tmpfiles.d systemd Documentation Brandon Philips tmpfiles.d 5 tmpfiles.d Configuration for creation, deletion and cleaning of temporary and volatile files /etc/tmpfiles.d/*.conf Description systemd uses /etc/tmpfiles.d/ to describe the creation, cleaning and removal of temporary files and directories which usually reside in /var/run or /tmp). Each configuration file is named in the style of /etc/tmpfiles.d/<program>.conf. Configuration Format The configuration format is one line per path containing action, mode, ownership and age fields: Type Path Mode UID GID Age d /var/run/user 0755 root root 10d Type f Create a file if it doesn't exist yet F Create or truncate a file d Create a directory if it doesn't exist yet D Create or empty a directory x Ignore a path r Remove a path R Recursively remove a path Mode The file access mode to use for this file or directory. If ommited or when set to - the default is used: 0755 for directories, 0644 for files. UID, GID The user and group to use for this file or directory. This may either be a numeric user/group ID or a user or group name. If ommited or when set to - the default 0 is used. Age The date field, when set, is used to decide what files to delete when cleaning. If a file or directory is older than the current time minus the age field it is deleted. The field format is a series of integers each followed by one of the following postfixes for the respective time units: s min h d w ms m us If multiple integers and units are specified the time values are summed up. The age field only applies to lines starting with d, D and x. If ommited or set to - no automatic clean-up is done. Example /etc/tmpfiles.d/screen.conf example screen needs two directories created at boot with specific modes and ownership. d /var/run/screens 1777 root root 10d d /var/run/uscreens 0755 root root 10d12h See Also systemd1