path: root/klibc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'klibc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/klibc/ b/klibc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5629f24f1c..0000000000
--- a/klibc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-# -*- perl -*-
-use IPC::Open3;
-# Standard includes
-@includes = ("-I${prefix}/${KCROSS}include/arch/${ARCH}",
- "-I${prefix}/${KCROSS}include/bits${BITSIZE}",
- "-I${prefix}/${KCROSS}include");
-# Default optimization options (for compiles without -g)
-@optopt = @OPTFLAGS;
-@goptopt = ('-O');
-# Standard library directories
-@stdlibpath = ("-L${prefix}/${KCROSS}lib");
-# Options and libraries to pass to ld; shared versus static
-@staticopt = ("${prefix}/${KCROSS}lib/crt0.o");
-@staticlib = ("${prefix}/${KCROSS}lib/libc.a");
-@sharedopt = (@EMAIN, "${prefix}/${KCROSS}lib/interp.o");
-@sharedlib = ('-R', "${prefix}/${KCROSS}lib/");
-# Returns the language (-x option string) for a specific extension.
-sub filename2lang($) {
- my ($file) = @_;
- return 'c' if ( $file =~ /\.c$/ );
- return 'c-header' if ( $file =~ /\.h$/ );
- return 'cpp-output' if ( $file =~ /\.i$/ );
- return 'c++-cpp-output' if ( $file =~ /\.ii$/ );
- return 'objective-c' if ( $file =~ /\.m$/ );
- return 'objc-cpp-output' if ( $file =~ /\.mi$/ );
- return 'c++' if ( $file =~/\.(cc|cp|cxx|cpp|CPP|c\+\+|C)$/ );
- return 'c++-header' if ( $file =~ /\.(hh|H)$/ );
- return 'f77' if ( $file =~ /\.(f|for|FOR)$/ );
- return 'f77-cpp-input' if ( $file =~ /\.(F|fpp|FPP)$/ );
- return 'ratfor' if ( $file =~ /\.r$/ );
- # Is this correct?
- return 'ada' if ( $file =~ /\.(ads|adb)$/ );
- return 'assembler' if ( $file =~ /\.s$/ );
- return 'assembler-with-cpp' if ( $file =~/ \.S$/ );
- # Linker file; there is no option to gcc to assume something
- # is a linker file, so we make up our own...
- return 'obj';
-# Produces a series of -x options and files
-sub files_with_lang($$) {
- my($files, $flang) = @_;
- my(@as) = ();
- my($xopt) = 'none';
- my($need);
- foreach $f ( @{$files} ) {
- $need = ${$flang}{$f};
- # Skip object files
- if ( $need ne 'obj' ) {
- unless ( $xopt eq $need || $need eq 'stdin') {
- push(@as, '-x', $need);
- $xopt = $need;
- }
- push(@as, $f);
- }
- }
- return @as;
-# Convert a return value from system() to an exit() code
-sub syserr($) {
- my($e) = @_;
- return ($e & 0x7f) | 0x80 if ( $e & 0xff );
- return $e >> 8;
-# Run a program; printing out the command line if $verbose is set
-sub mysystem(@) {
- print STDERR join(' ', @_), "\n" if ( $verbose );
- my $cmd = shift;
- open(INPUT, "<&STDIN"); # dup STDIN filehandle to INPUT
- my $childpid = open3("<&INPUT", ">&STDOUT", ">&STDERR", $cmd, @_);
- waitpid ($childpid, 0);
- return $?;
-# Initialization
-open(NULL, '+<', '/dev/null') or die "$0: cannot open /dev/null\n";
-# Begin parsing options.
-@ccopt = ();
-@ldopt = ();
-@libs = ();
-@files = (); # List of files
-%flang = (); # Languages for files
-# This is 'c' for compile only, 'E' for preprocess only,
-# 'S' for compile to assembly.
-$operation = ''; # Compile and link
-# Current -x option. If undefined, it means autodetect.
-undef $lang;
-$save_temps = 0; # The -save-temps option
-$verbose = 0; # The -v option
-$shared = 0; # Are we compiling shared?
-$debugging = 0; # -g or -p option present?
-$strip = 0; # -s option present?
-undef $output; # -o option present?
-while ( defined($a = shift(@ARGV)) ) {
- if ( $a !~ /^\-/ ) {
- # Not an option. Must be a filename then.
- push(@files, $a);
- $flang{$a} = $lang || filename2lang($a);
- } elsif ( $a eq '-' ) {
- # gcc gets its input from stdin
- push(@files, $a);
- # prevent setting -x
- $flang{$a} = 'stdin'
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^-print-klibc-(.*)$/ ) {
- # This test must precede -print
- if ( defined($conf{$1}) ) {
- print ${$conf{$1}}, "\n";
- exit 0;
- } else {
- die "$0: unknown option: $a\n";
- }
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^(-print|-dump|--help|--version)/ ) {
- # These share prefixes with some other options, so put this test early!
- # Pseudo-operations; just pass to gcc and don't do anything else
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- $operation = 'c' if ( $operation eq '' );
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^-Wl,(.*)$/ ) {
- # -Wl used to pass options to the linker
- push(@ldopt, split(/,/, $1));
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^-([fmwWQdO]|std=|ansi|pedantic|M[GPD]|MMD)/ ) {
- # Options to gcc
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^-([DUI]|M[FQT])(.*)$/ ) {
- # Options to gcc, which can take either a conjoined argument
- # (-DFOO) or a disjoint argument (-D FOO)
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- push(@ccopt, shift(@ARGV)) if ( $2 eq '' );
- } elsif ( $a eq '-include' ) {
- # Options to gcc which always take a disjoint argument
- push(@ccopt, $a, shift(@ARGV));
- } elsif ( $a eq '-M' || $a eq '-MM' ) {
- # gcc options, that force preprocessing mode
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- $operation = 'E';
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^-[gp]/ || $a eq '-p' ) {
- # Debugging options to gcc
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- $debugging = 1;
- } elsif ( $a eq '-v' ) {
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- $verbose = 1;
- } elsif ( $a eq '-save-temps' ) {
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- $save_temps = 1;
- } elsif ( $a =~ '^-([cSE])$' ) {
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- $operation = $1;
- } elsif ( $a eq '-shared' ) {
- $shared = 1;
- } elsif ( $a eq '-static' ) {
- $shared = 0;
- } elsif ( $a eq '-s' ) {
- $strip = 1;
- } elsif ( $a eq '-o' ) {
- $output = shift(@ARGV);
- } elsif ( $a eq '-x' ) {
- $lang = shift(@ARGV);
- } elsif ( $a eq '-nostdinc' ) {
- push(@ccopt, $a);
- @includes = ();
- } elsif ( $a =~ /^-([lL])(.*)$/ ) {
- # Libraries
- push(@libs, $a);
- push(@libs, shift(@ARGV)) if ( $2 eq '' );
- } else {
- die "$0: unknown option: $a\n";
- }
-if ( $debugging ) {
- @ccopt = (@REQFLAGS, @includes, @goptopt, @ccopt);
-} else {
- @ccopt = (@REQFLAGS, @includes, @optopt, @ccopt);
-if ( $operation ne '' ) {
- # Just run gcc with the appropriate options
- @outopt = ('-o', $output) if ( defined($output) );
- $rv = mysystem($CC, @ccopt, @outopt, files_with_lang(\@files, \%flang));
-} else {
- if ( scalar(@files) == 0 ) {
- die "$0: No input files!\n";
- }
- @outopt = ('-o', $output || 'a.out');
- @objs = ();
- @rmobjs = ();
- foreach $f ( @files ) {
- if ( $flang{$f} eq 'obj' ) {
- push(@objs, $f);
- } else {
- $fo = $f;
- $fo =~ s/\.[^\/.]+$/\.o/;
- die if ( $f eq $fo ); # safety check
- push(@objs, $fo);
- push(@rmobjs, $fo) unless ( $save_temps );
- $rv = mysystem($CC, @ccopt, '-c', '-o', $fo, '-x', $flang{$f}, $f);
- if ( $rv ) {
- unlink(@rmobjs);
- exit syserr($rv);
- }
- }
- }
- # Get the libgcc pathname for the *current* gcc
- open(LIBGCC, '-|', $CC, @ccopt, '-print-libgcc-file-name')
- or die "$0: cannot get libgcc filename\n";
- $libgcc = <LIBGCC>;
- chomp $libgcc;
- close(LIBGCC);
- if ( $shared ) {
- $rv = mysystem($LD, @LDFLAGS, @sharedopt, @ldopt, @outopt, @objs, @libs, @stdlibpath, @sharedlib, $libgcc);
- } else {
- $rv = mysystem($LD, @LDFLAGS, @staticopt, @ldopt, @outopt, @objs, @libs, @stdlibpath, @staticlib, $libgcc);
- }
- unlink(@rmobjs);
- if ( $strip && !$rv ) {
- $rv = mysystem($STRIP, @STRIPFLAGS, $output);
- }
-exit syserr($rv);