udev 091 ======== Some more keys require the correct use of '==' and '=' depending on the kind of operation beeing an assignment or a match. Rules with invalid operations are skipped and logged to syslog. Please test with udevtest if the parsing of your rules throws errors and fix possibly broken rules. udev 090 ======== Provide "udevsettle" to wait for all current udev events to finish. It also watches the current kernel netlink queue by comparing the even sequence number to make sure that there are no current pending events that have not already arrived in the daemon. udev 089 ======== Fix rule to skip persistent rules for removable IDE devices, which also skipped optical IDE drives. All *_id program are installed in /lib/udev/ by default now. No binary is stripped anymore as this should be done in the packaging process and not at build time. libvolume_id is provided as a shared library now and vol_id is linked against it. Also one of the next HAL versions will require this library, and the HAL build process will also require the header file to be installed. The copy of the same code in HAL will be removed to have only a single copy left on the system. udev 088 ======== Add persistent links for SCSI tapes. The rules file is renamed to 60-persistent-storage.rules. Create persistent path for usb devices. Can be used for all sorts of devices that can't be distinguished by other properties like multiple identical keyboards and mice connected to the same box. Provide "udevtrigger" program to request events on coldplug. The shell script is much too slow with thousends of devices. udev 087 ======== Fix persistent disk rules to exclude removable IDE drives. Warn if %e, $modalias or MODALIAS is used. udev 086 ======== Fix queue export, which wasn't correct for subsequent add/remove events for the same device. udev 085 ======== Fix cramfs detection on big endian. Make WAIT_FOR_SYSFS usable in "normal" rules and silent if the whole device goes away. udev 084 ======== If BUS== and SYSFS{}== have been used in the same rule, the sysfs attributes were only checked at the parent device that matched the by BUS requested subsystem. Fix it to also look at the device we received the event for. Build variable CROSS has changed to CROSS_COMPILE to match the kernel build name. udev 083 ======== Fix a bug where NAME="" would prevent RUN from beeing executed. RUN="/bin/program" does not longer automatically add the subsystem as the first parameter. This is from the days of /sbin/hotplug which is dead now and it's just confusing to need to add a space at the end of the program name to prevent this. If you use rules that need the subsystem as the first parameter, like the old "udev_run_hotlugd" and "udev_run_devd", add the subsystem to the key like RUN+="/bin/program $env{SUBSYSTEM}". udev 082 ======== The udev man page has moved to udev(7) as it does not describe a command anymore. The programs udev, udevstart and udevsend are no longer installed by default and must be copied manually, if they should be installed or included in a package. Fix a bug where "ignore_device" could run earlier collected RUN keys before the ignore rule was applied. More preparation for future sysfs changes. usb_id and scsi_id no longer depend on a magic order of devices in the /devices chain. Specific devices should be requested by their subsytem. This will always find the scsi parent device without depending on a specific path position: dev = sysfs_device_get(devpath); dev_usb = sysfs_device_get_parent_with_subsystem(dev, "scsi"); The "device" link in the current sysfs layout will be automatically _resolved_ as a parent and in the new sysfs layout it will just _be_ the parent in the devpath. If a device is requested by it's symlink, like all class devices in the new sysfs layout will look like, it gets automatically resolved and substituted with the real devpath and not the symlink path. Note: A similar logic must be applied to _all_ sysfs users, including scripts, that search along parent devices in sysfs. The explicit use of the "device" link must be avoided. With the future sysfs layout all DEVPATH's will start with /devices/ and have a "subsystem" symlink poiting back to the "class" or the "bus". The layout of the parent devices in /devices is not necessarily expected to be stable across kernel releases and searching for parents by their subsystem should make sysfs users tolerant for changed parent chains. udev 081 ======== Prepare udev to work with the experimental kernel patch, that moves /sys/class devices to /sys/devices and /sys/block to /sys/class/block. Clarify BUS, ID, $id usage and fix $id behavior. This prepares for moving the class devices to /sys/devices. Thanks again to Marco for help finding a hopefully nice compromise to make %b simpler and working again. udev 080 ======== Complete removal of libsysfs, replaced by simple helper functions which are much simpler and a bit faster. The udev daemon operatesentirely on event parameters and does not use sysfs for simple rules anymore. Please report any new bugs/problems, that may be caused by this big change. They will be fixed immediately. The enumeration format character '%e' is deprecated and will be removed sometimes from a future udev version. It never worked correctly outside of udevstart, so we can't use it with the new parallel coldplug. A simple enumeration is as useless as the devfs naming scheme, just get rid of both if you still use it. MODALIAS and $modalias is not needed and will be removed from one of the next udev versions, replace it in all rules with ENV{MODALIAS} or the sysfs "modalias" value. Thanks a lot to Marco for all his help on finding and fixing bugs. udev 079 ======== Let scsi_id request libata drive serial numbers from page 0x80. Renamed etc/udev/persistent.rules to persistent-disk.rules and added /dev/disk/by-name/* for device mapper device names. Removed %e from the man page. It never worked reliably outside of udevstart and udevstart is no longer recommended to use. udev 078 ======== Symlinks are now exported to the event environment. Hopefully it's no longer needed to run udevinfo from an event process, like it was mentioned on the hotplug list: UDEV [1134776873.702967] add@/block/sdb ... DEVNAME=/dev/sdb DEVLINKS=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-IBM_Memory_Key_0218B301030027E8 /dev/disk/by-path/usb-0218B301030027E8:0:0:0 udev 077 ======== Fix a problem if udevsend is used as the hotplug handler and tries to use syslog, which causes a "vc" event loop. 2.6.15 will make udevsend obsolete and this kind of problems will hopefully go away soon. udev 076 ======== All built-in logic to work around bad sysfs timing is removed with this version. The need to wait for sysfs files is almost fixed with a kernel version that doesn't work with this udev version anyway. Until we fix the timing of the "bus" link creation, the former integrated logic should be emulated by a rule placed before all other rules: ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/devices/*", ENV{PHYSDEVBUS}=="?*", WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="bus" The option "udev_db" does no longer exist. All udev state will be in /$udev_root/.udev/ now, there is no longer an option to set this to anything else. If the init script or something else used this value, just depend on this hardcoded path. But remember _all_content_ of this directory is still private to udev and can change at any time. Default location for rule sripts and helper programs is now: /lib/udev/. Everything that is not useful on the commandline should go into this directory. Some of the helpers in the extras folder are installed there now. The rules need to be changed, to find the helpers there. Also /lib/udev/devices is recommended as a directory where packages or the user can place real device nodes, which get copied over to /dev at every boot. This should replace the various solutions with custom config files. Udevsend does no longer start the udev daemon. This must be done with the init script that prepares /dev on tmpfs and creates the initial nodes, before starting the daemon. udev 075 ======== Silent a too verbose error logging for the old hotplug.d/ dev.d/ emulation. The copy of klibc is removed. A systemwide installed version of klibc should be used to build a klibc udev now. udev 074 ======== NAME="" will not create any nodes, but execute RUN keys. To completely ignore an event the OPTION "ignore_device" should be used. After removal of the reorder queue, events with a TIMEOUT can be executed without any queuing now. udev 073 ======== Fixed bug in udevd, if inotify is not available. We depend on netlink uevents now, kernels without that event source will not work with that version of udev anymore. udev 072 ======== The rule parsing happens now in the daemon once at startup, all udev event processes inherit the already parsed rules from the daemon. It is shipped with SUSE10.0 and reduces heavily the system load at startup. The option to save precompiled rules and let the udev process pick the them up is removed, as it's no longer needed. Kernel 2.6.15 will have symlinks at /class/input pointing to the real device. Libsysfs is changed to "translate" the requested link into the real device path, as it would happen with the hotplug event. Otherwise device removal and the udev database will not work. Using 'make STRIPCMD=' will leave the binaries unstripped for debugging and packaging. A few improvements for vol_id, the filesytem probing code. udev 071 ======== Fix a stupid typo in extras/run_directory for "make install". scsi_id creates the temporary devnode now in /dev for usage with a non-writable /tmp directory. The uevent kernel socket buffer can carry app. 50.000 events now, let's see who can break this again. :) The upcoming kernel will have a new input driver core integration. Some class devices are now symlinks to the real device. libsysfs needs a fix for this to work correctly. Udevstart of older udev versions will _not_ create these devices! udev 070 ======== Fix a 'install' target in the Makefile, that prevents EXTRAS from beeing installed. udev 069 ======== A bunch of mostly trivial bugfixes. From now on no node name or symlink name can contain any character than plain whitelisted ascii characters or validated utf8 byte-streams. This is needed for the /dev/disk/by-label/* links, because we import untrusted data and export it to the filesystem. udev 068 ======== More bugfixes. If udevd was started from the kernel, we don't have stdin/stdout/stderr, which broke the forked tools in some situations. udev 067 ======== Bugfix. udevstart event ordering was broken for a long time. The new run_program() uncovered it, because /dev/null was not available while we try to run external programs. Now udevstart should create it before we run anything. udev 066 ======== Minor bugfixes and some distro rules updates. If you don't have the persistent disk rules in /dev/disk/by-*/* on your distro, just grab it from here. :) udev 065 ======== We can use socket communication now to pass events from udev to other programs: RUN+="socket:/org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event" will pass the whole udev event to the HAL daemon without the need for a forked helper. (See ChangeLog for udevmonitor, as an example) udev 064 ======== Mostly bugfixes and see ChangeLog. The test for the existence of an environment value should be switched from: ENV{KEY}=="*" to ENV{KEY}=="?*" because "*" will not fail anymore, if the key does not exist or is empty. udev 063 ======== Bugfixes and a few tweaks described in the ChangeLog. udev 062 ======== Mostly a Bugfix release. Added WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="<attribute>" to be able to fight against the sysfs timing with custom rules. udev 061 ======== We changed the internal rule storage format. Our large rule files took 2 MB of RAM, with the change we are down to 99kB. If the device-node has been created with default name and no symlink or options are to remenber, it is not longer stored in the udevdb. HAL will need to be updated to work correctly with that change. To overrride optimization flags, OPTFLAGS may be used now. udev 060 ======== Bugfix release. udev 059 ======== Major changes happened with this release. The goal is to take over the complete kernel-event handling and provide a more efficient way to dispatch kernel events. Replacing most of the current shell script logic and the kernel forked helper with a netlink-daemon and a rule-based event handling. o udevd listens to netlink events now. The first valid netlink event will make udevd ignore any message from udevsend that contains a SEQNUM, to avoid duplicate events. The forked events can be disabled with: echo "" > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug For full support, the broken input-subsytem needs to be fixed, not to bypass the driver core. o /etc/dev.d/ + /etc/hotplug.d/ directory multiplexing is completely removed from udev itself and must be emulated by calling small helper binaries provided in the extras folder: make EXTRAS=extras/run_directory/ will build udev_run_devd and udev_run_hotplugd, which can be called from a rule if needed: RUN+="/sbin/udev_run_hotplugd" The recommended way to handle this is to convert all the calls from the directories to explicit udev rules and get completely rid of the multiplexing. (To catch a ttyUSB event, you now no longer need to fork and exit 300 tty script instances you are not interested in, it is just one rule that matches exactly the device.) o udev handles now _all_ events not just events for class and block devices, this way it is possible to control the complete event behavior with udev rules. Especially useful for rules like: ACTION="add", DEVPATH="/devices/*", MODALIAS=="?*", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe $modalias" o As used in the modalias rule, udev supports now textual substitution placeholder along with the usual format chars. This needs to be documented, for now it's only visible in udev_rules_parse.c. o The rule keys support now more operations. This is documented in the man page. It is possible to add values to list-keys like the SYMLINK and RUN list with KEY+="value" and to clear the list by assigning KEY="". Also "final"-assignments are supported by using KEY:="value", which will prevent changing the key by any later rule. o kernel 2.6.12 has the "detached_state" attribute removed from sysfs, which was used to recognize sysfs population. We switched that to wait for the "bus" link, which is only available in kernels after 2.6.11. Running this udev version on older kernels may cause a short delay for some events. o To provide infrastructure for persistent device naming, the id programs: scsi_id, vol_id (former udev_volume_id), and ata_id (new) are able now to export the probed data in environment key format: pim:~ # /sbin/ata_id --export /dev/hda ID_MODEL=HTS726060M9AT00 ID_SERIAL=MRH401M4G6UM9B ID_REVISION=MH4OA6BA The following rules: KERNEL="hd*[!0-9]", IMPORT="/sbin/ata_id --export $tempnode" KERNEL="hd*[!0-9]", ENV{ID_SERIAL}=="?*", SYMLINK+="disk/by-id/$env{ID_MODEL}_$env{ID_SERIAL}" Will create: kay@pim:~> tree /dev/disk /dev/disk |-- by-id | |-- HTS726060M9AT00_MRH401M4G6UM9B -> ../../hda | `-- IBM-Memory_Key -> ../../sda |-- by-label | |-- swap -> ../../hda1 | |-- date -> ../../sda1 | `-- home -> ../../hda3 `-- by-uuid |-- 2E08712B0870F2E7 -> ../../hda3 |-- 9352cfef-7687-47bc-a2a3-34cf136f72e1 -> ../../hda1 |-- E845-7A89 -> ../../sda1 `-- b2a61681-3812-4f13-a4ff-920d70604299 -> ../../hda2 The IMPORT= operation will import these keys in the environment and make it available for later PROGRAM= and RUN= executed programs. The keys are also stored in the udevdb and can be queried from there with one of the next udev versions. o A few binaries are silently added to the repository, which can be used to replay kernel events from initramfs instead of using coldplug. udevd can be instructed now to queue-up events while the stored events from initramfs are filled into the udevd-queue. This code is still under development and there is no documentation now besides the code itself. The additional binaries get compiled, but are not installed by default. o There is also a temporary fix for a performance problem where too many events happen in parallel and every event needs to parse the rules. udev can now read precompiled rules stored on disk. This is likely to be replaced by a more elegant solution in a future udev version. udev 058 ======== With kernel version 2.6.12, the sysfs file "detached_state" was removed. Fix for libsysfs not to expect this file was added. udev 057 ======== All rules are applied now, but only the first matching rule with a NAME-key will be applied. All later rules with NAME-key are completely ignored. This way system supplied symlinks or permissions gets applied to user-defined naming rules. Note: Please check your rules setup, if you may need to add OPTIONS="last_rule" to some rules, to keep the old behavior. The rules are read on "remove"-events too. That makes is possible to match with keys that are available on remove (KERNEL, SUBSYSTEM, ID, ENV, ...) to instruct udev to ignore an event (OPTIONS="ignore_device"). The new ACTION-key may be used to let a rule act only at a "remove"-event. The new RUN-key supports rule-based execution of programs after device-node handling. This is meant as a general replacement for the dev.d/-directories to give fine grained control over the execution of programs. The %s{}-sysfs format char replacement values are searched at any of the devices in the device chain now, not only at the class-device. We support log priority levels now. The value udev_log in udev.conf is used to determine what is printed to syslog. This makes it possible to run a version with compiled-in debug messages in a production environment which is sometimes needed to find a bug. It is still possible to supress the inclusion of _any_ syslog usage with USE_LOG=false to create the smallest possible binaries if needed. The configured udev_log value can be overridden with the environment variable UDEV_LOG. udev 056 ======== Possible use of a system-wide klibc: make USE_KLIBC=true KLCC=/usr/bin/klcc all will link against an external klibc and our own version will be ignored. udev 055 ======== We support an unlimited count of symlinks now. If USE_STATIC=true is passed to a glibc build, we link statically and use a built-in userdb parser to resolve user and group names. The PLACE= key is gone. It can be replaced by an ID= for a long time, because we walk up the chain of physical devices to find a match. The KEY="<value>" format supports '=', '==', '!=,' , '+=' now. This makes it easy to skip certain attribute matches without composing rules with weird character class negations like: KERNEL="[!s][!c][!d]*" this can now be replaced with: KERNEL!="scd*" The current simple '=' is still supported, and should work as it does today, but existing rules should be converted if possible, to be better readable. We have new ENV{}== key now, to match against a maximum of 5 environment variables. udevstart is its own binary again, because we don't need co carry this araound with every forked event.