= (systemd) Automake-to-Autothing magic += gnuconf define # Because many of the inputs/outpus are repetative, they are defined # here in terms of $$(primary), which may be any of the supported # Automake primaries (see below for a table). # # | Automake 1.15 primaries | # +-------------------------+ # | name | supported | # +-------------+-----------+ # | PROGRAMS | yes | # | LIBRARIES | no | # | LTLIBRARIES | yes | # | LISP | no | # | PYTHON | no | # | JAVA | no | # | SCRIPTS | yes | # | DATA | yes | # | HEADERS | yes | # | MANS | yes | # | TEXINFOS | no | # # Further, there is also $$(dirname), which could be anything; and is # detected at runtime by inspecting $$(.VARIABLES) to find every possible # matching value. See `_am.primary2dirs` for how this is done. # # Some inputs are "erased" after the pass they are used in. This means # that they are `undefine`ed. # $(value _am.pass0.doc) # $(value _am.pass1.doc) # $(value _am.pass2.doc) # $(value _am.pass3.doc) # $(value _am.pass4.doc) # $(value _am.pass5.doc) endef _am.primaries = _am.primaries += PROGRAMS #_am.primaries += LIBRARIES _am.primaries += LTLIBRARIES #_am.primaries += LISP #_am.primaries += PYTHON #_am.primaries += JAVA _am.primaries += SCRIPTS _am.primaries += DATA _am.primaries += HEADERS _am.primaries += MANS #_am.primaries += TEXINFOS # Used by the per_PROGRAM and per_LTLIBRARY passes _am.file2var = $(subst -,_,$(subst .,_,$1)) _am.file2sources = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(notdir $($(_am.file2var)_SOURCES))) _am.file2sources += $(addprefix $(outdir)/,$(notdir $(nodist_$(_am.file2var)_SOURCES))) _am.file2.o = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,$(outdir)/%,$(patsubst %.c,%.o ,$(filter %.c,$(_am.file2sources)))) _am.file2.lo = $(patsubst %.o,%.lo,$(_am.file2.o)) _am.file2lib = $(foreach l, $($(_am.file2var)_$2),$(if $(filter,$l), $($( , $l )) _am.file2cpp = $(foreach l,$1 $($(_am.file2var)_$2),$(if $(filter,$l), $($( , )) define _am.pass0.doc # == Pass 0: man_MANS == # Erased inputs: # - Directory variable: `man_MANS` # Outputs: # - Directory variable: `man$n_MANS` for $n in `{0..9} n l` # # Split man_MANS into man$n_MANS endef define _am.pass0 man_MANS ?= _am.man_MANS := $(man_MANS) undefine man_MANS man0_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .0,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man1_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .1,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man2_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .2,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man3_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .3,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man4_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .4,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man5_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .5,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man6_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .6,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man7_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .7,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man8_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .8,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) man9_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .9,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) manl_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .l,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) mann_MANS += $(foreach _am.tmp,$(_am.man_MANS),$(if $(findstring .n,$(suffix $(_am.tmp))),$(_am.tmp))) endef define _am.pass1.doc # == Pass 1: _am.per_primary == # Inputs: # - Global variable : `am.INSTALL_$(primary)` # - Global variable : `am.sys2out_$(primary)` # - Global variable : `$(dirname)dir` # Erased inputs: # - Directory variable : `$(dirname)_$(primary)` [1] [2] # - Directory variable : `dist_$(dirname)_$(primary)` [1] [2] # - Directory variable : `nodist_$(dirname)_$(primary)` [1] [2] # - Directory variable : `noinst_$(primary)` [2] # - Directory variable : `check_$(primary)` [2] # Outputs: # - Directory variable : `am.sys_$(primary)` # - Directory variable : `am.out_$(primary)` # - Directory variable : `am.check_$(primary)` # - Target variable : `am.INSTALL` # # [1]: HACK: Each of these is first passed through `$(dir ...)`. # # [2]: HACK: For `am.out_*` each of these are turned into # $(DESTDIR)-relative paths (ie, as if for `am.sys_*`), then turned # back into $(outdir)-relative paths with `$(call # am.sys2out_$(primary),...)`. endef # Default values am.INSTALL_PROGRAMS ?= $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $< $@ am.INSTALL_SCRIPTS ?= $(INSTALL) $< $@ am.INSTALL_LTLIBRARIES ?= $(INSTALL) $< $@ am.INSTALL_DATA ?= $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@ am.INSTALL_HEADERS ?= $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@ am.INSTALL_MANS ?= $(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@ $(eval $(foreach p,$(_am.primaries),am.sys2out_$p ?= $$(notdir $$1)$( # Utility functions _am.primary2dirs = $(filter $(patsubst %dir,%,$(filter %dir,$(.VARIABLES))),\ $(patsubst nodist_%,%,$(patsubst dist_%,%,$(patsubst %_$1,%,$(filter %_$1,$(.VARIABLES)))))) _am.pass1 = $(eval $(foreach p,$(_am.primaries) ,$(call _am.per_primary,$p)$( define _am.per_primary # Initialize input variables $(foreach d,$(call _am.primary2dirs,$1),\ $d_$1 ?=$(\ dist_$d_$1 ?=$(\ nodist_$d_$1 ?=$( noinst_$1 ?= check_$1 ?= # Directory variable outputs am.check_$1 := $$(check_$1) am.sys_$1 := $(foreach d,$(call _am.primary2dirs,$1),$$(addprefix $$($ddir)/,$$(notdir $$($d_$1) $$(dist_$d_$1) $$(nodist_$d_$1)))) am.out_$1 := $$(call am.sys2out_$1,$(foreach d,$(call _am.primary2dirs,$1),$$(addprefix $$($ddir)/,$$(notdir $$($d_$1) $$(nodist_$d_$1)))) $$(noinst_$1)) # ^^^ ^ # notdir-'|| | # addprefix--'| | # foreach d---' | # am.sys2out------------------' # Erase appropriate inputs $(foreach d,$(call _am.primary2dirs,$1),undefine $d_$1$( dist_$d_$1$( nodist_$d_$1$( undefine noinst_$1 undefine check_$1 # Target variable outputs $$(addprefix $$(DESTDIR),$$(am.sys_$1)): private am.INSTALL = $$(am.INSTALL_$1) endef define _am.pass2.doc # == Pass 2: _am.per_PROGRAM == # Inputs: # - Directory variable : `am.out_PROGRAMS` # Erased inputs: # - Directory variable : `$(program)_SOURCES` # - Directory variable : `nodist_$(program)_SOURCES` # - Directory variable : `$(program)_CFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `$(program)_CPPFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `$(program)_LDFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `$(program)_LDADD` # Outputs: # - Directory variable : `am.CPPFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `am.CFLAGS` # - Target dependencies: `$(outdir)/$(program)` # - Target variable : `$(outdir)/$(program): am.LDFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `am.subdirs` # # TODO: I'm not in love with how it figures out `am.subdirs`. # TODO: I'm not in love with how it does the `install` dependencies. endef _am.pass2 = $(eval $(foreach f,$(am.out_PROGRAMS) ,$(call _am.per_PROGRAM,$f,$(call _am.file2var,$f))$( _am.var_PROGRAMS = $1_SOURCES nodist_$1_SOURCES $1_CFLAGS $1_CPPFLAGS $1_LDFLAGS $1_LDADD # $1 = filename # $2 = varname define _am.per_PROGRAM $(foreach var,_am.depends $(call _am.var_PROGRAMS,$2),$(var) ?=$( _am.depends += $$(call at.path,$$(call _am.file2.o,$1) $$(call _am.file2lib,$1,LDADD)) am.CPPFLAGS += $$($2_CPPFLAGS) $$(call _am.file2cpp,$1,LDADD) am.CFLAGS += $$($2_CFLAGS) $$(outdir)/$1: private am.LDFLAGS := $$($2_LDFLAGS) $$(outdir)/$1: $$(_am.depends) $$(outdir)/install: $$(addsuffix install,$$(dir $$(filter,$$(_am.depends)))) am.subdirs := $$(sort $$(am.subdirs)\ $$(filter-out $$(abspath $$(srcdir)),\ $$(abspath $$(dir $$(filter-out -l% /%,$$(_am.depends)))))) am.CPPFLAGS := $$(am.CPPFLAGS) am.CFLAGS := $$(am.CFLAGS) $(foreach var,_am.depends $(call _am.var_PROGRAMS,$2),undefine $(var)$( endef define _am.pass3.doc # == Pass 3: _am.per_LTLIBRARY == # Inputs: # - Directory variable : `am.out_LTLIBRARIES` # Erased inputs: # - Directory variable : `$(library)_SOURCES` # - Directory variable : `nodist_$(library)_SOURCES` # - Directory variable : `$(library)_CFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `$(library)_CPPFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `$(library)_LDFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `$(library)_LIBADD` # Outputs: # - Directory variable : `am.CPPFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `am.CFLAGS` # - Target dependencies: `$(outdir)/$(library)` # - Target variable : `$(outdir)/$(library): am.LDFLAGS` # - Directory variable : `am.subdirs` # # TODO: I'm not in love with how it figures out `am.subdirs`. # TODO: I'm not in love with how it does the `install` dependencies. endef _am.pass3 = $(eval $(foreach f,$(am.out_LTLIBRARIES),$(call _am.per_LTLIBRARY,$f,$(call _am.file2var,$f))$( _am.var_LTLIBRARIES = $1_SOURCES nodist_$1_SOURCES $1_CFLAGS $1_CPPFLAGS $1_LDFLAGS $1_LIBADD # $1 = filename # $2 = varname define _am.per_LTLIBRARY $(foreach var,_am.depends $(call _am.var_LTLIBRARIES,$2),$(var) ?=$( _am.depends += $$(call at.path,$$(call _am.file2.lo,$1) $$(call _am.file2lib,$1,LIBADD)) am.CPPFLAGS += $$($2_CPPFLAGS) $$(call _am.file2cpp,$1,LIBADD) am.CFLAGS += $$($2_CFLAGS) $$(outdir)/$1: private am.LDFLAGS := $$($2_LDFLAGS) $$(outdir)/$1: $$(_am.depends) $$(outdir)/install: $$(addsuffix install,$$(dir $$(filter,$$(_am.depends)))) am.subdirs := $$(sort $$(am.subdirs)\ $$(filter-out $$(abspath $$(srcdir)),\ $$(abspath $$(dir $$(filter-out -l% /%,$$(_am.depends)))))) am.CPPFLAGS := $$(am.CPPFLAGS) am.CFLAGS := $$(am.CFLAGS) $(foreach var,_am.depends $(call _am.var_LTLIBRARIES,$2),undefine $(var)$( endef define _am.pass4.doc # == Pass 4: Install rules / _am.per_directory == # Inputs: # - Directory variable : `am.sys_$(primary)` # Outputs: # - Target : `$(DESTDIR)/$($(dirname)dir)/%` # # Creates simple `install` rules. You will need to define your own rules if # `am.sys2out_$(primary)` changed the notdir part of the filename. endef # Utility functions _am.sys2dirs = $(sort $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(foreach p,$(_am.primaries),$(am.sys_$p))))) _am.pass4 = $(eval $(foreach d,$(_am.sys2dirs) ,$(call _am.per_directory,$d)$( define _am.per_directory $$(DESTDIR)$1/%: $$(outdir)/% @$$(NORMAL_INSTALL) $$(am.INSTALL) $$(DESTDIR)$1/%: $$(srcdir)/% @$$(NORMAL_INSTALL) $$(am.INSTALL) endef += files define _am.pass5.doc # == Pass 5: export == # Inputs: # - Directory variable : `am.subdirs` # - Directory variable : `am.sys_$(primary)` # - Directory variable : `am.out_$(primary)` # - Directory variable : `am.check_$(primary)` # Outputs: # - Directory variable : `at.subdirs` # - Directory variable : `files.sys.all` # - Directory variable : `files.out.all` # - Directory variable : `files.out.check` endef define _am.pass5 at.subdirs += $(am.subdirs) files.sys.all += $(foreach p,$(_am.primaries),$(am.sys_$p)) files.out.all += $(foreach p,$(_am.primaries),$(am.out_$p)) files.out.check += $(foreach p,$(_am.primaries),$(am.check_$p)) endef