systemctl systemd Developer Lennart Poettering systemctl 1 systemctl Control the systemd system and service manager systemctl OPTIONS COMMAND NAME Description systemctl may be used to introspect and control the state of the systemd1 system and service manager. Options The following options are understood: Prints a short help text and exits. Prints a short version string and exits. The argument should be a unit type name such as and , or a unit load state such as and . If the argument is a unit type, when listing units, limit display to certain unit types. If not specified units of all types will be shown. If the argument is a unit load state, when listing units, limit display to certain unit types. If not specified units of in all load states will be shown. As a special case, if the argument is , a list of allowed values will be printed and the program will exit. When showing unit/job/manager properties, limit display to certain properties as specified as argument. If not specified all set properties are shown. The argument should be a property name, such as MainPID. If specified more than once all properties with the specified names are shown. When listing units, show all units, regardless of their state, including inactive units. When showing unit/job/manager properties, show all properties regardless whether they are set or not. When listing units, show only failed units. Do not confuse with . Do not ellipsize unit names, cgroup members, and truncate unit descriptions in the output of list-units and list-jobs. If the requested operation conflicts with a pending unfinished job, fail the command. If this is not specified the requested operation will replace the pending job, if necessary. Do not confuse with . When enqueuing a new job ignore all its dependencies and execute it immediately. If passed no required units of the unit passed will be pulled in, and no ordering dependencies will be honored. This is mostly a debugging and rescue tool for the administrator and should not be used by applications. When system shutdown or a sleep state is requested, ignore inhibitor locks. Applications can establish inhibitor locks to avoid that certain important operations (such as CD burning or suchlike) are interrupted by system shutdown or a sleep state. Any user may take these locks and privileged users may override these locks. If any locks are taken, shutdown and sleep state requests will normally fail (regardless if privileged or not) and list of active locks is printed. However if is specified the locks are ignored and not printed, and the operation attempted anyway, possibly requiring additional privileges. Suppress output to STDOUT in snapshot, is-active, is-failed, enable and disable. Do not synchronously wait for the requested operation to finish. If this is not specified the job will be verified, enqueued and systemctl will wait until it is completed. By passing this argument it is only verified and enqueued. Do not print a legend, i.e. the column headers and the footer with hints. Do not pipe output into a pager. Talk to the systemd system manager. (Default) Talk to the systemd manager of the calling user. Don't send wall message before halt, power-off, reboot. When used with enable and disable, operate on the global user configuration directory, thus enabling or disabling a unit file globally for all future logins of all users. When used with enable and disable, do not implicitly reload daemon configuration after executing the changes. When used with start and related commands, disables asking for passwords. Background services may require input of a password or passphrase string, for example to unlock system hard disks or cryptographic certificates. Unless this option is specified and the command is invoked from a terminal systemctl will query the user on the terminal for the necessary secrets. Use this option to switch this behavior off. In this case the password must be supplied by some other means (for example graphical password agents) or the service might fail. This also disables querying the user for authentication for privileged operations. When used with kill, choose which processes to kill. Must be one of , or to select whether to kill only the main process of the unit, the control process or all processes of the unit. If omitted defaults to . When used with kill, choose which signal to send to selected processes. Must be one of the well known signal specifiers such as SIGTERM, SIGINT or SIGSTOP. If omitted defaults to . When used with enable, overwrite any existing conflicting symlinks. When used with halt, poweroff, reboot or kexec execute the selected operation without shutting down all units. However, all processes will be killed forcibly and all file systems are unmounted or remounted read-only. This is hence a drastic but relatively safe option to request an immediate reboot. If is specified twice for these operations, they will be executed immediately without terminating any processes or umounting any file systems. Warning: specifying twice with any of these operations might result in data loss. When used with enable/disable/is-enabled (and related commands), use alternative root path when looking for unit files. When used with enable/disable/is-enabled (and related commands), make changes only temporarily, so that they are dropped on the next reboot. This will have the effect that changes are not made in subdirectories of /etc but in /run, with identical immediate effects, however, since the latter is lost on reboot, the changes are lost too. Execute operation remotely. Specify a hostname, or username and hostname separated by @, to connect to. This will use SSH to talk to the remote systemd instance. Acquire privileges via PolicyKit before executing the operation. When used with status controls the number of journal lines to show, counting from the most recent ones. Takes a positive integer argument. Defaults to 10. When used with status controls the formatting of the journal entries that are shown. For the available choices see journalctl1. Defaults to short. The following commands are understood: list-units List known units (subject to limitations specified with ). This is the default command. start [NAME...] Start (activate) one or more units specified on the command line. stop [NAME...] Stop (deactivate) one or more units specified on the command line. reload [NAME...] Asks all units listed on the command line to reload their configuration. Note that this will reload the service-specific configuration, not the unit configuration file of systemd. If you want systemd to reload the configuration file of a unit use the daemon-reload command. In other words: for the example case of Apache, this will reload Apache's httpd.conf in the web server, not the apache.service systemd unit file. This command should not be confused with the daemon-reload or load commands. restart [NAME...] Restart one or more units specified on the command line. If the units are not running yet they will be started. try-restart [NAME...] Restart one or more units specified on the command line if the units are running. Do nothing if units are not running. Note that for compatibility with Red Hat init scripts condrestart is equivalent to this command. reload-or-restart [NAME...] Reload one or more units if they support it. If not, restart them instead. If the units are not running yet they will be started. reload-or-try-restart [NAME...] Reload one or more units if they support it. If not, restart them instead. Do nothing if the units are not running. Note that for compatibility with SysV init scripts force-reload is equivalent to this command. isolate [NAME] Start the unit specified on the command line and its dependencies and stop all others. This is similar to changing the runlevel in a traditional init system. The isolate command will immediately stop processes that are not enabled in the new unit, possibly including the graphical environment or terminal you are currently using. Note that this works only on units where is enabled. See systemd.unit5 for details. kill [NAME...] Send a signal to one or more processes of the unit. Use to select which process to kill. Use to select the kill mode and to select the signal to send. is-active [NAME...] Check whether any of the specified units are active (i.e. running). Returns an exit code 0 if at least one is active, non-zero otherwise. Unless is specified this will also print the current unit state to STDOUT. is-failed [NAME...] Check whether any of the specified units are failed. Returns an exit code 0 if at least one is failed, non-zero otherwise. Unless is specified this will also print the current unit state to STDOUT. status [NAME...|PID...] Show terse runtime status information about one or more units, followed by most recent log data from the journal. If no units are specified, show all units (subject to limitations specified with ). If a PID is passed show information about the unit the process belongs to. This function is intended to generate human-readable output. If you are looking for computer-parsable output, use show instead. show [NAME...|JOB...] Show properties of one or more units, jobs or the manager itself. If no argument is specified properties of the manager will be shown. If a unit name is specified properties of the unit is shown, and if a job id is specified properties of the job is shown. By default, empty properties are suppressed. Use to show those too. To select specific properties to show use . This command is intended to be used whenever computer-parsable output is required. Use status if you are looking for formatted human-readable output. help [NAME...|PID...] Show manual pages for one or more units, if available. If a PID is passed the manual pages for the unit the process of the PID belongs to is shown. reset-failed [NAME...] Reset the 'failed' state of the specified units, or if no unit name is passed of all units. When a unit fails in some way (i.e. process exiting with non-zero error code, terminating abnormally or timing out) it will automatically enter the 'failed' state and its exit code and status is recorded for introspection by the administrator until the service is restarted or reset with this command. list-unit-files List installed unit files. enable [NAME...] Enable one or more unit files or unit file instances, as specified on the command line. This will create a number of symlinks as encoded in the [Install] sections of the unit files. After the symlinks have been created the systemd configuration is reloaded (in a way that is equivalent to daemon-reload) to ensure the changes are taken into account immediately. Note that this does not have the effect that any of the units enabled are also started at the same time. If this is desired a separate start command must be invoked for the unit. Also note that in case of instance enablement, symlinks named same as instances are created in install location, however they all point to the same template unit file. This command will print the actions executed. This output may be suppressed by passing . Note that this operation creates only the suggested symlinks for the units. While this command is the recommended way to manipulate the unit configuration directory, the administrator is free to make additional changes manually, by placing or removing symlinks in the directory. This is particularly useful to create configurations that deviate from the suggested default installation. In this case the administrator must make sure to invoke daemon-reload manually as necessary, to ensure his changes are taken into account. Enabling units should not be confused with starting (activating) units, as done by the start command. Enabling and starting units is orthogonal: units may be enabled without being started and started without being enabled. Enabling simply hooks the unit into various suggested places (for example, so that the unit is automatically started on boot or when a particular kind of hardware is plugged in). Starting actually spawns the daemon process (in case of service units), or binds the socket (in case of socket units), and so on. Depending on whether , or is specified this enables the unit for the system, for the calling user only or for all future logins of all users. Note that in the latter case no systemd daemon configuration is reloaded. disable [NAME...] Disables one or more units. This removes all symlinks to the specified unit files from the unit configuration directory, and hence undoes the changes made by enable. Note however that this removes all symlinks to the unit files (i.e. including manual additions), not just those actually created by enable. This call implicitly reloads the systemd daemon configuration after completing the disabling of the units. Note that this command does not implicitly stop the units that are being disabled. If this is desired an additional stop command should be executed afterwards. This command will print the actions executed. This output may be suppressed by passing . This command honors , , in a similar way as enable. is-enabled [NAME...] Checks whether any of the specified unit files are enabled (as with enable). Returns an exit code of 0 if at least one is enabled, non-zero otherwise. Prints the current enable status. To suppress this output use . reenable [NAME...] Reenable one or more unit files, as specified on the command line. This is a combination of disable and enable and is useful to reset the symlinks a unit is enabled with to the defaults configured in the [Install] section of the unit file. preset [NAME...] Reset one or more unit files, as specified on the command line, to the defaults configured in the preset policy files. This has the same effect as disable or enable, depending how the unit is listed in the preset files. For more information on preset policy format see systemd.preset5. For more information on the concept of presets please consult the Preset document. mask [NAME...] Mask one or more unit files, as specified on the command line. This will link these units to /dev/null, making it impossible to start them. This is a stronger version of disable, since it prohibits all kinds of activation of the unit, including manual activation. Use this option with care. unmask [NAME...] Unmask one or more unit files, as specified on the command line. This will undo the effect of mask. link [NAME...] Link a unit file that is not in the unit file search paths into the unit file search path. This requires an absolute path to a unit file. The effect of this can be undone with disable. The effect of this command is that a unit file is available for start and other commands although it isn't installed directly in the unit search path. load [NAME...] Load one or more units specified on the command line. This will simply load their configuration from disk, but not start them. To start them you need to use the start command which will implicitly load a unit that has not been loaded yet. Note that systemd garbage collects loaded units that are not active or referenced by an active unit. This means that units loaded this way will usually not stay loaded for long. Also note that this command cannot be used to reload unit configuration. Use the daemon-reload command for that. All in all, this command is of little use except for debugging. This command should not be confused with the daemon-reload or reload commands. list-jobs List jobs that are in progress. cancel [JOB...] Cancel one or more jobs specified on the command line by their numeric job IDs. If no job id is specified, cancel all pending jobs. dump Dump server status. This will output a (usually very long) human readable manager status dump. Its format is subject to change without notice and should not be parsed by applications. list-dependencies [NAME] Shows required and wanted units of the specified unit. If no unit is specified is implied. Target units are recursively expanded. When is passed all other units aare recursively expanded as well. snapshot [NAME] Create a snapshot. If a snapshot name is specified, the new snapshot will be named after it. If none is specified an automatic snapshot name is generated. In either case, the snapshot name used is printed to STDOUT, unless is specified. A snapshot refers to a saved state of the systemd manager. It is implemented itself as a unit that is generated dynamically with this command and has dependencies on all units active at the time. At a later time the user may return to this state by using the isolate command on the snapshot unit. Snapshots are only useful for saving and restoring which units are running or are stopped, they do not save/restore any other state. Snapshots are dynamic and lost on reboot. delete [NAME...] Remove a snapshot previously created with snapshot. daemon-reload Reload systemd manager configuration. This will reload all unit files and recreate the entire dependency tree. While the daemon is reloaded, all sockets systemd listens on on behalf of user configuration will stay accessible. This command should not be confused with the load or reload commands. daemon-reexec Reexecute the systemd manager. This will serialize the manager state, reexecute the process and deserialize the state again. This command is of little use except for debugging and package upgrades. Sometimes it might be helpful as a heavy-weight daemon-reload. While the daemon is reexecuted all sockets systemd listens on on behalf of user configuration will stay accessible. show-environment Dump the systemd manager environment block. The environment block will be dumped in straight-forward form suitable for sourcing into a shell script. This environment block will be passed to all processes the manager spawns. set-environment [NAME=VALUE...] Set one or more systemd manager environment variables, as specified on the command line. unset-environment [NAME...] Unset one or more systemd manager environment variables. If only a variable name is specified it will be removed regardless of its value. If a variable and a value are specified the variable is only removed if it has the specified value. default Enter default mode. This is mostly equivalent to start rescue Enter rescue mode. This is mostly equivalent to isolate but also prints a wall message to all users. emergency Enter emergency mode. This is mostly equivalent to isolate but also prints a wall message to all users. halt Shut down and halt the system. This is mostly equivalent to start but also prints a wall message to all users. If combined with shutdown of all running services is skipped, however all processes are killed and all file systems are unmounted or mounted read-only, immediately followed by the system halt. If is specified twice the operation is immediately executed without terminating any processes or unmounting any file systems. This may result in data loss. poweroff Shut down and power-off the system. This is mostly equivalent to start but also prints a wall message to all users. If combined with shutdown of all running services is skipped, however all processes are killed and all file systems are unmounted or mounted read-only, immediately followed by the powering off. If is specified twice the operation is immediately executed without terminating any processes or unmounting any file systems. This may result in data loss. reboot Shut down and reboot the system. This is mostly equivalent to start but also prints a wall message to all users. If combined with shutdown of all running services is skipped, however all processes are killed and all file systems are unmounted or mounted read-only, immediately followed by the reboot. If is specified twice the operation is immediately executed without terminating any processes or unmounting any file systems. This may result in data loss. kexec Shut down and reboot the system via kexec. This is mostly equivalent to start but also prints a wall message to all users. If combined with shutdown of all running services is skipped, however all processes are killed and all file systems are unmounted or mounted read-only, immediately followed by the reboot. exit Ask the systemd manager to quit. This is only supported for user service managers (i.e. in conjunction with the option) and will fail otherwise. suspend Suspend the system. This will trigger activation of the special target. hibernate Hibernate the system. This will trigger activation of the special target. hybrid-sleep Hibernate and suspend the system. This will trigger activation of the special target. switch-root [ROOT] [INIT] Switches to a different root directory and executes a new system manager process below it. This is intended for usage in initial RAM disks ("initrd"), and will transition from the initrd's system manager process (a.k.a "init" process) to the main system manager process. Takes two arguments: the directory to make the new root directory, and the path to the new system manager binary below it to execute as PID 1. If the latter is omitted or the empty string, a systemd binary will automatically be searched for and used as init. If the system manager path is omitted or equal the empty string the state of the initrd's system manager process is passed to the main system manager, which allows later introspection of the state of the services involved in the initrd boot. Exit status On success 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. Environment $SYSTEMD_PAGER Pager to use when is not given; overrides $PAGER. Setting this to an empty string or the value cat is equivalent to passing . See Also systemd1, systemadm1, journalctl1, loginctl1, systemd.unit5, systemd.special7, wall1, systemd.preset5