systemd-journal-remote systemd Developer Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek systemd-journal-remote 8 systemd-journal-remote Receive journal messages over the network systemd-journal-remote OPTIONS -o/--output=DIR|FILE SOURCES Description systemd-journal-remote is a command to receive serialized journal events and store them to the journal. Input streams must be in the Journal Export Format , i.e. like the output from journalctl --output=export. Sources Sources can be either "active" (systemd-journal-remote requests and pulls the data), or "passive" (systemd-journal-remote waits for a connection and then receives events pushed by the other side). systemd-journal-remote can read more than one event stream at a time. They will be interleaved in the output file. In case of "active" connections, each "source" is one stream, and in case of "passive" connections, each connection can result in a separate stream. Sockets can be configured in "accept" mode (i.e. only one connection), or "listen" mode (i.e. multiple connections, each resulting in a stream). When there are no more connections, and no more can be created (there are no listening sockets), then systemd-journal-remote will exit. Active sources can be specified in the following ways: When is given as a positional argument, events will be read from standard input. Other positional arguments will be treated as filenames to open and read from. With the option, events will be retrieved using HTTP from ADDRESS. This URL should refer to the root of a remote systemd-journal-gatewayd8 instance (e.g. or Passive sources can be specified in the following ways: ADDRESS must be an address suitable for (cf. systemd.socket5). systemd-journal-remote will listen on this socket for connections. Each connection is expected to be a stream of journal events. ADDRESS must be either a negative integer, in which case it will be interpreted as the (negated) file descriptor number, or an address suitable for (c.f. systemd.socket5). In the first case, matching file descriptor must be inherited through $LISTEN_FDS/$LISTEN_PID. In the second case, an HTTP or HTTPS server will be spawned on this port, respectively for and . Currenntly, only POST requests to /upload with Content-Type: application/vnd.fdo.journal are supported. $LISTEN_FDS systemd-journal-remote supports the $LISTEN_FDS/$LISTEN_PID protocol. Open sockets inherited through socket activation behave like those opened with described above, unless they are specified as an argument in or above. In the latter case, an HTTP or HTTPS server will be spawned using this descriptor and connections must be made over the HTTP protocol. Sinks The location of the output journal can be specified with or . Will write to this journal. The filename must end with .journal. The file will be created if it does not exist. If necessary (journal file full, or corrupted), the file will be renamed following normal journald rules and a new journal file will be created in its stead. Will create journal files underneath directory DIR. The directory must exist. If necessary (journal files over size, or corrupted), journal files will be rotated following normal journald rules. Names of files underneath DIR will be generated using the rules described below. If is not used, the output directory /var/log/journal/machine-id/ will be used, where machine-id is the identifier of the current system (see machine-id5). In case the output file is not specified, journal files will be created underneath the selected directory. Files will be called remote-variable.journal, where the variable part is generated based on what passive and active sources are specified. It is recommended to give a full output filename. In case of "active" sources, if the hostname is known, it will be used in the variable part. Otherwise, local address and port number will be used, or stdin for events passed over standard input, and multiple if more than one source is specified. Options The following options are understood: Print a short help text and exit. Print a short version string and exit. One of none or host. For the first, only one output journal file is used. For the latter, a separate output file is used, based on the hostname of the other endpoint of a connection. In case of "active" sources, the output file name must always be given explicitly and only none is allowed. Compress or not, respectively, the data in the journal using XZ. Periodically sign or not, respectively, the data in the journal using Forward Secure Sealing. Program to invoke to retrieve data. The journal event stream must be generated on standard output. Examples: --getter='curl "-HAccept: application/vnd.fdo.journal"' --getter='wget --header="Accept: application/vnd.fdo.journal" -O-' Examples Copy local journal events to a different journal directory: journalctl -o export | systemd-journal-remote -o /tmp/dir - Retrieve events from a remote systemd-journal-gatewayd8 instance and store them in /var/log/journal/ systemd-journal-remote --url See Also systemd-journal-upload8, journalctl1, systemd-journald.service8, systemd-journal-gatewayd.service8