systemd-run systemd Developer Lennart Poettering systemd-run 1 systemd-run Run programs as volatile systemd units systemd-run OPTIONS COMMAND ARGS Description systemd-run may be used create a transient .service unit or a .scope unit and launch the specified COMMAND as part of this unit. Options The following options are understood: Prints a short help text and exits. Prints a short version string and exits. Talk to the systemd manager of the calling user. Create a .scope unit instead of the default transient .service unit. Use this unit name instead of an automatically generated one. Provide description for the unit. If not specified, the command itself will be used as a description. See Description= in systemd.unit5. Make the new .service or .scope unit part of the specified slice, instead of the system.slice. All command-line arguments after the first non-option argument become part of the commandline of the launched process. Exit status On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. See Also systemd1, systemd.unit5, systemd.service5, systemd.scope5, systemd.slice5.