/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-*/

#ifndef foojobhfoo
#define foojobhfoo

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

typedef struct Job Job;
typedef struct JobDependency JobDependency;
typedef enum JobType JobType;
typedef enum JobState JobState;
typedef enum JobMode JobMode;

#include "manager.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "list.h"

enum JobType {
        JOB_START,                  /* if a unit does not support being started, we'll just wait until it becomes active */


        JOB_RELOAD,                 /* if running reload */
        JOB_RELOAD_OR_START,        /* if running reload, if not running start */

        /* Note that restarts are first treated like JOB_STOP, but
         * then instead of finishing are patched to become
         * JOB_START. */
        JOB_RESTART,                /* if running stop, then start unconditionally */
        JOB_TRY_RESTART,            /* if running stop and then start */

        _JOB_TYPE_INVALID = -1

enum JobState {

enum JobMode {

struct JobDependency {
        /* Encodes that the 'subject' job needs the 'object' job in
         * some way. This structure is used only while building a transaction. */
        Job *subject;
        Job *object;

        bool matters;

        LIST_FIELDS(JobDependency, subject);
        LIST_FIELDS(JobDependency, object);

struct Job {
        Manager *manager;
        uint32_t id;

        Unit *unit;

        JobType type;
        JobState state;

        bool installed:1;
        bool in_run_queue:1;
        bool matters_to_anchor:1;
        bool forced:1;

        LIST_FIELDS(Job, transaction);
        LIST_FIELDS(Job, run_queue);

        LIST_HEAD(JobDependency, subject_list);
        LIST_HEAD(JobDependency, object_list);

        /* Used for graph algs as a "I have been here" marker */
        Job* marker;
        unsigned generation;


Job* job_new(Manager *m, JobType type, Unit *unit);
void job_free(Job *job);
void job_dump(Job *j, FILE*f, const char *prefix);

JobDependency* job_dependency_new(Job *subject, Job *object, bool matters);
void job_dependency_free(JobDependency *l);
void job_dependency_delete(Job *subject, Job *object, bool *matters);

bool job_is_anchor(Job *j);

int job_merge(Job *j, Job *other);

const char* job_type_to_string(JobType t);
int job_type_merge(JobType *a, JobType b);
bool job_type_is_mergeable(JobType a, JobType b);
bool job_type_is_superset(JobType a, JobType b);
bool job_type_is_conflicting(JobType a, JobType b);

void job_schedule_run(Job *j);
int job_run_and_invalidate(Job *j);
int job_finish_and_invalidate(Job *j, bool success);
