/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-*/ #ifndef foojobhfoo #define foojobhfoo #include <stdbool.h> #include <inttypes.h> typedef struct Job Job; typedef struct JobDependency JobDependency; typedef enum JobType JobType; typedef enum JobMode JobMode; typedef enum JobState JobState; #include "manager.h" #include "name.h" #include "hashmap.h" #include "list.h" enum JobType { JOB_START, JOB_STOP, JOB_VERIFY_STARTED, JOB_RELOAD, /* reload if running */ JOB_RELOAD_OR_START, /* reload if running, start if not running */ JOB_RESTART, /* stop if running, then start unconditionally */ JOB_TRY_RESTART, /* stop and start if running */ _JOB_TYPE_MAX, _JOB_TYPE_INVALID = -1 }; enum JobState { JOB_WAITING, JOB_RUNNING, JOB_DONE, _JOB_STATE_MAX }; enum JobMode { JOB_FAIL, JOB_REPLACE, _JOB_MODE_MAX }; struct JobDependency { /* Encodes that the 'subject' job needs the 'object' job in * some way. This structure is used only while building a transaction. */ Job *subject; Job *object; bool matters; /* Linked list for the subjects, resp objects */ JobDependency *subject_prev, *subject_next; JobDependency *object_prev, *object_next; }; struct Job { Manager *manager; uint32_t id; Name *name; JobType type; JobState state; bool linked:1; bool matters_to_anchor:1; /* These fields are used only while building a transaction */ Job *transaction_next, *transaction_prev; JobDependency *subject_list; JobDependency *object_list; /* used for graph algs as a "I have been here" marker */ Job* marker; unsigned generation; }; Job* job_new(Manager *m, JobType type, Name *name); void job_free(Job *job); void job_dump(Job *j, FILE*f, const char *prefix); JobDependency* job_dependency_new(Job *subject, Job *object, bool matters); void job_dependency_free(JobDependency *l); void job_dependency_delete(Job *subject, Job *object, bool *matters); bool job_is_anchor(Job *j); int job_merge(Job *j, Job *other); #endif