
i = prioq_peek(c->by_expiry);
@@ -167,10 +192,19 @@ void dns_cache_prune(DnsCache *c) {
if (i->until > t)
- /* Take an extra reference to the key so that it
- * doesn't go away in the middle of the remove call */
- key = dns_resource_key_ref(i->key);
- dns_cache_remove(c, key);
+ /* Depending whether this is an mDNS shared entry
+ * either remove only this one RR or the whole
+ * RRset */
+ if (i->shared_owner)
+ dns_cache_item_unlink_and_free(c, i);
+ else {
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *key = NULL;
+ /* Take an extra reference to the key so that it
+ * doesn't go away in the middle of the remove call */
+ key = dns_resource_key_ref(i->key);
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, key);
+ }
@@ -239,10 +273,56 @@ static DnsCacheItem* dns_cache_get(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
return NULL;
-static void dns_cache_item_update_positive(DnsCache *c, DnsCacheItem *i, DnsResourceRecord *rr, bool authenticated, usec_t timestamp) {
+static usec_t calculate_until(DnsResourceRecord *rr, uint32_t nsec_ttl, usec_t timestamp, bool use_soa_minimum) {
+ uint32_t ttl;
+ usec_t u;
+ assert(rr);
+ ttl = MIN(rr->ttl, nsec_ttl);
+ if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_SOA && use_soa_minimum) {
+ /* If this is a SOA RR, and it is requested, clamp to
+ * the SOA's minimum field. This is used when we do
+ * negative caching, to determine the TTL for the
+ * negative caching entry. See RFC 2308, Section
+ * 5. */
+ if (ttl > rr->soa.minimum)
+ ttl = rr->soa.minimum;
+ }
+ u = ttl * USEC_PER_SEC;
+ if (rr->expiry != USEC_INFINITY) {
+ usec_t left;
+ /* Make use of the DNSSEC RRSIG expiry info, if we
+ * have it */
+ left = LESS_BY(rr->expiry, now(CLOCK_REALTIME));
+ if (u > left)
+ u = left;
+ }
+ return timestamp + u;
+static void dns_cache_item_update_positive(
+ DnsCache *c,
+ DnsCacheItem *i,
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr,
+ bool authenticated,
+ bool shared_owner,
+ usec_t timestamp,
+ int owner_family,
+ const union in_addr_union *owner_address) {
+ assert(owner_address);
@@ -259,8 +339,12 @@ static void dns_cache_item_update_positive(DnsCache *c, DnsCacheItem *i, DnsReso
i->key = dns_resource_key_ref(rr->key);
+ i->until = calculate_until(rr, (uint32_t) -1, timestamp, false);
i->authenticated = authenticated;
- i->until = timestamp + MIN(rr->ttl * USEC_PER_SEC, CACHE_TTL_MAX_USEC);
+ i->shared_owner = shared_owner;
+ i->owner_family = owner_family;
+ i->owner_address = *owner_address;
prioq_reshuffle(c->by_expiry, i, &i->prioq_idx);
@@ -269,6 +353,7 @@ static int dns_cache_put_positive(
DnsCache *c,
DnsResourceRecord *rr,
bool authenticated,
+ bool shared_owner,
usec_t timestamp,
int owner_family,
const union in_addr_union *owner_address) {
@@ -282,9 +367,15 @@ static int dns_cache_put_positive(
- /* New TTL is 0? Delete the entry... */
+ /* Never cache pseudo RRs */
+ if (dns_class_is_pseudo(rr->key->class))
+ return 0;
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(rr->key->type))
+ return 0;
+ /* New TTL is 0? Delete this specific entry... */
if (rr->ttl <= 0) {
- k = dns_cache_remove(c, rr->key);
+ k = dns_cache_remove_by_rr(c, rr);
if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
r = dns_resource_key_to_string(rr->key, &key_str);
@@ -300,15 +391,18 @@ static int dns_cache_put_positive(
return 0;
- if (rr->key->class == DNS_CLASS_ANY)
- return 0;
- if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_ANY)
- return 0;
- /* Entry exists already? Update TTL and timestamp */
+ /* Entry exists already? Update TTL, timestamp and owner*/
existing = dns_cache_get(c, rr);
if (existing) {
- dns_cache_item_update_positive(c, existing, rr, authenticated, timestamp);
+ dns_cache_item_update_positive(
+ c,
+ existing,
+ rr,
+ authenticated,
+ shared_owner,
+ timestamp,
+ owner_family,
+ owner_address);
return 0;
@@ -326,11 +420,12 @@ static int dns_cache_put_positive(
i->key = dns_resource_key_ref(rr->key);
i->rr = dns_resource_record_ref(rr);
- i->until = timestamp + MIN(i->rr->ttl * USEC_PER_SEC, CACHE_TTL_MAX_USEC);
- i->prioq_idx = PRIOQ_IDX_NULL;
+ i->until = calculate_until(rr, (uint32_t) -1, timestamp, false);
+ i->authenticated = authenticated;
+ i->shared_owner = shared_owner;
i->owner_family = owner_family;
i->owner_address = *owner_address;
- i->authenticated = authenticated;
+ i->prioq_idx = PRIOQ_IDX_NULL;
r = dns_cache_link_item(c, i);
if (r < 0)
@@ -341,7 +436,7 @@ static int dns_cache_put_positive(
if (r < 0)
return r;
- log_debug("Added cache entry for %s", key_str);
+ log_debug("Added positive cache entry for %s", key_str);
i = NULL;
@@ -353,8 +448,9 @@ static int dns_cache_put_negative(
DnsResourceKey *key,
int rcode,
bool authenticated,
+ uint32_t nsec_ttl,
usec_t timestamp,
- uint32_t soa_ttl,
+ DnsResourceRecord *soa,
int owner_family,
const union in_addr_union *owner_address) {
@@ -364,23 +460,24 @@ static int dns_cache_put_negative(
+ assert(soa);
- dns_cache_remove(c, key);
- if (key->class == DNS_CLASS_ANY)
+ /* Never cache pseudo RR keys. DNS_TYPE_ANY is particularly
+ * important to filter out as we use this as a pseudo-type for
+ * NXDOMAIN entries */
+ if (dns_class_is_pseudo(key->class))
return 0;
- if (key->type == DNS_TYPE_ANY)
- /* This is particularly important to filter out as we use this as a
- * pseudo-type for NXDOMAIN entries */
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(key->type))
return 0;
- if (soa_ttl <= 0) {
+ if (nsec_ttl <= 0 || soa->soa.minimum <= 0 || soa->ttl <= 0) {
if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
r = dns_resource_key_to_string(key, &key_str);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- log_debug("Not caching negative entry with zero SOA TTL: %s", key_str);
+ log_debug("Not caching negative entry with zero SOA/NSEC/NSEC3 TTL: %s", key_str);
return 0;
@@ -400,11 +497,11 @@ static int dns_cache_put_negative(
return -ENOMEM;
- i->until = timestamp + MIN(soa_ttl * USEC_PER_SEC, CACHE_TTL_MAX_USEC);
- i->prioq_idx = PRIOQ_IDX_NULL;
+ i->until = calculate_until(soa, nsec_ttl, timestamp, true);
+ i->authenticated = authenticated;
i->owner_family = owner_family;
i->owner_address = *owner_address;
- i->authenticated = authenticated;
+ i->prioq_idx = PRIOQ_IDX_NULL;
if (i->type == DNS_CACHE_NXDOMAIN) {
/* NXDOMAIN entries should apply equally to all types, so we use ANY as
@@ -412,6 +509,14 @@ static int dns_cache_put_negative(
i->key = dns_resource_key_new(key->class, DNS_TYPE_ANY, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key));
if (!i->key)
return -ENOMEM;
+ /* Make sure to remove any previous entry for this
+ * specific ANY key. (For non-ANY keys the cache data
+ * is already cleared by the caller.) Note that we
+ * don't bother removing positive or NODATA cache
+ * items in this case, because it would either be slow
+ * or require explicit indexing by name */
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, key);
} else
i->key = dns_resource_key_ref(key);
@@ -431,30 +536,58 @@ static int dns_cache_put_negative(
return 0;
+static void dns_cache_remove_previous(
+ DnsCache *c,
+ DnsResourceKey *key,
+ DnsAnswer *answer) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ assert(c);
+ /* First, if we were passed a key (i.e. on LLMNR/DNS, but
+ * not on mDNS), delete all matching old RRs, so that we only
+ * keep complete by_key in place. */
+ if (key)
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, key);
+ /* Second, flush all entries matching the answer, unless this
+ * is an RR that is explicitly marked to be "shared" between
+ * peers (i.e. mDNS RRs without the flush-cache bit set). */
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, flags, answer) {
+ if ((flags & DNS_ANSWER_CACHEABLE) == 0)
+ continue;
+ continue;
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, rr->key);
+ }
int dns_cache_put(
DnsCache *c,
DnsResourceKey *key,
int rcode,
DnsAnswer *answer,
- unsigned max_rrs,
bool authenticated,
+ uint32_t nsec_ttl,
usec_t timestamp,
int owner_family,
const union in_addr_union *owner_address) {
DnsResourceRecord *soa = NULL, *rr;
- unsigned cache_keys, i;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ unsigned cache_keys;
int r;
+ assert(owner_address);
- if (key) {
- /* First, if we were passed a key, delete all matching old RRs,
- * so that we only keep complete by_key in place. */
- dns_cache_remove(c, key);
- }
+ dns_cache_remove_previous(c, key, answer);
- if (!answer) {
+ if (dns_answer_size(answer) <= 0) {
if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
_cleanup_free_ char *key_str = NULL;
@@ -468,19 +601,13 @@ int dns_cache_put(
return 0;
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rr, answer)
- if (rr->key->cache_flush)
- dns_cache_remove(c, rr->key);
/* We only care for positive replies and NXDOMAINs, on all
* other replies we will simply flush the respective entries,
* and that's it */
return 0;
- cache_keys = answer->n_rrs;
+ cache_keys = dns_answer_size(answer);
if (key)
cache_keys ++;
@@ -491,19 +618,26 @@ int dns_cache_put(
timestamp = now(clock_boottime_or_monotonic());
/* Second, add in positive entries for all contained RRs */
- for (i = 0; i < MIN(max_rrs, answer->n_rrs); i++) {
- rr = answer->items[i].rr;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, flags, answer) {
+ if ((flags & DNS_ANSWER_CACHEABLE) == 0)
+ continue;
- r = dns_cache_put_positive(c, rr, authenticated, timestamp, owner_family, owner_address);
+ r = dns_cache_put_positive(
+ c,
+ rr,
+ timestamp,
+ owner_family, owner_address);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
- if (!key)
+ if (!key) /* mDNS doesn't know negative caching, really */
return 0;
/* Third, add in negative entries if the key has no RR */
- r = dns_answer_match_key(answer, key);
+ r = dns_answer_match_key(answer, key, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
if (r > 0)
@@ -512,7 +646,7 @@ int dns_cache_put(
/* But not if it has a matching CNAME/DNAME (the negative
* caching will be done on the canonical name, not on the
* alias) */
- r = dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(answer, key, NULL);
+ r = dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(answer, key, NULL, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
if (r > 0)
@@ -521,14 +655,26 @@ int dns_cache_put(
/* See, which say that a
* matching SOA record in the packet is used to to enable
* negative caching. */
- r = dns_answer_find_soa(answer, key, &soa);
+ r = dns_answer_find_soa(answer, key, &soa, &flags);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
if (r == 0)
return 0;
- r = dns_cache_put_negative(c, key, rcode, authenticated, timestamp, MIN(soa->soa.minimum, soa->ttl), owner_family, owner_address);
+ /* Refuse using the SOA data if it is unsigned, but the key is
+ * signed */
+ if (authenticated && (flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ r = dns_cache_put_negative(
+ c,
+ key,
+ rcode,
+ authenticated,
+ nsec_ttl,
+ timestamp,
+ soa,
+ owner_family, owner_address);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -539,10 +685,14 @@ fail:
* added, just in case */
if (key)
- dns_cache_remove(c, key);
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, key);
- for (i = 0; i < answer->n_rrs; i++)
- dns_cache_remove(c, answer->items[i].rr->key);
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, flags, answer) {
+ if ((flags & DNS_ANSWER_CACHEABLE) == 0)
+ continue;
+ dns_cache_remove_by_key(c, rr->key);
+ }
return r;
@@ -570,11 +720,7 @@ static DnsCacheItem *dns_cache_get_by_key_follow_cname_dname_nsec(DnsCache *c, D
if (i && i->type == DNS_CACHE_NXDOMAIN)
return i;
- /* The following record types should never be redirected. See
- * <>. */
+ if (dns_type_may_redirect(k->type)) {
/* Check if we have a CNAME record instead */
i = hashmap_get(c->by_key, &DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_CONST(k->class, DNS_TYPE_CNAME, n));
if (i)
@@ -582,8 +728,6 @@ static DnsCacheItem *dns_cache_get_by_key_follow_cname_dname_nsec(DnsCache *c, D
/* OK, let's look for cached DNAME records. */
for (;;) {
- char label[DNS_LABEL_MAX];
if (isempty(n))
return NULL;
@@ -592,13 +736,13 @@ static DnsCacheItem *dns_cache_get_by_key_follow_cname_dname_nsec(DnsCache *c, D
return i;
/* Jump one label ahead */
- r = dns_label_unescape(&n, label, sizeof(label));
+ r = dns_name_parent(&n);
if (r <= 0)
return NULL;
- if (k-> type != DNS_TYPE_NSEC) {
+ if (k->type != DNS_TYPE_NSEC) {
/* Check if we have an NSEC record instead for the name. */
i = hashmap_get(c->by_key, &DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_CONST(k->class, DNS_TYPE_NSEC, n));
if (i)
@@ -637,6 +781,8 @@ int dns_cache_lookup(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int *rcode, DnsAnswer **r
log_debug("Ignoring cache for ANY lookup: %s", key_str);
+ c->n_miss++;
*ret = NULL;
return 0;
@@ -654,6 +800,8 @@ int dns_cache_lookup(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int *rcode, DnsAnswer **r
log_debug("Cache miss for %s", key_str);
+ c->n_miss++;
*ret = NULL;
return 0;
@@ -691,9 +839,15 @@ int dns_cache_lookup(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int *rcode, DnsAnswer **r
*authenticated = nsec->authenticated;
- return !bitmap_isset(nsec->rr->nsec.types, key->type) &&
- !bitmap_isset(nsec->rr->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_CNAME) &&
- !bitmap_isset(nsec->rr->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_DNAME);
+ if (!bitmap_isset(nsec->rr->nsec.types, key->type) &&
+ !bitmap_isset(nsec->rr->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_CNAME) &&
+ !bitmap_isset(nsec->rr->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_DNAME)) {
+ c->n_hit++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ c->n_miss++;
+ return 0;
if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
@@ -708,6 +862,8 @@ int dns_cache_lookup(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int *rcode, DnsAnswer **r
if (n <= 0) {
+ c->n_hit++;
*ret = NULL;
*authenticated = have_authenticated && !have_non_authenticated;
@@ -722,11 +878,13 @@ int dns_cache_lookup(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int *rcode, DnsAnswer **r
if (!j->rr)
- r = dns_answer_add(answer, j->rr, 0);
+ r = dns_answer_add(answer, j->rr, 0, j->authenticated ? DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED : 0);
if (r < 0)
return r;
+ c->n_hit++;
*ret = answer;
*authenticated = have_authenticated && !have_non_authenticated;
@@ -784,12 +942,10 @@ int dns_cache_export_shared_to_packet(DnsCache *cache, DnsPacket *p) {
DnsCacheItem *j;
LIST_FOREACH(by_key, j, i) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL;
if (!j->rr)
- if (!dns_key_is_shared(j->rr->key))
+ if (!j->shared_owner)
r = dns_packet_append_rr(p, j->rr, NULL, NULL);
@@ -837,13 +993,13 @@ void dns_cache_dump(DnsCache *cache, FILE *f) {
DnsCacheItem *j;
LIST_FOREACH(by_key, j, i) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL;
fputc('\t', f);
if (j->rr) {
- r = dns_resource_record_to_string(j->rr, &t);
- if (r < 0) {
+ const char *t;
+ t = dns_resource_record_to_string(j->rr);
+ if (!t) {
@@ -851,13 +1007,14 @@ void dns_cache_dump(DnsCache *cache, FILE *f) {
fputs(t, f);
fputc('\n', f);
} else {
- r = dns_resource_key_to_string(j->key, &t);
+ _cleanup_free_ char *z = NULL;
+ r = dns_resource_key_to_string(j->key, &z);
if (r < 0) {
- fputs(t, f);
+ fputs(z, f);
fputs(" -- ", f);
fputs(j->type == DNS_CACHE_NODATA ? "NODATA" : "NXDOMAIN", f);
fputc('\n', f);
@@ -872,3 +1029,10 @@ bool dns_cache_is_empty(DnsCache *cache) {
return hashmap_isempty(cache->by_key);
+unsigned dns_cache_size(DnsCache *cache) {
+ if (!cache)
+ return 0;
+ return hashmap_size(cache->by_key);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.h
index 0f28bbe543..e61b285df4 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-cache.h
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
typedef struct DnsCache {
Hashmap *by_key;
Prioq *by_expiry;
+ unsigned n_hit;
+ unsigned n_miss;
} DnsCache;
#include "resolved-dns-answer.h"
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ typedef struct DnsCache {
void dns_cache_flush(DnsCache *c);
void dns_cache_prune(DnsCache *c);
-int dns_cache_put(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int rcode, DnsAnswer *answer, unsigned max_rrs, bool authenticated, usec_t timestamp, int owner_family, const union in_addr_union *owner_address);
+int dns_cache_put(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int rcode, DnsAnswer *answer, bool authenticated, uint32_t nsec_ttl, usec_t timestamp, int owner_family, const union in_addr_union *owner_address);
int dns_cache_lookup(DnsCache *c, DnsResourceKey *key, int *rcode, DnsAnswer **answer, bool *authenticated);
int dns_cache_check_conflicts(DnsCache *cache, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int owner_family, const union in_addr_union *owner_address);
@@ -47,4 +49,6 @@ int dns_cache_check_conflicts(DnsCache *cache, DnsResourceRecord *rr, int owner_
void dns_cache_dump(DnsCache *cache, FILE *f);
bool dns_cache_is_empty(DnsCache *cache);
+unsigned dns_cache_size(DnsCache *cache);
int dns_cache_export_shared_to_packet(DnsCache *cache, DnsPacket *p);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.c
index df12e86167..51fe710795 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "dns-domain.h"
+#include "hexdecoct.h"
#include "resolved-dns-dnssec.h"
#include "resolved-dns-packet.h"
#include "string-table.h"
@@ -34,16 +35,14 @@
- * - Iterative validation
- * - NSEC proof of non-existance
- * - NSEC3 proof of non-existance
- * - Make trust anchor store read additional DS+DNSKEY data from disk
- * - wildcard zones compatibility
+ * - wildcard zones compatibility (NSEC/NSEC3 wildcard check is missing)
* - multi-label zone compatibility
- * - DNSSEC cname/dname compatibility
- * - per-interface DNSSEC setting
- * - DSA support
- * - EC support?
+ * - cname/dname compatibility
+ * - nxdomain on qname
+ * - workable hack for the .corp, .home, .box case
+ * - bus calls to override DNSEC setting per interface
+ * - log all DNSSEC downgrades
+ * - enable by default
* */
@@ -53,6 +52,9 @@
/* Permit a maximum clock skew of 1h 10min. This should be enough to deal with DST confusion */
+/* Maximum number of NSEC3 iterations we'll do. */
+#define NSEC3_ITERATIONS_MAX 2048
* The DNSSEC Chain of trust:
@@ -64,23 +66,22 @@
-static bool dnssec_algorithm_supported(int algorithm) {
- return IN_SET(algorithm,
+static void initialize_libgcrypt(void) {
+ const char *p;
+ return;
-static bool dnssec_digest_supported(int digest) {
- return IN_SET(digest,
+ p = gcry_check_version("1.4.5");
+ assert(p);
-uint16_t dnssec_keytag(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey) {
+uint16_t dnssec_keytag(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, bool mask_revoke) {
const uint8_t *p;
- uint32_t sum;
+ uint32_t sum, f;
size_t i;
/* The algorithm from RFC 4034, Appendix B. */
@@ -88,8 +89,12 @@ uint16_t dnssec_keytag(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey) {
assert(dnskey->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY);
- sum = (uint32_t) dnskey->dnskey.flags +
- ((((uint32_t) dnskey->dnskey.protocol) << 8) + (uint32_t) dnskey->dnskey.algorithm);
+ f = (uint32_t) dnskey->dnskey.flags;
+ if (mask_revoke)
+ sum = f + ((((uint32_t) dnskey->dnskey.protocol) << 8) + (uint32_t) dnskey->dnskey.algorithm);
p = dnskey->dnskey.key;
@@ -115,21 +120,21 @@ static int rr_compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
- m = MIN((*x)->wire_format_size, (*y)->wire_format_size);
- r = memcmp((*x)->wire_format, (*y)->wire_format, m);
if (r != 0)
return r;
- if ((*x)->wire_format_size < (*y)->wire_format_size)
return -1;
- else if ((*x)->wire_format_size > (*y)->wire_format_size)
return 1;
return 0;
-static int dnssec_rsa_verify(
+static int dnssec_rsa_verify_raw(
const char *hash_algorithm,
const void *signature, size_t signature_size,
const void *data, size_t data_size,
@@ -219,6 +224,196 @@ finish:
return r;
+static int dnssec_rsa_verify(
+ const char *hash_algorithm,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_size,
+ DnsResourceRecord *rrsig,
+ DnsResourceRecord *dnskey) {
+ size_t exponent_size, modulus_size;
+ void *exponent, *modulus;
+ assert(hash_algorithm);
+ assert(hash);
+ assert(hash_size > 0);
+ assert(rrsig);
+ assert(dnskey);
+ if (*(uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key == 0) {
+ /* exponent is > 255 bytes long */
+ exponent = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 3;
+ exponent_size =
+ ((size_t) (((uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key)[1]) << 8) |
+ ((size_t) ((uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key)[2]);
+ if (exponent_size < 256)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (3 + exponent_size >= dnskey->dnskey.key_size)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ modulus = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 3 + exponent_size;
+ modulus_size = dnskey->dnskey.key_size - 3 - exponent_size;
+ } else {
+ /* exponent is <= 255 bytes long */
+ exponent = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 1;
+ exponent_size = (size_t) ((uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key)[0];
+ if (exponent_size <= 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (1 + exponent_size >= dnskey->dnskey.key_size)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ modulus = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 1 + exponent_size;
+ modulus_size = dnskey->dnskey.key_size - 1 - exponent_size;
+ }
+ return dnssec_rsa_verify_raw(
+ hash_algorithm,
+ rrsig->rrsig.signature, rrsig->rrsig.signature_size,
+ hash, hash_size,
+ exponent, exponent_size,
+ modulus, modulus_size);
+static int dnssec_ecdsa_verify_raw(
+ const char *hash_algorithm,
+ const char *curve,
+ const void *signature_r, size_t signature_r_size,
+ const void *signature_s, size_t signature_s_size,
+ const void *data, size_t data_size,
+ const void *key, size_t key_size) {
+ gcry_sexp_t public_key_sexp = NULL, data_sexp = NULL, signature_sexp = NULL;
+ gcry_mpi_t q = NULL, r = NULL, s = NULL;
+ gcry_error_t ge;
+ int k;
+ assert(hash_algorithm);
+ ge = gcry_mpi_scan(&r, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, signature_r, signature_r_size, NULL);
+ if (ge != 0) {
+ k = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ ge = gcry_mpi_scan(&s, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, signature_s, signature_s_size, NULL);
+ if (ge != 0) {
+ k = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ ge = gcry_mpi_scan(&q, GCRYMPI_FMT_USG, key, key_size, NULL);
+ if (ge != 0) {
+ k = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ ge = gcry_sexp_build(&signature_sexp,
+ "(sig-val (ecdsa (r %m) (s %m)))",
+ r,
+ s);
+ if (ge != 0) {
+ k = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ ge = gcry_sexp_build(&data_sexp,
+ "(data (flags rfc6979) (hash %s %b))",
+ hash_algorithm,
+ (int) data_size,
+ data);
+ if (ge != 0) {
+ k = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ ge = gcry_sexp_build(&public_key_sexp,
+ "(public-key (ecc (curve %s) (q %m)))",
+ curve,
+ q);
+ if (ge != 0) {
+ k = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ ge = gcry_pk_verify(signature_sexp, data_sexp, public_key_sexp);
+ if (gpg_err_code(ge) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE)
+ k = 0;
+ else if (ge != 0) {
+ log_debug("ECDSA signature check failed: %s", gpg_strerror(ge));
+ k = -EIO;
+ } else
+ k = 1;
+ if (r)
+ gcry_mpi_release(r);
+ if (s)
+ gcry_mpi_release(s);
+ if (q)
+ gcry_mpi_release(q);
+ if (public_key_sexp)
+ gcry_sexp_release(public_key_sexp);
+ if (signature_sexp)
+ gcry_sexp_release(signature_sexp);
+ if (data_sexp)
+ gcry_sexp_release(data_sexp);
+ return k;
+static int dnssec_ecdsa_verify(
+ const char *hash_algorithm,
+ int algorithm,
+ const void *hash, size_t hash_size,
+ DnsResourceRecord *rrsig,
+ DnsResourceRecord *dnskey) {
+ const char *curve;
+ size_t key_size;
+ uint8_t *q;
+ assert(hash);
+ assert(hash_size);
+ assert(rrsig);
+ assert(dnskey);
+ if (algorithm == DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_ECDSAP256SHA256) {
+ key_size = 32;
+ curve = "NIST P-256";
+ } else if (algorithm == DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_ECDSAP384SHA384) {
+ key_size = 48;
+ curve = "NIST P-384";
+ } else
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ if (dnskey->dnskey.key_size != key_size * 2)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (rrsig->rrsig.signature_size != key_size * 2)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ q = alloca(key_size*2 + 1);
+ q[0] = 0x04; /* Prepend 0x04 to indicate an uncompressed key */
+ memcpy(q+1, dnskey->dnskey.key, key_size*2);
+ return dnssec_ecdsa_verify_raw(
+ hash_algorithm,
+ curve,
+ rrsig->rrsig.signature, key_size,
+ (uint8_t*) rrsig->rrsig.signature + key_size, key_size,
+ hash, hash_size,
+ q, key_size*2+1);
static void md_add_uint8(gcry_md_hd_t md, uint8_t v) {
gcry_md_write(md, &v, sizeof(v));
@@ -268,21 +463,54 @@ static int dnssec_rrsig_expired(DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, usec_t realtime) {
return realtime < inception || realtime > expiration;
+static int algorithm_to_gcrypt_md(uint8_t algorithm) {
+ /* Translates a DNSSEC signature algorithm into a gcrypt
+ * digest identifier.
+ *
+ * Note that we implement all algorithms listed as "Must
+ * implement" and "Recommended to Implement" in RFC6944. We
+ * don't implement any algorithms that are listed as
+ * "Optional" or "Must Not Implement". Specifically, we do not
+ * implement RSAMD5, DSASHA1, DH, DSA-NSEC3-SHA1, and
+ * GOST-ECC. */
+ switch (algorithm) {
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA1;
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA256;
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA384;
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA512;
+ default:
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
int dnssec_verify_rrset(
DnsAnswer *a,
- DnsResourceKey *key,
+ const DnsResourceKey *key,
DnsResourceRecord *rrsig,
DnsResourceRecord *dnskey,
usec_t realtime,
DnssecResult *result) {
uint8_t wire_format_name[DNS_WIRE_FOMAT_HOSTNAME_MAX];
- size_t exponent_size, modulus_size, hash_size;
- void *exponent, *modulus, *hash;
+ size_t hash_size;
+ void *hash;
DnsResourceRecord **list, *rr;
gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
+ int r, md_algorithm;
size_t k, n = 0;
- int r;
@@ -295,11 +523,13 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset(
* using the signature "rrsig" and the key "dnskey". It's
* assumed the RRSIG and DNSKEY match. */
- if (!dnssec_algorithm_supported(rrsig->rrsig.algorithm))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- if (a->n_rrs > VERIFY_RRS_MAX)
- return -E2BIG;
+ md_algorithm = algorithm_to_gcrypt_md(rrsig->rrsig.algorithm);
+ if (md_algorithm == -EOPNOTSUPP) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (md_algorithm < 0)
+ return md_algorithm;
r = dnssec_rrsig_expired(rrsig, realtime);
if (r < 0)
@@ -325,6 +555,9 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset(
return r;
list[n++] = rr;
+ if (n > VERIFY_RRS_MAX)
+ return -E2BIG;
if (n <= 0)
@@ -334,28 +567,12 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset(
qsort_safe(list, n, sizeof(DnsResourceRecord*), rr_compare);
/* OK, the RRs are now in canonical order. Let's calculate the digest */
- switch (rrsig->rrsig.algorithm) {
- gcry_md_open(&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0);
- hash_size = 20;
- break;
+ initialize_libgcrypt();
- gcry_md_open(&md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, 0);
- hash_size = 32;
- break;
- gcry_md_open(&md, GCRY_MD_SHA512, 0);
- hash_size = 64;
- break;
- default:
- assert_not_reached("Unknown digest");
- }
+ hash_size = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(md_algorithm);
+ assert(hash_size > 0);
+ gcry_md_open(&md, md_algorithm, 0);
if (!md)
return -EIO;
@@ -373,10 +590,17 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset(
gcry_md_write(md, wire_format_name, r);
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ const char *suffix;
size_t l;
rr = list[k];
- r = dns_name_to_wire_format(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), wire_format_name, sizeof(wire_format_name), true);
+ r = dns_name_suffix(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), rrsig->rrsig.labels, &suffix);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto finish;
+ if (r > 0) /* This is a wildcard! */
+ gcry_md_write(md, (uint8_t[]) { 1, '*'}, 2);
+ r = dns_name_to_wire_format(suffix, wire_format_name, sizeof(wire_format_name), true);
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
gcry_md_write(md, wire_format_name, r);
@@ -385,12 +609,11 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset(
md_add_uint16(md, rr->key->class);
md_add_uint32(md, rrsig->rrsig.original_ttl);
- assert(rr->wire_format_rdata_offset <= rr->wire_format_size);
- l = rr->wire_format_size - rr->wire_format_rdata_offset;
assert(l <= 0xFFFF);
md_add_uint16(md, (uint16_t) l);
- gcry_md_write(md, (uint8_t*) rr->wire_format + rr->wire_format_rdata_offset, l);
+ gcry_md_write(md, DNS_RESOURCE_RECORD_RDATA(rr), l);
hash = gcry_md_read(md, 0);
@@ -399,53 +622,30 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset(
goto finish;
- if (*(uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key == 0) {
- /* exponent is > 255 bytes long */
- exponent = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 3;
- exponent_size =
- ((size_t) (((uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key)[0]) << 8) |
- ((size_t) ((uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key)[1]);
- if (exponent_size < 256) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto finish;
- }
- if (3 + exponent_size >= dnskey->dnskey.key_size) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto finish;
- }
- modulus = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 3 + exponent_size;
- modulus_size = dnskey->dnskey.key_size - 3 - exponent_size;
- } else {
- /* exponent is <= 255 bytes long */
- exponent = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 1;
- exponent_size = (size_t) ((uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key)[0];
- if (exponent_size <= 0) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto finish;
- }
+ switch (rrsig->rrsig.algorithm) {
- if (1 + exponent_size >= dnskey->dnskey.key_size) {
- r = -EINVAL;
- goto finish;
- }
+ r = dnssec_rsa_verify(
+ gcry_md_algo_name(md_algorithm),
+ hash, hash_size,
+ rrsig,
+ dnskey);
+ break;
- modulus = (uint8_t*) dnskey->dnskey.key + 1 + exponent_size;
- modulus_size = dnskey->dnskey.key_size - 1 - exponent_size;
+ r = dnssec_ecdsa_verify(
+ gcry_md_algo_name(md_algorithm),
+ rrsig->rrsig.algorithm,
+ hash, hash_size,
+ rrsig,
+ dnskey);
+ break;
- r = dnssec_rsa_verify(
- gcry_md_algo_name(gcry_md_get_algo(md)),
- rrsig->rrsig.signature, rrsig->rrsig.signature_size,
- hash, hash_size,
- exponent, exponent_size,
- modulus, modulus_size);
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
@@ -457,7 +657,7 @@ finish:
return r;
-int dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnskey) {
+int dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, bool revoked_ok) {
@@ -474,18 +674,22 @@ int dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnske
return 0;
if ((dnskey->dnskey.flags & DNSKEY_FLAG_ZONE_KEY) == 0)
return 0;
+ if (!revoked_ok && (dnskey->dnskey.flags & DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE))
+ return 0;
if (dnskey->dnskey.protocol != 3)
return 0;
if (dnskey->dnskey.algorithm != rrsig->rrsig.algorithm)
return 0;
- if (dnssec_keytag(dnskey) != rrsig->rrsig.key_tag)
+ if (dnssec_keytag(dnskey, false) != rrsig->rrsig.key_tag)
return 0;
return dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dnskey->key), rrsig->rrsig.signer);
-int dnssec_key_match_rrsig(DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig) {
+int dnssec_key_match_rrsig(const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig) {
+ int r;
@@ -498,24 +702,60 @@ int dnssec_key_match_rrsig(DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig) {
if (rrsig->rrsig.type_covered != key->type)
return 0;
+ /* Make sure signer is a parent of the RRset */
+ r = dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rrsig->key), rrsig->rrsig.signer);
+ if (r <= 0)
+ return r;
+ /* Make sure the owner name has at least as many labels as the "label" fields indicates. */
+ r = dns_name_count_labels(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rrsig->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r < rrsig->rrsig.labels)
+ return 0;
return dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rrsig->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key));
+static int dnssec_fix_rrset_ttl(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, usec_t realtime) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ int r;
+ assert(key);
+ assert(rrsig);
+ r = dns_resource_key_equal(key, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Pick the TTL as the minimum of the RR's TTL, the
+ * RR's original TTL according to the RRSIG and the
+ * RRSIG's own TTL, see RFC 4035, Section 5.3.3 */
+ rr->ttl = MIN3(rr->ttl, rrsig->rrsig.original_ttl, rrsig->ttl);
+ rr->expiry = rrsig->rrsig.expiration * USEC_PER_SEC;
+ }
+ return 0;
int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(
DnsAnswer *a,
- DnsResourceKey *key,
+ const DnsResourceKey *key,
DnsAnswer *validated_dnskeys,
usec_t realtime,
DnssecResult *result) {
- bool found_rrsig = false, found_dnskey = false;
+ bool found_rrsig = false, found_invalid = false, found_expired_rrsig = false, found_unsupported_algorithm = false;
DnsResourceRecord *rrsig;
int r;
- /* Verifies all RRs from "a" that match the key "key", against DNSKEY and DS RRs in "validated_dnskeys" */
+ /* Verifies all RRs from "a" that match the key "key" against DNSKEYs in "validated_dnskeys" */
if (!a || a->n_rrs <= 0)
return -ENODATA;
@@ -523,7 +763,9 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(
/* Iterate through each RRSIG RR. */
DnsResourceRecord *dnskey;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ /* Is this an RRSIG RR that applies to RRs matching our key? */
r = dnssec_key_match_rrsig(key, rrsig);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -533,17 +775,19 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(
found_rrsig = true;
/* Look for a matching key */
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(dnskey, validated_dnskeys) {
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(dnskey, flags, validated_dnskeys) {
DnssecResult one_result;
- r = dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(rrsig, dnskey);
+ if ((flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED) == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Is this a DNSKEY RR that matches they key of our RRSIG? */
+ r = dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(rrsig, dnskey, false);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r == 0)
- found_dnskey = true;
/* Take the time here, if it isn't set yet, so
* that we do all validations with the same
* time. */
@@ -556,22 +800,57 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(
* combination. */
r = dnssec_verify_rrset(a, key, rrsig, dnskey, realtime, &one_result);
- if (r < 0 && r != EOPNOTSUPP)
+ if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (one_result == DNSSEC_VALIDATED) {
+ switch (one_result) {
+ /* Yay, the RR has been validated,
+ * return immediately, but fix up the expiry */
+ r = dnssec_fix_rrset_ttl(a, key, rrsig, realtime);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
return 0;
- }
- /* If the signature is invalid, or done using
- an unsupported algorithm, let's try another
- key and/or signature. After all they
- key_tags and stuff are not unique, and
- might be shared by multiple keys. */
+ /* If the signature is invalid, let's try another
+ key and/or signature. After all they
+ key_tags and stuff are not unique, and
+ might be shared by multiple keys. */
+ found_invalid = true;
+ continue;
+ /* If the key algorithm is
+ unsupported, try another
+ RRSIG/DNSKEY pair, but remember we
+ encountered this, so that we can
+ return a proper error when we
+ encounter nothing better. */
+ found_unsupported_algorithm = true;
+ continue;
+ /* If the signature is expired, try
+ another one, but remember it, so
+ that we can return this */
+ found_expired_rrsig = true;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ assert_not_reached("Unexpected DNSSEC validation result");
+ }
- if (found_dnskey)
+ if (found_expired_rrsig)
+ else if (found_unsupported_algorithm)
+ else if (found_invalid)
else if (found_rrsig)
@@ -581,6 +860,23 @@ int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(
return 0;
+int dnssec_has_rrsig(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ int r;
+ /* Checks whether there's at least one RRSIG in 'a' that proctects RRs of the specified key */
+ r = dnssec_key_match_rrsig(key, rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
int dnssec_canonicalize(const char *n, char *buffer, size_t buffer_max) {
size_t c = 0;
int r;
@@ -646,11 +942,32 @@ int dnssec_canonicalize(const char *n, char *buffer, size_t buffer_max) {
return (int) c;
-int dnssec_verify_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsResourceRecord *ds) {
- gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
+static int digest_to_gcrypt_md(uint8_t algorithm) {
+ /* Translates a DNSSEC digest algorithm into a gcrypt digest identifier */
+ switch (algorithm) {
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA1;
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA256;
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA384;
+ default:
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+int dnssec_verify_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsResourceRecord *ds, bool mask_revoke) {
+ gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
+ size_t hash_size;
+ int md_algorithm, r;
void *result;
- int r;
@@ -663,48 +980,41 @@ int dnssec_verify_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsResourceRecord *ds) {
return -EINVAL;
if ((dnskey->dnskey.flags & DNSKEY_FLAG_ZONE_KEY) == 0)
+ if (!mask_revoke && (dnskey->dnskey.flags & DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE))
if (dnskey->dnskey.protocol != 3)
if (dnskey->dnskey.algorithm != ds->ds.algorithm)
return 0;
- if (dnssec_keytag(dnskey) != ds->ds.key_tag)
+ if (dnssec_keytag(dnskey, mask_revoke) != ds->ds.key_tag)
return 0;
- if (!dnssec_digest_supported(ds->ds.digest_type))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- switch (ds->ds.digest_type) {
+ initialize_libgcrypt();
+ md_algorithm = digest_to_gcrypt_md(ds->ds.digest_type);
+ if (md_algorithm < 0)
+ return md_algorithm;
- if (ds->ds.digest_size != 20)
- return 0;
+ hash_size = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(md_algorithm);
+ assert(hash_size > 0);
- gcry_md_open(&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0);
- break;
- if (ds->ds.digest_size != 32)
- return 0;
- gcry_md_open(&md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, 0);
- break;
+ if (ds->ds.digest_size != hash_size)
+ return 0;
- default:
- assert_not_reached("Unknown digest");
- }
+ r = dnssec_canonicalize(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dnskey->key), owner_name, sizeof(owner_name));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ gcry_md_open(&md, md_algorithm, 0);
if (!md)
return -EIO;
- r = dnssec_canonicalize(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dnskey->key), owner_name, sizeof(owner_name));
- if (r < 0)
- goto finish;
gcry_md_write(md, owner_name, r);
- md_add_uint16(md, dnskey->dnskey.flags);
+ if (mask_revoke)
+ md_add_uint16(md, dnskey->dnskey.flags & ~DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE);
+ else
+ md_add_uint16(md, dnskey->dnskey.flags);
md_add_uint8(md, dnskey->dnskey.protocol);
md_add_uint8(md, dnskey->dnskey.algorithm);
gcry_md_write(md, dnskey->dnskey.key, dnskey->dnskey.key_size);
@@ -724,6 +1034,7 @@ finish:
int dnssec_verify_dnskey_search(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsAnswer *validated_ds) {
DnsResourceRecord *ds;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
int r;
@@ -731,12 +1042,26 @@ int dnssec_verify_dnskey_search(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsAnswer *validated_
if (dnskey->key->type != DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY)
return 0;
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(ds, validated_ds) {
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(ds, flags, validated_ds) {
+ if ((flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED) == 0)
+ continue;
if (ds->key->type != DNS_TYPE_DS)
- r = dnssec_verify_dnskey(dnskey, ds);
+ if (ds->key->class != dnskey->key->class)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dnskey->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(ds->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dnssec_verify_dnskey(dnskey, ds, false);
+ if (r == -EKEYREJECTED)
+ return 0; /* The DNSKEY is revoked or otherwise invalid, we won't bless it */
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0)
@@ -746,20 +1071,514 @@ int dnssec_verify_dnskey_search(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsAnswer *validated_
return 0;
-static const char* const dnssec_mode_table[_DNSSEC_MODE_MAX] = {
- [DNSSEC_NO] = "no",
- [DNSSEC_TRUST] = "trust",
- [DNSSEC_YES] = "yes",
-DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(dnssec_mode, DnssecMode);
+static int nsec3_hash_to_gcrypt_md(uint8_t algorithm) {
+ /* Translates a DNSSEC NSEC3 hash algorithm into a gcrypt digest identifier */
+ switch (algorithm) {
+ return GCRY_MD_SHA1;
+ default:
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+int dnssec_nsec3_hash(DnsResourceRecord *nsec3, const char *name, void *ret) {
+ uint8_t wire_format[DNS_WIRE_FOMAT_HOSTNAME_MAX];
+ gcry_md_hd_t md = NULL;
+ size_t hash_size;
+ int algorithm;
+ void *result;
+ unsigned k;
+ int r;
+ assert(nsec3);
+ assert(name);
+ assert(ret);
+ if (nsec3->key->type != DNS_TYPE_NSEC3)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (nsec3->nsec3.iterations > NSEC3_ITERATIONS_MAX) {
+ log_debug("Ignoring NSEC3 RR %s with excessive number of iterations.", dns_resource_record_to_string(nsec3));
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ algorithm = nsec3_hash_to_gcrypt_md(nsec3->nsec3.algorithm);
+ if (algorithm < 0)
+ return algorithm;
+ initialize_libgcrypt();
+ hash_size = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(algorithm);
+ assert(hash_size > 0);
+ if (nsec3->nsec3.next_hashed_name_size != hash_size)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ r = dns_name_to_wire_format(name, wire_format, sizeof(wire_format), true);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ gcry_md_open(&md, algorithm, 0);
+ if (!md)
+ return -EIO;
+ gcry_md_write(md, wire_format, r);
+ gcry_md_write(md, nsec3->nsec3.salt, nsec3->nsec3.salt_size);
+ result = gcry_md_read(md, 0);
+ if (!result) {
+ r = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < nsec3->nsec3.iterations; k++) {
+ uint8_t tmp[hash_size];
+ memcpy(tmp, result, hash_size);
+ gcry_md_reset(md);
+ gcry_md_write(md, tmp, hash_size);
+ gcry_md_write(md, nsec3->nsec3.salt, nsec3->nsec3.salt_size);
+ result = gcry_md_read(md, 0);
+ if (!result) {
+ r = -EIO;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(ret, result, hash_size);
+ r = (int) hash_size;
+ gcry_md_close(md);
+ return r;
+static int nsec3_is_good(DnsResourceRecord *rr, DnsAnswerFlags flags, DnsResourceRecord *nsec3) {
+ const char *a, *b;
+ int r;
+ assert(rr);
+ if (rr->key->type != DNS_TYPE_NSEC3)
+ return 0;
+ /* RFC 5155, Section 8.2 says we MUST ignore NSEC3 RRs with flags != 0 or 1 */
+ if (!IN_SET(rr->nsec3.flags, 0, 1))
+ return 0;
+ /* Ignore NSEC3 RRs whose algorithm we don't know */
+ if (nsec3_hash_to_gcrypt_md(rr->nsec3.algorithm) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Ignore NSEC3 RRs with an excessive number of required iterations */
+ if (rr->nsec3.iterations > NSEC3_ITERATIONS_MAX)
+ return 0;
+ if (!nsec3)
+ return 1;
+ /* If a second NSEC3 RR is specified, also check if they are from the same zone. */
+ if (nsec3 == rr) /* Shortcut */
+ return 1;
+ if (rr->key->class != nsec3->key->class)
+ return 0;
+ if (rr->nsec3.algorithm != nsec3->nsec3.algorithm)
+ return 0;
+ if (rr->nsec3.iterations != nsec3->nsec3.iterations)
+ return 0;
+ if (rr->nsec3.salt_size != nsec3->nsec3.salt_size)
+ return 0;
+ if (memcmp(rr->nsec3.salt, nsec3->nsec3.salt, rr->nsec3.salt_size) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ a = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key);
+ r = dns_name_parent(&a); /* strip off hash */
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ return 0;
+ b = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(nsec3->key);
+ r = dns_name_parent(&b); /* strip off hash */
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return dns_name_equal(a, b);
+static int nsec3_hashed_domain(DnsResourceRecord *nsec3, const char *domain, const char *zone, char **ret) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *l = NULL, *hashed_domain = NULL;
+ uint8_t hashed[DNSSEC_HASH_SIZE_MAX];
+ int hashed_size;
+ assert(nsec3);
+ assert(domain);
+ assert(zone);
+ assert(ret);
+ hashed_size = dnssec_nsec3_hash(nsec3, domain, hashed);
+ if (hashed_size < 0)
+ return hashed_size;
+ l = base32hexmem(hashed, hashed_size, false);
+ if (!l)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ hashed_domain = strjoin(l, ".", zone, NULL);
+ if (!hashed_domain)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ *ret = hashed_domain;
+ hashed_domain = NULL;
+ return hashed_size;
+/* See RFC 5155, Section 8
+ * First try to find a NSEC3 record that matches our query precisely, if that fails, find the closest
+ * enclosure. Secondly, find a proof that there is no closer enclosure and either a proof that there
+ * is no wildcard domain as a direct descendant of the closest enclosure, or find an NSEC3 record that
+ * matches the wildcard domain.
+ *
+ * Based on this we can prove either the existence of the record in @key, or NXDOMAIN or NODATA, or
+ * that there is no proof either way. The latter is the case if a the proof of non-existence of a given
+ * name uses an NSEC3 record with the opt-out bit set. Lastly, if we are given insufficient NSEC3 records
+ * to conclude anything we indicate this by returning NO_RR. */
+static int dnssec_test_nsec3(DnsAnswer *answer, DnsResourceKey *key, DnssecNsecResult *result, bool *authenticated, uint32_t *ttl) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *next_closer_domain = NULL, *wildcard = NULL, *wildcard_domain = NULL;
+ const char *zone, *p, *pp = NULL;
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr, *enclosure_rr, *suffix_rr, *wildcard_rr = NULL;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ int hashed_size, r;
+ bool a, no_closer = false, no_wildcard = false, optout = false;
+ assert(key);
+ assert(result);
+ /* First step, find the zone name and the NSEC3 parameters of the zone.
+ * it is sufficient to look for the longest common suffix we find with
+ * any NSEC3 RR in the response. Any NSEC3 record will do as all NSEC3
+ * records from a given zone in a response must use the same
+ * parameters. */
+ zone = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key);
+ for (;;) {
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(suffix_rr, flags, answer) {
+ r = nsec3_is_good(suffix_rr, flags, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal_skip(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(suffix_rr->key), 1, zone);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ goto found_zone;
+ }
+ /* Strip one label from the front */
+ r = dns_name_parent(&zone);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_NO_RR;
+ return 0;
+ /* Second step, find the closest encloser NSEC3 RR in 'answer' that matches 'key' */
+ for (;;) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *hashed_domain = NULL;
+ hashed_size = nsec3_hashed_domain(suffix_rr, p, zone, &hashed_domain);
+ if (hashed_size == -EOPNOTSUPP) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (hashed_size < 0)
+ return hashed_size;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(enclosure_rr, flags, answer) {
+ r = nsec3_is_good(enclosure_rr, flags, suffix_rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (enclosure_rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name_size != (size_t) hashed_size)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(enclosure_rr->key), hashed_domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ goto found_closest_encloser;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We didn't find the closest encloser with this name,
+ * but let's remember this domain name, it might be
+ * the next closer name */
+ pp = p;
+ /* Strip one label from the front */
+ r = dns_name_parent(&p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_NO_RR;
+ return 0;
+ /* We found a closest encloser in 'p'; next closer is 'pp' */
+ /* Ensure this is not a DNAME domain, see RFC5155, section 8.3. */
+ if (bitmap_isset(enclosure_rr->nsec3.types, DNS_TYPE_DNAME))
+ return -EBADMSG;
+ /* Ensure that this data is from the delegated domain
+ * (i.e. originates from the "lower" DNS server), and isn't
+ * just glue records (i.e. doesn't originate from the "upper"
+ * DNS server). */
+ if (bitmap_isset(enclosure_rr->nsec3.types, DNS_TYPE_NS) &&
+ !bitmap_isset(enclosure_rr->nsec3.types, DNS_TYPE_SOA))
+ return -EBADMSG;
+ if (!pp) {
+ /* No next closer NSEC3 RR. That means there's a direct NSEC3 RR for our key. */
+ if (bitmap_isset(enclosure_rr->nsec3.types, key->type))
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_FOUND;
+ else if (bitmap_isset(enclosure_rr->nsec3.types, DNS_TYPE_CNAME))
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_CNAME;
+ else
+ if (authenticated)
+ *authenticated = a;
+ if (ttl)
+ *ttl = enclosure_rr->ttl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Prove that there is no next closer and whether or not there is a wildcard domain. */
+ wildcard = strappend("*.", p);
+ if (!wildcard)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ r = nsec3_hashed_domain(enclosure_rr, wildcard, zone, &wildcard_domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r != hashed_size)
+ return -EBADMSG;
+ r = nsec3_hashed_domain(enclosure_rr, pp, zone, &next_closer_domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r != hashed_size)
+ return -EBADMSG;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, flags, answer) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *label = NULL, *next_hashed_domain = NULL;
+ r = nsec3_is_good(rr, flags, suffix_rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ label = base32hexmem(rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name, rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name_size, false);
+ if (!label)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ next_hashed_domain = strjoin(label, ".", zone, NULL);
+ if (!next_hashed_domain)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ r = dns_name_between(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), next_closer_domain, next_hashed_domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ if (rr->nsec3.flags & 1)
+ optout = true;
+ a = a && (flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
+ no_closer = true;
+ }
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), wildcard_domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ a = a && (flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
+ wildcard_rr = rr;
+ }
+ r = dns_name_between(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), wildcard_domain, next_hashed_domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ if (rr->nsec3.flags & 1)
+ /* This only makes sense if we have a wildcard delegation, which is
+ * very unlikely, see RFC 4592, Section 4.2, but we cannot rely on
+ * this not happening, so hence cannot simply conclude NXDOMAIN as
+ * we would wish */
+ optout = true;
+ a = a && (flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
+ no_wildcard = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wildcard_rr && no_wildcard)
+ return -EBADMSG;
+ if (!no_closer) {
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_NO_RR;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (wildcard_rr) {
+ /* A wildcard exists that matches our query. */
+ if (optout)
+ /* This is not specified in any RFC to the best of my knowledge, but
+ * if the next closer enclosure is covered by an opt-out NSEC3 RR
+ * it means that we cannot prove that the source of synthesis is
+ * correct, as there may be a closer match. */
+ else if (bitmap_isset(wildcard_rr->nsec3.types, key->type))
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_FOUND;
+ else if (bitmap_isset(wildcard_rr->nsec3.types, DNS_TYPE_CNAME))
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_CNAME;
+ else
+ } else {
+ if (optout)
+ /* The RFC only specifies that we have to care for optout for NODATA for
+ * DS records. However, children of an insecure opt-out delegation should
+ * also be considered opt-out, rather than verified NXDOMAIN.
+ * Note that we do not require a proof of wildcard non-existence if the
+ * next closer domain is covered by an opt-out, as that would not provide
+ * any additional information. */
+ else if (no_wildcard)
+ else {
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_NO_RR;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (authenticated)
+ *authenticated = a;
+ if (ttl)
+ *ttl = enclosure_rr->ttl;
+ return 0;
+int dnssec_test_nsec(DnsAnswer *answer, DnsResourceKey *key, DnssecNsecResult *result, bool *authenticated, uint32_t *ttl) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ bool have_nsec3 = false;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ int r;
+ assert(key);
+ assert(result);
+ /* Look for any NSEC/NSEC3 RRs that say something about the specified key. */
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_FLAGS(rr, flags, answer) {
+ if (rr->key->class != key->class)
+ continue;
+ switch (rr->key->type) {
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ if (bitmap_isset(rr->nsec.types, key->type))
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_FOUND;
+ else if (bitmap_isset(rr->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_CNAME))
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_CNAME;
+ else
+ if (authenticated)
+ *authenticated = flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED;
+ if (ttl)
+ *ttl = rr->ttl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ r = dns_name_between(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), rr->nsec.next_domain_name);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ if (authenticated)
+ *authenticated = flags & DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED;
+ if (ttl)
+ *ttl = rr->ttl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DNS_TYPE_NSEC3:
+ have_nsec3 = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* OK, this was not sufficient. Let's see if NSEC3 can help. */
+ if (have_nsec3)
+ return dnssec_test_nsec3(answer, key, result, authenticated, ttl);
+ /* No approproate NSEC RR found, report this. */
+ *result = DNSSEC_NSEC_NO_RR;
+ return 0;
static const char* const dnssec_result_table[_DNSSEC_RESULT_MAX] = {
[DNSSEC_VALIDATED] = "validated",
[DNSSEC_INVALID] = "invalid",
- [DNSSEC_UNSIGNED] = "unsigned",
+ [DNSSEC_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED] = "signature-expired",
+ [DNSSEC_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM] = "unsupported-algorithm",
[DNSSEC_NO_SIGNATURE] = "no-signature",
[DNSSEC_MISSING_KEY] = "missing-key",
- [DNSSEC_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED] = "signature-expired",
+ [DNSSEC_UNSIGNED] = "unsigned",
[DNSSEC_FAILED_AUXILIARY] = "failed-auxiliary",
+ [DNSSEC_NSEC_MISMATCH] = "nsec-mismatch",
+ [DNSSEC_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER] = "incompatible-server",
DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(dnssec_result, DnssecResult);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.h
index f0825ba23f..6977faca75 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-dnssec.h
@@ -28,49 +28,60 @@ typedef enum DnssecResult DnssecResult;
#include "resolved-dns-answer.h"
#include "resolved-dns-rr.h"
-enum DnssecMode {
- /* No DNSSEC validation is done */
- /* Trust the AD bit sent by the server. UNSAFE! */
- /* Validate locally, if the server knows DO, but if not, don't. Don't trust the AD bit */
enum DnssecResult {
+ /* These four are returned by dnssec_verify_rrset() */
+ /* These two are added by dnssec_verify_rrset_search() */
+ /* These two are added by the DnsTransaction logic */
-int dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnskey);
-int dnssec_key_match_rrsig(DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig);
+/* The longest digest we'll ever generate, of all digest algorithms we support */
+#define DNSSEC_HASH_SIZE_MAX (MAX(20, 32))
-int dnssec_verify_rrset(DnsAnswer *answer, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, usec_t realtime, DnssecResult *result);
-int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(DnsAnswer *answer, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer *validated_dnskeys, usec_t realtime, DnssecResult *result);
+int dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, bool revoked_ok);
+int dnssec_key_match_rrsig(const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig);
-int dnssec_verify_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsResourceRecord *ds);
+int dnssec_verify_rrset(DnsAnswer *answer, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rrsig, DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, usec_t realtime, DnssecResult *result);
+int dnssec_verify_rrset_search(DnsAnswer *answer, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer *validated_dnskeys, usec_t realtime, DnssecResult *result);
+int dnssec_verify_dnskey(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsResourceRecord *ds, bool mask_revoke);
int dnssec_verify_dnskey_search(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, DnsAnswer *validated_ds);
-uint16_t dnssec_keytag(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey);
+int dnssec_has_rrsig(DnsAnswer *a, const DnsResourceKey *key);
+uint16_t dnssec_keytag(DnsResourceRecord *dnskey, bool mask_revoke);
int dnssec_canonicalize(const char *n, char *buffer, size_t buffer_max);
-const char* dnssec_mode_to_string(DnssecMode m) _const_;
-DnssecMode dnssec_mode_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
+int dnssec_nsec3_hash(DnsResourceRecord *nsec3, const char *name, void *ret);
+typedef enum DnssecNsecResult {
+ DNSSEC_NSEC_NO_RR, /* No suitable NSEC/NSEC3 RR found */
+ DNSSEC_NSEC_CNAME, /* Would be NODATA, but for the existence of a CNAME RR */
+} DnssecNsecResult;
+int dnssec_test_nsec(DnsAnswer *answer, DnsResourceKey *key, DnssecNsecResult *result, bool *authenticated, uint32_t *ttl);
const char* dnssec_result_to_string(DnssecResult m) _const_;
DnssecResult dnssec_result_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.c
index e90500ce70..4750bf1f5d 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.c
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ int dns_packet_new(DnsPacket **ret, DnsProtocol protocol, size_t mtu) {
p->size = p->rindex = DNS_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE;
p->allocated = a;
p->protocol = protocol;
+ p->opt_start = p->opt_size = (size_t) -1;
p->n_ref = 1;
*ret = p;
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ void dns_packet_set_flags(DnsPacket *p, bool dnssec_checking_disabled, bool trun
h->flags = htobe16(DNS_PACKET_MAKE_FLAGS(0 /* qr */,
0 /* opcode */,
0 /* c */,
- 0/* tc */,
+ 0 /* tc */,
0 /* t */,
0 /* ra */,
0 /* ad */,
@@ -171,8 +172,7 @@ DnsPacket *dns_packet_unref(DnsPacket *p) {
assert(p->n_ref > 0);
- if (p->more)
- dns_packet_unref(p->more);
+ dns_packet_unref(p->more);
if (p->n_ref == 1)
@@ -439,10 +439,15 @@ int dns_packet_append_raw_string(DnsPacket *p, const void *s, size_t size, size_
return 0;
-int dns_packet_append_label(DnsPacket *p, const char *d, size_t l, size_t *start) {
+int dns_packet_append_label(DnsPacket *p, const char *d, size_t l, bool canonical_candidate, size_t *start) {
uint8_t *w;
int r;
+ /* Append a label to a packet. Optionally, does this in DNSSEC
+ * canonical form, if this label is marked as a candidate for
+ * it, and the canonical form logic is enabled for the
+ * packet */
@@ -455,7 +460,7 @@ int dns_packet_append_label(DnsPacket *p, const char *d, size_t l, size_t *start
*(w++) = (uint8_t) l;
- if (p->canonical_form) {
+ if (p->canonical_form && canonical_candidate) {
size_t i;
/* Generate in canonical form, as defined by DNSSEC
@@ -480,6 +485,7 @@ int dns_packet_append_name(
DnsPacket *p,
const char *name,
bool allow_compression,
+ bool canonical_candidate,
size_t *start) {
size_t saved_size;
@@ -493,8 +499,8 @@ int dns_packet_append_name(
saved_size = p->size;
- while (*name) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL;
+ while (!dns_name_is_root(name)) {
+ const char *z = name;
char label[DNS_LABEL_MAX];
size_t n = 0;
int k;
@@ -513,12 +519,6 @@ int dns_packet_append_name(
- s = strdup(name);
- if (!s) {
- r = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail;
- }
r = dns_label_unescape(&name, label, sizeof(label));
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -534,11 +534,19 @@ int dns_packet_append_name(
if (k > 0)
r = k;
- r = dns_packet_append_label(p, label, r, &n);
+ r = dns_packet_append_label(p, label, r, canonical_candidate, &n);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
if (allow_compression) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL;
+ s = strdup(z);
+ if (!s) {
+ r = -ENOMEM;
+ goto fail;
+ }
r = hashmap_ensure_allocated(&p->names, &dns_name_hash_ops);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -575,7 +583,7 @@ int dns_packet_append_key(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceKey *k, size_t *start)
saved_size = p->size;
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(k), true, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(k), true, true, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -597,7 +605,7 @@ fail:
return r;
-static int dns_packet_append_type_window(DnsPacket *p, uint8_t window, uint8_t length, uint8_t *types, size_t *start) {
+static int dns_packet_append_type_window(DnsPacket *p, uint8_t window, uint8_t length, const uint8_t *types, size_t *start) {
size_t saved_size;
int r;
@@ -638,7 +646,6 @@ static int dns_packet_append_types(DnsPacket *p, Bitmap *types, size_t *start) {
int r;
- assert(types);
saved_size = p->size;
@@ -654,15 +661,16 @@ static int dns_packet_append_types(DnsPacket *p, Bitmap *types, size_t *start) {
window = n >> 8;
entry = n & 255;
bitmaps[entry / 8] |= 1 << (7 - (entry % 8));
- r = dns_packet_append_type_window(p, window, entry / 8 + 1, bitmaps, NULL);
- if (r < 0)
- goto fail;
+ if (bitmaps[entry / 8] != 0) {
+ r = dns_packet_append_type_window(p, window, entry / 8 + 1, bitmaps, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ }
if (start)
*start = saved_size;
@@ -674,7 +682,7 @@ fail:
/* Append the OPT pseudo-RR described in RFC6891 */
-int dns_packet_append_opt_rr(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t max_udp_size, bool edns0_do, size_t *start) {
+int dns_packet_append_opt(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t max_udp_size, bool edns0_do, size_t *start) {
size_t saved_size;
int r;
@@ -682,6 +690,11 @@ int dns_packet_append_opt_rr(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t max_udp_size, bool edns0_do,
/* we must never advertise supported packet size smaller than the legacy max */
assert(max_udp_size >= DNS_PACKET_UNICAST_SIZE_MAX);
+ if (p->opt_start != (size_t) -1)
+ return -EBUSY;
+ assert(p->opt_size == (size_t) -1);
saved_size = p->size;
/* empty name */
@@ -710,10 +723,48 @@ int dns_packet_append_opt_rr(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t max_udp_size, bool edns0_do,
goto fail;
- r = dns_packet_append_uint16(p, 0, NULL);
+ if (edns0_do) {
+ /* If DO is on, also append RFC6975 Algorithm data */
+ static const uint8_t rfc6975[] = {
+ 0, 5, /* OPTION_CODE: DAU */
+ 0, 6, /* LIST_LENGTH */
+ 0, 6, /* OPTION_CODE: DHU */
+ 0, 3, /* LIST_LENGTH */
+ 0, 7, /* OPTION_CODE: N3U */
+ 0, 1, /* LIST_LENGTH */
+ };
+ r = dns_packet_append_uint16(p, sizeof(rfc6975), NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ r = dns_packet_append_blob(p, rfc6975, sizeof(rfc6975), NULL);
+ } else
+ r = dns_packet_append_uint16(p, 0, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
+ DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->arcount = htobe16(DNS_PACKET_ARCOUNT(p) + 1);
+ p->opt_start = saved_size;
+ p->opt_size = p->size - saved_size;
if (start)
*start = saved_size;
@@ -724,6 +775,27 @@ fail:
return r;
+int dns_packet_truncate_opt(DnsPacket *p) {
+ assert(p);
+ if (p->opt_start == (size_t) -1) {
+ assert(p->opt_size == (size_t) -1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert(p->opt_size != (size_t) -1);
+ assert(DNS_PACKET_ARCOUNT(p) > 0);
+ if (p->opt_start + p->opt_size != p->size)
+ return -EBUSY;
+ dns_packet_truncate(p, p->opt_start);
+ DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->arcount = htobe16(DNS_PACKET_ARCOUNT(p) - 1);
+ p->opt_start = p->opt_size = (size_t) -1;
+ return 1;
int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *start, size_t *rdata_start) {
size_t saved_size, rdlength_offset, end, rdlength, rds;
int r;
@@ -763,14 +835,14 @@ int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *star
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->, true, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->, true, false, NULL);
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->, true, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->, true, false, NULL);
@@ -813,11 +885,11 @@ int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *star
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->soa.mname, true, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->soa.mname, true, false, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->soa.rname, true, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->soa.rname, true, false, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -845,7 +917,7 @@ int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *star
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->, true, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->, true, false, NULL);
@@ -949,7 +1021,7 @@ int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *star
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->rrsig.signer, false, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->rrsig.signer, false, true, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -957,7 +1029,7 @@ int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *star
- r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->nsec.next_domain_name, false, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_append_name(p, rr->nsec.next_domain_name, false, false, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -1039,7 +1111,6 @@ fail:
return r;
int dns_packet_read(DnsPacket *p, size_t sz, const void **ret, size_t *start) {
@@ -1449,9 +1520,9 @@ fail:
return r;
-int dns_packet_read_key(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceKey **ret, size_t *start) {
+int dns_packet_read_key(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceKey **ret, bool *ret_cache_flush, size_t *start) {
_cleanup_free_ char *name = NULL;
- bool cache_flush = true;
+ bool cache_flush = false;
uint16_t class, type;
DnsResourceKey *key;
size_t saved_rindex;
@@ -1477,10 +1548,10 @@ int dns_packet_read_key(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceKey **ret, size_t *start) {
if (p->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_MDNS) {
/* See RFC6762, Section 10.2 */
- if (class & MDNS_RR_CACHE_FLUSH)
+ if (type != DNS_TYPE_OPT && (class & MDNS_RR_CACHE_FLUSH)) {
- else
- cache_flush = false;
+ cache_flush = true;
+ }
key = dns_resource_key_new_consume(class, type, name);
@@ -1489,11 +1560,11 @@ int dns_packet_read_key(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceKey **ret, size_t *start) {
goto fail;
- key->cache_flush = cache_flush;
name = NULL;
*ret = key;
+ if (ret_cache_flush)
+ *ret_cache_flush = cache_flush;
if (start)
*start = saved_rindex;
@@ -1509,11 +1580,12 @@ static bool loc_size_ok(uint8_t size) {
return m <= 9 && e <= 9 && (m > 0 || e == 0);
-int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, size_t *start) {
+int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, bool *ret_cache_flush, size_t *start) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
_cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *key = NULL;
size_t saved_rindex, offset;
uint16_t rdlength;
+ bool cache_flush;
int r;
@@ -1521,14 +1593,12 @@ int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, size_t *start) {
saved_rindex = p->rindex;
- r = dns_packet_read_key(p, &key, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_read_key(p, &key, &cache_flush, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
- if (key->class == DNS_CLASS_ANY ||
- key->type == DNS_TYPE_ANY ||
- key->type == DNS_TYPE_AXFR ||
- key->type == DNS_TYPE_IXFR) {
+ if (!dns_class_is_valid_rr(key->class)||
+ !dns_type_is_valid_rr(key->type)) {
goto fail;
@@ -1543,6 +1613,11 @@ int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, size_t *start) {
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
+ /* RFC 2181, Section 8, suggests to
+ * treat a TTL with the MSB set as a zero TTL. */
+ if (rr->ttl & UINT32_C(0x80000000))
+ rr->ttl = 0;
r = dns_packet_read_uint16(p, &rdlength, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto fail;
@@ -1851,7 +1926,7 @@ int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, size_t *start) {
- * RFC6762, section 18.14 explicly states mDNS should use name compression.
+ * RFC6762, section 18.14 explictly states mDNS should use name compression.
* This contradicts RFC3845, section 2.1.1
@@ -1935,6 +2010,8 @@ int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, size_t *start) {
*ret = rr;
rr = NULL;
+ if (ret_cache_flush)
+ *ret_cache_flush = cache_flush;
if (start)
*start = saved_rindex;
@@ -1967,11 +2044,22 @@ int dns_packet_extract(DnsPacket *p) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *key = NULL;
+ bool cache_flush;
- r = dns_packet_read_key(p, &key, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_read_key(p, &key, &cache_flush, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
+ if (cache_flush) {
+ r = -EBADMSG;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ if (!dns_type_is_valid_query(key->type)) {
+ r = -EBADMSG;
+ goto finish;
+ }
r = dns_question_add(question, key);
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
@@ -1988,18 +2076,45 @@ int dns_packet_extract(DnsPacket *p) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
+ bool cache_flush;
- r = dns_packet_read_rr(p, &rr, NULL);
+ r = dns_packet_read_rr(p, &rr, &cache_flush, NULL);
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_OPT) {
- if (p->opt)
- return -EBADMSG;
+ if (!dns_name_is_root(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key))) {
+ r = -EBADMSG;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ /* The OPT RR is only valid in the Additional section */
+ r = -EBADMSG;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ /* Two OPT RRs? */
+ if (p->opt) {
+ r = -EBADMSG;
+ goto finish;
+ }
p->opt = dns_resource_record_ref(rr);
} else {
- r = dns_answer_add(answer, rr, p->ifindex);
+ /* According to RFC 4795, section
+ * 2.9. only the RRs from the Answer
+ * section shall be cached. Hence mark
+ * only those RRs as cacheable by
+ * default, but not the ones from the
+ * Additional or Authority
+ * sections. */
+ r = dns_answer_add(answer, rr, p->ifindex,
+ (p->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_MDNS && !cache_flush ? DNS_ANSWER_SHARED_OWNER : 0));
if (r < 0)
goto finish;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.h
index 5b6a71dc01..6821be73e4 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-packet.h
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ struct DnsPacket {
size_t size, allocated, rindex;
void *_data; /* don't access directly, use DNS_PACKET_DATA()! */
Hashmap *names; /* For name compression */
+ size_t opt_start, opt_size;
/* Parsed data */
DnsQuestion *question;
@@ -118,7 +119,17 @@ static inline uint8_t* DNS_PACKET_DATA(DnsPacket *p) {
#define DNS_PACKET_RA(p) ((be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->flags) >> 7) & 1)
#define DNS_PACKET_AD(p) ((be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->flags) >> 5) & 1)
#define DNS_PACKET_CD(p) ((be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->flags) >> 4) & 1)
-#define DNS_PACKET_RCODE(p) (be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->flags) & 15)
+static inline uint16_t DNS_PACKET_RCODE(DnsPacket *p) {
+ uint16_t rcode;
+ if (p->opt)
+ rcode = (uint16_t) (p->opt->ttl >> 24);
+ else
+ rcode = 0;
+ return rcode | (be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->flags) & 15);
/* LLMNR defines some bits differently */
@@ -169,13 +180,14 @@ int dns_packet_append_uint16(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t v, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_append_uint32(DnsPacket *p, uint32_t v, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_append_string(DnsPacket *p, const char *s, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_append_raw_string(DnsPacket *p, const void *s, size_t size, size_t *start);
-int dns_packet_append_label(DnsPacket *p, const char *s, size_t l, size_t *start);
-int dns_packet_append_name(DnsPacket *p, const char *name, bool allow_compression, size_t *start);
+int dns_packet_append_label(DnsPacket *p, const char *s, size_t l, bool canonical_candidate, size_t *start);
+int dns_packet_append_name(DnsPacket *p, const char *name, bool allow_compression, bool canonical_candidate, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_append_key(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceKey *key, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_append_rr(DnsPacket *p, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, size_t *start, size_t *rdata_start);
-int dns_packet_append_opt_rr(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t max_udp_size, bool edns0_do, size_t *start);
+int dns_packet_append_opt(DnsPacket *p, uint16_t max_udp_size, bool edns0_do, size_t *start);
void dns_packet_truncate(DnsPacket *p, size_t sz);
+int dns_packet_truncate_opt(DnsPacket *p);
int dns_packet_read(DnsPacket *p, size_t sz, const void **ret, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_read_blob(DnsPacket *p, void *d, size_t sz, size_t *start);
@@ -185,8 +197,8 @@ int dns_packet_read_uint32(DnsPacket *p, uint32_t *ret, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_read_string(DnsPacket *p, char **ret, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_read_raw_string(DnsPacket *p, const void **ret, size_t *size, size_t *start);
int dns_packet_read_name(DnsPacket *p, char **ret, bool allow_compression, size_t *start);
-int dns_packet_read_key(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceKey **ret, size_t *start);
-int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, size_t *start);
+int dns_packet_read_key(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceKey **ret, bool *ret_cache_flush, size_t *start);
+int dns_packet_read_rr(DnsPacket *p, DnsResourceRecord **ret, bool *ret_cache_flush, size_t *start);
void dns_packet_rewind(DnsPacket *p, size_t idx);
@@ -201,6 +213,7 @@ static inline bool DNS_PACKET_SHALL_CACHE(DnsPacket *p) {
return in_addr_is_localhost(p->family, &p->sender) == 0;
+/* */
enum {
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.c
index a6565f2ba2..0f2f2599ab 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.c
@@ -185,6 +185,14 @@ static DnsTransactionState dns_query_candidate_state(DnsQueryCandidate *c) {
switch (t->state) {
+ /* If there's a NULL transaction pending, then
+ * this means not all transactions where
+ * started yet, and we were called from within
+ * the stackframe that is supposed to start
+ * remaining transactions. In this case,
+ * simply claim the candidate is pending. */
/* If there's one transaction currently in
@@ -197,9 +205,6 @@ static DnsTransactionState dns_query_candidate_state(DnsQueryCandidate *c) {
state = t->state;
- assert_not_reached("Transaction not started?");
state = t->state;
@@ -549,7 +554,7 @@ static int synthesize_localhost_rr(DnsQuery *q, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer *
rr->a.in_addr.s_addr = htobe32(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex));
+ r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex), DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -563,7 +568,7 @@ static int synthesize_localhost_rr(DnsQuery *q, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer *
rr->aaaa.in6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
- r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex));
+ r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex), DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -571,7 +576,7 @@ static int synthesize_localhost_rr(DnsQuery *q, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer *
return 0;
-static int answer_add_ptr(DnsAnswer **answer, const char *from, const char *to, int ifindex) {
+static int answer_add_ptr(DnsAnswer **answer, const char *from, const char *to, int ifindex, DnsAnswerFlags flags) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
rr = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_PTR, from);
@@ -582,7 +587,7 @@ static int answer_add_ptr(DnsAnswer **answer, const char *from, const char *to,
if (!rr->
return -ENOMEM;
- return dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, ifindex);
+ return dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, ifindex, flags);
static int synthesize_localhost_ptr(DnsQuery *q, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer **answer) {
@@ -592,12 +597,12 @@ static int synthesize_localhost_ptr(DnsQuery *q, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer
- r = dns_answer_reserve(answer, 1);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
if (IN_SET(key->type, DNS_TYPE_PTR, DNS_TYPE_ANY)) {
- r = answer_add_ptr(answer, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), "localhost", SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex));
+ r = dns_answer_reserve(answer, 1);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ r = answer_add_ptr(answer, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), "localhost", SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex), DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -628,7 +633,7 @@ static int answer_add_addresses_rr(
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, addresses[j].ifindex);
+ r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, addresses[j].ifindex, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -669,7 +674,7 @@ static int answer_add_addresses_ptr(
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, addresses[j].ifindex);
+ r = dns_answer_add(*answer, rr, addresses[j].ifindex, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -735,15 +740,15 @@ static int synthesize_system_hostname_ptr(DnsQuery *q, int af, const union in_ad
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = answer_add_ptr(answer, "", q->manager->llmnr_hostname, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex));
+ r = answer_add_ptr(answer, "", q->manager->llmnr_hostname, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex), DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = answer_add_ptr(answer, "", q->manager->mdns_hostname, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex));
+ r = answer_add_ptr(answer, "", q->manager->mdns_hostname, SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex), DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = answer_add_ptr(answer, "", "localhost", SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex));
+ r = answer_add_ptr(answer, "", "localhost", SYNTHESIZE_IFINDEX(q->ifindex), DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -805,7 +810,7 @@ static int dns_query_synthesize_reply(DnsQuery *q, DnsTransactionState *state) {
/* Tries to synthesize localhost RR replies where appropriate */
if (!IN_SET(*state,
@@ -981,6 +986,7 @@ fail:
static void dns_query_accept(DnsQuery *q, DnsQueryCandidate *c) {
DnsTransactionState state = DNS_TRANSACTION_NO_SERVERS;
bool has_authenticated = false, has_non_authenticated = false;
+ DnssecResult dnssec_result_authenticated = _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID, dnssec_result_non_authenticated = _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID;
DnsTransaction *t;
Iterator i;
int r;
@@ -1004,12 +1010,16 @@ static void dns_query_accept(DnsQuery *q, DnsQueryCandidate *c) {
dns_query_complete(q, DNS_TRANSACTION_RESOURCES);
q->answer_rcode = t->answer_rcode;
- if (t->answer_authenticated)
+ if (t->answer_authenticated) {
has_authenticated = true;
- else
+ dnssec_result_authenticated = t->answer_dnssec_result;
+ } else {
has_non_authenticated = true;
+ dnssec_result_non_authenticated = t->answer_dnssec_result;
+ }
@@ -1026,22 +1036,25 @@ static void dns_query_accept(DnsQuery *q, DnsQueryCandidate *c) {
/* Any kind of failure? Store the data away,
* if there's nothing stored yet. */
- dns_answer_unref(q->answer);
- q->answer = dns_answer_ref(t->answer);
- q->answer_rcode = t->answer_rcode;
+ continue;
- state = t->state;
- }
+ q->answer = dns_answer_unref(q->answer);
+ q->answer_rcode = t->answer_rcode;
+ q->answer_dnssec_result = t->answer_dnssec_result;
+ state = t->state;
+ q->answer_authenticated = has_authenticated && !has_non_authenticated;
+ q->answer_dnssec_result = q->answer_authenticated ? dnssec_result_authenticated : dnssec_result_non_authenticated;
+ }
q->answer_protocol = c->scope->protocol;
q->answer_family = c->scope->family;
- q->answer_authenticated = has_authenticated && !has_non_authenticated;
q->answer_search_domain = dns_search_domain_ref(c->search_domain);
@@ -1132,8 +1145,8 @@ int dns_query_process_cname(DnsQuery *q) {
- if (q->state != DNS_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS)
- return 0;
DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rr, q->answer) {
@@ -1141,7 +1154,7 @@ int dns_query_process_cname(DnsQuery *q) {
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0)
- return 0; /* The answer matches directly, no need to follow cnames */
+ return DNS_QUERY_MATCH; /* The answer matches directly, no need to follow cnames */
r = dns_question_matches_cname(q->question, rr, DNS_SEARCH_DOMAIN_NAME(q->answer_search_domain));
if (r < 0)
@@ -1151,7 +1164,7 @@ int dns_query_process_cname(DnsQuery *q) {
if (!cname)
- return 0; /* No cname to follow */
+ return DNS_QUERY_NOMATCH; /* No match and no cname to follow */
if (q->flags & SD_RESOLVED_NO_CNAME)
return -ELOOP;
@@ -1163,20 +1176,16 @@ int dns_query_process_cname(DnsQuery *q) {
/* Let's see if the answer can already answer the new
* redirected question */
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rr, q->answer) {
- r = dns_question_matches_rr(q->question, rr, NULL);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (r > 0)
- return 0; /* It can answer it, yay! */
- }
+ r = dns_query_process_cname(q);
+ return r;
/* OK, it cannot, let's begin with the new query */
r = dns_query_go(q);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- return 1; /* We return > 0, if we restarted the query for a new cname */
+ return DNS_QUERY_RESTARTED; /* We restarted the query for a new cname */
static int on_bus_track(sd_bus_track *t, void *userdata) {
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.h
index d7f96c3ca4..4a0d265a2d 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-query.h
@@ -72,10 +72,11 @@ struct DnsQuery {
/* Discovered data */
DnsAnswer *answer;
int answer_rcode;
+ DnssecResult answer_dnssec_result;
+ bool answer_authenticated;
DnsProtocol answer_protocol;
int answer_family;
DnsSearchDomain *answer_search_domain;
- bool answer_authenticated;
/* Bus client information */
sd_bus_message *request;
@@ -94,6 +95,12 @@ struct DnsQuery {
LIST_FIELDS(DnsQuery, auxiliary_queries);
+enum {
DnsQueryCandidate* dns_query_candidate_free(DnsQueryCandidate *c);
void dns_query_candidate_notify(DnsQueryCandidate *c);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.c
index 74c9d87319..76723ec4d0 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.c
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ int dns_resource_key_equal(const DnsResourceKey *a, const DnsResourceKey *b) {
return 1;
-int dns_resource_key_match_rr(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, const char *search_domain) {
+int dns_resource_key_match_rr(const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rr, const char *search_domain) {
int r;
@@ -261,16 +261,13 @@ int dns_resource_key_match_soa(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceKey *
/* Checks whether 'soa' is a SOA record for the specified key. */
- if (soa->class != DNS_CLASS_IN)
+ if (soa->class != key->class)
return 0;
if (soa->type != DNS_TYPE_SOA)
return 0;
- if (!dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(soa)))
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ return dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(soa));
static void dns_resource_key_hash_func(const void *i, struct siphash *state) {
@@ -311,9 +308,12 @@ const struct hash_ops dns_resource_key_hash_ops = {
int dns_resource_key_to_string(const DnsResourceKey *key, char **ret) {
char cbuf[strlen("CLASS") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(uint16_t)], tbuf[strlen("TYPE") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(uint16_t)];
- const char *c, *t;
+ const char *c, *t, *n;
char *s;
+ /* If we cannot convert the CLASS/TYPE into a known string,
+ use the format recommended by RFC 3597, Section 5. */
c = dns_class_to_string(key->class);
if (!c) {
sprintf(cbuf, "CLASS%u", key->class);
@@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ int dns_resource_key_to_string(const DnsResourceKey *key, char **ret) {
t = tbuf;
- if (asprintf(&s, "%s. %s %-5s", DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), c, t) < 0)
+ if (asprintf(&s, "%s%s %s %-5s", n, endswith(n, ".") ? "" : ".", c, t) < 0)
return -ENOMEM;
*ret = s;
@@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_new(DnsResourceKey *key) {
rr->n_ref = 1;
rr->key = dns_resource_key_ref(key);
+ rr->expiry = USEC_INFINITY;
return rr;
@@ -451,6 +453,7 @@ DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_unref(DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ free(rr->to_string);
return NULL;
@@ -766,16 +769,19 @@ static char *format_txt(DnsTxtItem *first) {
return s;
-int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
+const char *dns_resource_record_to_string(DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
_cleanup_free_ char *k = NULL, *t = NULL;
char *s;
int r;
+ if (rr->to_string)
+ return rr->to_string;
r = dns_resource_key_to_string(rr->key, &k);
if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ return NULL;
switch (rr->unparseable ? _DNS_TYPE_INVALID : rr->key->type) {
@@ -787,7 +793,7 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
@@ -796,25 +802,25 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
s = strjoin(k, " ", rr->, NULL);
if (!s)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
s = strjoin(k, " ", rr->hinfo.cpu, " ", rr->hinfo.os, NULL);
if (!s)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
case DNS_TYPE_SPF: /* exactly the same as TXT */
t = format_txt(rr->txt.items);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL);
if (!s)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
case DNS_TYPE_A: {
@@ -822,22 +828,22 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
r = in_addr_to_string(AF_INET, (const union in_addr_union*) &rr->a.in_addr, &x);
if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ return NULL;
s = strjoin(k, " ", x, NULL);
if (!s)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
r = in_addr_to_string(AF_INET6, (const union in_addr_union*) &rr->aaaa.in6_addr, &t);
if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ return NULL;
s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL);
if (!s)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
@@ -851,7 +857,7 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
@@ -860,7 +866,7 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
@@ -873,17 +879,17 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL);
if (!s)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
t = hexmem(rr->ds.digest, rr->ds.digest_size);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %u %u %s",
@@ -892,13 +898,13 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
t = hexmem(rr->sshfp.fingerprint, rr->sshfp.fingerprint_size);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %u %s",
@@ -906,58 +912,62 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
- const char *alg;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *alg = NULL;
- alg = dnssec_algorithm_to_string(rr->dnskey.algorithm);
+ r = dnssec_algorithm_to_string_alloc(rr->dnskey.algorithm, &alg);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return NULL;
t = base64mem(rr->dnskey.key, rr->dnskey.key_size);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
- r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %u %.*s%.*u %s",
+ r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %u %s %s",
- alg ? -1 : 0, alg,
- alg ? 0 : 1, alg ? 0u : (unsigned) rr->dnskey.algorithm,
+ alg,
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
- const char *type, *alg;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *alg = NULL;
char expiration[strlen("YYYYMMDDHHmmSS") + 1], inception[strlen("YYYYMMDDHHmmSS") + 1];
+ const char *type;
type = dns_type_to_string(rr->rrsig.type_covered);
- alg = dnssec_algorithm_to_string(rr->rrsig.algorithm);
+ r = dnssec_algorithm_to_string_alloc(rr->rrsig.algorithm, &alg);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return NULL;
t = base64mem(rr->rrsig.signature, rr->rrsig.signature_size);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
r = format_timestamp_dns(expiration, sizeof(expiration), rr->rrsig.expiration);
if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ return NULL;
r = format_timestamp_dns(inception, sizeof(inception), rr->rrsig.inception);
if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ return NULL;
/* TYPE?? follows
* */
- r = asprintf(&s, "%s %s%.*u %.*s%.*u %u %u %s %s %u %s %s",
+ r = asprintf(&s, "%s %s%.*u %s %u %u %s %s %u %s %s",
type ?: "TYPE",
type ? 0 : 1, type ? 0u : (unsigned) rr->rrsig.type_covered,
- alg ? -1 : 0, alg,
- alg ? 0 : 1, alg ? 0u : (unsigned) rr->rrsig.algorithm,
+ alg,
@@ -966,21 +976,21 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
t = format_types(rr->nsec.types);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
r = asprintf(&s, "%s %s %s",
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
case DNS_TYPE_NSEC3: {
@@ -989,16 +999,16 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (rr->nsec3.salt_size > 0) {
salt = hexmem(rr->nsec3.salt, rr->nsec3.salt_size);
if (!salt)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
hash = base32hexmem(rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name, rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name_size, false);
if (!hash)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
t = format_types(rr->nsec3.types);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
r = asprintf(&s, "%s %"PRIu8" %"PRIu8" %"PRIu16" %s %s %s",
@@ -1009,7 +1019,7 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
@@ -1017,16 +1027,17 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) {
t = hexmem(rr->, rr->generic.size);
if (!t)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ /* Format as documented in RFC 3597, Section 5 */
r = asprintf(&s, "%s \\# %zu %s", k, rr->generic.size, t);
if (r < 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
- *ret = s;
- return 0;
+ rr->to_string = s;
+ return s;
int dns_resource_record_to_wire_format(DnsResourceRecord *rr, bool canonical) {
@@ -1074,34 +1085,6 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_wire_format(DnsResourceRecord *rr, bool canonical) {
return 0;
-const char *dns_class_to_string(uint16_t class) {
- switch (class) {
- case DNS_CLASS_IN:
- return "IN";
- return "ANY";
- }
- return NULL;
-int dns_class_from_string(const char *s, uint16_t *class) {
- assert(s);
- assert(class);
- if (strcaseeq(s, "IN"))
- *class = DNS_CLASS_IN;
- else if (strcaseeq(s, "ANY"))
- *class = DNS_CLASS_ANY;
- else
- return -EINVAL;
- return 0;
DnsTxtItem *dns_txt_item_free_all(DnsTxtItem *i) {
DnsTxtItem *n;
@@ -1135,6 +1118,7 @@ bool dns_txt_item_equal(DnsTxtItem *a, DnsTxtItem *b) {
static const char* const dnssec_algorithm_table[_DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_MAX_DEFINED] = {
+ /* Mnemonics as listed on */
@@ -1144,14 +1128,20 @@ static const char* const dnssec_algorithm_table[_DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_MAX_DEFINED] =
-DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(dnssec_algorithm, int);
+DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP_WITH_FALLBACK(dnssec_algorithm, int, 255);
static const char* const dnssec_digest_table[_DNSSEC_DIGEST_MAX_DEFINED] = {
- [DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA256] = "SHA256",
+ /* Names as listed on */
+ [DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA256] = "SHA-256",
+ [DNSSEC_DIGEST_GOST_R_34_11_94] = "GOST_R_34.11-94",
+ [DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA384] = "SHA-384",
-DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(dnssec_digest, int);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.h
index 632ee59994..26ab36401c 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-rr.h
@@ -33,17 +33,10 @@ typedef struct DnsResourceKey DnsResourceKey;
typedef struct DnsResourceRecord DnsResourceRecord;
typedef struct DnsTxtItem DnsTxtItem;
-/* DNS record classes, see RFC 1035 */
-enum {
- DNS_CLASS_IN = 0x01,
/* DNSKEY RR flags */
-#define DNSKEY_FLAG_ZONE_KEY (UINT16_C(1) << 8)
#define DNSKEY_FLAG_SEP (UINT16_C(1) << 0)
+#define DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE (UINT16_C(1) << 7)
+#define DNSKEY_FLAG_ZONE_KEY (UINT16_C(1) << 8)
/* mDNS RR flags */
#define MDNS_RR_CACHE_FLUSH (UINT16_C(1) << 15)
@@ -59,8 +52,11 @@ enum {
- DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256 = 8, /* RFC 5702 */
- DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512 = 10, /* RFC 5702 */
+ DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256 = 8, /* RFC 5702 */
+ DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512 = 10, /* RFC 5702 */
+ DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_ECDSAP256SHA256 = 13, /* RFC 6605 */
+ DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_ECDSAP384SHA384 = 14, /* RFC 6605 */
@@ -71,15 +67,23 @@ enum {
* */
enum {
+ DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA256 = 2, /* RFC 4509 */
+ DNSSEC_DIGEST_GOST_R_34_11_94 = 3, /* RFC 5933 */
+ DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA384 = 4, /* RFC 6605 */
+/* DNSSEC NSEC3 hash algorithms, see
+ * */
+enum {
struct DnsResourceKey {
unsigned n_ref;
uint16_t class, type;
char *_name; /* don't access directy, use DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME()! */
- bool cache_flush:1;
/* Creates a temporary resource key. This is only useful to quickly
@@ -104,7 +108,9 @@ struct DnsTxtItem {
struct DnsResourceRecord {
unsigned n_ref;
DnsResourceKey *key;
+ char *to_string;
uint32_t ttl;
+ usec_t expiry; /* RRSIG signature expiry */
bool unparseable:1;
bool wire_format_canonical:1;
void *wire_format;
@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ struct DnsResourceRecord {
char *exchange;
} mx;
+ /* */
struct {
uint8_t version;
uint8_t size;
@@ -169,14 +176,6 @@ struct DnsResourceRecord {
uint32_t altitude;
} loc;
- struct {
- uint16_t key_tag;
- uint8_t algorithm;
- uint8_t digest_type;
- void *digest;
- size_t digest_size;
- } ds;
/* */
struct {
uint8_t algorithm;
@@ -214,6 +213,15 @@ struct DnsResourceRecord {
Bitmap *types;
} nsec;
+ /* */
+ struct {
+ uint16_t key_tag;
+ uint8_t algorithm;
+ uint8_t digest_type;
+ void *digest;
+ size_t digest_size;
+ } ds;
struct {
uint8_t algorithm;
uint8_t flags;
@@ -228,7 +236,7 @@ struct DnsResourceRecord {
static inline const char* DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(const DnsResourceKey *key) {
- if (_unlikely_(!key))
+ if (!key)
return NULL;
if (key->_name)
@@ -237,6 +245,27 @@ static inline const char* DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(const DnsResourceKey *key) {
return (char*) key + sizeof(DnsResourceKey);
+static inline const void* DNS_RESOURCE_RECORD_RDATA(DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ if (!rr)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!rr->wire_format)
+ return NULL;
+ assert(rr->wire_format_rdata_offset <= rr->wire_format_size);
+ return (uint8_t*) rr->wire_format + rr->wire_format_rdata_offset;
+static inline size_t DNS_RESOURCE_RECORD_RDATA_SIZE(DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ if (!rr)
+ return 0;
+ if (!rr->wire_format)
+ return 0;
+ assert(rr->wire_format_rdata_offset <= rr->wire_format_size);
+ return rr->wire_format_size - rr->wire_format_rdata_offset;
DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_new(uint16_t class, uint16_t type, const char *name);
DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_new_redirect(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceRecord *cname);
int dns_resource_key_new_append_suffix(DnsResourceKey **ret, DnsResourceKey *key, char *name);
@@ -245,7 +274,7 @@ DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_ref(DnsResourceKey *key);
DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_unref(DnsResourceKey *key);
bool dns_resource_key_is_address(const DnsResourceKey *key);
int dns_resource_key_equal(const DnsResourceKey *a, const DnsResourceKey *b);
-int dns_resource_key_match_rr(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceRecord *rr, const char *search_domain);
+int dns_resource_key_match_rr(const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsResourceRecord *rr, const char *search_domain);
int dns_resource_key_match_cname_or_dname(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceKey *cname, const char *search_domain);
int dns_resource_key_match_soa(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceKey *soa);
int dns_resource_key_to_string(const DnsResourceKey *key, char **ret);
@@ -262,7 +291,7 @@ DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_unref(DnsResourceRecord *rr);
int dns_resource_record_new_reverse(DnsResourceRecord **ret, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, const char *name);
int dns_resource_record_new_address(DnsResourceRecord **ret, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, const char *name);
int dns_resource_record_equal(const DnsResourceRecord *a, const DnsResourceRecord *b);
-int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret);
+const char* dns_resource_record_to_string(DnsResourceRecord *rr);
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsResourceRecord*, dns_resource_record_unref);
int dns_resource_record_to_wire_format(DnsResourceRecord *rr, bool canonical);
@@ -270,13 +299,10 @@ int dns_resource_record_to_wire_format(DnsResourceRecord *rr, bool canonical);
DnsTxtItem *dns_txt_item_free_all(DnsTxtItem *i);
bool dns_txt_item_equal(DnsTxtItem *a, DnsTxtItem *b);
-const char *dns_class_to_string(uint16_t type);
-int dns_class_from_string(const char *name, uint16_t *class);
extern const struct hash_ops dns_resource_key_hash_ops;
-const char* dnssec_algorithm_to_string(int i) _const_;
+int dnssec_algorithm_to_string_alloc(int i, char **ret);
int dnssec_algorithm_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
-const char *dnssec_digest_to_string(int i) _const_;
+int dnssec_digest_to_string_alloc(int i, char **ret);
int dnssec_digest_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.c
index 61bca04b94..c96bed04b0 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.c
@@ -57,6 +57,23 @@ int dns_scope_new(Manager *m, DnsScope **ret, Link *l, DnsProtocol protocol, int
s->family = family;
+ s->dnssec_mode = _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID;
+ if (protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) {
+ /* Copy DNSSEC mode from the link if it is set there,
+ * otherwise take the manager's DNSSEC mode. Note that
+ * we copy this only at scope creation time, and do
+ * not update it from the on, even if the setting
+ * changes. */
+ if (l)
+ s->dnssec_mode = l->dnssec_mode;
+ if (s->dnssec_mode == _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID)
+ s->dnssec_mode = m->dnssec_mode;
+ if (s->dnssec_mode == _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID)
+ s->dnssec_mode = DNSSEC_NO;
+ }
LIST_PREPEND(scopes, m->dns_scopes, s);
dns_scope_llmnr_membership(s, true);
@@ -81,7 +98,8 @@ static void dns_scope_abort_transactions(DnsScope *s) {
* freed while we still look at it */
- dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED);
+ if (DNS_TRANSACTION_IS_LIVE(t->state))
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED);
@@ -161,17 +179,15 @@ void dns_scope_packet_lost(DnsScope *s, usec_t usec) {
s->resend_timeout = MIN(s->resend_timeout * 2, MULTICAST_RESEND_TIMEOUT_MAX_USEC);
-static int dns_scope_emit_one(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket *p) {
+static int dns_scope_emit_one(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsPacket *p) {
union in_addr_union addr;
int ifindex = 0, r;
int family;
uint32_t mtu;
- size_t saved_size = 0;
assert(p->protocol == s->protocol);
- assert((s->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) != (fd < 0));
if (s->link) {
mtu = s->link->mtu;
@@ -180,30 +196,13 @@ static int dns_scope_emit_one(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket
mtu = manager_find_mtu(s->manager);
switch (s->protocol) {
- assert(server);
+ assert(fd >= 0);
- if (server->possible_features >= DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_EDNS0) {
- bool edns_do;
- size_t packet_size;
- edns_do = server->possible_features >= DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_DO;
- if (server->possible_features >= DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_LARGE)
- else
- packet_size = server->received_udp_packet_max;
- r = dns_packet_append_opt_rr(p, packet_size, edns_do, &saved_size);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->arcount = htobe16(be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->arcount) + 1);
- }
return -EMSGSIZE;
@@ -214,15 +213,11 @@ static int dns_scope_emit_one(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (saved_size > 0) {
- dns_packet_truncate(p, saved_size);
- DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->arcount = htobe16(be16toh(DNS_PACKET_HEADER(p)->arcount) - 1);
- }
+ assert(fd < 0);
@@ -249,6 +244,8 @@ static int dns_scope_emit_one(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket
+ assert(fd < 0);
if (!ratelimit_test(&s->ratelimit))
return -EBUSY;
@@ -278,13 +275,13 @@ static int dns_scope_emit_one(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket
return 1;
-int dns_scope_emit(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket *p) {
+int dns_scope_emit_udp(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsPacket *p) {
int r;
assert(p->protocol == s->protocol);
- assert((s->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) != (fd < 0));
+ assert((s->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) == (fd >= 0));
do {
/* If there are multiple linked packets, set the TC bit in all but the last of them */
@@ -293,18 +290,24 @@ int dns_scope_emit(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket *p) {
dns_packet_set_flags(p, true, true);
- r = dns_scope_emit_one(s, fd, server, p);
+ r = dns_scope_emit_one(s, fd, p);
if (r < 0)
return r;
p = p->more;
- } while(p);
+ } while (p);
return 0;
-static int dns_scope_socket(DnsScope *s, int type, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, uint16_t port, DnsServer **server) {
- DnsServer *srv = NULL;
+static int dns_scope_socket(
+ DnsScope *s,
+ int type,
+ int family,
+ const union in_addr_union *address,
+ DnsServer *server,
+ uint16_t port) {
_cleanup_close_ int fd = -1;
union sockaddr_union sa = {};
socklen_t salen;
@@ -312,31 +315,27 @@ static int dns_scope_socket(DnsScope *s, int type, int family, const union in_ad
int ret, r;
- assert((family == AF_UNSPEC) == !address);
- if (family == AF_UNSPEC) {
- srv = dns_scope_get_dns_server(s);
- if (!srv)
- return -ESRCH;
- srv->possible_features = dns_server_possible_features(srv);
- if (type == SOCK_DGRAM && srv->possible_features < DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_UDP)
- return -EAGAIN;
+ if (server) {
+ assert(family == AF_UNSPEC);
+ assert(!address);
- = srv->family;
- if (srv->family == AF_INET) {
+ = server->family;
+ if (server->family == AF_INET) { = htobe16(port);
- = srv->;
+ = server->;
salen = sizeof(;
- } else if (srv->family == AF_INET6) {
+ } else if (server->family == AF_INET6) {
sa.in6.sin6_port = htobe16(port);
- sa.in6.sin6_addr = srv->address.in6;
+ sa.in6.sin6_addr = server->address.in6;
sa.in6.sin6_scope_id = s->link ? s->link->ifindex : 0;
salen = sizeof(sa.in6);
} else
} else {
+ assert(family != AF_UNSPEC);
+ assert(address);
+ = family;
if (family == AF_INET) {
@@ -394,21 +393,18 @@ static int dns_scope_socket(DnsScope *s, int type, int family, const union in_ad
if (r < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS)
return -errno;
- if (server)
- *server = srv;
ret = fd;
fd = -1;
return ret;
-int dns_scope_udp_dns_socket(DnsScope *s, DnsServer **server) {
- return dns_scope_socket(s, SOCK_DGRAM, AF_UNSPEC, NULL, 53, server);
+int dns_scope_socket_udp(DnsScope *s, DnsServer *server, uint16_t port) {
+ return dns_scope_socket(s, SOCK_DGRAM, AF_UNSPEC, NULL, server, port);
-int dns_scope_tcp_socket(DnsScope *s, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, uint16_t port, DnsServer **server) {
- return dns_scope_socket(s, SOCK_STREAM, family, address, port, server);
+int dns_scope_socket_tcp(DnsScope *s, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, DnsServer *server, uint16_t port) {
+ return dns_scope_socket(s, SOCK_STREAM, family, address, server, port);
DnsScopeMatch dns_scope_good_domain(DnsScope *s, int ifindex, uint64_t flags, const char *domain) {
@@ -506,7 +502,7 @@ int dns_scope_good_key(DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key) {
if (s->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) {
- /* On classic DNS, lookin up non-address RRs is always
+ /* On classic DNS, looking up non-address RRs is always
* fine. (Specifically, we want to permit looking up
* DNSKEY and DS records on the root and top-level
* domains.) */
@@ -789,7 +785,7 @@ DnsTransaction *dns_scope_find_transaction(DnsScope *scope, DnsResourceKey *key,
/* Refuse reusing transactions that completed based on cached
* data instead of a real packet, if that's requested. */
if (!cache_ok &&
t->answer_source != DNS_TRANSACTION_NETWORK)
return NULL;
@@ -867,7 +863,7 @@ static int on_conflict_dispatch(sd_event_source *es, usec_t usec, void *userdata
return 0;
- r = dns_scope_emit(scope, -1, NULL, p);
+ r = dns_scope_emit_udp(scope, -1, p);
if (r < 0)
log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to send conflict packet: %m");
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.h
index 2fc2e07deb..a0676bd30e 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-scope.h
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ DnsScope* dns_scope_free(DnsScope *s);
void dns_scope_packet_received(DnsScope *s, usec_t rtt);
void dns_scope_packet_lost(DnsScope *s, usec_t usec);
-int dns_scope_emit(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsServer *server, DnsPacket *p);
-int dns_scope_tcp_socket(DnsScope *s, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, uint16_t port, DnsServer **server);
-int dns_scope_udp_dns_socket(DnsScope *s, DnsServer **server);
+int dns_scope_emit_udp(DnsScope *s, int fd, DnsPacket *p);
+int dns_scope_socket_tcp(DnsScope *s, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, DnsServer *server, uint16_t port);
+int dns_scope_socket_udp(DnsScope *s, DnsServer *server, uint16_t port);
DnsScopeMatch dns_scope_good_domain(DnsScope *s, int ifindex, uint64_t flags, const char *domain);
int dns_scope_good_key(DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.c
index d565f99c09..fbd1c27c14 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.c
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ int dns_server_new(
s->n_ref = 1;
s->manager = m;
- s->verified_features = _DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_INVALID;
- s->possible_features = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_BEST;
+ s->verified_feature_level = _DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_INVALID;
+ s->possible_feature_level = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_BEST;
s->features_grace_period_usec = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_GRACE_PERIOD_MIN_USEC;
s->received_udp_packet_max = DNS_PACKET_UNICAST_SIZE_MAX;
s->type = type;
@@ -224,23 +224,25 @@ void dns_server_move_back_and_unmark(DnsServer *s) {
-void dns_server_packet_received(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features, usec_t rtt, size_t size) {
+void dns_server_packet_received(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel level, usec_t rtt, size_t size) {
- /* even if we successfully receive a reply to a request announcing
- support for large packets, that does not mean we can necessarily
- receive large packets. */
- if (s->verified_features < DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_LARGE - 1) {
- s->verified_features = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_LARGE - 1;
+ /* Even if we successfully receive a reply to a
+ request announcing support for large packets, that
+ does not mean we can necessarily receive large
+ packets. */
+ if (s->verified_feature_level < DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_LARGE - 1) {
+ s->verified_feature_level = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_LARGE - 1;
assert_se(sd_event_now(s->manager->event, clock_boottime_or_monotonic(), &s->verified_usec) >= 0);
- } else if (s->verified_features < features) {
- s->verified_features = features;
+ } else if (s->verified_feature_level < level) {
+ s->verified_feature_level = level;
assert_se(sd_event_now(s->manager->event, clock_boottime_or_monotonic(), &s->verified_usec) >= 0);
- if (s->possible_features == features)
+ if (s->possible_feature_level == level)
s->n_failed_attempts = 0;
/* Remember the size of the largest UDP packet we received from a server,
@@ -251,15 +253,15 @@ void dns_server_packet_received(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features, us
if (s->max_rtt < rtt) {
s->max_rtt = rtt;
- s->resend_timeout = MIN(MAX(DNS_TIMEOUT_MIN_USEC, s->max_rtt * 2), DNS_TIMEOUT_MAX_USEC);
+ s->resend_timeout = CLAMP(s->max_rtt * 2, DNS_TIMEOUT_MIN_USEC, DNS_TIMEOUT_MAX_USEC);
-void dns_server_packet_lost(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features, usec_t usec) {
+void dns_server_packet_lost(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel level, usec_t usec) {
- if (s->possible_features == features)
+ if (s->possible_feature_level == level)
s->n_failed_attempts ++;
if (s->resend_timeout > usec)
@@ -268,16 +270,27 @@ void dns_server_packet_lost(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features, usec_t
s->resend_timeout = MIN(s->resend_timeout * 2, DNS_TIMEOUT_MAX_USEC);
-void dns_server_packet_failed(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features) {
+void dns_server_packet_failed(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel level) {
- if (s->possible_features != features)
+ if (s->possible_feature_level != level)
s->n_failed_attempts = (unsigned) -1;
+void dns_server_packet_rrsig_missing(DnsServer *s) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *ip = NULL;
+ assert(s);
+ assert(s->manager);
+ in_addr_to_string(s->family, &s->address, &ip);
+ log_warning("DNS server %s does not augment replies with RRSIG records, DNSSEC not available.", strna(ip));
+ s->rrsig_missing = true;
static bool dns_server_grace_period_expired(DnsServer *s) {
usec_t ts;
@@ -297,35 +310,64 @@ static bool dns_server_grace_period_expired(DnsServer *s) {
return true;
-DnsServerFeatureLevel dns_server_possible_features(DnsServer *s) {
+DnsServerFeatureLevel dns_server_possible_feature_level(DnsServer *s) {
- if (s->possible_features != DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_BEST &&
+ if (s->possible_feature_level != DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_BEST &&
dns_server_grace_period_expired(s)) {
_cleanup_free_ char *ip = NULL;
- s->possible_features = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_BEST;
+ s->possible_feature_level = DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_BEST;
s->n_failed_attempts = 0;
s->verified_usec = 0;
+ s->rrsig_missing = false;
in_addr_to_string(s->family, &s->address, &ip);
log_info("Grace period over, resuming full feature set for DNS server %s", strna(ip));
- } else if (s->possible_features <= s->verified_features)
- s->possible_features = s->verified_features;
+ } else if (s->possible_feature_level <= s->verified_feature_level)
+ s->possible_feature_level = s->verified_feature_level;
else if (s->n_failed_attempts >= DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_RETRY_ATTEMPTS &&
- s->possible_features > DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_WORST) {
+ s->possible_feature_level > DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_WORST) {
_cleanup_free_ char *ip = NULL;
- s->possible_features --;
+ s->possible_feature_level --;
s->n_failed_attempts = 0;
s->verified_usec = 0;
in_addr_to_string(s->family, &s->address, &ip);
log_warning("Using degraded feature set (%s) for DNS server %s",
- dns_server_feature_level_to_string(s->possible_features), strna(ip));
+ dns_server_feature_level_to_string(s->possible_feature_level), strna(ip));
- return s->possible_features;
+ return s->possible_feature_level;
+int dns_server_adjust_opt(DnsServer *server, DnsPacket *packet, DnsServerFeatureLevel level) {
+ size_t packet_size;
+ bool edns_do;
+ int r;
+ assert(server);
+ assert(packet);
+ assert(packet->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS);
+ /* Fix the OPT field in the packet to match our current feature level. */
+ r = dns_packet_truncate_opt(packet);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ return 0;
+ edns_do = level >= DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_DO;
+ else
+ packet_size = server->received_udp_packet_max;
+ return dns_packet_append_opt(packet, packet_size, edns_do, NULL);
static void dns_server_hash_func(const void *p, struct siphash *state) {
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.h
index b07fc3af3d..da21e6571a 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-server.h
@@ -61,18 +61,25 @@ struct DnsServer {
int family;
union in_addr_union address;
- bool marked:1;
usec_t resend_timeout;
usec_t max_rtt;
- DnsServerFeatureLevel verified_features;
- DnsServerFeatureLevel possible_features;
+ DnsServerFeatureLevel verified_feature_level;
+ DnsServerFeatureLevel possible_feature_level;
size_t received_udp_packet_max;
unsigned n_failed_attempts;
usec_t verified_usec;
usec_t features_grace_period_usec;
+ /* Indicates whether responses are augmented with RRSIG by
+ * server or not. Note that this is orthogonal to the feature
+ * level stuff, as it's only information describing responses,
+ * and has no effect on how the questions are asked. */
+ bool rrsig_missing:1;
+ /* Used when GC'ing old DNS servers when configuration changes. */
+ bool marked:1;
/* If linked is set, then this server appears in the servers linked list */
bool linked:1;
LIST_FIELDS(DnsServer, servers);
@@ -92,9 +99,14 @@ DnsServer* dns_server_unref(DnsServer *s);
void dns_server_unlink(DnsServer *s);
void dns_server_move_back_and_unmark(DnsServer *s);
-void dns_server_packet_received(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features, usec_t rtt, size_t size);
-void dns_server_packet_lost(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features, usec_t usec);
-void dns_server_packet_failed(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel features);
+void dns_server_packet_received(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel level, usec_t rtt, size_t size);
+void dns_server_packet_lost(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel level, usec_t usec);
+void dns_server_packet_failed(DnsServer *s, DnsServerFeatureLevel level);
+void dns_server_packet_rrsig_missing(DnsServer *s);
+DnsServerFeatureLevel dns_server_possible_feature_level(DnsServer *s);
+int dns_server_adjust_opt(DnsServer *server, DnsPacket *packet, DnsServerFeatureLevel level);
DnsServer *dns_server_find(DnsServer *first, int family, const union in_addr_union *in_addr);
@@ -110,6 +122,4 @@ void manager_next_dns_server(Manager *m);
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsServer*, dns_server_unref);
-DnsServerFeatureLevel dns_server_possible_features(DnsServer *s);
extern const struct hash_ops dns_server_hash_ops;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-stream.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-stream.c
index 1c501182fb..180f8e0877 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-stream.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-stream.c
@@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ DnsStream *dns_stream_free(DnsStream *s) {
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsStream*, dns_stream_free);
int dns_stream_new(Manager *m, DnsStream **ret, DnsProtocol protocol, int fd) {
- static const int one = 1;
_cleanup_(dns_stream_freep) DnsStream *s = NULL;
int r;
@@ -364,10 +363,6 @@ int dns_stream_new(Manager *m, DnsStream **ret, DnsProtocol protocol, int fd) {
s->fd = -1;
s->protocol = protocol;
- r = setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one));
- if (r < 0)
- return -errno;
r = sd_event_add_io(m->event, &s->io_event_source, fd, EPOLLIN, on_stream_io, s);
if (r < 0)
return r;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.c
index bcf6d5c810..f5171a940f 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.c
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+#include <sd-messages.h>
#include "af-list.h"
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "dns-domain.h"
@@ -29,6 +31,32 @@
#include "resolved-llmnr.h"
#include "string-table.h"
+static void dns_transaction_reset_answer(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ assert(t);
+ t->received = dns_packet_unref(t->received);
+ t->answer = dns_answer_unref(t->answer);
+ t->answer_rcode = 0;
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID;
+ t->answer_authenticated = false;
+ t->answer_nsec_ttl = (uint32_t) -1;
+static void dns_transaction_close_connection(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ assert(t);
+ t->stream = dns_stream_free(t->stream);
+ t->dns_udp_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(t->dns_udp_event_source);
+ t->dns_udp_fd = safe_close(t->dns_udp_fd);
+static void dns_transaction_stop_timeout(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ assert(t);
+ t->timeout_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(t->timeout_event_source);
DnsTransaction* dns_transaction_free(DnsTransaction *t) {
DnsQueryCandidate *c;
DnsZoneItem *i;
@@ -37,18 +65,15 @@ DnsTransaction* dns_transaction_free(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (!t)
return NULL;
- sd_event_source_unref(t->timeout_event_source);
+ log_debug("Freeing transaction %" PRIu16 ".", t->id);
- dns_packet_unref(t->sent);
- dns_packet_unref(t->received);
- dns_answer_unref(t->answer);
+ dns_transaction_close_connection(t);
+ dns_transaction_stop_timeout(t);
- sd_event_source_unref(t->dns_udp_event_source);
- safe_close(t->dns_udp_fd);
+ dns_packet_unref(t->sent);
+ dns_transaction_reset_answer(t);
- dns_stream_free(t->stream);
if (t->scope) {
hashmap_remove_value(t->scope->transactions_by_key, t->key, t);
@@ -58,8 +83,6 @@ DnsTransaction* dns_transaction_free(DnsTransaction *t) {
hashmap_remove(t->scope->manager->dns_transactions, UINT_TO_PTR(t->id));
- dns_resource_key_unref(t->key);
while ((c = set_steal_first(t->notify_query_candidates)))
set_remove(c->transactions, t);
@@ -79,6 +102,8 @@ DnsTransaction* dns_transaction_free(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ dns_resource_key_unref(t->key);
+ free(t->key_string);
return NULL;
@@ -86,16 +111,20 @@ DnsTransaction* dns_transaction_free(DnsTransaction *t) {
DEFINE_TRIVIAL_CLEANUP_FUNC(DnsTransaction*, dns_transaction_free);
-void dns_transaction_gc(DnsTransaction *t) {
+bool dns_transaction_gc(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (t->block_gc > 0)
- return;
+ return true;
if (set_isempty(t->notify_query_candidates) &&
set_isempty(t->notify_zone_items) &&
- set_isempty(t->notify_transactions))
+ set_isempty(t->notify_transactions)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
int dns_transaction_new(DnsTransaction **ret, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key) {
@@ -107,11 +136,11 @@ int dns_transaction_new(DnsTransaction **ret, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key)
/* Don't allow looking up invalid or pseudo RRs */
+ if (!dns_type_is_valid_query(key->type))
return -EINVAL;
/* We only support the IN class */
- if (key->class != DNS_CLASS_IN)
+ if (key->class != DNS_CLASS_IN && key->class != DNS_CLASS_ANY)
r = hashmap_ensure_allocated(&s->manager->dns_transactions, NULL);
@@ -128,7 +157,8 @@ int dns_transaction_new(DnsTransaction **ret, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key)
t->dns_udp_fd = -1;
- t->dnssec_result = _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID;
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID;
+ t->answer_nsec_ttl = (uint32_t) -1;
t->key = dns_resource_key_ref(key);
/* Find a fresh, unused transaction id */
@@ -152,6 +182,8 @@ int dns_transaction_new(DnsTransaction **ret, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key)
LIST_PREPEND(transactions_by_scope, s->transactions, t);
t->scope = s;
+ s->manager->n_transactions_total ++;
if (ret)
*ret = t;
@@ -160,16 +192,6 @@ int dns_transaction_new(DnsTransaction **ret, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key)
return 0;
-static void dns_transaction_stop(DnsTransaction *t) {
- assert(t);
- t->timeout_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(t->timeout_event_source);
- t->stream = dns_stream_free(t->stream);
- /* Note that we do not drop the UDP socket here, as we want to
- * reuse it to repeat the interaction. */
static void dns_transaction_tentative(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
_cleanup_free_ char *pretty = NULL;
DnsZoneItem *z;
@@ -182,7 +204,9 @@ static void dns_transaction_tentative(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
in_addr_to_string(p->family, &p->sender, &pretty);
- log_debug("Transaction on scope %s on %s/%s got tentative packet from %s",
+ log_debug("Transaction %" PRIu16 " for <%s> on scope %s on %s/%s got tentative packet from %s.",
+ t->id,
+ dns_transaction_key_string(t),
t->scope->link ? t->scope->link->name : "*",
t->scope->family == AF_UNSPEC ? "*" : af_to_name(t->scope->family),
@@ -221,35 +245,97 @@ void dns_transaction_complete(DnsTransaction *t, DnsTransactionState state) {
+ log_struct(LOG_NOTICE,
+ LOG_MESSAGE("DNSSEC validation failed for question %s: %s", dns_transaction_key_string(t), dnssec_result_to_string(t->answer_dnssec_result)),
+ "DNS_TRANSACTION=%" PRIu16, t->id,
+ "DNS_QUESTION=%s", dns_transaction_key_string(t),
+ "DNSSEC_RESULT=%s", dnssec_result_to_string(t->answer_dnssec_result),
+ NULL);
/* Note that this call might invalidate the query. Callers
* should hence not attempt to access the query or transaction
* after calling this function. */
- log_debug("Transaction on scope %s on %s/%s now complete with <%s> from %s",
+ log_debug("Transaction %" PRIu16 " for <%s> on scope %s on %s/%s now complete with <%s> from %s (%s).",
+ t->id,
+ dns_transaction_key_string(t),
t->scope->link ? t->scope->link->name : "*",
t->scope->family == AF_UNSPEC ? "*" : af_to_name(t->scope->family),
- t->answer_source < 0 ? "none" : dns_transaction_source_to_string(t->answer_source));
+ t->answer_source < 0 ? "none" : dns_transaction_source_to_string(t->answer_source),
+ t->answer_authenticated ? "authenticated" : "unsigned");
t->state = state;
- dns_transaction_stop(t);
+ dns_transaction_close_connection(t);
+ dns_transaction_stop_timeout(t);
/* Notify all queries that are interested, but make sure the
* transaction isn't freed while we are still looking at it */
SET_FOREACH(c, t->notify_query_candidates, i)
SET_FOREACH(z, t->notify_zone_items, i)
- SET_FOREACH(d, t->notify_transactions, i)
- dns_transaction_notify(d, t);
- t->block_gc--;
+ if (!set_isempty(t->notify_transactions)) {
+ DnsTransaction **nt;
+ unsigned j, n = 0;
+ /* We need to be careful when notifying other
+ * transactions, as that might destroy other
+ * transactions in our list. Hence, in order to be
+ * able to safely iterate through the list of
+ * transactions, take a GC lock on all of them
+ * first. Then, in a second loop, notify them, but
+ * first unlock that specific transaction. */
+ nt = newa(DnsTransaction*, set_size(t->notify_transactions));
+ SET_FOREACH(d, t->notify_transactions, i) {
+ nt[n++] = d;
+ d->block_gc++;
+ }
+ assert(n == set_size(t->notify_transactions));
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ if (set_contains(t->notify_transactions, nt[j]))
+ dns_transaction_notify(nt[j], t);
+ nt[j]->block_gc--;
+ dns_transaction_gc(nt[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ t->block_gc--;
+static int dns_transaction_pick_server(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ DnsServer *server;
+ assert(t);
+ assert(t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS);
+ server = dns_scope_get_dns_server(t->scope);
+ if (!server)
+ return -ESRCH;
+ t->current_features = dns_server_possible_feature_level(server);
+ if (server == t->server)
+ return 0;
+ dns_server_unref(t->server);
+ t->server = dns_server_ref(server);
+ return 1;
static int on_stream_complete(DnsStream *s, int error) {
_cleanup_(dns_packet_unrefp) DnsPacket *p = NULL;
DnsTransaction *t;
@@ -264,6 +350,11 @@ static int on_stream_complete(DnsStream *s, int error) {
t->stream = dns_stream_free(t->stream);
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_CONNECTION_FAILURE);
+ return 0;
+ }
if (error != 0) {
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_RESOURCES);
return 0;
@@ -281,32 +372,43 @@ static int on_stream_complete(DnsStream *s, int error) {
dns_transaction_process_reply(t, p);
- /* If the response wasn't useful, then complete the transition now */
+ /* If the response wasn't useful, then complete the transition
+ * now. After all, we are the worst feature set now with TCP
+ * sockets, and there's really no point in retrying. */
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_INVALID_REPLY);
+ else
+ dns_transaction_gc(t);
return 0;
static int dns_transaction_open_tcp(DnsTransaction *t) {
- DnsServer *server = NULL;
_cleanup_close_ int fd = -1;
int r;
- if (t->stream)
- return 0;
+ dns_transaction_close_connection(t);
switch (t->scope->protocol) {
- fd = dns_scope_tcp_socket(t->scope, AF_UNSPEC, NULL, 53, &server);
+ r = dns_transaction_pick_server(t);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ r = dns_server_adjust_opt(t->server, t->sent, t->current_features);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ fd = dns_scope_socket_tcp(t->scope, AF_UNSPEC, NULL, t->server, 53);
/* When we already received a reply to this (but it was truncated), send to its sender address */
if (t->received)
- fd = dns_scope_tcp_socket(t->scope, t->received->family, &t->received->sender, t->received->sender_port, NULL);
+ fd = dns_scope_socket_tcp(t->scope, t->received->family, &t->received->sender, NULL, t->received->sender_port);
else {
union in_addr_union address;
int family = AF_UNSPEC;
@@ -323,7 +425,7 @@ static int dns_transaction_open_tcp(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (family != t->scope->family)
return -ESRCH;
- fd = dns_scope_tcp_socket(t->scope, family, &address, LLMNR_PORT, NULL);
+ fd = dns_scope_socket_tcp(t->scope, family, &address, NULL, LLMNR_PORT);
@@ -338,7 +440,6 @@ static int dns_transaction_open_tcp(DnsTransaction *t) {
r = dns_stream_new(t->scope->manager, &t->stream, t->scope->protocol, fd);
if (r < 0)
return r;
fd = -1;
r = dns_stream_write_packet(t->stream, t->sent);
@@ -347,11 +448,6 @@ static int dns_transaction_open_tcp(DnsTransaction *t) {
return r;
- dns_server_unref(t->server);
- t->server = dns_server_ref(server);
- t->received = dns_packet_unref(t->received);
- t->answer = dns_answer_unref(t->answer);
- t->answer_rcode = 0;
t->stream->complete = on_stream_complete;
t->stream->transaction = t;
@@ -361,22 +457,14 @@ static int dns_transaction_open_tcp(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (t->scope->link)
t->stream->ifindex = t->scope->link->ifindex;
- return 0;
-static void dns_transaction_next_dns_server(DnsTransaction *t) {
- assert(t);
+ dns_transaction_reset_answer(t);
- t->server = dns_server_unref(t->server);
- t->dns_udp_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(t->dns_udp_event_source);
- t->dns_udp_fd = safe_close(t->dns_udp_fd);
+ t->tried_stream = true;
- dns_scope_next_dns_server(t->scope);
+ return 0;
static void dns_transaction_cache_answer(DnsTransaction *t) {
- unsigned n_cache;
/* For mDNS we cache whenever we get the packet, rather than
@@ -391,33 +479,37 @@ static void dns_transaction_cache_answer(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (!DNS_PACKET_SHALL_CACHE(t->received))
- /* According to RFC 4795, section 2.9. only the RRs from the
- * answer section shall be cached. However, if we know the
- * message is authenticated, we might as well cache
- * everything. */
- if (t->answer_authenticated)
- n_cache = dns_answer_size(t->answer);
- else
- n_cache = DNS_PACKET_ANCOUNT(t->received);
- n_cache,
+ t->answer_nsec_ttl,
+static bool dns_transaction_dnssec_is_live(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ Iterator i;
+ assert(t);
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i)
+ if (DNS_TRANSACTION_IS_LIVE(dt->state))
+ return true;
+ return false;
static void dns_transaction_process_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
int r;
/* Are there ongoing DNSSEC transactions? If so, let's wait for them. */
- if (!set_isempty(t->dnssec_transactions))
+ if (dns_transaction_dnssec_is_live(t))
/* All our auxiliary DNSSEC transactions are complete now. Try
@@ -428,7 +520,19 @@ static void dns_transaction_process_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ if (t->answer_dnssec_result == DNSSEC_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER &&
+ t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_YES) {
+ /* We are not in automatic downgrade mode, and the
+ * server is bad, refuse operation. */
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_DNSSEC_FAILED);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!IN_SET(t->answer_dnssec_result,
+ _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID, /* No DNSSEC validation enabled */
+ DNSSEC_VALIDATED, /* Answer is signed and validated successfully */
+ DNSSEC_UNSIGNED, /* Answer is right-fully unsigned */
+ DNSSEC_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER)) { /* Server does not do DNSSEC (Yay, we are downgrade attack vulnerable!) */
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_DNSSEC_FAILED);
@@ -438,7 +542,7 @@ static void dns_transaction_process_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (t->answer_rcode == DNS_RCODE_SUCCESS)
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS);
- dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_FAILURE);
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_RCODE_FAILURE);
void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
@@ -447,10 +551,12 @@ void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
- assert(t->state == DNS_TRANSACTION_PENDING);
+ if (t->state != DNS_TRANSACTION_PENDING)
+ return;
/* Note that this call might invalidate the query. Callers
* should hence not attempt to access the query or transaction
* after calling this function. */
@@ -494,6 +600,11 @@ void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
+ /* Note that we do not need to verify the
+ * addresses/port numbers of incoming traffic, as we
+ * invoked connect() on our UDP socket in which case
+ * the kernel already does the needed verification for
+ * us. */
@@ -580,16 +691,16 @@ void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
/* On DNS, couldn't send? Try immediately again, with a new server */
- dns_transaction_next_dns_server(t);
+ dns_scope_next_dns_server(t->scope);
r = dns_transaction_go(t);
if (r < 0) {
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_RESOURCES);
- return;
+ return;
/* Parse message, if it isn't parsed yet. */
@@ -616,9 +727,25 @@ void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
t->answer = dns_answer_ref(p->answer);
t->answer_rcode = DNS_PACKET_RCODE(p);
- t->answer_authenticated = t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_TRUST && DNS_PACKET_AD(p);
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID;
+ t->answer_authenticated = false;
+ /* Block GC while starting requests for additional DNSSEC RRs */
+ t->block_gc++;
r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_keys(t);
+ t->block_gc--;
+ /* Maybe the transaction is ready for GC'ing now? If so, free it and return. */
+ if (!dns_transaction_gc(t))
+ return;
+ /* Requesting additional keys might have resulted in
+ * this transaction to fail, since the auxiliary
+ * request failed for some reason. If so, we are not
+ * in pending state anymore, and we should exit
+ * quickly. */
+ if (t->state != DNS_TRANSACTION_PENDING)
+ return;
if (r < 0) {
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_RESOURCES);
@@ -626,6 +753,8 @@ void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p) {
if (r > 0) {
/* There are DNSSEC transactions pending now. Update the state accordingly. */
+ dns_transaction_close_connection(t);
+ dns_transaction_stop_timeout(t);
@@ -649,39 +778,54 @@ static int on_dns_packet(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *use
DNS_PACKET_ID(p) == t->id)
dns_transaction_process_reply(t, p);
- log_debug("Invalid DNS packet, ignoring.");
+ log_debug("Invalid DNS UDP packet, ignoring.");
return 0;
-static int dns_transaction_emit(DnsTransaction *t) {
+static int dns_transaction_emit_udp(DnsTransaction *t) {
int r;
- if (t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS && !t->server) {
- DnsServer *server = NULL;
- _cleanup_close_ int fd = -1;
- fd = dns_scope_udp_dns_socket(t->scope, &server);
- if (fd < 0)
- return fd;
+ if (t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) {
- r = sd_event_add_io(t->scope->manager->event, &t->dns_udp_event_source, fd, EPOLLIN, on_dns_packet, t);
+ r = dns_transaction_pick_server(t);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- t->dns_udp_fd = fd;
- fd = -1;
- t->server = dns_server_ref(server);
- }
+ if (t->current_features < DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_UDP)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ if (r > 0 || t->dns_udp_fd < 0) { /* Server changed, or no connection yet. */
+ int fd;
+ dns_transaction_close_connection(t);
+ fd = dns_scope_socket_udp(t->scope, t->server, 53);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return fd;
+ r = sd_event_add_io(t->scope->manager->event, &t->dns_udp_event_source, fd, EPOLLIN, on_dns_packet, t);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ safe_close(fd);
+ return r;
+ }
+ t->dns_udp_fd = fd;
+ }
+ r = dns_server_adjust_opt(t->server, t->sent, t->current_features);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ } else
+ dns_transaction_close_connection(t);
- r = dns_scope_emit(t->scope, t->dns_udp_fd, t->server, t->sent);
+ r = dns_scope_emit_udp(t->scope, t->dns_udp_fd, t->sent);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (t->server)
- t->current_features = t->server->possible_features;
+ dns_transaction_reset_answer(t);
return 0;
@@ -696,17 +840,17 @@ static int on_transaction_timeout(sd_event_source *s, usec_t usec, void *userdat
if (!t->initial_jitter_scheduled || t->initial_jitter_elapsed) {
/* Timeout reached? Increase the timeout for the server used */
switch (t->scope->protocol) {
dns_server_packet_lost(t->server, t->current_features, usec - t->start_usec);
dns_scope_packet_lost(t->scope, usec - t->start_usec);
assert_not_reached("Invalid DNS protocol.");
@@ -715,8 +859,10 @@ static int on_transaction_timeout(sd_event_source *s, usec_t usec, void *userdat
t->initial_jitter_elapsed = true;
+ log_debug("Timeout reached on transaction %" PRIu16 ".", t->id);
/* ...and try again with a new server */
- dns_transaction_next_dns_server(t);
+ dns_scope_next_dns_server(t->scope);
r = dns_transaction_go(t);
if (r < 0)
@@ -730,36 +876,36 @@ static usec_t transaction_get_resend_timeout(DnsTransaction *t) {
switch (t->scope->protocol) {
return t->server->resend_timeout;
assert(t->n_attempts > 0);
return (1 << (t->n_attempts - 1)) * USEC_PER_SEC;
return t->scope->resend_timeout;
assert_not_reached("Invalid DNS protocol.");
static int dns_transaction_prepare(DnsTransaction *t, usec_t ts) {
- bool had_stream;
int r;
- had_stream = !!t->stream;
- dns_transaction_stop(t);
+ dns_transaction_stop_timeout(t);
if (t->n_attempts >= TRANSACTION_ATTEMPTS_MAX(t->scope->protocol)) {
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_ATTEMPTS_MAX_REACHED);
return 0;
- if (t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR && had_stream) {
+ if (t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR && t->tried_stream) {
/* If we already tried via a stream, then we don't
* retry on LLMNR. See RFC 4795, Section 2.7. */
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_ATTEMPTS_MAX_REACHED);
@@ -768,14 +914,12 @@ static int dns_transaction_prepare(DnsTransaction *t, usec_t ts) {
t->start_usec = ts;
- t->received = dns_packet_unref(t->received);
- t->answer = dns_answer_unref(t->answer);
- t->answer_rcode = 0;
+ dns_transaction_reset_answer(t);
/* Check the trust anchor. Do so only on classic DNS, since DNSSEC does not apply otherwise. */
if (t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS) {
- r = dns_trust_anchor_lookup(&t->scope->manager->trust_anchor, t->key, &t->answer);
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_lookup_positive(&t->scope->manager->trust_anchor, t->key, &t->answer);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0) {
@@ -785,6 +929,41 @@ static int dns_transaction_prepare(DnsTransaction *t, usec_t ts) {
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS);
return 0;
+ if (dns_name_is_root(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key)) &&
+ t->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DS) {
+ /* Hmm, this is a request for the root DS? A
+ * DS RR doesn't exist in the root zone, and
+ * if our trust anchor didn't know it either,
+ * this means we cannot do any DNSSEC logic
+ * anymore. */
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE) {
+ /* We are in downgrade mode. In this
+ * case, synthesize an unsigned empty
+ * response, so that the any lookup
+ * depending on this one can continue
+ * assuming there was no DS, and hence
+ * the root zone was unsigned. */
+ t->answer_rcode = DNS_RCODE_SUCCESS;
+ t->answer_source = DNS_TRANSACTION_TRUST_ANCHOR;
+ t->answer_authenticated = false;
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS);
+ } else
+ /* If we are not in downgrade mode,
+ * then fail the lookup, because we
+ * cannot reasonably answer it. There
+ * might be DS RRs, but we don't know
+ * them, and the DNS server won't tell
+ * them to us (and even if it would,
+ * we couldn't validate it and trust
+ * it). */
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_NO_TRUST_ANCHOR);
+ return 0;
+ }
/* Check the zone, but only if this transaction is not used
@@ -823,7 +1002,7 @@ static int dns_transaction_prepare(DnsTransaction *t, usec_t ts) {
if (t->answer_rcode == DNS_RCODE_SUCCESS)
dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS);
- dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_FAILURE);
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_RCODE_FAILURE);
return 0;
@@ -843,7 +1022,7 @@ static int dns_transaction_make_packet_mdns(DnsTransaction *t) {
assert(t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_MDNS);
- /* Discard any previously prepared packet, so we can start over and coaleasce again */
+ /* Discard any previously prepared packet, so we can start over and coalesce again */
t->sent = dns_packet_unref(t->sent);
r = dns_packet_new_query(&p, t->scope->protocol, 0, false);
@@ -945,7 +1124,7 @@ static int dns_transaction_make_packet(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (t->sent)
return 0;
- r = dns_packet_new_query(&p, t->scope->protocol, 0, t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_YES);
+ r = dns_packet_new_query(&p, t->scope->protocol, 0, t->scope->dnssec_mode != DNSSEC_NO);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -980,17 +1159,12 @@ int dns_transaction_go(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (r <= 0)
return r;
- if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *ks = NULL;
- (void) dns_resource_key_to_string(t->key, &ks);
- log_debug("Excercising transaction for <%s> on scope %s on %s/%s",
- ks ? strstrip(ks) : "???",
- dns_protocol_to_string(t->scope->protocol),
- t->scope->link ? t->scope->link->name : "*",
- t->scope->family == AF_UNSPEC ? "*" : af_to_name(t->scope->family));
- }
+ log_debug("Excercising transaction %" PRIu16 " for <%s> on scope %s on %s/%s.",
+ t->id,
+ dns_transaction_key_string(t),
+ dns_protocol_to_string(t->scope->protocol),
+ t->scope->link ? t->scope->link->name : "*",
+ t->scope->family == AF_UNSPEC ? "*" : af_to_name(t->scope->family));
if (!t->initial_jitter_scheduled &&
(t->scope->protocol == DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR ||
@@ -1005,10 +1179,12 @@ int dns_transaction_go(DnsTransaction *t) {
random_bytes(&jitter, sizeof(jitter));
switch (t->scope->protocol) {
@@ -1057,7 +1233,7 @@ int dns_transaction_go(DnsTransaction *t) {
} else {
/* Try via UDP, and if that fails due to large size or lack of
* support try via TCP */
- r = dns_transaction_emit(t);
+ r = dns_transaction_emit_udp(t);
if (r == -EMSGSIZE || r == -EAGAIN)
r = dns_transaction_open_tcp(t);
@@ -1073,7 +1249,7 @@ int dns_transaction_go(DnsTransaction *t) {
/* Couldn't send? Try immediately again, with a new server */
- dns_transaction_next_dns_server(t);
+ dns_scope_next_dns_server(t->scope);
return dns_transaction_go(t);
@@ -1095,6 +1271,28 @@ int dns_transaction_go(DnsTransaction *t) {
return 1;
+static int dns_transaction_find_cyclic(DnsTransaction *t, DnsTransaction *aux) {
+ DnsTransaction *n;
+ Iterator i;
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ assert(aux);
+ /* Try to find cyclic dependencies between transaction objects */
+ if (t == aux)
+ return 1;
+ SET_FOREACH(n, aux->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ r = dns_transaction_find_cyclic(t, n);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 0;
static int dns_transaction_add_dnssec_transaction(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsTransaction **ret) {
DnsTransaction *aux;
int r;
@@ -1113,6 +1311,18 @@ static int dns_transaction_add_dnssec_transaction(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResource
*ret = aux;
return 0;
+ r = dns_transaction_find_cyclic(t, aux);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ log_debug("Detected potential cyclic dependency, refusing to add transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s) as dependency for %" PRIu16 " (%s).",
+ aux->id,
+ strna(dns_transaction_key_string(aux)),
+ t->id,
+ strna(dns_transaction_key_string(t)));
+ return -ELOOP;
+ }
r = set_ensure_allocated(&t->dnssec_transactions, NULL);
@@ -1150,7 +1360,7 @@ static int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceKey *
/* Try to get the data from the trust anchor */
- r = dns_trust_anchor_lookup(&t->scope->manager->trust_anchor, key, &a);
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_lookup_positive(&t->scope->manager->trust_anchor, key, &a);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0) {
@@ -1163,6 +1373,8 @@ static int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceKey *
/* This didn't work, ask for it via the network/cache then. */
r = dns_transaction_add_dnssec_transaction(t, key, &aux);
+ if (r == -ELOOP) /* This would result in a cyclic dependency */
+ return 0;
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -1172,20 +1384,160 @@ static int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceKey *
return r;
- return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int dns_transaction_has_positive_answer(DnsTransaction *t, DnsAnswerFlags *flags) {
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ /* Checks whether the answer is positive, i.e. either a direct
+ * answer to the question, or a CNAME/DNAME for it */
+ r = dns_answer_match_key(t->answer, t->key, flags);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ r = dns_answer_find_cname_or_dname(t->answer, t->key, NULL, flags);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ return false;
+static int dns_transaction_negative_trust_anchor_lookup(DnsTransaction *t, const char *name) {
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ /* Check whether the specified name is in the the NTA
+ * database, either in the global one, or the link-local
+ * one. */
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_lookup_negative(&t->scope->manager->trust_anchor, name);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ if (!t->scope->link)
+ return 0;
+ return set_contains(t->scope->link->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors, name);
+static int dns_transaction_has_unsigned_negative_answer(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ /* Checks whether the answer is negative, and lacks NSEC/NSEC3
+ * RRs to prove it */
+ r = dns_transaction_has_positive_answer(t, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return false;
+ /* Is this key explicitly listed as a negative trust anchor?
+ * If so, it's nothing we need to care about */
+ r = dns_transaction_negative_trust_anchor_lookup(t, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return false;
+ /* The answer does not contain any RRs that match to the
+ * question. If so, let's see if there are any NSEC/NSEC3 RRs
+ * included. If not, the answer is unsigned. */
+ r = dns_answer_contains_nsec_or_nsec3(t->answer);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static int dns_transaction_is_primary_response(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ assert(rr);
+ /* Check if the specified RR is the "primary" response,
+ * i.e. either matches the question precisely or is a
+ * CNAME/DNAME for it, or is any kind of NSEC/NSEC3 RR */
+ r = dns_resource_key_match_rr(t->key, rr, NULL);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ r = dns_resource_key_match_cname_or_dname(t->key, rr->key, NULL);
+ if (r != 0)
+ return r;
+ if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_NSEC3) {
+ const char *p;
+ p = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key);
+ r = dns_name_parent(&p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ r = dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key), p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_NSEC;
int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_keys(DnsTransaction *t) {
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
int r;
- if (t->scope->dnssec_mode != DNSSEC_YES)
+ /*
+ * Retrieve all auxiliary RRs for the answer we got, so that
+ * we can verify signatures or prove that RRs are rightfully
+ * unsigned. Specifically:
+ *
+ * - For RRSIG we get the matching DNSKEY
+ * - For DNSKEY we get the matching DS
+ * - For unsigned SOA/NS we get the matching DS
+ * - For unsigned CNAME/DNAME/DS we get the parent SOA RR
+ * - For other unsigned RRs we get the matching SOA RR
+ * - For SOA/NS/DS queries with no matching response RRs, and no NSEC/NSEC3, the parent's SOA RR
+ * - For other queries with no matching response RRs, and no NSEC/NSEC3, the SOA RR
+ */
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_NO)
return 0;
+ if (t->current_features < DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_DO)
+ return 0; /* Server doesn't do DNSSEC, there's no point in requesting any RRs then. */
+ if (t->server && t->server->rrsig_missing)
+ return 0; /* Server handles DNSSEC requests, but isn't augmenting responses with RRSIGs. No point in trying DNSSEC then. */
DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rr, t->answer) {
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(rr->key->type))
+ continue;
+ /* If this RR is in the negative trust anchor, we don't need to validate it. */
+ r = dns_transaction_negative_trust_anchor_lookup(t, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ continue;
switch (rr->key->type) {
@@ -1204,10 +1556,18 @@ int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_keys(DnsTransaction *t) {
- /* If the signer is not a parent of the owner,
- * then the signature is bogus, let's ignore
- * it. */
- r = dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), rr->rrsig.signer);
+ /* If the signer is not a parent of our
+ * original query, then this is about an
+ * auxiliary RRset, but not anything we asked
+ * for. In this case we aren't interested,
+ * because we don't want to request additional
+ * RRs for stuff we didn't really ask for, and
+ * also to avoid request loops, where
+ * additional RRs from one transaction result
+ * in another transaction whose additonal RRs
+ * point back to the original transaction, and
+ * we deadlock. */
+ r = dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key), rr->rrsig.signer);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r == 0)
@@ -1217,8 +1577,7 @@ int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_keys(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (!dnskey)
return -ENOMEM;
- log_debug("Requesting DNSKEY to validate transaction %" PRIu16" (key tag: %" PRIu16 ").", t->id, rr->rrsig.key_tag);
+ log_debug("Requesting DNSKEY to validate transaction %" PRIu16" (%s, RRSIG with key tag: %" PRIu16 ").", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), rr->rrsig.key_tag);
r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(t, dnskey);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -1229,61 +1588,651 @@ int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_keys(DnsTransaction *t) {
/* For each DNSKEY we request the matching DS */
_cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *ds = NULL;
+ /* If the DNSKEY we are looking at is not for
+ * zone we are interested in, nor any of its
+ * parents, we aren't interested, and don't
+ * request it. After all, we don't want to end
+ * up in request loops, and want to keep
+ * additional traffic down. */
+ r = dns_name_endswith(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
ds = dns_resource_key_new(rr->key->class, DNS_TYPE_DS, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
if (!ds)
return -ENOMEM;
- log_debug("Requesting DS to validate transaction %" PRIu16" (key tag: %" PRIu16 ").", t->id, dnssec_keytag(rr));
+ log_debug("Requesting DS to validate transaction %" PRIu16" (%s, DNSKEY with key tag: %" PRIu16 ").", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), dnssec_keytag(rr, false));
+ r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(t, ds);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DNS_TYPE_SOA:
+ case DNS_TYPE_NS: {
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *ds = NULL;
+ /* For an unsigned SOA or NS, try to acquire
+ * the matching DS RR, as we are at a zone cut
+ * then, and whether a DS exists tells us
+ * whether the zone is signed. Do so only if
+ * this RR matches our original question,
+ * however. */
+ r = dns_resource_key_match_rr(t->key, rr, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dnssec_has_rrsig(t->answer, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ continue;
+ ds = dns_resource_key_new(rr->key->class, DNS_TYPE_DS, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (!ds)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ log_debug("Requesting DS to validate transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s, unsigned SOA/NS RRset).", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(t, ds);
if (r < 0)
return r;
+ }
+ case DNS_TYPE_DS:
+ case DNS_TYPE_DNAME: {
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *soa = NULL;
+ const char *name;
+ /* CNAMEs and DNAMEs cannot be located at a
+ * zone apex, hence ask for the parent SOA for
+ * unsigned CNAME/DNAME RRs, maybe that's the
+ * apex. But do all that only if this is
+ * actually a response to our original
+ * question.
+ *
+ * Similar for DS RRs, which are signed when
+ * the parent SOA is signed. */
+ r = dns_transaction_is_primary_response(t, rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dnssec_has_rrsig(t->answer, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ continue;
+ name = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key);
+ r = dns_name_parent(&name);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ soa = dns_resource_key_new(rr->key->class, DNS_TYPE_SOA, name);
+ if (!soa)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ log_debug("Requesting parent SOA to validate transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s, unsigned CNAME/DNAME/DS RRset).", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(t, soa);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *soa = NULL;
+ /* For other unsigned RRsets (including
+ * NSEC/NSEC3!), look for proof the zone is
+ * unsigned, by requesting the SOA RR of the
+ * zone. However, do so only if they are
+ * directly relevant to our original
+ * question. */
+ r = dns_transaction_is_primary_response(t, rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dnssec_has_rrsig(t->answer, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ continue;
+ soa = dns_resource_key_new(rr->key->class, DNS_TYPE_SOA, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (!soa)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ log_debug("Requesting SOA to validate transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s, unsigned non-SOA/NS RRset <%s>).", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), dns_resource_record_to_string(rr));
+ r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(t, soa);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ break;
- return !set_isempty(t->dnssec_transactions);
+ /* Above, we requested everything necessary to validate what
+ * we got. Now, let's request what we need to validate what we
+ * didn't get... */
+ r = dns_transaction_has_unsigned_negative_answer(t);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ const char *name;
+ name = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key);
+ /* If this was a SOA or NS request, then this
+ * indicates that we are not at a zone apex, hence ask
+ * the parent name instead. If this was a DS request,
+ * then it's signed when the parent zone is signed,
+ * hence ask the parent in that case, too. */
+ if (IN_SET(t->key->type, DNS_TYPE_SOA, DNS_TYPE_NS, DNS_TYPE_DS)) {
+ r = dns_name_parent(&name);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ log_debug("Requesting parent SOA to validate transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s, unsigned empty SOA/NS/DS response).", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key));
+ else
+ name = NULL;
+ } else
+ log_debug("Requesting SOA to validate transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s, unsigned empty non-SOA/NS/DS response).", t->id, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key));
+ if (name) {
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *soa = NULL;
+ soa = dns_resource_key_new(t->key->class, DNS_TYPE_SOA, name);
+ if (!soa)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ r = dns_transaction_request_dnssec_rr(t, soa);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ return dns_transaction_dnssec_is_live(t);
void dns_transaction_notify(DnsTransaction *t, DnsTransaction *source) {
int r;
+ return;
/* Invoked whenever any of our auxiliary DNSSEC transactions
- completed its work. We simply copy the answer from that
- transaction over. */
+ completed its work. We copy any RRs from that transaction
+ over into our list of validated keys -- but only if the
+ answer is authenticated.
- if (source->state != DNS_TRANSACTION_SUCCESS) {
- log_debug("Auxiliary DNSSEC RR query failed.");
- t->dnssec_result = DNSSEC_FAILED_AUXILIARY;
- } else {
- r = dns_answer_extend(&t->validated_keys, source->answer);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_error_errno(r, "Failed to merge validated DNSSEC key data: %m");
- t->dnssec_result = DNSSEC_FAILED_AUXILIARY;
+ Note that we fail our transaction if the auxiliary
+ transaction failed, except on NXDOMAIN. This is because
+ some broken DNS servers (Akamai...) will return NXDOMAIN
+ for empty non-terminals. */
+ switch (source->state) {
+ log_debug("Auxiliary DNSSEC RR query failed validation: %s", dnssec_result_to_string(source->answer_dnssec_result));
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = source->answer_dnssec_result; /* Copy error code over */
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_DNSSEC_FAILED);
+ break;
+ if (source->answer_rcode != DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN) {
+ log_debug("Auxiliary DNSSEC RR query failed with rcode=%i.", source->answer_rcode);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* fall-through: NXDOMAIN is good enough for us */
+ if (source->answer_authenticated) {
+ r = dns_answer_extend(&t->validated_keys, source->answer);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_error_errno(r, "Failed to merge validated DNSSEC key data: %m");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If the state is still PENDING, we are still in the loop
+ * that adds further DNSSEC transactions, hence don't check if
+ * we are ready yet. If the state is VALIDATING however, we
+ * should check if we are complete now. */
+ dns_transaction_process_dnssec(t);
+ break;
+ default:
+ log_debug("Auxiliary DNSSEC RR query failed with %s", dns_transaction_state_to_string(source->state));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ return;
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_FAILED_AUXILIARY;
+ dns_transaction_complete(t, DNS_TRANSACTION_DNSSEC_FAILED);
+static int dns_transaction_validate_dnskey_by_ds(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ int ifindex, r;
+ assert(t);
+ /* Add all DNSKEY RRs from the answer that are validated by DS
+ * RRs from the list of validated keys to the list of
+ * validated keys. */
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(rr, ifindex, t->answer) {
+ r = dnssec_verify_dnskey_search(rr, t->validated_keys);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* If so, the DNSKEY is validated too. */
+ r = dns_answer_add_extend(&t->validated_keys, rr, ifindex, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int dns_transaction_requires_rrsig(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ assert(rr);
+ /* Checks if the RR we are looking for must be signed with an
+ * RRSIG. This is used for positive responses. */
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_NO)
+ return false;
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(rr->key->type))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ r = dns_transaction_negative_trust_anchor_lookup(t, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return false;
+ switch (rr->key->type) {
+ /* RRSIGs are the signatures themselves, they need no signing. */
+ return false;
+ case DNS_TYPE_SOA:
+ case DNS_TYPE_NS: {
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ Iterator i;
+ /* For SOA or NS RRs we look for a matching DS transaction */
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ if (dt->key->class != rr->key->class)
+ continue;
+ if (dt->key->type != DNS_TYPE_DS)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* We found a DS transactions for the SOA/NS
+ * RRs we are looking at. If it discovered signed DS
+ * RRs, then we need to be signed, too. */
+ if (!dt->answer_authenticated)
+ return false;
+ return dns_answer_match_key(dt->answer, dt->key, NULL);
+ }
+ /* We found nothing that proves this is safe to leave
+ * this unauthenticated, hence ask inist on
+ * authentication. */
+ return true;
+ }
+ case DNS_TYPE_DS:
+ case DNS_TYPE_DNAME: {
+ const char *parent = NULL;
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ Iterator i;
+ /*
+ * CNAME/DNAME RRs cannot be located at a zone apex, hence look directly for the parent SOA.
+ *
+ * DS RRs are signed if the parent is signed, hence also look at the parent SOA
+ */
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ if (dt->key->class != rr->key->class)
+ continue;
+ if (dt->key->type != DNS_TYPE_SOA)
+ continue;
+ if (!parent) {
+ parent = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key);
+ r = dns_name_parent(&parent);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0) {
+ if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DS)
+ return true;
+ /* A CNAME/DNAME without a parent? That's sooo weird. */
+ log_debug("Transaction %" PRIu16 " claims CNAME/DNAME at root. Refusing.", t->id);
+ return -EBADMSG;
+ }
+ }
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), parent);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ return t->answer_authenticated;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ default: {
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ Iterator i;
+ /* Any other kind of RR (including DNSKEY/NSEC/NSEC3). Let's see if our SOA lookup was authenticated */
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ if (dt->key->class != rr->key->class)
+ continue;
+ if (dt->key->type != DNS_TYPE_SOA)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* We found the transaction that was supposed to find
+ * the SOA RR for us. It was successful, but found no
+ * RR for us. This means we are not at a zone cut. In
+ * this case, we require authentication if the SOA
+ * lookup was authenticated too. */
+ return t->answer_authenticated;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }}
+static int dns_transaction_in_private_tld(DnsTransaction *t, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ const char *tld;
+ Iterator i;
+ int r;
+ /* If DNSSEC downgrade mode is on, checks whether the
+ * specified RR is one level below a TLD we have proven not to
+ * exist. In such a case we assume that this is a private
+ * domain, and permit it.
+ *
+ * This detects cases like the Fritz!Box router networks. Each
+ * Fritz!Box router serves a private "" zone, in the
+ * non-existing TLD "box". Requests for the "" domain
+ * are served by the router itself, while requests for the
+ * "box" domain will result in NXDOMAIN.
+ *
+ * Note that this logic is unable to detect cases where a
+ * router serves a private DNS zone directly under
+ * non-existing TLD. In such a case we cannot detect whether
+ * the TLD is supposed to exist or not, as all requests we
+ * make for it will be answered by the router's zone, and not
+ * by the root zone. */
+ assert(t);
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode != DNSSEC_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE)
+ return false; /* In strict DNSSEC mode what doesn't exist, doesn't exist */
+ r = dns_name_parent(&tld);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ return false; /* Already the root domain */
+ if (!dns_name_is_single_label(tld))
+ return false;
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ if (dt->key->class != key->class)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), tld);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* We found an auxiliary lookup we did for the TLD. If
+ * that returned with NXDOMAIN, we know the TLD didn't
+ * exist, and hence this might be a private zone. */
+ return dt->answer_rcode == DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN;
+ }
+ return false;
+static int dns_transaction_requires_nsec(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ const char *name;
+ Iterator i;
+ int r;
+ assert(t);
+ /* Checks if we need to insist on NSEC/NSEC3 RRs for proving
+ * this negative reply */
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_NO)
+ return false;
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(t->key->type))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ r = dns_transaction_negative_trust_anchor_lookup(t, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return false;
+ r = dns_transaction_in_private_tld(t, t->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ /* The lookup is from a TLD that is proven not to
+ * exist, and we are in downgrade mode, hence ignore
+ * that fact that we didn't get any NSEC RRs.*/
+ log_info("Detected a negative query %s in a private DNS zone, permitting unsigned response.", dns_transaction_key_string(t));
+ return false;
+ }
+ name = DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(t->key);
+ if (IN_SET(t->key->type, DNS_TYPE_SOA, DNS_TYPE_NS, DNS_TYPE_DS)) {
+ /* We got a negative reply for this SOA/NS lookup? If
+ * so, then we are not at a zone apex, and thus should
+ * look at the result of the parent SOA lookup.
+ *
+ * We got a negative reply for this DS lookup? DS RRs
+ * are signed when their parent zone is signed, hence
+ * also check the parent SOA in this case. */
+ r = dns_name_parent(&name);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* For all other RRs we check the SOA on the same level to see
+ * if it's signed. */
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ if (dt->key->class != t->key->class)
+ continue;
+ if (dt->key->type != DNS_TYPE_SOA)
+ continue;
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), name);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ return dt->answer_authenticated;
+ }
+ /* If in doubt, require NSEC/NSEC3 */
+ return true;
+static int dns_transaction_dnskey_authenticated(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rrsig;
+ bool found = false;
+ int r;
+ /* Checks whether any of the DNSKEYs used for the RRSIGs for
+ * the specified RRset is authenticated (i.e. has a matching
+ * DS RR). */
+ r = dns_transaction_negative_trust_anchor_lookup(t, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ return false;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rrsig, t->answer) {
+ DnsTransaction *dt;
+ Iterator i;
+ r = dnssec_key_match_rrsig(rr->key, rrsig);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ SET_FOREACH(dt, t->dnssec_transactions, i) {
+ if (dt->key->class != rr->key->class)
+ continue;
+ if (dt->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY) {
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), rrsig->rrsig.signer);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* OK, we found an auxiliary DNSKEY
+ * lookup. If that lookup is
+ * authenticated, report this. */
+ if (dt->answer_authenticated)
+ return true;
+ found = true;
+ } else if (dt->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DS) {
+ r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dt->key), rrsig->rrsig.signer);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* OK, we found an auxiliary DS
+ * lookup. If that lookup is
+ * authenticated and non-zero, we
+ * won! */
+ if (!dt->answer_authenticated)
+ return false;
+ return dns_answer_match_key(dt->answer, dt->key, NULL);
+ }
- /* Detach us from the DNSSEC transaction. */
- (void) set_remove(t->dnssec_transactions, source);
- (void) set_remove(source->notify_transactions, t);
+ return found ? false : -ENXIO;
+static int dns_transaction_known_signed(DnsTransaction *t, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ assert(t);
+ assert(rr);
+ /* We know that the root domain is signed, hence if it appears
+ * not to be signed, there's a problem with the DNS server */
- /* If the state is still PENDING, we are still in the loop
- * that adds further DNSSEC transactions, hence don't check if
- * we are ready yet. If the state is VALIDATING however, we
- * should check if we are complete now. */
- dns_transaction_process_dnssec(t);
+ return rr->key->class == DNS_CLASS_IN &&
+ dns_name_is_root(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key));
int dns_transaction_validate_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
_cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *validated = NULL;
+ bool dnskeys_finalized = false;
DnsResourceRecord *rr;
- int ifindex, r;
+ DnsAnswerFlags flags;
+ int r;
@@ -1291,43 +2240,40 @@ int dns_transaction_validate_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
* t->validated_keys, let's see which RRs we can now
* authenticate with that. */
- if (t->scope->dnssec_mode != DNSSEC_YES)
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_NO)
return 0;
/* Already validated */
- if (t->dnssec_result != _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID)
+ if (t->answer_dnssec_result != _DNSSEC_RESULT_INVALID)
return 0;
+ /* Our own stuff needs no validation */
- t->dnssec_result = DNSSEC_VALIDATED;
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_VALIDATED;
t->answer_authenticated = true;
return 0;
- if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *ks = NULL;
+ /* Cached stuff is not affected by validation. */
+ if (t->answer_source != DNS_TRANSACTION_NETWORK)
+ return 0;
- (void) dns_resource_key_to_string(t->key, &ks);
- log_debug("Validating response from transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s).", t->id, ks ? strstrip(ks) : "???");
+ if (t->current_features < DNS_SERVER_FEATURE_LEVEL_DO ||
+ (t->server && t->server->rrsig_missing)) {
+ /* The server does not support DNSSEC, or doesn't augment responses with RRSIGs. */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER;
+ return 0;
- /* First see if there are DNSKEYs we already known a validated DS for. */
- DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH_IFINDEX(rr, ifindex, t->answer) {
- r = dnssec_verify_dnskey_search(rr, t->validated_keys);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (r == 0)
- continue;
+ log_debug("Validating response from transaction %" PRIu16 " (%s).", t->id, dns_transaction_key_string(t));
- /* If so, the DNSKEY is validated too. */
- r = dns_answer_add_extend(&t->validated_keys, rr, ifindex);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- }
+ /* First see if there are DNSKEYs we already known a validated DS for. */
+ r = dns_transaction_validate_dnskey_by_ds(t);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
for (;;) {
- bool changed = false, missing_key_for_transaction = false;
+ bool changed = false;
DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rr, t->answer) {
DnssecResult result;
@@ -1339,21 +2285,9 @@ int dns_transaction_validate_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (log_get_max_level() >= LOG_DEBUG) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *rrs = NULL;
- (void) dns_resource_record_to_string(rr, &rrs);
- log_debug("Looking at %s: %s", rrs ? strstrip(rrs) : "???", dnssec_result_to_string(result));
- }
+ log_debug("Looking at %s: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(rr)), dnssec_result_to_string(result));
- switch (result) {
- /* Add the validated RRset to the new list of validated RRsets */
- r = dns_answer_copy_by_key(&validated, t->answer, rr->key);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
+ if (result == DNSSEC_VALIDATED) {
if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY) {
/* If we just validated a
@@ -1362,81 +2296,178 @@ int dns_transaction_validate_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
* of validated keys for this
* transaction. */
- r = dns_answer_copy_by_key(&t->validated_keys, t->answer, rr->key);
+ r = dns_answer_copy_by_key(&t->validated_keys, t->answer, rr->key, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ /* Maybe warn the user that we
+ * encountered a revoked
+ * DNSKEY for a key from our
+ * trust anchor */
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_check_revoked(&t->scope->manager->trust_anchor, t->answer, rr->key);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- /* Now, remove this RRset from the RRs still to process */
- r = dns_answer_remove_by_key(&t->answer, rr->key);
+ /* Add the validated RRset to the new
+ * list of validated RRsets, and
+ * remove it from the unvalidated
+ * RRsets. We mark the RRset as
+ * authenticated and cacheable. */
+ r = dns_answer_move_by_key(&validated, &t->answer, rr->key, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED|DNS_ANSWER_CACHEABLE);
if (r < 0)
return r;
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_secure++;
+ /* Exit the loop, we dropped something from the answer, start from the beginning */
changed = true;
+ } else if (dnskeys_finalized) {
- /* Is this the RRset that we were looking for? If so, this is fatal for the whole transaction */
- r = dns_resource_key_match_rr(t->key, rr, NULL);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (r > 0) {
- t->dnssec_result = result;
- return 0;
+ /* If we haven't read all DNSKEYs yet
+ * a negative result of the validation
+ * is irrelevant, as there might be
+ * more DNSKEYs coming. */
+ if (result == DNSSEC_NO_SIGNATURE) {
+ r = dns_transaction_requires_rrsig(t, rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0) {
+ /* Data does not require signing. In that case, just copy it over,
+ * but remember that this is by no means authenticated.*/
+ r = dns_answer_move_by_key(&validated, &t->answer, rr->key, 0);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_insecure++;
+ changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ r = dns_transaction_known_signed(t, rr);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ /* This is an RR we know has to be signed. If it isn't this means
+ * the server is not attaching RRSIGs, hence complain. */
+ dns_server_packet_rrsig_missing(t->server);
+ if (t->scope->dnssec_mode == DNSSEC_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE) {
+ /* Downgrading is OK? If so, just consider the information unsigned */
+ r = dns_answer_move_by_key(&validated, &t->answer, rr->key, 0);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_insecure++;
+ changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, fail */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ r = dns_transaction_in_private_tld(t, rr->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL;
+ /* The data is from a TLD that is proven not to exist, and we are in downgrade
+ * mode, hence ignore the fact that this was not signed. */
+ (void) dns_resource_key_to_string(rr->key, &s);
+ log_info("Detected RRset %s is in a private DNS zone, permitting unsigned RRs.", strna(s ? strstrip(s) : NULL));
+ r = dns_answer_move_by_key(&validated, &t->answer, rr->key, 0);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_insecure++;
+ changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
- /* Is this a CNAME for a record we were looking for? If so, it's also fatal for the whole transaction */
- r = dns_resource_key_match_cname_or_dname(t->key, rr->key, NULL);
+ if (IN_SET(result,
+ r = dns_transaction_dnskey_authenticated(t, rr);
+ if (r < 0 && r != -ENXIO)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0) {
+ /* The DNSKEY transaction was not authenticated, this means there's
+ * no DS for this, which means it's OK if no keys are found for this signature. */
+ r = dns_answer_move_by_key(&validated, &t->answer, rr->key, 0);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_insecure++;
+ changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IN_SET(result,
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_bogus++;
+ t->scope->manager->n_dnssec_indeterminate++;
+ r = dns_transaction_is_primary_response(t, rr);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0) {
- t->dnssec_result = result;
+ /* This is a primary response
+ * to our question, and it
+ * failed validation. That's
+ * fatal. */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = result;
return 0;
- /* This is just something auxiliary. Just remove the RRset and continue. */
+ /* This is just some auxiliary
+ * data. Just remove the RRset and
+ * continue. */
r = dns_answer_remove_by_key(&t->answer, rr->key);
if (r < 0)
return r;
+ /* Exit the loop, we dropped something from the answer, start from the beginning */
changed = true;
- /* They key is missing? Let's continue
- * with the next iteration, maybe
- * we'll find it in an DNSKEY RRset
- * later on. */
- r = dns_resource_key_equal(rr->key, t->key);
- if (r < 0)
- return r;
- if (r > 0)
- missing_key_for_transaction = true;
- break;
- default:
- assert_not_reached("Unexpected DNSSEC result");
- if (changed)
- break;
if (changed)
- /* This didn't work either, there's no point in
- * continuing. */
- if (missing_key_for_transaction) {
- t->dnssec_result = DNSSEC_MISSING_KEY;
- return 0;
+ if (!dnskeys_finalized) {
+ /* OK, now we know we have added all DNSKEYs
+ * we possibly could to our validated
+ * list. Now run the whole thing once more,
+ * and strip everything we still cannot
+ * validate.
+ */
+ dnskeys_finalized = true;
+ continue;
+ /* We're done */
@@ -1444,24 +2475,119 @@ int dns_transaction_validate_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t) {
t->answer = validated;
validated = NULL;
- t->answer_authenticated = true;
- t->dnssec_result = DNSSEC_VALIDATED;
+ /* At this point the answer only contains validated
+ * RRsets. Now, let's see if it actually answers the question
+ * we asked. If so, great! If it doesn't, then see if
+ * NSEC/NSEC3 can prove this. */
+ r = dns_transaction_has_positive_answer(t, &flags);
+ if (r > 0) {
+ /* Yes, it answers the question! */
+ /* The answer is fully authenticated, yay. */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_VALIDATED;
+ t->answer_rcode = DNS_RCODE_SUCCESS;
+ t->answer_authenticated = true;
+ } else {
+ /* The answer is not fully authenticated. */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_UNSIGNED;
+ t->answer_authenticated = false;
+ }
+ } else if (r == 0) {
+ DnssecNsecResult nr;
+ bool authenticated = false;
+ /* Bummer! Let's check NSEC/NSEC3 */
+ r = dnssec_test_nsec(t->answer, t->key, &nr, &authenticated, &t->answer_nsec_ttl);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ switch (nr) {
+ /* NSEC proves the domain doesn't exist. Very good. */
+ log_debug("Proved NXDOMAIN via NSEC/NSEC3 for transaction %u (%s)", t->id, dns_transaction_key_string(t));
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_VALIDATED;
+ t->answer_rcode = DNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN;
+ t->answer_authenticated = authenticated;
+ break;
+ /* NSEC proves that there's no data here, very good. */
+ log_debug("Proved NODATA via NSEC/NSEC3 for transaction %u (%s)", t->id, dns_transaction_key_string(t));
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_VALIDATED;
+ t->answer_rcode = DNS_RCODE_SUCCESS;
+ t->answer_authenticated = authenticated;
+ break;
+ /* NSEC3 says the data might not be signed */
+ log_debug("Data is NSEC3 opt-out via NSEC/NSEC3 for transaction %u (%s)", t->id, dns_transaction_key_string(t));
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_UNSIGNED;
+ t->answer_authenticated = false;
+ break;
+ /* No NSEC data? Bummer! */
+ r = dns_transaction_requires_nsec(t);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r > 0)
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_NO_SIGNATURE;
+ else {
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_UNSIGNED;
+ t->answer_authenticated = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* We don't know the NSEC3 algorithm used? */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM;
+ break;
+ /* NSEC says it needs to be there, but we couldn't find it? Bummer! */
+ t->answer_dnssec_result = DNSSEC_NSEC_MISMATCH;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert_not_reached("Unexpected NSEC result.");
+ }
+ }
return 1;
+const char *dns_transaction_key_string(DnsTransaction *t) {
+ assert(t);
+ if (!t->key_string) {
+ if (dns_resource_key_to_string(t->key, &t->key_string) < 0)
+ return "n/a";
+ }
+ return strstrip(t->key_string);
static const char* const dns_transaction_state_table[_DNS_TRANSACTION_STATE_MAX] = {
+ [DNS_TRANSACTION_RCODE_FAILURE] = "rcode-failure",
[DNS_TRANSACTION_ATTEMPTS_MAX_REACHED] = "attempts-max-reached",
+ [DNS_TRANSACTION_CONNECTION_FAILURE] = "connection-failure",
+ [DNS_TRANSACTION_NO_TRUST_ANCHOR] = "no-trust-anchor",
DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(dns_transaction_state, DnsTransactionState);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.h
index 2328e7937c..ede33f9547 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-transaction.h
@@ -29,15 +29,17 @@ enum DnsTransactionState {
@@ -62,23 +64,37 @@ struct DnsTransaction {
DnsScope *scope;
DnsResourceKey *key;
+ char *key_string;
DnsTransactionState state;
- DnssecResult dnssec_result;
uint16_t id;
- bool initial_jitter_scheduled;
- bool initial_jitter_elapsed;
+ bool tried_stream:1;
+ bool initial_jitter_scheduled:1;
+ bool initial_jitter_elapsed:1;
DnsPacket *sent, *received;
DnsAnswer *answer;
int answer_rcode;
+ DnssecResult answer_dnssec_result;
DnsTransactionSource answer_source;
+ uint32_t answer_nsec_ttl;
+ /* Indicates whether the primary answer is authenticated,
+ * i.e. whether the RRs from answer which directly match the
+ * question are authenticated, or, if there are none, whether
+ * the NODATA or NXDOMAIN case is. It says nothing about
+ * additional RRs listed in the answer, however they have
+ * their own DNS_ANSWER_AUTHORIZED FLAGS. Note that this bit
+ * is defined different than the AD bit in DNS packets, as
+ * that covers more than just the actual primary answer. */
bool answer_authenticated;
- /* Contains DS and DNSKEY RRs we already verified and need to authenticate this reply */
+ /* Contains DNSKEY, DS, SOA RRs we already verified and need
+ * to authenticate this reply */
DnsAnswer *validated_keys;
usec_t start_usec;
@@ -86,18 +102,19 @@ struct DnsTransaction {
sd_event_source *timeout_event_source;
unsigned n_attempts;
+ /* UDP connection logic, if we need it */
int dns_udp_fd;
sd_event_source *dns_udp_event_source;
+ /* TCP connection logic, if we need it */
+ DnsStream *stream;
/* The active server */
DnsServer *server;
/* The features of the DNS server at time of transaction start */
DnsServerFeatureLevel current_features;
- /* TCP connection logic, if we need it */
- DnsStream *stream;
/* Query candidates this transaction is referenced by and that
* shall be notified about this specific transaction
* completing. */
@@ -125,7 +142,7 @@ struct DnsTransaction {
int dns_transaction_new(DnsTransaction **ret, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceKey *key);
DnsTransaction* dns_transaction_free(DnsTransaction *t);
-void dns_transaction_gc(DnsTransaction *t);
+bool dns_transaction_gc(DnsTransaction *t);
int dns_transaction_go(DnsTransaction *t);
void dns_transaction_process_reply(DnsTransaction *t, DnsPacket *p);
@@ -135,6 +152,8 @@ void dns_transaction_notify(DnsTransaction *t, DnsTransaction *source);
int dns_transaction_validate_dnssec(DnsTransaction *t);
int dns_transaction_request_dnssec_keys(DnsTransaction *t);
+const char *dns_transaction_key_string(DnsTransaction *t);
const char* dns_transaction_state_to_string(DnsTransactionState p) _const_;
DnsTransactionState dns_transaction_state_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.c
index e55bdaa1ed..9f8b76ebe2 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.c
@@ -19,26 +19,56 @@
along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+#include <sd-messages.h>
#include "alloc-util.h"
+#include "conf-files.h"
+#include "def.h"
+#include "dns-domain.h"
+#include "fd-util.h"
+#include "fileio.h"
+#include "hexdecoct.h"
+#include "parse-util.h"
#include "resolved-dns-trust-anchor.h"
+#include "resolved-dns-dnssec.h"
+#include "set.h"
+#include "string-util.h"
+#include "strv.h"
+static const char trust_anchor_dirs[] = CONF_PATHS_NULSTR("dnssec-trust-anchors.d");
-/* The DS RR from */
+/* The DS RR from, retrieved December 2015 */
static const uint8_t root_digest[] =
{ 0x49, 0xAA, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x7B, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x46, 0x70, 0x2E, 0x54, 0xA1, 0x60, 0x73, 0x71, 0x60,
0x7A, 0x1A, 0x41, 0x85, 0x52, 0x00, 0xFD, 0x2C, 0xE1, 0xCD, 0xDE, 0x32, 0xF2, 0x4E, 0x8F, 0xB5 };
-int dns_trust_anchor_load(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
+static bool dns_trust_anchor_knows_domain_positive(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const char *name) {
+ assert(d);
+ /* Returns true if there's an entry for the specified domain
+ * name in our trust anchor */
+ return
+ hashmap_contains(d->positive_by_key, &DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_CONST(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY, name)) ||
+ hashmap_contains(d->positive_by_key, &DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_CONST(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DS, name));
+static int dns_trust_anchor_add_builtin_positive(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
_cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *answer = NULL;
int r;
- r = hashmap_ensure_allocated(&d->by_key, &dns_resource_key_hash_ops);
+ r = hashmap_ensure_allocated(&d->positive_by_key, &dns_resource_key_hash_ops);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- if (hashmap_get(d->by_key, &DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_CONST(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DS, ".")))
+ /* Only add the built-in trust anchor if there's neither a DS
+ * nor a DNSKEY defined for the root domain. That way users
+ * have an easy way to override the root domain DS/DNSKEY
+ * data. */
+ if (dns_trust_anchor_knows_domain_positive(d, "."))
return 0;
/* Add the RR from */
@@ -58,11 +88,11 @@ int dns_trust_anchor_load(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
if (!answer)
return -ENOMEM;
- r = dns_answer_add(answer, rr, 0);
+ r = dns_answer_add(answer, rr, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
- r = hashmap_put(d->by_key, rr->key, answer);
+ r = hashmap_put(d->positive_by_key, rr->key, answer);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -70,18 +100,428 @@ int dns_trust_anchor_load(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
return 0;
+static int dns_trust_anchor_add_builtin_negative(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
+ static const char private_domains[] =
+ /* RFC 6761 says that .test is a special domain for
+ * testing and not to be installed in the root zone */
+ "test\0"
+ /* RFC 6761 says that these reverse IP lookup ranges
+ * are for private addresses, and hence should not
+ * show up in the root zone */
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ "\0"
+ /* RFC 6762 reserves the .local domain for Multicast
+ * DNS, it hence cannot appear in the root zone. (Note
+ * that we by default do not route .local traffic to
+ * DNS anyway, except when a configured search domain
+ * suggests so.) */
+ "local\0"
+ /* These two are well known, popular private zone
+ * TLDs, that are blocked from delegation, according
+ * to:
+ *
+ *
+ * There's also ongoing work on making this official
+ * in an RRC:
+ * */
+ "home\0"
+ "corp\0"
+ /* The following four TLDs are suggested for private
+ * zones in RFC 6762, Appendix G, and are hence very
+ * unlikely to be made official TLDs any day soon */
+ "lan\0"
+ "intranet\0"
+ "internal\0"
+ "private\0";
+ const char *name;
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ /* Only add the built-in trust anchor if there's no negative
+ * trust anchor defined at all. This enables easy overriding
+ * of negative trust anchors. */
+ if (set_size(d->negative_by_name) > 0)
+ return 0;
+ r = set_ensure_allocated(&d->negative_by_name, &dns_name_hash_ops);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ /* We add a couple of domains as default negative trust
+ * anchors, where it's very unlikely they will be installed in
+ * the root zone. If they exist they must be private, and thus
+ * unsigned. */
+ NULSTR_FOREACH(name, private_domains) {
+ if (dns_trust_anchor_knows_domain_positive(d, name))
+ continue;
+ r = set_put_strdup(d->negative_by_name, name);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int dns_trust_anchor_load_positive(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const char *path, unsigned line, const char *s) {
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
+ _cleanup_free_ char *domain = NULL, *class = NULL, *type = NULL;
+ _cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *answer = NULL;
+ DnsAnswer *old_answer = NULL;
+ const char *p = s;
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ assert(line);
+ r = extract_first_word(&p, &domain, NULL, EXTRACT_QUOTES);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Unable to parse domain in line %s:%u: %m", path, line);
+ if (!dns_name_is_valid(domain)) {
+ log_warning("Domain name %s is invalid, at line %s:%u, ignoring line.", domain, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = extract_many_words(&p, NULL, 0, &class, &type, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Unable to parse class and type in line %s:%u: %m", path, line);
+ if (r != 2) {
+ log_warning("Missing class or type in line %s:%u", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!strcaseeq(class, "IN")) {
+ log_warning("RR class %s is not supported, ignoring line %s:%u.", class, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (strcaseeq(type, "DS")) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *key_tag = NULL, *algorithm = NULL, *digest_type = NULL, *digest = NULL;
+ _cleanup_free_ void *dd = NULL;
+ uint16_t kt;
+ int a, dt;
+ size_t l;
+ r = extract_many_words(&p, NULL, 0, &key_tag, &algorithm, &digest_type, &digest, NULL);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to parse DS parameters on line %s:%u: %m", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (r != 4) {
+ log_warning("Missing DS parameters on line %s:%u", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = safe_atou16(key_tag, &kt);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to parse DS key tag %s on line %s:%u: %m", key_tag, path, line);
+ a = dnssec_algorithm_from_string(algorithm);
+ if (a < 0) {
+ log_warning("Failed to parse DS algorithm %s on line %s:%u", algorithm, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ dt = dnssec_digest_from_string(digest_type);
+ if (dt < 0) {
+ log_warning("Failed to parse DS digest type %s on line %s:%u", digest_type, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = unhexmem(digest, strlen(digest), &dd, &l);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ log_warning("Failed to parse DS digest %s on line %s:%u", digest, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ rr = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DS, domain);
+ if (!rr)
+ return log_oom();
+ rr->ds.key_tag = kt;
+ rr->ds.algorithm = a;
+ rr->ds.digest_type = dt;
+ rr->ds.digest_size = l;
+ rr->ds.digest = dd;
+ dd = NULL;
+ } else if (strcaseeq(type, "DNSKEY")) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *flags = NULL, *protocol = NULL, *algorithm = NULL, *key = NULL;
+ _cleanup_free_ void *k = NULL;
+ uint16_t f;
+ size_t l;
+ int a;
+ r = extract_many_words(&p, NULL, 0, &flags, &protocol, &algorithm, &key, NULL);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to parse DNSKEY parameters on line %s:%u: %m", path, line);
+ if (r != 4) {
+ log_warning("Missing DNSKEY parameters on line %s:%u", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!streq(protocol, "3")) {
+ log_warning("DNSKEY Protocol is not 3 on line %s:%u", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = safe_atou16(flags, &f);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to parse DNSKEY flags field %s on line %s:%u", flags, path, line);
+ if ((f & DNSKEY_FLAG_ZONE_KEY) == 0) {
+ log_warning("DNSKEY lacks zone key bit set on line %s:%u", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if ((f & DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE)) {
+ log_warning("DNSKEY is already revoked on line %s:%u", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ a = dnssec_algorithm_from_string(algorithm);
+ if (a < 0) {
+ log_warning("Failed to parse DNSKEY algorithm %s on line %s:%u", algorithm, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = unbase64mem(key, strlen(key), &k, &l);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to parse DNSKEY key data %s on line %s:%u", key, path, line);
+ rr = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY, domain);
+ if (!rr)
+ return log_oom();
+ rr->dnskey.flags = f;
+ rr->dnskey.protocol = 3;
+ rr->dnskey.algorithm = a;
+ rr->dnskey.key_size = l;
+ rr->dnskey.key = k;
+ k = NULL;
+ } else {
+ log_warning("RR type %s is not supported, ignoring line %s:%u.", type, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!isempty(p)) {
+ log_warning("Trailing garbage on line %s:%u, ignoring line.", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = hashmap_ensure_allocated(&d->positive_by_key, &dns_resource_key_hash_ops);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ old_answer = hashmap_get(d->positive_by_key, rr->key);
+ answer = dns_answer_ref(old_answer);
+ r = dns_answer_add_extend(&answer, rr, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to add trust anchor RR: %m");
+ r = hashmap_replace(d->positive_by_key, rr->key, answer);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to add answer to trust anchor: %m");
+ old_answer = dns_answer_unref(old_answer);
+ answer = NULL;
+ return 0;
+static int dns_trust_anchor_load_negative(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const char *path, unsigned line, const char *s) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *domain = NULL;
+ const char *p = s;
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ assert(line);
+ r = extract_first_word(&p, &domain, NULL, EXTRACT_QUOTES);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_warning_errno(r, "Unable to parse line %s:%u: %m", path, line);
+ if (!dns_name_is_valid(domain)) {
+ log_warning("Domain name %s is invalid, at line %s:%u, ignoring line.", domain, path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (!isempty(p)) {
+ log_warning("Trailing garbage at line %s:%u, ignoring line.", path, line);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ r = set_ensure_allocated(&d->negative_by_name, &dns_name_hash_ops);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ r = set_put(d->negative_by_name, domain);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_oom();
+ if (r > 0)
+ domain = NULL;
+ return 0;
+static int dns_trust_anchor_load_files(
+ DnsTrustAnchor *d,
+ const char *suffix,
+ int (*loader)(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const char *path, unsigned n, const char *line)) {
+ _cleanup_strv_free_ char **files = NULL;
+ char **f;
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ assert(suffix);
+ assert(loader);
+ r = conf_files_list_nulstr(&files, suffix, NULL, trust_anchor_dirs);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to enumerate %s trust anchor files: %m", suffix);
+ STRV_FOREACH(f, files) {
+ _cleanup_fclose_ FILE *g = NULL;
+ char line[LINE_MAX];
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ g = fopen(*f, "r");
+ if (!g) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT)
+ continue;
+ log_warning_errno(errno, "Failed to open %s: %m", *f);
+ continue;
+ }
+ FOREACH_LINE(line, g, log_warning_errno(errno, "Failed to read %s, ignoring: %m", *f)) {
+ char *l;
+ n++;
+ l = strstrip(line);
+ if (isempty(l))
+ continue;
+ if (*l == ';')
+ continue;
+ (void) loader(d, *f, n, l);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int domain_name_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
+ char **x = (char**) a, **y = (char**) b;
+ return dns_name_compare_func(*x, *y);
+static int dns_trust_anchor_dump(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
+ DnsAnswer *a;
+ Iterator i;
+ assert(d);
+ if (hashmap_isempty(d->positive_by_key))
+ log_info("No positive trust anchors defined.");
+ else {
+ log_info("Positive Trust Anchors:");
+ HASHMAP_FOREACH(a, d->positive_by_key, i) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rr;
+ log_info("%s", dns_resource_record_to_string(rr));
+ }
+ }
+ if (set_isempty(d->negative_by_name))
+ log_info("No negative trust anchors defined.");
+ else {
+ _cleanup_free_ char **l = NULL, *j = NULL;
+ l = set_get_strv(d->negative_by_name);
+ if (!l)
+ return log_oom();
+ qsort_safe(l, set_size(d->negative_by_name), sizeof(char*), domain_name_cmp);
+ j = strv_join(l, " ");
+ if (!j)
+ return log_oom();
+ log_info("Negative trust anchors: %s", j);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int dns_trust_anchor_load(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ /* If loading things from disk fails, we don't consider this fatal */
+ (void) dns_trust_anchor_load_files(d, ".positive", dns_trust_anchor_load_positive);
+ (void) dns_trust_anchor_load_files(d, ".negative", dns_trust_anchor_load_negative);
+ /* However, if the built-in DS fails, then we have a problem. */
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_add_builtin_positive(d);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to add built-in positive trust anchor: %m");
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_add_builtin_negative(d);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to add built-in negative trust anchor: %m");
+ dns_trust_anchor_dump(d);
+ return 0;
void dns_trust_anchor_flush(DnsTrustAnchor *d) {
DnsAnswer *a;
- while ((a = hashmap_steal_first(d->by_key)))
+ while ((a = hashmap_steal_first(d->positive_by_key)))
- d->by_key = hashmap_free(d->by_key);
+ d->positive_by_key = hashmap_free(d->positive_by_key);
+ d->negative_by_name = set_free_free(d->negative_by_name);
-int dns_trust_anchor_lookup(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer **ret) {
+int dns_trust_anchor_lookup_positive(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer **ret) {
DnsAnswer *a;
@@ -92,10 +532,173 @@ int dns_trust_anchor_lookup(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer **
return 0;
- a = hashmap_get(d->by_key, key);
+ a = hashmap_get(d->positive_by_key, key);
if (!a)
return 0;
*ret = dns_answer_ref(a);
return 1;
+int dns_trust_anchor_lookup_negative(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const char *name) {
+ assert(d);
+ assert(name);
+ return set_contains(d->negative_by_name, name);
+static int dns_trust_anchor_remove_revoked(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsResourceRecord *rr) {
+ _cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *new_answer = NULL;
+ DnsAnswer *old_answer;
+ int r;
+ old_answer = hashmap_get(d->positive_by_key, rr->key);
+ if (!old_answer)
+ return 0;
+ new_answer = dns_answer_ref(old_answer);
+ r = dns_answer_remove_by_rr(&new_answer, rr);
+ if (r <= 0)
+ return r;
+ /* We found the key! Warn the user */
+ log_struct(LOG_WARNING,
+ LOG_MESSAGE("DNSSEC Trust anchor %s has been revoked. Please update the trust anchor, or upgrade your operating system."), strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(rr)),
+ "TRUST_ANCHOR=%s", dns_resource_record_to_string(rr),
+ NULL);
+ if (dns_answer_size(new_answer) <= 0) {
+ assert_se(hashmap_remove(d->positive_by_key, rr->key) == old_answer);
+ dns_answer_unref(old_answer);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ r = hashmap_replace(d->positive_by_key, new_answer->items[0].rr->key, new_answer);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ new_answer = NULL;
+ dns_answer_unref(old_answer);
+ return 1;
+static int dns_trust_anchor_check_revoked_one(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsResourceRecord *revoked_dnskey) {
+ DnsAnswer *a;
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ assert(revoked_dnskey);
+ assert(revoked_dnskey->key->type == DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY);
+ assert(revoked_dnskey->dnskey.flags & DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE);
+ a = hashmap_get(d->positive_by_key, revoked_dnskey->key);
+ if (a) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *anchor;
+ /* First, look for the precise DNSKEY in our trust anchor database */
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(anchor, a) {
+ if (anchor->dnskey.protocol != revoked_dnskey->dnskey.protocol)
+ continue;
+ if (anchor->dnskey.algorithm != revoked_dnskey->dnskey.algorithm)
+ continue;
+ if (anchor->dnskey.key_size != revoked_dnskey->dnskey.key_size)
+ continue;
+ if (((anchor->dnskey.flags ^ revoked_dnskey->dnskey.flags) | DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE) != DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE)
+ continue;
+ if (memcmp(anchor->dnskey.key, revoked_dnskey->dnskey.key, anchor->dnskey.key_size) != 0)
+ continue;
+ dns_trust_anchor_remove_revoked(d, anchor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ a = hashmap_get(d->positive_by_key, &DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_CONST(revoked_dnskey->key->class, DNS_TYPE_DS, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(revoked_dnskey->key)));
+ if (a) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *anchor;
+ /* Second, look for DS RRs matching this DNSKEY in our trust anchor database */
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(anchor, a) {
+ r = dnssec_verify_dnskey(revoked_dnskey, anchor, true);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ dns_trust_anchor_remove_revoked(d, anchor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int dns_trust_anchor_check_revoked(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsAnswer *rrs, const DnsResourceKey *key) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *dnskey;
+ int r;
+ assert(d);
+ assert(key);
+ /* Looks for self-signed DNSKEY RRs in "rrs" that have been revoked. */
+ if (key->type != DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY)
+ return 0;
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(dnskey, rrs) {
+ DnsResourceRecord *rrsig;
+ DnssecResult result;
+ r = dns_resource_key_equal(key, dnskey->key);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Is this DNSKEY revoked? */
+ if ((dnskey->dnskey.flags & DNSKEY_FLAG_REVOKE) == 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Could this be interesting to us at all? If not,
+ * there's no point in looking for and verifying a
+ * self-signed RRSIG. */
+ if (!dns_trust_anchor_knows_domain_positive(d, DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(dnskey->key)))
+ continue;
+ /* Look for a self-signed RRSIG */
+ DNS_ANSWER_FOREACH(rrsig, rrs) {
+ if (rrsig->key->type != DNS_TYPE_RRSIG)
+ continue;
+ r = dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(rrsig, dnskey, true);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ continue;
+ r = dnssec_verify_rrset(rrs, key, rrsig, dnskey, USEC_INFINITY, &result);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (result != DNSSEC_VALIDATED)
+ continue;
+ /* Bingo! Now, act! */
+ r = dns_trust_anchor_check_revoked_one(d, dnskey);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.h b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.h
index 06f3723914..303c4088d1 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-trust-anchor.h
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@ typedef struct DnsTrustAnchor DnsTrustAnchor;
/* This contains a fixed database mapping domain names to DS or DNSKEY records. */
struct DnsTrustAnchor {
- Hashmap *by_key;
+ Hashmap *positive_by_key;
+ Set *negative_by_name;
int dns_trust_anchor_load(DnsTrustAnchor *d);
void dns_trust_anchor_flush(DnsTrustAnchor *d);
-int dns_trust_anchor_lookup(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsResourceKey* key, DnsAnswer **answer);
+int dns_trust_anchor_lookup_positive(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const DnsResourceKey* key, DnsAnswer **answer);
+int dns_trust_anchor_lookup_negative(DnsTrustAnchor *d, const char *name);
+int dns_trust_anchor_check_revoked(DnsTrustAnchor *d, DnsAnswer *rrs, const DnsResourceKey *key);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-zone.c b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-zone.c
index 8046e2ed34..f60b0bddc1 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-dns-zone.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-dns-zone.c
@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ int dns_zone_put(DnsZone *z, DnsScope *s, DnsResourceRecord *rr, bool probe) {
- if (rr->key->class == DNS_CLASS_ANY)
+ if (dns_class_is_pseudo(rr->key->class))
return -EINVAL;
- if (rr->key->type == DNS_TYPE_ANY)
+ if (dns_type_is_pseudo(rr->key->type))
return -EINVAL;
existing = dns_zone_get(z, rr);
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ int dns_zone_lookup(DnsZone *z, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer **ret_answer, Dns
if (k < 0)
return k;
if (k > 0) {
- r = dns_answer_add(answer, j->rr, 0);
+ r = dns_answer_add(answer, j->rr, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ int dns_zone_lookup(DnsZone *z, DnsResourceKey *key, DnsAnswer **ret_answer, Dns
if (j->state != DNS_ZONE_ITEM_PROBING)
tentative = false;
- r = dns_answer_add(answer, j->rr, 0);
+ r = dns_answer_add(answer, j->rr, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -471,15 +471,12 @@ return_empty:
void dns_zone_item_conflict(DnsZoneItem *i) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *pretty = NULL;
- dns_resource_record_to_string(i->rr, &pretty);
- log_info("Detected conflict on %s", strna(pretty));
+ log_info("Detected conflict on %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(i->rr)));
@@ -492,8 +489,6 @@ void dns_zone_item_conflict(DnsZoneItem *i) {
void dns_zone_item_notify(DnsZoneItem *i) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *pretty = NULL;
@@ -530,15 +525,13 @@ void dns_zone_item_notify(DnsZoneItem *i) {
log_debug("Got a successful probe reply, but peer has lexicographically lower IP address and thus lost.");
- dns_resource_record_to_string(i->rr, &pretty);
- log_debug("Record %s successfully probed.", strna(pretty));
+ log_debug("Record %s successfully probed.", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(i->rr)));
static int dns_zone_item_verify(DnsZoneItem *i) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *pretty = NULL;
int r;
@@ -546,8 +539,7 @@ static int dns_zone_item_verify(DnsZoneItem *i) {
return 0;
- dns_resource_record_to_string(i->rr, &pretty);
- log_debug("Verifying RR %s", strna(pretty));
+ log_debug("Verifying RR %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(i->rr)));
r = dns_zone_item_probe_start(i);
@@ -632,7 +624,6 @@ void dns_zone_verify_all(DnsZone *zone) {
void dns_zone_dump(DnsZone *zone, FILE *f) {
Iterator iterator;
DnsZoneItem *i;
- int r;
if (!zone)
@@ -644,10 +635,10 @@ void dns_zone_dump(DnsZone *zone, FILE *f) {
DnsZoneItem *j;
LIST_FOREACH(by_key, j, i) {
- _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL;
+ const char *t;
- r = dns_resource_record_to_string(j->rr, &t);
- if (r < 0) {
+ t = dns_resource_record_to_string(j->rr);
+ if (!t) {
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-gperf.gperf b/src/resolve/resolved-gperf.gperf
index c815eae850..c5ad04afd7 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-gperf.gperf
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-gperf.gperf
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ struct ConfigPerfItem;
-Resolve.DNS, config_parse_dns_servers, DNS_SERVER_SYSTEM, 0
-Resolve.FallbackDNS, config_parse_dns_servers, DNS_SERVER_FALLBACK, 0
-Resolve.Domains, config_parse_search_domains, 0, 0
-Resolve.LLMNR, config_parse_support, 0, offsetof(Manager, llmnr_support)
-Resolve.DNSSEC, config_parse_dnssec, 0, 0
+Resolve.DNS, config_parse_dns_servers, DNS_SERVER_SYSTEM, 0
+Resolve.FallbackDNS, config_parse_dns_servers, DNS_SERVER_FALLBACK, 0
+Resolve.Domains, config_parse_search_domains, 0, 0
+Resolve.LLMNR, config_parse_resolve_support, 0, offsetof(Manager, llmnr_support)
+Resolve.MulticastDNS, config_parse_resolve_support, 0, offsetof(Manager, mdns_support)
+Resolve.DNSSEC, config_parse_dnssec_mode, 0, offsetof(Manager, dnssec_mode)
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-link.c b/src/resolve/resolved-link.c
index 84100bd988..30838ef8cc 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-link.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-link.c
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ int link_new(Manager *m, Link **ret, int ifindex) {
return -ENOMEM;
l->ifindex = ifindex;
- l->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_YES;
+ l->llmnr_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES;
+ l->mdns_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
+ l->dnssec_mode = _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID;
r = hashmap_put(m->links, INT_TO_PTR(ifindex), l);
if (r < 0)
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ Link *link_free(Link *l) {
if (!l)
return NULL;
- dns_server_unlink_marked(l->dns_servers);
+ dns_server_unlink_all(l->dns_servers);
while (l->addresses)
@@ -80,6 +82,8 @@ Link *link_free(Link *l) {
+ set_free_free(l->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors);
return NULL;
@@ -99,8 +103,8 @@ static void link_allocate_scopes(Link *l) {
l->unicast_scope = dns_scope_free(l->unicast_scope);
if (link_relevant(l, AF_INET) &&
- l->llmnr_support != SUPPORT_NO &&
- l->manager->llmnr_support != SUPPORT_NO) {
+ l->llmnr_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO &&
+ l->manager->llmnr_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO) {
if (!l->llmnr_ipv4_scope) {
r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->llmnr_ipv4_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR, AF_INET);
if (r < 0)
@@ -110,8 +114,8 @@ static void link_allocate_scopes(Link *l) {
l->llmnr_ipv4_scope = dns_scope_free(l->llmnr_ipv4_scope);
if (link_relevant(l, AF_INET6) &&
- l->llmnr_support != SUPPORT_NO &&
- l->manager->llmnr_support != SUPPORT_NO &&
+ l->llmnr_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO &&
+ l->manager->llmnr_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO &&
socket_ipv6_is_supported()) {
if (!l->llmnr_ipv6_scope) {
r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->llmnr_ipv6_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR, AF_INET6);
@@ -122,8 +126,8 @@ static void link_allocate_scopes(Link *l) {
l->llmnr_ipv6_scope = dns_scope_free(l->llmnr_ipv6_scope);
if (link_relevant(l, AF_INET) &&
- l->mdns_support != SUPPORT_NO &&
- l->manager->mdns_support != SUPPORT_NO) {
+ l->mdns_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO &&
+ l->manager->mdns_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO) {
if (!l->mdns_ipv4_scope) {
r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->mdns_ipv4_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_MDNS, AF_INET);
if (r < 0)
@@ -133,8 +137,8 @@ static void link_allocate_scopes(Link *l) {
l->mdns_ipv4_scope = dns_scope_free(l->mdns_ipv4_scope);
if (link_relevant(l, AF_INET6) &&
- l->mdns_support != SUPPORT_NO &&
- l->manager->mdns_support != SUPPORT_NO) {
+ l->mdns_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO &&
+ l->manager->mdns_support != RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO) {
if (!l->mdns_ipv6_scope) {
r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->mdns_ipv6_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_MDNS, AF_INET6);
if (r < 0)
@@ -183,6 +187,10 @@ static int link_update_dns_servers(Link *l) {
r = sd_network_link_get_dns(l->ifindex, &nameservers);
+ if (r == -ENODATA) {
+ r = 0;
+ goto clear;
+ }
if (r < 0)
goto clear;
@@ -222,25 +230,114 @@ static int link_update_llmnr_support(Link *l) {
r = sd_network_link_get_llmnr(l->ifindex, &b);
+ if (r == -ENODATA) {
+ r = 0;
+ goto clear;
+ }
if (r < 0)
goto clear;
- r = parse_boolean(b);
- if (r < 0) {
- if (streq(b, "resolve"))
- l->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_RESOLVE;
- else
- goto clear;
+ l->llmnr_support = resolve_support_from_string(b);
+ if (l->llmnr_support < 0) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto clear;
+ }
- } else if (r > 0)
- l->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_YES;
- else
- l->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_NO;
+ return 0;
+ l->llmnr_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES;
+ return r;
+static int link_update_mdns_support(Link *l) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *b = NULL;
+ int r;
+ assert(l);
+ r = sd_network_link_get_mdns(l->ifindex, &b);
+ if (r == -ENODATA) {
+ r = 0;
+ goto clear;
+ }
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto clear;
+ l->mdns_support = resolve_support_from_string(b);
+ if (l->mdns_support < 0) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto clear;
+ }
return 0;
- l->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_YES;
+ l->mdns_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
+ return r;
+static int link_update_dnssec_mode(Link *l) {
+ _cleanup_free_ char *m = NULL;
+ int r;
+ assert(l);
+ r = sd_network_link_get_dnssec(l->ifindex, &m);
+ if (r == -ENODATA) {
+ r = 0;
+ goto clear;
+ }
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto clear;
+ l->dnssec_mode = dnssec_mode_from_string(m);
+ if (l->dnssec_mode < 0) {
+ r = -EINVAL;
+ goto clear;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ l->dnssec_mode = _DNSSEC_MODE_INVALID;
+ return r;
+static int link_update_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(Link *l) {
+ _cleanup_strv_free_ char **ntas = NULL;
+ _cleanup_set_free_free_ Set *ns = NULL;
+ char **i;
+ int r;
+ assert(l);
+ r = sd_network_link_get_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(l->ifindex, &ntas);
+ if (r == -ENODATA) {
+ r = 0;
+ goto clear;
+ }
+ if (r < 0)
+ goto clear;
+ ns = set_new(&dns_name_hash_ops);
+ if (!ns)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ STRV_FOREACH(i, ntas) {
+ r = set_put_strdup(ns, *i);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ set_free_free(l->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors);
+ l->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors = ns;
+ ns = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ l->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors = set_free_free(l->dnssec_negative_trust_anchors);
return r;
@@ -252,6 +349,11 @@ static int link_update_search_domains(Link *l) {
r = sd_network_link_get_domains(l->ifindex, &domains);
+ if (r == -ENODATA) {
+ /* networkd knows nothing about this interface, and that's fine. */
+ r = 0;
+ goto clear;
+ }
if (r < 0)
goto clear;
@@ -286,14 +388,31 @@ int link_update_monitor(Link *l) {
- link_update_dns_servers(l);
- link_update_llmnr_support(l);
- link_allocate_scopes(l);
+ r = link_update_dns_servers(l);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to read DNS servers for interface %s, ignoring: %m", l->name);
+ r = link_update_llmnr_support(l);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to read LLMNR support for interface %s, ignoring: %m", l->name);
+ r = link_update_mdns_support(l);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to read mDNS support for interface %s, ignoring: %m", l->name);
+ r = link_update_dnssec_mode(l);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to read DNSSEC mode for interface %s, ignoring: %m", l->name);
+ r = link_update_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(l);
+ if (r < 0)
+ log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to read DNSSEC negative trust anchors for interface %s, ignoring: %m", l->name);
r = link_update_search_domains(l);
if (r < 0)
log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to read search domains for interface %s, ignoring: %m", l->name);
+ link_allocate_scopes(l);
link_add_rrs(l, false);
return 0;
@@ -446,8 +565,8 @@ void link_address_add_rrs(LinkAddress *a, bool force_remove) {
if (!force_remove &&
link_address_relevant(a) &&
a->link->llmnr_ipv4_scope &&
- a->link->llmnr_support == SUPPORT_YES &&
- a->link->manager->llmnr_support == SUPPORT_YES) {
+ a->link->llmnr_support == RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES &&
+ a->link->manager->llmnr_support == RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES) {
if (!a->link->manager->llmnr_host_ipv4_key) {
a->link->manager->llmnr_host_ipv4_key = dns_resource_key_new(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_A, a->link->manager->llmnr_hostname);
@@ -503,8 +622,8 @@ void link_address_add_rrs(LinkAddress *a, bool force_remove) {
if (!force_remove &&
link_address_relevant(a) &&
a->link->llmnr_ipv6_scope &&
- a->link->llmnr_support == SUPPORT_YES &&
- a->link->manager->llmnr_support == SUPPORT_YES) {
+ a->link->llmnr_support == RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES &&
+ a->link->manager->llmnr_support == RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES) {
if (!a->link->manager->llmnr_host_ipv6_key) {
a->link->manager->llmnr_host_ipv6_key = dns_resource_key_new(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_AAAA, a->link->manager->llmnr_hostname);
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-link.h b/src/resolve/resolved-link.h
index a3b406bbc2..db0e51da04 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-link.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-link.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "in-addr-util.h"
#include "ratelimit.h"
+#include "resolve-util.h"
typedef struct Link Link;
typedef struct LinkAddress LinkAddress;
@@ -66,8 +67,10 @@ struct Link {
LIST_HEAD(DnsSearchDomain, search_domains);
unsigned n_search_domains;
- Support llmnr_support;
- Support mdns_support;
+ ResolveSupport llmnr_support;
+ ResolveSupport mdns_support;
+ DnssecMode dnssec_mode;
+ Set *dnssec_negative_trust_anchors;
DnsScope *unicast_scope;
DnsScope *llmnr_ipv4_scope;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-llmnr.c b/src/resolve/resolved-llmnr.c
index ed754c3899..dd4d9508ba 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-llmnr.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-llmnr.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ int manager_llmnr_start(Manager *m) {
- if (m->llmnr_support == SUPPORT_NO)
+ if (m->llmnr_support == RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO)
return 0;
r = manager_llmnr_ipv4_udp_fd(m);
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int manager_llmnr_start(Manager *m) {
log_warning("There appears to be another LLMNR responder running. Turning off LLMNR support.");
- m->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_NO;
+ m->llmnr_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
return 0;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static int on_llmnr_packet(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *u
dns_scope_process_query(scope, NULL, p);
} else
- log_debug("Invalid LLMNR UDP packet.");
+ log_debug("Invalid LLMNR UDP packet, ignoring.");
return 0;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-manager.c b/src/resolve/resolved-manager.c
index a2677f442a..b32bad456b 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-manager.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-manager.c
@@ -476,7 +476,9 @@ int manager_new(Manager **ret) {
m->mdns_ipv4_fd = m->mdns_ipv6_fd = -1;
m->hostname_fd = -1;
- m->llmnr_support = SUPPORT_YES;
+ m->llmnr_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_YES;
+ m->mdns_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
+ m->dnssec_mode = DNSSEC_NO;
m->read_resolv_conf = true;
m->need_builtin_fallbacks = true;
@@ -484,6 +486,10 @@ int manager_new(Manager **ret) {
if (r < 0)
return r;
+ r = manager_parse_config_file(m);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
r = sd_event_default(&m->event);
if (r < 0)
return r;
@@ -772,7 +778,7 @@ static int write_loop(int fd, void *message, size_t length) {
int manager_write(Manager *m, int fd, DnsPacket *p) {
int r;
- log_debug("Sending %s packet with id %u", DNS_PACKET_QR(p) ? "response" : "query", DNS_PACKET_ID(p));
+ log_debug("Sending %s packet with id %" PRIu16 ".", DNS_PACKET_QR(p) ? "response" : "query", DNS_PACKET_ID(p));
r = write_loop(fd, DNS_PACKET_DATA(p), p->size);
if (r < 0)
@@ -887,7 +893,7 @@ int manager_send(Manager *m, int fd, int ifindex, int family, const union in_add
assert(port > 0);
- log_debug("Sending %s packet with id %u on interface %i/%s", DNS_PACKET_QR(p) ? "response" : "query", DNS_PACKET_ID(p), ifindex, af_to_name(family));
+ log_debug("Sending %s packet with id %" PRIu16 " on interface %i/%s.", DNS_PACKET_QR(p) ? "response" : "query", DNS_PACKET_ID(p), ifindex, af_to_name(family));
if (family == AF_INET)
return manager_ipv4_send(m, fd, ifindex, &addr->in, port, p);
@@ -1163,10 +1169,3 @@ int manager_compile_search_domains(Manager *m, OrderedSet **domains) {
return 0;
-static const char* const support_table[_SUPPORT_MAX] = {
- [SUPPORT_NO] = "no",
- [SUPPORT_YES] = "yes",
- [SUPPORT_RESOLVE] = "resolve",
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-manager.h b/src/resolve/resolved-manager.h
index b52273403a..1907d2e1bc 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-manager.h
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-manager.h
@@ -28,17 +28,9 @@
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "ordered-set.h"
+#include "resolve-util.h"
typedef struct Manager Manager;
-typedef enum Support Support;
-enum Support {
#include "resolved-dns-query.h"
#include "resolved-dns-search-domain.h"
@@ -53,8 +45,9 @@ enum Support {
struct Manager {
sd_event *event;
- Support llmnr_support;
- Support mdns_support;
+ ResolveSupport llmnr_support;
+ ResolveSupport mdns_support;
+ DnssecMode dnssec_mode;
/* Network */
Hashmap *links;
@@ -128,6 +121,9 @@ struct Manager {
sd_bus_slot *prepare_for_sleep_slot;
sd_event_source *sigusr1_event_source;
+ unsigned n_transactions_total;
+ unsigned n_dnssec_secure, n_dnssec_insecure, n_dnssec_bogus, n_dnssec_indeterminate;
/* Manager */
@@ -162,6 +158,3 @@ int manager_is_own_hostname(Manager *m, const char *name);
int manager_compile_dns_servers(Manager *m, OrderedSet **servers);
int manager_compile_search_domains(Manager *m, OrderedSet **domains);
-const char* support_to_string(Support p) _const_;
-int support_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved-mdns.c b/src/resolve/resolved-mdns.c
index d6973a6999..d5b253d4f5 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved-mdns.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved-mdns.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ int manager_mdns_start(Manager *m) {
- if (m->mdns_support == SUPPORT_NO)
+ if (m->mdns_support == RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO)
return 0;
r = manager_mdns_ipv4_fd(m);
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ int manager_mdns_start(Manager *m) {
log_warning("There appears to be another mDNS responder running. Turning off mDNS support.");
- m->mdns_support = SUPPORT_NO;
+ m->mdns_support = RESOLVE_SUPPORT_NO;
return 0;
@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ static int on_mdns_packet(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *us
dns_transaction_process_reply(t, p);
- dns_cache_put(&scope->cache, NULL, DNS_PACKET_RCODE(p), p->answer,
- p->answer->n_rrs, false, 0, p->family, &p->sender);
+ dns_cache_put(&scope->cache, NULL, DNS_PACKET_RCODE(p), p->answer, false, (uint32_t) -1, 0, p->family, &p->sender);
} else if (dns_packet_validate_query(p) > 0) {
log_debug("Got mDNS query packet for id %u", DNS_PACKET_ID(p));
diff --git a/src/resolve/resolved.c b/src/resolve/resolved.c
index be406b71fe..472bb32764 100644
--- a/src/resolve/resolved.c
+++ b/src/resolve/resolved.c
@@ -81,12 +81,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
goto finish;
- r = manager_parse_config_file(m);
- if (r < 0) {
- log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse configuration file: %m");
- goto finish;
- }
r = manager_start(m);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to start manager: %m");
diff --git a/src/resolve/ b/src/resolve/
index efc9c6733a..0ba572d113 100644
--- a/src/resolve/
+++ b/src/resolve/
@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@
diff --git a/src/resolve/test-dnssec.c b/src/resolve/test-dnssec.c
index a2118513f1..0c9efde1fe 100644
--- a/src/resolve/test-dnssec.c
+++ b/src/resolve/test-dnssec.c
@@ -27,6 +27,99 @@
#include "resolved-dns-dnssec.h"
#include "resolved-dns-rr.h"
#include "string-util.h"
+#include "hexdecoct.h"
+static void test_dnssec_verify_rrset2(void) {
+ static const uint8_t signature_blob[] = {
+ 0x48, 0x45, 0xc8, 0x8b, 0xc0, 0x14, 0x92, 0xf5, 0x15, 0xc6, 0x84, 0x9d, 0x2f, 0xe3, 0x32, 0x11,
+ 0x7d, 0xf1, 0xe6, 0x87, 0xb9, 0x42, 0xd3, 0x8b, 0x9e, 0xaf, 0x92, 0x31, 0x0a, 0x53, 0xad, 0x8b,
+ 0xa7, 0x5c, 0x83, 0x39, 0x8c, 0x28, 0xac, 0xce, 0x6e, 0x9c, 0x18, 0xe3, 0x31, 0x16, 0x6e, 0xca,
+ 0x38, 0x31, 0xaf, 0xd9, 0x94, 0xf1, 0x84, 0xb1, 0xdf, 0x5a, 0xc2, 0x73, 0x22, 0xf6, 0xcb, 0xa2,
+ 0xe7, 0x8c, 0x77, 0x0c, 0x74, 0x2f, 0xc2, 0x13, 0xb0, 0x93, 0x51, 0xa9, 0x4f, 0xae, 0x0a, 0xda,
+ 0x45, 0xcc, 0xfd, 0x43, 0x99, 0x36, 0x9a, 0x0d, 0x21, 0xe0, 0xeb, 0x30, 0x65, 0xd4, 0xa0, 0x27,
+ 0x37, 0x3b, 0xe4, 0xc1, 0xc5, 0xa1, 0x2a, 0xd1, 0x76, 0xc4, 0x7e, 0x64, 0x0e, 0x5a, 0xa6, 0x50,
+ 0x24, 0xd5, 0x2c, 0xcc, 0x6d, 0xe5, 0x37, 0xea, 0xbd, 0x09, 0x34, 0xed, 0x24, 0x06, 0xa1, 0x22,
+ };
+ static const uint8_t dnskey_blob[] = {
+ 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc3, 0x7f, 0x1d, 0xd1, 0x1c, 0x97, 0xb1, 0x13, 0x34, 0x3a, 0x9a, 0xea,
+ 0xee, 0xd9, 0x5a, 0x11, 0x1b, 0x17, 0xc7, 0xe3, 0xd4, 0xda, 0x20, 0xbc, 0x5d, 0xba, 0x74, 0xe3,
+ 0x37, 0x99, 0xec, 0x25, 0xce, 0x93, 0x7f, 0xbd, 0x22, 0x73, 0x7e, 0x14, 0x71, 0xe0, 0x60, 0x07,
+ 0xd4, 0x39, 0x8b, 0x5e, 0xe9, 0xba, 0x25, 0xe8, 0x49, 0xe9, 0x34, 0xef, 0xfe, 0x04, 0x5c, 0xa5,
+ 0x27, 0xcd, 0xa9, 0xda, 0x70, 0x05, 0x21, 0xab, 0x15, 0x82, 0x24, 0xc3, 0x94, 0xf5, 0xd7, 0xb7,
+ 0xc4, 0x66, 0xcb, 0x32, 0x6e, 0x60, 0x2b, 0x55, 0x59, 0x28, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x72, 0xde, 0x88, 0x56,
+ 0x27, 0x95, 0xd9, 0xac, 0x88, 0x4f, 0x65, 0x2b, 0x68, 0xfc, 0xe6, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x1b, 0xef, 0x4e,
+ 0xd6, 0xc2, 0x0f, 0x64, 0x88, 0x95, 0x5e, 0xdd, 0x3a, 0x02, 0x07, 0x50, 0xa9, 0xda, 0xa4, 0x49,
+ 0x74, 0x62, 0xfe, 0xd7,
+ };
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *nsec = NULL, *rrsig = NULL, *dnskey = NULL;
+ _cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *answer = NULL;
+ DnssecResult result;
+ nsec = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_NSEC, "");
+ assert_se(nsec);
+ nsec->nsec.next_domain_name = strdup("");
+ assert_se(nsec->nsec.next_domain_name);
+ nsec->nsec.types = bitmap_new();
+ assert_se(nsec->nsec.types);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_A) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_NS) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_SOA) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_MX) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_TXT) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_RRSIG) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_NSEC) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY) >= 0);
+ assert_se(bitmap_set(nsec->nsec.types, 65534) >= 0);
+ log_info("NSEC: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(nsec)));
+ rrsig = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_RRSIG, "NaSa.GOV.");
+ assert_se(rrsig);
+ rrsig->rrsig.type_covered = DNS_TYPE_NSEC;
+ rrsig->rrsig.algorithm = DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256;
+ rrsig->rrsig.labels = 2;
+ rrsig->rrsig.original_ttl = 300;
+ rrsig->rrsig.expiration = 0x5689002f;
+ rrsig->rrsig.inception = 0x56617230;
+ rrsig->rrsig.key_tag = 30390;
+ rrsig->rrsig.signer = strdup("Nasa.Gov.");
+ assert_se(rrsig->rrsig.signer);
+ rrsig->rrsig.signature_size = sizeof(signature_blob);
+ rrsig->rrsig.signature = memdup(signature_blob, rrsig->rrsig.signature_size);
+ assert_se(rrsig->rrsig.signature);
+ log_info("RRSIG: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(rrsig)));
+ dnskey = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY, "nASA.gOV");
+ assert_se(dnskey);
+ dnskey->dnskey.flags = 256;
+ dnskey->dnskey.protocol = 3;
+ dnskey->dnskey.algorithm = DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256;
+ dnskey->dnskey.key_size = sizeof(dnskey_blob);
+ dnskey->dnskey.key = memdup(dnskey_blob, sizeof(dnskey_blob));
+ assert_se(dnskey->dnskey.key);
+ log_info("DNSKEY: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(dnskey)));
+ log_info("DNSKEY keytag: %u", dnssec_keytag(dnskey, false));
+ assert_se(dnssec_key_match_rrsig(nsec->key, rrsig) > 0);
+ assert_se(dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(rrsig, dnskey, false) > 0);
+ answer = dns_answer_new(1);
+ assert_se(answer);
+ assert_se(dns_answer_add(answer, nsec, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED) >= 0);
+ /* Validate the RR as it if was 2015-12-11 today */
+ assert_se(dnssec_verify_rrset(answer, nsec->key, rrsig, dnskey, 1449849318*USEC_PER_SEC, &result) >= 0);
+ assert_se(result == DNSSEC_VALIDATED);
static void test_dnssec_verify_rrset(void) {
@@ -55,7 +148,6 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_rrset(void) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *a = NULL, *rrsig = NULL, *dnskey = NULL;
_cleanup_(dns_answer_unrefp) DnsAnswer *answer = NULL;
- _cleanup_free_ char *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *z = NULL;
DnssecResult result;
a = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_A, "");
@@ -63,8 +155,7 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_rrset(void) {
a->a.in_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
- assert_se(dns_resource_record_to_string(a, &x) >= 0);
- log_info("A: %s", x);
+ log_info("A: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(a)));
rrsig = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_RRSIG, "NaSa.GOV.");
@@ -82,8 +173,7 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_rrset(void) {
rrsig->rrsig.signature = memdup(signature_blob, rrsig->rrsig.signature_size);
- assert_se(dns_resource_record_to_string(rrsig, &y) >= 0);
- log_info("RRSIG: %s", y);
+ log_info("RRSIG: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(rrsig)));
dnskey = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY, "nASA.gOV");
@@ -95,16 +185,15 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_rrset(void) {
dnskey->dnskey.key = memdup(dnskey_blob, sizeof(dnskey_blob));
- assert_se(dns_resource_record_to_string(dnskey, &z) >= 0);
- log_info("DNSKEY: %s", z);
- log_info("DNSKEY keytag: %u", dnssec_keytag(dnskey));
+ log_info("DNSKEY: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(dnskey)));
+ log_info("DNSKEY keytag: %u", dnssec_keytag(dnskey, false));
assert_se(dnssec_key_match_rrsig(a->key, rrsig) > 0);
- assert_se(dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(rrsig, dnskey) > 0);
+ assert_se(dnssec_rrsig_match_dnskey(rrsig, dnskey, false) > 0);
answer = dns_answer_new(1);
- assert_se(dns_answer_add(answer, a, 0) >= 0);
+ assert_se(dns_answer_add(answer, a, 0, DNS_ANSWER_AUTHENTICATED) >= 0);
/* Validate the RR as it if was 2015-12-2 today */
assert_se(dnssec_verify_rrset(answer, a->key, rrsig, dnskey, 1449092754*USEC_PER_SEC, &result) >= 0);
@@ -142,7 +231,6 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_dns_key(void) {
_cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *dnskey = NULL, *ds1 = NULL, *ds2 = NULL;
- _cleanup_free_ char *a = NULL, *b = NULL, *c = NULL;
/* The two DS RRs in effect for on 2015-12-01. */
ds1 = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DS, "");
@@ -155,8 +243,7 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_dns_key(void) {
ds1->ds.digest = memdup(ds1_fprint, ds1->ds.digest_size);
- assert_se(dns_resource_record_to_string(ds1, &a) >= 0);
- log_info("DS1: %s", a);
+ log_info("DS1: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(ds1)));
ds2 = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DS, "NASA.GOV");
@@ -168,8 +255,7 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_dns_key(void) {
ds2->ds.digest = memdup(ds2_fprint, ds2->ds.digest_size);
- assert_se(dns_resource_record_to_string(ds2, &b) >= 0);
- log_info("DS2: %s", b);
+ log_info("DS2: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(ds2)));
dnskey = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY, "nasa.GOV");
@@ -181,12 +267,11 @@ static void test_dnssec_verify_dns_key(void) {
dnskey->dnskey.key = memdup(dnskey_blob, sizeof(dnskey_blob));
- assert_se(dns_resource_record_to_string(dnskey, &c) >= 0);
- log_info("DNSKEY: %s", c);
- log_info("DNSKEY keytag: %u", dnssec_keytag(dnskey));
+ log_info("DNSKEY: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(dnskey)));
+ log_info("DNSKEY keytag: %u", dnssec_keytag(dnskey, false));
- assert_se(dnssec_verify_dnskey(dnskey, ds1) > 0);
- assert_se(dnssec_verify_dnskey(dnskey, ds2) > 0);
+ assert_se(dnssec_verify_dnskey(dnskey, ds1, false) > 0);
+ assert_se(dnssec_verify_dnskey(dnskey, ds2, false) > 0);
static void test_dnssec_canonicalize_one(const char *original, const char *canonical, int r) {
@@ -209,11 +294,45 @@ static void test_dnssec_canonicalize(void) {
test_dnssec_canonicalize_one("", NULL, -EINVAL);
+static void test_dnssec_nsec3_hash(void) {
+ static const uint8_t salt[] = { 0xB0, 0x1D, 0xFA, 0xCE };
+ static const uint8_t next_hashed_name[] = { 0x84, 0x10, 0x26, 0x53, 0xc9, 0xfa, 0x4d, 0x85, 0x6c, 0x97, 0x82, 0xe2, 0x8f, 0xdf, 0x2d, 0x5e, 0x87, 0x69, 0xc4, 0x52 };
+ _cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL;
+ uint8_t h[DNSSEC_HASH_SIZE_MAX];
+ _cleanup_free_ char *b = NULL;
+ int k;
+ /* The NSEC3 RR for on 2015-12-14. */
+ rr = dns_resource_record_new_full(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_NSEC3, "");
+ assert_se(rr);
+ rr->nsec3.algorithm = DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA1;
+ rr->nsec3.flags = 1;
+ rr->nsec3.iterations = 1;
+ rr->nsec3.salt = memdup(salt, sizeof(salt));
+ assert_se(rr->nsec3.salt);
+ rr->nsec3.salt_size = sizeof(salt);
+ rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name = memdup(next_hashed_name, sizeof(next_hashed_name));
+ assert_se(rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name);
+ rr->nsec3.next_hashed_name_size = sizeof(next_hashed_name);
+ log_info("NSEC3: %s", strna(dns_resource_record_to_string(rr)));
+ k = dnssec_nsec3_hash(rr, "", &h);
+ assert_se(k >= 0);
+ b = base32hexmem(h, k, false);
+ assert_se(b);
+ assert_se(strcasecmp(b, "PJ8S08RR45VIQDAQGE7EN3VHKNROTBMM") == 0);
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
+ test_dnssec_verify_rrset2();
+ test_dnssec_nsec3_hash();
return 0;
diff --git a/src/shared/dns-domain.c b/src/shared/dns-domain.c
index 0466857042..68404ca9e5 100644
--- a/src/shared/dns-domain.c
+++ b/src/shared/dns-domain.c
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ int dns_label_unescape(const char **name, char *dest, size_t sz) {
- assert(dest);
n = *name;
d = dest;
@@ -79,9 +78,12 @@ int dns_label_unescape(const char **name, char *dest, size_t sz) {
else if (*n == '\\' || *n == '.') {
/* Escaped backslash or dot */
- *(d++) = *(n++);
+ if (d)
+ *(d++) = *n;
+ n++;
} else if (n[0] >= '0' && n[0] <= '9') {
unsigned k;
@@ -96,11 +98,17 @@ int dns_label_unescape(const char **name, char *dest, size_t sz) {
((unsigned) (n[1] - '0') * 10) +
((unsigned) (n[2] - '0'));
- /* Don't allow CC characters or anything that doesn't fit in 8bit */
- if (k < ' ' || k > 255 || k == 127)
+ /* Don't allow anything that doesn't
+ * fit in 8bit. Note that we do allow
+ * control characters, as some servers
+ * (e.g. cloudflare) are happy to
+ * generate labels with them
+ * inside. */
+ if (k > 255)
return -EINVAL;
- *(d++) = (char) k;
+ if (d)
+ *(d++) = (char) k;
@@ -111,9 +119,12 @@ int dns_label_unescape(const char **name, char *dest, size_t sz) {
} else if ((uint8_t) *n >= (uint8_t) ' ' && *n != 127) {
/* Normal character */
- *(d++) = *(n++);
+ if (d)
+ *(d++) = *n;
+ n++;
} else
return -EINVAL;
@@ -122,7 +133,7 @@ int dns_label_unescape(const char **name, char *dest, size_t sz) {
if (r == 0 && *n)
return -EINVAL;
- if (sz >= 1)
+ if (sz >= 1 && d)
*d = 0;
*name = n;
@@ -148,20 +159,24 @@ int dns_label_unescape_suffix(const char *name, const char **label_terminal, cha
return 0;
- assert(**label_terminal == '.' || **label_terminal == 0);
+ terminal = *label_terminal;
+ assert(*terminal == '.' || *terminal == 0);
- /* skip current terminal character */
- terminal = *label_terminal - 1;
+ /* Skip current terminal character (and accept domain names ending it ".") */
+ if (*terminal == 0)
+ terminal--;
+ if (terminal >= name && *terminal == '.')
+ terminal--;
- /* point name to the last label, and terminal to the preceding terminal symbol (or make it a NULL pointer) */
+ /* Point name to the last label, and terminal to the preceding terminal symbol (or make it a NULL pointer) */
for (;;) {
if (terminal < name) {
- /* reached the first label, so indicate that there are no more */
+ /* Reached the first label, so indicate that there are no more */
terminal = NULL;
- /* find the start of the last label */
+ /* Find the start of the last label */
if (*terminal == '.') {
const char *y;
unsigned slashes = 0;
@@ -170,7 +185,7 @@ int dns_label_unescape_suffix(const char *name, const char **label_terminal, cha
slashes ++;
if (slashes % 2 == 0) {
- /* the '.' was not escaped */
+ /* The '.' was not escaped */
name = terminal + 1;
} else {
@@ -235,7 +250,7 @@ int dns_label_escape(const char *p, size_t l, char *dest, size_t sz) {
*(q++) = *p;
sz -= 1;
- } else if ((uint8_t) *p >= (uint8_t) ' ' && *p != 127) {
+ } else {
/* Everything else */
@@ -249,8 +264,7 @@ int dns_label_escape(const char *p, size_t l, char *dest, size_t sz) {
sz -= 4;
- } else
- return -EINVAL;
+ }
@@ -527,7 +541,7 @@ int dns_name_compare_func(const void *a, const void *b) {
if (k > 0)
r = k;
if (w > 0)
- r = w;
+ q = w;
la[r] = lb[q] = 0;
r = strcasecmp(la, lb);
@@ -1153,3 +1167,77 @@ finish:
return 0;
+int dns_name_suffix(const char *name, unsigned n_labels, const char **ret) {
+ const char* labels[DNS_N_LABELS_MAX+1];
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ const char *p;
+ int r;
+ assert(name);
+ assert(ret);
+ p = name;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (n > DNS_N_LABELS_MAX)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ labels[n] = p;
+ r = dns_name_parent(&p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ break;
+ n++;
+ }
+ if (n < n_labels)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ *ret = labels[n - n_labels];
+ return (int) (n - n_labels);
+int dns_name_count_labels(const char *name) {
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ const char *p;
+ int r;
+ assert(name);
+ p = name;
+ for (;;) {
+ r = dns_name_parent(&p);
+ if (r < 0)
+ return r;
+ if (r == 0)
+ break;
+ if (n >= DNS_N_LABELS_MAX)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ n++;
+ }
+ return (int) n;
+int dns_name_equal_skip(const char *a, unsigned n_labels, const char *b) {
+ int r;
+ assert(a);
+ assert(b);
+ while (n_labels > 0) {
+ r = dns_name_parent(&a);
+ if (r <= 0)
+ return r;
+ n_labels --;
+ }
+ return dns_name_equal(a, b);
diff --git a/src/shared/dns-domain.h b/src/shared/dns-domain.h
index 3f8f621802..dd8ae3ac98 100644
--- a/src/shared/dns-domain.h
+++ b/src/shared/dns-domain.h
@@ -42,11 +42,18 @@
/* Maximum length of a full hostname, on the wire, including the final NUL byte */
+/* Maximum number of labels per valid hostname */
+#define DNS_N_LABELS_MAX 127
int dns_label_unescape(const char **name, char *dest, size_t sz);
int dns_label_unescape_suffix(const char *name, const char **label_end, char *dest, size_t sz);
int dns_label_escape(const char *p, size_t l, char *dest, size_t sz);
int dns_label_escape_new(const char *p, size_t l, char **ret);
+static inline int dns_name_parent(const char **name) {
+ return dns_label_unescape(name, NULL, DNS_LABEL_MAX);
int dns_label_apply_idna(const char *encoded, size_t encoded_size, char *decoded, size_t decoded_max);
int dns_label_undo_idna(const char *encoded, size_t encoded_size, char *decoded, size_t decoded_max);
@@ -92,3 +99,8 @@ bool dns_service_name_is_valid(const char *name);
int dns_service_join(const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain, char **ret);
int dns_service_split(const char *joined, char **name, char **type, char **domain);
+int dns_name_suffix(const char *name, unsigned n_labels, const char **ret);
+int dns_name_count_labels(const char *name);
+int dns_name_equal_skip(const char *a, unsigned n_labels, const char *b);
diff --git a/src/shared/generator.c b/src/shared/generator.c
index 37de3f7cb1..76808cbdd5 100644
--- a/src/shared/generator.c
+++ b/src/shared/generator.c
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ int generator_write_timeouts(
return write_drop_in_format(dir, unit, 50, "device-timeout",
"# Automatically generated by %s\n\n"
- "[Unit]\nJobTimeoutSec=" USEC_FMT,
- program_invocation_short_name,
- u / USEC_PER_SEC);
+ "[Unit]\nJobTimeoutSec=%s",
+ program_invocation_short_name, timeout);
diff --git a/src/shared/gpt.h b/src/shared/gpt.h
index add1df420f..5f4c00ba83 100644
--- a/src/shared/gpt.h
+++ b/src/shared/gpt.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "sd-id128.h"
-/* We only support root disk discovery for x86, x86-64 and ARM for
+/* We only support root disk discovery for x86, x86-64, Itanium and ARM for
* now, since EFI for anything else doesn't really exist, and we only
* care for root partitions on the same disk as the EFI ESP. */
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#define GPT_ROOT_X86_64 SD_ID128_MAKE(4f,68,bc,e3,e8,cd,4d,b1,96,e7,fb,ca,f9,84,b7,09)
#define GPT_ROOT_ARM SD_ID128_MAKE(69,da,d7,10,2c,e4,4e,3c,b1,6c,21,a1,d4,9a,be,d3)
#define GPT_ROOT_ARM_64 SD_ID128_MAKE(b9,21,b0,45,1d,f0,41,c3,af,44,4c,6f,28,0d,3f,ae)
+#define GPT_ROOT_IA64 SD_ID128_MAKE(99,3d,8d,3d,f8,0e,42,25,85,5a,9d,af,8e,d7,ea,97)
#define GPT_ESP SD_ID128_MAKE(c1,2a,73,28,f8,1f,11,d2,ba,4b,00,a0,c9,3e,c9,3b)
#define GPT_SWAP SD_ID128_MAKE(06,57,fd,6d,a4,ab,43,c4,84,e5,09,33,c8,4b,4f,4f)
@@ -46,6 +47,10 @@
+#if defined(__ia64__)
#if defined(__aarch64__) && (__BYTE_ORDER != __BIG_ENDIAN)
diff --git a/src/shared/logs-show.c b/src/shared/logs-show.c
index 193dad1943..a1f65d1a88 100644
--- a/src/shared/logs-show.c
+++ b/src/shared/logs-show.c
@@ -435,8 +435,9 @@ static int output_verbose(
r = parse_field(data, length, "_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=", &value, &size);
if (r < 0)
- log_debug_errno(r, "_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP invalid: %m");
+ return r;
else {
+ assert(r > 0);
r = safe_atou64(value, &realtime);
if (r < 0)
log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to parse realtime timestamp: %m");
diff --git a/src/shared/resolve-util.c b/src/shared/resolve-util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf6fc26841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/resolve-util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/
+ This file is part of systemd.
+ Copyright 2016 Lennart Poettering
+ systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+#include "conf-parser.h"
+#include "resolve-util.h"
+#include "string-table.h"
+DEFINE_CONFIG_PARSE_ENUM(config_parse_resolve_support, resolve_support, ResolveSupport, "Failed to parse resolve support setting");
+DEFINE_CONFIG_PARSE_ENUM(config_parse_dnssec_mode, dnssec_mode, DnssecMode, "Failed to parse DNSSEC mode setting");
+static const char* const resolve_support_table[_RESOLVE_SUPPORT_MAX] = {
+static const char* const dnssec_mode_table[_DNSSEC_MODE_MAX] = {
+ [DNSSEC_NO] = "no",
+ [DNSSEC_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE] = "allow-downgrade",
+ [DNSSEC_YES] = "yes",
diff --git a/src/shared/resolve-util.h b/src/shared/resolve-util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd93a13f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shared/resolve-util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/
+#pragma once
+ This file is part of systemd.
+ Copyright 2016 Lennart Poettering
+ systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with systemd; If not, see <>.
+#include "macro.h"
+typedef enum ResolveSupport ResolveSupport;
+typedef enum DnssecMode DnssecMode;
+enum ResolveSupport {
+enum DnssecMode {
+ /* No DNSSEC validation is done */
+ /* Validate locally, if the server knows DO, but if not,
+ * don't. Don't trust the AD bit. If the server doesn't do
+ * DNSSEC properly, downgrade to non-DNSSEC operation. Of
+ * course, we then are vulnerable to a downgrade attack, but
+ * that's life and what is configured. */
+ /* Insist on DNSSEC server support, and rather fail than downgrading. */
+int config_parse_resolve_support(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
+int config_parse_dnssec_mode(const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata);
+const char* resolve_support_to_string(ResolveSupport p) _const_;
+ResolveSupport resolve_support_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
+const char* dnssec_mode_to_string(DnssecMode p) _const_;
+DnssecMode dnssec_mode_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
diff --git a/src/systemd/sd-messages.h b/src/systemd/sd-messages.h
index 072832a916..1183df6105 100644
--- a/src/systemd/sd-messages.h
+++ b/src/systemd/sd-messages.h
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ _SD_BEGIN_DECLARATIONS;
#define SD_MESSAGE_BOOTCHART SD_ID128_MAKE(9f,26,aa,56,2c,f4,40,c2,b1,6c,77,3d,04,79,b5,18)
+#define SD_MESSAGE_DNSSEC_FAILURE SD_ID128_MAKE(16,75,d7,f1,72,17,40,98,b1,10,8b,f8,c7,dc,8f,5d)
+#define SD_MESSAGE_DNSSEC_TRUST_ANCHOR_REVOKED SD_ID128_MAKE(4d,44,08,cf,d0,d1,44,85,91,84,d1,e6,5d,7c,8a,65)
diff --git a/src/systemd/sd-network.h b/src/systemd/sd-network.h
index 79b4bf9ea3..653c61a162 100644
--- a/src/systemd/sd-network.h
+++ b/src/systemd/sd-network.h
@@ -111,6 +111,27 @@ int sd_network_link_get_ntp(int ifindex, char ***addr);
int sd_network_link_get_llmnr(int ifindex, char **llmnr);
+/* Indicates whether or not MulticastDNS should be enabled for the
+ * link.
+ * Possible levels of support: yes, no, resolve
+ * Possible return codes:
+ * -ENODATA: networkd is not aware of the link
+ */
+int sd_network_link_get_mdns(int ifindex, char **mdns);
+/* Indicates whether or not DNSSEC should be enabled for the link
+ * Possible levels of support: yes, no, allow-downgrade
+ * Possible return codes:
+ * -ENODATA: networkd is not aware of the link
+ */
+int sd_network_link_get_dnssec(int ifindex, char **dnssec);
+/* Returns the list of per-interface DNSSEC negative trust anchors
+ * Possible return codes:
+ * -ENODATA: networkd is not aware of the link, or has no such data
+ */
+int sd_network_link_get_dnssec_negative_trust_anchors(int ifindex, char ***nta);
int sd_network_link_get_lldp(int ifindex, char **lldp);
/* Get the DNS domain names for a given link. */
diff --git a/src/test/test-dns-domain.c b/src/test/test-dns-domain.c
index de003e251c..6c3c49908f 100644
--- a/src/test/test-dns-domain.c
+++ b/src/test/test-dns-domain.c
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ static void test_dns_label_unescape_suffix(void) {
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("hallo\\", "hallo", "hallo", 20, -EINVAL, -EINVAL);
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("hallo\\032 ", "hallo ", "", 20, 7, 0);
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one(".", "", "", 20, 0, 0);
- test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("..", "", "", 20, 0, 0);
+ test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("..", "", "", 20, 0, -EINVAL);
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one(".foobar", "foobar", "", 20, 6, -EINVAL);
- test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("foobar.", "", "foobar", 20, 0, 6);
+ test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("foobar.", "foobar", "", 20, 6, 0);
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("foo\\\\bar", "foo\\bar", "", 20, 7, 0);
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("", "bar", "foo", 20, 3, 3);
test_dns_label_unescape_suffix_one("", "bar", "", 20, 3, -EINVAL);
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ static void test_dns_label_escape_one(const char *what, size_t l, const char *ex
static void test_dns_label_escape(void) {
test_dns_label_escape_one("", 0, NULL, -EINVAL);
test_dns_label_escape_one("hallo", 5, "hallo", 5);
- test_dns_label_escape_one("hallo", 6, NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_label_escape_one("hallo", 6, "hallo\\000", 9);
test_dns_label_escape_one("hallo hallo.foobar,waldi", 24, "hallo\\032hallo\\.foobar\\044waldi", 31);
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ static void test_dns_name_normalize(void) {
test_dns_name_normalize_one("f", "f", 0);
test_dns_name_normalize_one("f.waldi", "f.waldi", 0);
test_dns_name_normalize_one("f \\032.waldi", "f\\032\\032.waldi", 0);
- test_dns_name_normalize_one("\\000", NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_normalize_one("\\000", "\\000", 0);
test_dns_name_normalize_one("..", NULL, -EINVAL);
test_dns_name_normalize_one(".foobar", NULL, -EINVAL);
test_dns_name_normalize_one("foobar.", "foobar", 0);
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static void test_dns_name_equal(void) {
test_dns_name_equal_one("abc.def", "CBA.def", false);
test_dns_name_equal_one("", "xxx", false);
test_dns_name_equal_one("ab", "a", false);
- test_dns_name_equal_one("\\000", "xxxx", -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_equal_one("\\000", "\\000", true);
test_dns_name_equal_one(".", "", true);
test_dns_name_equal_one(".", ".", true);
test_dns_name_equal_one("..", "..", -EINVAL);
@@ -475,6 +475,90 @@ static void test_dns_name_change_suffix(void) {
test_dns_name_change_suffix_one("a", "b", "c", 0, NULL);
+static void test_dns_name_suffix_one(const char *name, unsigned n_labels, const char *result, int ret) {
+ const char *p = NULL;
+ assert_se(ret == dns_name_suffix(name, n_labels, &p));
+ assert_se(streq_ptr(p, result));
+static void test_dns_name_suffix(void) {
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 2, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 1, "bar", 1);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 0, "", 2);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 3, NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 4, NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("bar", 1, "bar", 0);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("bar", 0, "", 1);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("bar", 2, NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("bar", 3, NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 0, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 1, NULL, -EINVAL);
+ test_dns_name_suffix_one("", 2, NULL, -EINVAL);
+static void test_dns_name_count_labels_one(const char *name, int n) {
+ assert_se(dns_name_count_labels(name) == n);
+static void test_dns_name_count_labels(void) {
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("", 3);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("", 3);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("", 2);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("", 2);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("foo.", 1);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("foo", 1);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("", 0);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one(".", 0);
+ test_dns_name_count_labels_one("..", -EINVAL);
+static void test_dns_name_equal_skip_one(const char *a, unsigned n_labels, const char *b, int ret) {
+ assert_se(dns_name_equal_skip(a, n_labels, b) == ret);
+static void test_dns_name_equal_skip(void) {
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("foo", 0, "bar", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("foo", 0, "foo", 1);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("foo", 1, "foo", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("foo", 2, "foo", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 0, "", 1);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 1, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 2, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 3, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 0, "bar", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 1, "bar", 1);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 2, "bar", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 3, "bar", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 0, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 1, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 2, "", 1);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 3, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 0, "", 1);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 1, "", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 1, "foo", 0);
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip_one("", 2, "foo", 0);
+static void test_dns_name_compare_func(void) {
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("", "") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("", ".") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func(".", "") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("foo", "foo.") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("foo.", "foo") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("foo", "foo") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("foo.", "foo.") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("", "HEISE.DE.") == 0);
+ assert_se(dns_name_compare_func("de.", "") != 0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
@@ -495,6 +579,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ test_dns_name_suffix();
+ test_dns_name_count_labels();
+ test_dns_name_equal_skip();
+ test_dns_name_compare_func();
return 0;
diff --git a/src/test/test-rlimit-util.c b/src/test/test-rlimit-util.c
index 00d3ecc0de..24bfe7a60e 100644
--- a/src/test/test-rlimit-util.c
+++ b/src/test/test-rlimit-util.c
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
assert_se(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &old) == 0);
new.rlim_cur = MIN(5U, old.rlim_max);
- new.rlim_max = MIN(10U, old.rlim_max);
+ new.rlim_max = old.rlim_max;
assert_se(setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &new) >= 0);
assert_se(rlimit_from_string("LimitNOFILE") == RLIMIT_NOFILE);
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
assert_se(old.rlim_max == new.rlim_max);
assert_se(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &old) == 0);
- high = RLIMIT_MAKE_CONST(old.rlim_max + 1);
+ high = RLIMIT_MAKE_CONST(old.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY ? old.rlim_max : old.rlim_max + 1);
assert_se(setrlimit_closest(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &high) == 0);
assert_se(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &new) == 0);
assert_se(new.rlim_max == old.rlim_max);
diff --git a/src/udev/udev-builtin-input_id.c b/src/udev/udev-builtin-input_id.c
index 1d31829a08..a7aac78def 100644
--- a/src/udev/udev-builtin-input_id.c
+++ b/src/udev/udev-builtin-input_id.c
@@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ static bool test_pointers(struct udev_device *dev,
/* This path is taken by VMware's USB mouse, which has
* absolute axes, but no touch/pressure button. */
is_mouse = true;
- else if (has_touch)
+ else if (has_touch || is_direct)
is_touchscreen = true;
else if (has_joystick_axes_or_buttons)
is_joystick = true;
- if (has_mt_coordinates && is_direct)
+ if (has_mt_coordinates && (is_direct || has_touch))
is_touchscreen = true;
if (has_rel_coordinates && has_mouse_button)
diff --git a/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/ b/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/
index 1ee39df432..3a05619ad5 100755
--- a/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/
+++ b/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/
@@ -51,5 +51,13 @@ journalctl --sync
journalctl -b -o cat -t "$ID" >/output
cmp /expected /output
+# Don't lose streams on restart
+systemctl start forever-print-hola
+sleep 3
+systemctl restart systemd-journald
+sleep 3
+systemctl stop forever-print-hola
+[[ ! -f "/i-lose-my-logs" ]]
touch /testok
exit 0
diff --git a/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/ b/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/
index 6c5b5cf34e..1a14f76060 100755
--- a/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/
+++ b/test/TEST-04-JOURNAL/
@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ ExecStart=/
+ cat >$initdir/etc/systemd/system/forever-print-hola.service <<EOF
+Description=ForeverPrintHola service
+ExecStart=/bin/sh -x -c 'while :; do printf "Hola\n" || touch /i-lose-my-logs; sleep 1; done'
cp $initdir/
diff --git a/units/ b/units/
index 987220e554..f4f845841d 100644
--- a/units/
+++ b/units/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
Description=Journal Gateway Service
diff --git a/units/systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket b/units/systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket
index fd11058ab4..79d9b04210 100644
--- a/units/systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket
+++ b/units/systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
Description=Journal Gateway Service Socket
diff --git a/units/ b/units/
index 2928a23021..fdf3da4b64 100644
--- a/units/
+++ b/units/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
Description=Journal Remote Sink Service
+Documentation=man:systemd-journal-remote(8) man:journal-remote.conf(5)
diff --git a/units/ b/units/
index a757673a62..4a89186f31 100644
--- a/units/
+++ b/units/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
Description=Journal Remote Upload Service