# This file is part of systemd.
# Database for the DPI setting of mice, trackballs, other pointer devices that
# cannot be queried directly.
# The lookup keys are composed in:
#   70-mouse.rules
# Note: The format of the "mouse:" prefix match key is a
# contract between the rules file and the hardware data, it might
# change in later revisions to support more or better matches, it
# is not necessarily expected to be a stable ABI.
# Match string format:
# mouse:<subsystem>:v<vid>p<pid>:name:<name>:
# Supported subsystems: usb, bluetooth
# vid/pid as 4-digit hex lowercase vendor/product
# if vid/pid is unavailable, use
# mouse:*:name:<name>:
# if name is unavailable, use
# mouse:<subsystem>:v<vid>p<pid>:*
# For example, the following 5 matches all match the same mouse:
# mouse:usb:v17efp6019:name:Lenovo Optical USB Mouse:
# mouse:usb:*:name:Lenovo Optical USB Mouse:
# mouse:usb:v17efp6019:*
# mouse:*:name:Lenovo Optical USB Mouse:
# To add local entries, create a new file
#   /etc/udev/hwdb.d/71-mouse-local.hwdb
# and add your rules there. To load the new rules execute (as root):
#   udevadm hwdb --update
#   udevadm trigger /dev/input/eventXX
# where /dev/input/eventXX is the mouse in question. If in
# doubt, simply use /dev/input/event* to reload all input rules.
# If your changes are generally applicable, preferably send them as a pull
# request to
#   https://github.com/systemd/systemd
# or create a bug report on https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues and
# include your new rules, a description of the device, and the output of
#   udevadm info /dev/input/eventXX.
# Allowed properties are:
#               MOUSE_DPI               #
# DPI settings are specified as
#    MOUSE_DPI=<dpi>[@<frequency>]
# Where <dpi> is the resolution in dots per inch, and <frequency> the
# sampling frequency in Hz (optional). If a device supports dynamic
# frequency scaling, the maximum frequency should be used. For devices
# supporting multiple fixed frequencies, see below.
# The value of MOUSE_DPI is:
# - a single integer for single-resolution mice, e.g.
#   MOUSE_DPI=800
#   or, if the frequency is known:
#   MOUSE_DPI=800@120
# - a space-separated list of resolutions for multi-resolution mice.
#   The default resolution must be prefixed by an asterisk, the resolutions
#   in the database must be as shipped by the manufacturer. e.g.
#   MOUSE_DPI=400 *800 2000
#   The order of resolutions is as configured by the HW manufacturer or in
#   ascending order, whichever appropriate.
#   The frequency must be given to either none or all resolutions. If the
#   device supports multiple fixed frequencies, the order of items is
#   MOUSE_DPI=r1@f1 r2@f1 r3@f1 r1@f2 r2@f2 r3@f2
#   If the default manufacturer-set resolution is unclear, a resolution of
#   800 or 1000 should be set as default, if available. If neither is
#   available, choose the "middle" resolution value of those available.
#   The list may contain a single item which must be marked with an
#   asterisk.
# Local changes to the a non-default resolution of the mouse (e.g. through
# third-party software) must not be entered into this file, use a local
# hwdb instead.
#       MOUSE_WHEEL_CLICK_ANGLE         #
# The angle in degrees per mouse wheel 'click', specified as
# Most mice have a 15 degree click stop (24 clicks per full rotation).

# Sort by brand, type (usb, bluetooth), DPI, frequency.
# For mice with switchable resolution, sort by the starred entry.

# Apple

# Apple MagicMouse
# Note: this device changes name once connected to a mac, the name ends up
# as $username`s mouse

# Chicony

# Chicony 2.4G Multimedia Wireless Kit MG-0919
mouse:usb:v04f2p0963:name:Chicony 2.4G Multimedia Wireless Kit:

# Dell

# Dell MUAR DEL7
mouse:usb:v413cp3012:name:Dell Dell USB Optical Mouse:

# Dell USB Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc063:name:DELL DELL USB Laser Mouse:

# Dynex

# Dynex Wired Optical Mouse (DX-WMSE2)
mouse:usb:v0461p4d46:name:USB Optical Mouse:

# Fujitsu Siemens

mouse:usb:v0461p4d16:name:USB Optical Mouse:

# HandShoe Mouse

# HandShoe Mouse
mouse:usb:v192fp0916:name:USB Optical Mouse:

# HoverStop

# Hoverstop active ergonomic mouse
mouse:usb:v088dp1234:name:HoverStop NL Hoverstop active ergonomic mouse:

# HP

# HP USB 1000dpi Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v0458p0133:name:Mouse Laser Mouse:

# HP X1000
mouse:usb:v093ap2510:name:PixArt USB Optical Mouse:
mouse:usb:v093ap2510:name:PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE:

# Lenovo

# Lenovo Optical USB Mouse
mouse:usb:v17efp6019:name:Lenovo Optical USB Mouse:

# Lenovo M-U0025-O
mouse:usb:v17efp6019:name:Logitech Lenovo USB Optical Mouse:

# ThinkPad USB Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v17efp6044:name:ThinkPad USB Laser Mouse:

# Lenovo Precision USB Mouse
mouse:usb:v17efp6050:name:Lenovo Precision USB Mouse:

# Lenovo MOBGUL
mouse:usb:v17efp601d:name:Primax Lenovo Laser Mouse:
# Lenovo MOBGULA
mouse:usb:v17efp6045:name:Lenovo USB Laser Mouse:

# Logitech

# Note: devices using the Logitech Unifying receiver will need two entries,
# one for pre 3.19 with the wireless PID in the name, one for 3.19 with the
# model name. The usb vid/pid is the same for all those devices.
# Until 3.19 is available, this list just has the Wireless PID entry.

# Logitech M-BJ58 Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc00e:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:
# Logitech Mini Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc016:name:Logitech Optical USB Mouse:
# Logitech MX310 Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc01b:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:
# Logitech USB-PS/2 M-BT58
mouse:usb:v046dpc03e:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:
# Logitech TrackMan Marble Wheel USB
mouse:usb:v046dpc401:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Trackball:

# Lenovo USB mouse model MO28UOL
mouse:usb:v04b3p310c:name:USB Optical Mouse:

# Logitech M570 trackball
mouse:usb:v046dp1028:name:Logitech M570:

# Logitech USB-PS/2 M-BZ96C
mouse:usb:v046dpc045:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:

# Logitech Wireless Mouse M325
mouse:usb:v046dp400a:name:Logitech M325:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:400a:

# Logitech MX400 Performance Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc043:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:
# Logitech MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc50e:name:Logitech USB RECEIVER:
# Logitech Cordless Click! Plus
mouse:usb:v046dpc50e:name:Logitech USB Receiver:
# Logitech, Inc. RX 300 Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc040:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:

# Logitech MX 518
mouse:usb:v046dpc01e:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@125 *800@125 1600@125

# Logitech, Inc. RX 250 Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc050:name:Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse:

# Logitech Wireless Mouse M185
mouse:usb:v046dp4008:name:Logitech M185:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:4008:
# Logitech Wireless Mouse M510
mouse:usb:v046dp1025:name:Logitech M510:
# Logitech M705 (marathon mouse)
mouse:usb:v046dp101b:name:Logitech M705:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:101b:

# Logitech MX Revolution
mouse:usb:v046dpc51a:name:Logitech USB Receiver:

# Logitech G5 Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc049:name:Logitech USB Gaming Mouse:
# Logitech G500s Laser Gaming Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc24e:name:Logitech G500s Laser Gaming Mouse:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@500 *800@500 2000@500

 # Logitech G9
mouse:usb:v046dpc048:name:Logitech G9 Laser Mouse:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@1000 800@1000 *1600@1000

# Logitech G9x [Call of Duty MW3 Edition]
mouse:usb:v046dpc249:name:Logitech G9x Laser Mouse:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@1000 800@1000 *1600@1000 3200@1000

# Logitech G400 (Wired)
mouse:usb:v046dpc245:name:Logitech Gaming Mouse G400:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@1000 *800@1000 1800@1000 3600@1000

# Logitech G400s (Wired)
mouse:usb:v046dpc24c:name:Logitech G400s Optical Gaming Mouse:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@1000 *800@1000 2000@1000 4000@1000

# Logitech G402 Hyperion Fury
mouse:usb:v046dpc07e:name:Logitech Gaming Mouse G402:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@1000 *800@1000 1600@1000 3200@1000

# Logitech B605 Wireless Mouse (also M505)
mouse:usb:v046dp101d:name:Logitech B605:
mouse:usb:v046dp101d:name:Logitech M505:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:101d:

# Logitech Cordless Desktop Wave Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc517:name:Logitech USB Receiver:

# Logitech RX1000 Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc046:name:Logitech USB Optical Mouse:
# Logitech M100 Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc05a:name:Logitech USB Optical Mouse:
# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-U0011-O rebranded as "terra Laser"
mouse:usb:v046dpc065:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:
# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-U0007 [M500]
mouse:usb:v046dpc069:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:
# Logitech V500 Cordless Notebook Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc510:name:Logitech USB Receiver:
# Logitech M560 Wireless Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dp402d:name:Logitech M560:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:402d:

# Logitech V220 Cordless Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc51b:name:Logitech USB Receiver:
# Logitech Performance MX
mouse:usb:v046dp101a:name:Logitech Performance MX:
# Logitech MX Master
mouse:usb:v046dp4041:name:Logitech MX Master:

# Logitech MK260 Wireless Combo Receiver aka M-R0011
mouse:usb:v046dpc52e:name:Logitech USB Receiver:

# Logitech G700 Laser Mouse (Wired)
mouse:usb:v046dpc06b:name:Logitech G700 Laser Mouse:
# Logitech G700 Laser Mouse (Wireless)
mouse:usb:v046dpc531:name:Logitech USB Receiver:
 MOUSE_DPI=*1000@500 3800@500 500@1000 1500@1000 2000@1000

# Logitech Wireless Mouse M310
mouse:usb:v046dp1024:name:Logitech M310:

# Logitech USB Laser Mouse M-UAS144 [LS1 Laser Mouse]
mouse:usb:v046dpc062:name:Logitech USB Laser Mouse:

# Logitech T620 (or, the soap)
mouse:usb:v046dp4027:name:Logitech T620:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:4027:

# Logitech LX8 Cordless Laser Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc51b:name:Logitech USB Receiver:

# Logitech ZoneTouch Mouse T400
mouse:usb:v046dp4026:name:Logitech T400:
mouse:usb:v046dpc52b:name:Logitech Unifying Device. Wireless PID:4026:

# Logitech G500 Mouse
mouse:usb:v046dpc068:name:Logitech G500:
 MOUSE_DPI=*1600@500 2600@500 3600@500

# Logitech MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse
mouse:bluetooth:v046dpb003:name:Logitech MX1000 mouse:

# Logitech Ultrathin Touch Mouse
mouse:bluetooth:v046dpb00d:name:Ultrathin Touch Mouse:

# ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse
mouse:ps2:*:name:ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse:

# ImExPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse
mouse:ps2:*:name:ImExPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse:

# Microsoft

mouse:usb:v045ep0040:name:Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM):

# Note: unsure that these work, it's likely that all devices on these
# receivers show up with the same vid/pid/name

# Microsoft Wireless Mouse 5000
mouse:usb:v045ep0745:name:Microsoft Microsoft® 2.4GHz Transceiver v6.0:

# Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000
mouse:usb:v045ep0745:name:Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0:
# Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse
mouse:usb:v045ep07a5:name:Microsoft Microsoft® 2.4GHz Transceiver v9.0:

# Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse USB
mouse:usb:v045ep07b1:name:Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v1.0:

# Microsoft  Wireless Laser Mouse 8000
mouse:bluetooth:v045ep0702:name:Microsoft  Wireless Laser Mouse 8000:

# Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse SE:
mouse:bluetooth:v045ep07f3:name:Arc Touch Mouse SE:

# Mionix

#Mionix Avior 7000
mouse:usb:v22d4p1308:name:Laview Technology Mionix Avior 7000:
 MOUSE_DPI=400@1000 *1600@1000 7000@1000


# MODECOM MC-WM4 Wireless Optical Mouse
mouse:usb:v0e8fp00a7:name:DaKai 2.4G RX:
 MOUSE_DPI=*800@126 1600@126

# Oklick

# Oklick 406S Bluetooth Laser Mouse
mouse:bluetooth:v056ep0061:name:Laser  BTmouse:
 MOUSE_DPI=*800@333 1600@333

# Razer

# Razer Abyssus
mouse:usb:v1532p0042:name:Razer Razer Abyssus:

# Roccat

# Roccat Lua (ROC-11-310)
mouse:usb:v1e7dp2c2e:name:ROCCAT ROCCAT Lua:
 MOUSE_DPI=250@125 500@125 1000@125 1250@125 1500@125 1750@125 2000@125 250@250 500@250 1000@250 1250@250 1500@250 1750@250 2000@250 250@500 500@500 1000@500 1250@500 1500@500 1750@500 2000@500 250@1000 500@1000 *1000@1000 1250@1000 1500@1000 1750@1000 2000@1000

# Sharkoon

# Sharkoon Shark Force Gaming Mouse
mouse:usb:v093ap2521:name:USB OPTICAL MOUSE:
 MOUSE_DPI=*1000@125 1600@125 600@125

# SteelSeries

# SteelSeries Sensei Raw
mouse:usb:v1038p1369:name:SteelSeries Sensei Raw Gaming Mouse: