/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Kay Sievers * Copyright (C) 2012 Harald Hoyer */ #include #include #include "util.h" /* * Allocated random UUID, intended to be shared across tools that implement * the (ESP)\loader\entries\-.conf convention and the * associated EFI variables. */ static const EFI_GUID loader_guid = { 0x4a67b082, 0x0a4c, 0x41cf, {0xb6, 0xc7, 0x44, 0x0b, 0x29, 0xbb, 0x8c, 0x4f} }; #ifdef __x86_64__ UINT64 ticks_read(VOID) { UINT64 a, d; __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d)); return (d << 32) | a; } #else UINT64 ticks_read(VOID) { UINT64 val; __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=A" (val)); return val; } #endif /* count TSC ticks during a millisecond delay */ UINT64 ticks_freq(VOID) { UINT64 ticks_start, ticks_end; ticks_start = ticks_read(); uefi_call_wrapper(BS->Stall, 1, 1000); ticks_end = ticks_read(); return (ticks_end - ticks_start) * 1000; } UINT64 time_usec(VOID) { UINT64 ticks; static UINT64 freq; ticks = ticks_read(); if (ticks == 0) return 0; if (freq == 0) { freq = ticks_freq(); if (freq == 0) return 0; } return 1000 * 1000 * ticks / freq; } EFI_STATUS efivar_set_raw(const EFI_GUID *vendor, CHAR16 *name, CHAR8 *buf, UINTN size, BOOLEAN persistent) { UINT32 flags; flags = EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS|EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS; if (persistent) flags |= EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; return uefi_call_wrapper(RT->SetVariable, 5, name, (EFI_GUID *)vendor, flags, size, buf); } EFI_STATUS efivar_set(CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 *value, BOOLEAN persistent) { return efivar_set_raw(&loader_guid, name, (CHAR8 *)value, value ? (StrLen(value)+1) * sizeof(CHAR16) : 0, persistent); } EFI_STATUS efivar_set_int(CHAR16 *name, UINTN i, BOOLEAN persistent) { CHAR16 str[32]; SPrint(str, 32, L"%d", i); return efivar_set(name, str, persistent); } EFI_STATUS efivar_get(CHAR16 *name, CHAR16 **value) { CHAR8 *buf; CHAR16 *val; UINTN size; EFI_STATUS err; err = efivar_get_raw(&loader_guid, name, &buf, &size); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) return err; val = StrDuplicate((CHAR16 *)buf); if (!val) { FreePool(buf); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } *value = val; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS efivar_get_int(CHAR16 *name, UINTN *i) { CHAR16 *val; EFI_STATUS err; err = efivar_get(name, &val); if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) { *i = Atoi(val); FreePool(val); } return err; } EFI_STATUS efivar_get_raw(const EFI_GUID *vendor, CHAR16 *name, CHAR8 **buffer, UINTN *size) { CHAR8 *buf; UINTN l; EFI_STATUS err; l = sizeof(CHAR16 *) * EFI_MAXIMUM_VARIABLE_SIZE; buf = AllocatePool(l); if (!buf) return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; err = uefi_call_wrapper(RT->GetVariable, 5, name, (EFI_GUID *)vendor, NULL, &l, buf); if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) { *buffer = buf; if (size) *size = l; } else FreePool(buf); return err; } VOID efivar_set_time_usec(CHAR16 *name, UINT64 usec) { CHAR16 str[32]; if (usec == 0) usec = time_usec(); if (usec == 0) return; SPrint(str, 32, L"%ld", usec); efivar_set(name, str, FALSE); } static INTN utf8_to_16(CHAR8 *stra, CHAR16 *c) { CHAR16 unichar; UINTN len; UINTN i; if (stra[0] < 0x80) len = 1; else if ((stra[0] & 0xe0) == 0xc0) len = 2; else if ((stra[0] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) len = 3; else if ((stra[0] & 0xf8) == 0xf0) len = 4; else if ((stra[0] & 0xfc) == 0xf8) len = 5; else if ((stra[0] & 0xfe) == 0xfc) len = 6; else return -1; switch (len) { case 1: unichar = stra[0]; break; case 2: unichar = stra[0] & 0x1f; break; case 3: unichar = stra[0] & 0x0f; break; case 4: unichar = stra[0] & 0x07; break; case 5: unichar = stra[0] & 0x03; break; case 6: unichar = stra[0] & 0x01; break; } for (i = 1; i < len; i++) { if ((stra[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80) return -1; unichar <<= 6; unichar |= stra[i] & 0x3f; } *c = unichar; return len; } CHAR16 *stra_to_str(CHAR8 *stra) { UINTN strlen; UINTN len; UINTN i; CHAR16 *str; len = strlena(stra); str = AllocatePool((len + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16)); strlen = 0; i = 0; while (i < len) { INTN utf8len; utf8len = utf8_to_16(stra + i, str + strlen); if (utf8len <= 0) { /* invalid utf8 sequence, skip the garbage */ i++; continue; } strlen++; i += utf8len; } str[strlen] = '\0'; return str; } CHAR16 *stra_to_path(CHAR8 *stra) { CHAR16 *str; UINTN strlen; UINTN len; UINTN i; len = strlena(stra); str = AllocatePool((len + 2) * sizeof(CHAR16)); str[0] = '\\'; strlen = 1; i = 0; while (i < len) { INTN utf8len; utf8len = utf8_to_16(stra + i, str + strlen); if (utf8len <= 0) { /* invalid utf8 sequence, skip the garbage */ i++; continue; } if (str[strlen] == '/') str[strlen] = '\\'; if (str[strlen] == '\\' && str[strlen-1] == '\\') { /* skip double slashes */ i += utf8len; continue; } strlen++; i += utf8len; } str[strlen] = '\0'; return str; } CHAR8 *strchra(CHAR8 *s, CHAR8 c) { do { if (*s == c) return s; } while (*s++); return NULL; } INTN file_read(EFI_FILE_HANDLE dir, CHAR16 *name, UINTN off, UINTN size, CHAR8 **content) { EFI_FILE_HANDLE handle; CHAR8 *buf; UINTN buflen; EFI_STATUS err; UINTN len; err = uefi_call_wrapper(dir->Open, 5, dir, &handle, name, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0ULL); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) return err; if (size == 0) { EFI_FILE_INFO *info; info = LibFileInfo(handle); buflen = info->FileSize+1; FreePool(info); } else buflen = size; if (off > 0) { err = uefi_call_wrapper(handle->SetPosition, 2, handle, off); if (EFI_ERROR(err)) return err; } buf = AllocatePool(buflen); err = uefi_call_wrapper(handle->Read, 3, handle, &buflen, buf); if (!EFI_ERROR(err)) { buf[buflen] = '\0'; *content = buf; len = buflen; } else { len = err; FreePool(buf); } uefi_call_wrapper(handle->Close, 1, handle); return len; }