systemd.slice systemd Developer Lennart Poettering systemd.slice 5 systemd.slice Slice unit configuration slice.slice Description A unit configuration file whose name ends in .slice encodes information about a slice created by systemd to manage resources used by a certain group of processes. This management is performed by creating a node in the control group tree. Those processes are part of different units, usually .service units (see systemd.unit5). See systemd.unit5 for the common options of all unit configuration files. The common configuration items are configured in the generic [Unit] and [Install] sections. The slice specific configuration options are configured in the [Slice] section. Currently, only generic cgroup settings as described in systemd.cgroup7 are allowed. Unless DefaultDependencies=false is used, slice units will implicitly have dependencies of type Conflicts= and Before= on These ensure that slice units are removed prior to system shutdown. Only slice units involved with early boot or late system shutdown should disable this option. See Also systemd1, systemd.unit5, systemd.cgroup5, systemd.service5, systemd.directives7.