coredumpctlsystemdDeveloperZbigniewJędrzejewski-Szmekzbyszek@in.waw.plcoredumpctl1coredumpctlRetrieve and process saved core dumps and metadatacoredumpctlOPTIONSCOMMANDPID|COMM|EXE|MATCHDescriptioncoredumpctl is a tool that can be used to retrieve and process core
dumps and metadata which were saved by
OptionsThe following options are understood:Do not print column headers.Show information of a single core dump only, instead of listing
all known core dumps.Only print entries which are since the specified date.Only print entries which are until the specified date.Reverse output so that the newest entries are displayed first.
FIELDFIELDPrint all possible data values the specified
field takes in matching core dump entries of the
journal.FILEFILEWrite the core to .
DIRDIRUse the journal files in the specified .
CommandsThe following commands are understood:listList core dumps captured in the journal
matching specified characteristics. If no command is
specified, this is the implied default.It's worth noting that different restrictions apply to
data saved in the journal and core dump files saved in
/var/lib/systemd/coredump, see overview in
Thus it may very well happen that a particular core dump is still listed
in the journal while its corresponding core dump file has already been
removed.infoShow detailed information about core dumps
captured in the journal.dumpExtract the last core dump matching specified
characteristics. The core dump will be written on standard
output, unless an output file is specified with
. gdbInvoke the GNU debugger on the last core dump
matching specified characteristics. MatchingA match can be:PIDProcess ID of the
process that dumped
core. An integer.COMMName of the executable (matches
). Must not contain slashes.
EXEPath to the executable (matches
). Must contain at least one
slash. MATCHGeneral journalctl predicates (see
Must contain an equal sign. Exit statusOn success, 0 is returned; otherwise, a non-zero failure
code is returned. Not finding any matching core dumps is treated as
ExamplesList all the core dumps of a program named foo# coredumpctl list fooInvoke gdb on the last core dump# coredumpctl gdbShow information about a process that dumped core,
matching by its PID 6654# coredumpctl info 6654Extract the last core dump of /usr/bin/bar to a file named
bar.coredump# coredumpctl -o bar.coredump dump /usr/bin/barSee Alsosystemd-coredump8,