/*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2010 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ using Gtk; using GLib; using DBus; using Linux; using Posix; using Notify; [CCode (cheader_filename = "time.h")] extern int clock_gettime(int id, out timespec ts); public class PasswordDialog : Dialog { public Entry entry; public PasswordDialog(string message, string icon) { set_title("System Password"); set_has_separator(false); set_border_width(8); set_default_response(ResponseType.OK); set_icon_name(icon); add_button(STOCK_CANCEL, ResponseType.CANCEL); add_button(STOCK_OK, ResponseType.OK); Container content = (Container) get_content_area(); Box hbox = new HBox(false, 16); hbox.set_border_width(8); content.add(hbox); Image image = new Image.from_icon_name(icon, IconSize.DIALOG); hbox.pack_start(image, false, false); Box vbox = new VBox(false, 8); hbox.pack_start(vbox, true, true); Label label = new Label(message); vbox.pack_start(label, false, false); entry = new Entry(); entry.set_visibility(false); entry.set_activates_default(true); vbox.pack_start(entry, false, false); entry.activate.connect(on_entry_activated); show_all(); } public void on_entry_activated() { response(ResponseType.OK); } } public class MyStatusIcon : StatusIcon { File directory; File current; FileMonitor file_monitor; string message; string icon; string socket; PasswordDialog password_dialog; public MyStatusIcon() throws GLib.Error { GLib.Object(icon_name : "dialog-password"); set_title("System Password"); directory = File.new_for_path("/dev/.systemd/ask-password/"); file_monitor = directory.monitor_directory(0); file_monitor.changed.connect(file_monitor_changed); current = null; look_for_password(); activate.connect(status_icon_activate); } void file_monitor_changed(GLib.File file, GLib.File? other_file, GLib.FileMonitorEvent event_type) throws GLib.Error { if (!file.get_basename().has_prefix("ask.")) return; if (event_type == FileMonitorEvent.CREATED || event_type == FileMonitorEvent.DELETED) look_for_password(); } void look_for_password() throws GLib.Error { if (current != null) { if (!current.query_exists()) { current = null; if (password_dialog != null) password_dialog.response(ResponseType.REJECT); } } if (current == null) { FileEnumerator enumerator = directory.enumerate_children("standard::name", FileQueryInfoFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS); FileInfo i; while ((i = enumerator.next_file()) != null) { if (!i.get_name().has_prefix("ask.")) continue; current = directory.get_child(i.get_name()); if (load_password()) break; current = null; } } if (current == null) set_visible(false); } bool load_password() throws GLib.Error { KeyFile key_file = new KeyFile(); try { timespec ts; key_file.load_from_file(current.get_path(), KeyFileFlags.NONE); string not_after_as_string = key_file.get_string("Ask", "NotAfter"); clock_gettime(1, out ts); uint64 now = (ts.tv_sec * 1000000) + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000); uint64 not_after; if (not_after_as_string.scanf("%llu", out not_after) != 1) return false; if (not_after < now) return false; socket = key_file.get_string("Ask", "Socket"); } catch (GLib.Error e) { return false; } try { message = key_file.get_string("Ask", "Message").compress(); } catch (GLib.Error e) { message = "Please Enter System Password!"; } set_tooltip_text(message); try { icon = key_file.get_string("Ask", "Icon"); } catch (GLib.Error e) { icon = "dialog-password"; } set_from_icon_name(icon); set_visible(true); Notification n = new Notification(title, message, icon, null); n.attach_to_status_icon(this); n.set_timeout(5000); n.show(); return true; } void status_icon_activate() throws GLib.Error { if (current == null) return; if (password_dialog != null) { password_dialog.present(); return; } password_dialog = new PasswordDialog(message, icon); int result = password_dialog.run(); string password = password_dialog.entry.get_text(); password_dialog.destroy(); password_dialog = null; if (result == ResponseType.REJECT || result == ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) return; int to_process; Process.spawn_async_with_pipes( null, { "/usr/bin/pkexec", "/lib/systemd/systemd-reply-password", result == ResponseType.OK ? "1" : "0", socket }, null, 0, null, null, out to_process, null, null); OutputStream stream = new UnixOutputStream(to_process, true); stream.write(password, password.length, null); } } static const OptionEntry entries[] = { { null } }; void show_error(string e) { var m = new MessageDialog(null, 0, MessageType.ERROR, ButtonsType.CLOSE, "%s", e); m.run(); m.destroy(); } int main(string[] args) { try { Gtk.init_with_args(ref args, "[OPTION...]", entries, "systemd-ask-password-agent"); Notify.init("Password Agent"); MyStatusIcon i = new MyStatusIcon(); Gtk.main(); } catch (DBus.Error e) { show_error(e.message); } catch (GLib.Error e) { show_error(e.message); } return 0; }