systemd-bus-proxyd systemd Developer Lennart Poettering systemd-bus-proxyd 8 systemd-bus-proxyd Connect STDIO or a socket to a given bus address /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-bus-proxyd OPTIONS PLACEHOLDER Description systemd-bus-proxyd will proxy D-Bus messages to and from a bus. The will be either the system bus or the bus specified with when that option is given. Messages will be proxied to/from standard input and output, or the socket received through socket activation. This program can be used to connect a program using classic D-Bus to kdbus. Options and Arguments The following options are understood: Connect to the bus specified by ADDRESS. Multiple colon-seperated addresses can be specified, in which case systemd-bus-proxyd will attempt to connect to them in turn. Prints a short version string and exits. Prints a short help text and exits. PLACEHOLDER, if given, must be a string of x and will be used to display information about the process that systemd-bus-proxyd is forwarding messages for. See Also dbus-daemon1, D-Bus, kdbus