systemd-socket-proxyd systemd Developer David Strauss systemd-socket-proxyd 1 systemd-socket-proxyd Bidirectionally proxy local sockets to another (possibly remote) socket. systemd-socket-proxyd OPTIONS HOST:PORT systemd-socket-proxyd OPTIONS UNIX-DOMAIN-SOCKET-PATH Description systemd-socket-proxyd is a generic socket-activated network socket forwarder proxy daemon for IPV4, IPv6 and UNIX stream sockets. It may be used to bi-directionally forward traffic from a local listening socket to a local or remote destination socket. One use of this tool is to provide socket-activation support for services that do not natively support socket activation. On behalf of the service to activate, the proxy inherits the socket from systemd, accepts each client connection, opens a connection to a configured server for each client, and then bidirectionally forwards data between the two. This utility's behavior is similar to socat1. The main differences for systemd-socket-proxyd are support for socket activation with Accept=false and an event-driven design that scales better with the number of connections. Options The following options are understood: Prints a short help text and exits. Prints a version string and exits. Exit status On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise. Examples Direct-Use Example Use two services with a dependency and no namespace isolation. /etc/systemd/system/proxy-to-nginx.socket /etc/systemd/system/proxy-to-nginx.service /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Indirect-Use Example Use a shell script to isolate the service and proxy into the same namespace. This is particularly useful for running TCP-only daemons without the daemon affecting ports on regular interfaces. /etc/systemd/system/proxy-with-nginx.socket /etc/systemd/system/proxy-with-nginx.service /usr/bin/ /etc/nginx/nginx.conf See Also systemd1, systemd.socket5, systemd.service5, systemctl1, socat1