/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2013 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "unit.h" #include "slice.h" #include "load-fragment.h" #include "log.h" #include "dbus-slice.h" #include "special.h" #include "unit-name.h" static const UnitActiveState state_translation_table[_SLICE_STATE_MAX] = { [SLICE_DEAD] = UNIT_INACTIVE, [SLICE_ACTIVE] = UNIT_ACTIVE }; static void slice_init(Unit *u) { Slice *s = SLICE(u); assert(u); assert(u->load_state == UNIT_STUB); cgroup_context_init(&s->cgroup_context); unit_cgroup_context_init_defaults(u, &s->cgroup_context); } static void slice_done(Unit *u) { Slice *s = SLICE(u); assert(u); cgroup_context_done(&s->cgroup_context); } static void slice_set_state(Slice *t, SliceState state) { SliceState old_state; assert(t); old_state = t->state; t->state = state; if (state != old_state) log_debug("%s changed %s -> %s", UNIT(t)->id, slice_state_to_string(old_state), slice_state_to_string(state)); unit_notify(UNIT(t), state_translation_table[old_state], state_translation_table[state], true); } static int slice_add_parent_slice(Slice *s) { char *a, *dash; Unit *parent; int r; assert(s); if (UNIT_ISSET(UNIT(s)->slice)) return 0; if (unit_has_name(UNIT(s), SPECIAL_ROOT_SLICE)) return 0; a = strdupa(UNIT(s)->id); dash = strrchr(a, '-'); if (dash) strcpy(dash, ".slice"); else a = (char*) SPECIAL_ROOT_SLICE; r = manager_load_unit(UNIT(s)->manager, a, NULL, NULL, &parent); if (r < 0) return r; unit_ref_set(&UNIT(s)->slice, parent); return 0; } static int slice_add_default_dependencies(Slice *s) { int r; assert(s); /* Make sure slices are unloaded on shutdown */ r = unit_add_two_dependencies_by_name( UNIT(s), UNIT_BEFORE, UNIT_CONFLICTS, SPECIAL_SHUTDOWN_TARGET, NULL, true); if (r < 0) return r; return 0; } static int slice_verify(Slice *s) { assert(s); if (UNIT(s)->load_state != UNIT_LOADED) return 0; if (UNIT_DEREF(UNIT(s)->slice)) { char *a, *dash; a = strdupa(UNIT(s)->id); dash = strrchr(a, '-'); if (dash) strcpy(dash, ".slice"); else a = (char*) SPECIAL_ROOT_SLICE; if (!unit_has_name(UNIT_DEREF(UNIT(s)->slice), a)) { log_error_unit(UNIT(s)->id, "%s located outside its parent slice. Refusing.", UNIT(s)->id); return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } static int slice_load(Unit *u) { Slice *s = SLICE(u); int r; assert(s); r = unit_load_fragment_and_dropin_optional(u); if (r < 0) return r; /* This is a new unit? Then let's add in some extras */ if (u->load_state == UNIT_LOADED) { r = slice_add_parent_slice(s); if (r < 0) return r; if (u->default_dependencies) { r = slice_add_default_dependencies(s); if (r < 0) return r; } } return slice_verify(s); } static int slice_coldplug(Unit *u) { Slice *t = SLICE(u); assert(t); assert(t->state == SLICE_DEAD); if (t->deserialized_state != t->state) slice_set_state(t, t->deserialized_state); return 0; } static void slice_dump(Unit *u, FILE *f, const char *prefix) { Slice *t = SLICE(u); assert(t); assert(f); fprintf(f, "%sSlice State: %s\n", prefix, slice_state_to_string(t->state)); cgroup_context_dump(&t->cgroup_context, f, prefix); } static int slice_start(Unit *u) { Slice *t = SLICE(u); assert(t); assert(t->state == SLICE_DEAD); unit_realize_cgroup(u); slice_set_state(t, SLICE_ACTIVE); return 0; } static int slice_stop(Unit *u) { Slice *t = SLICE(u); assert(t); assert(t->state == SLICE_ACTIVE); /* We do not need to destroy the cgroup explicitly, * unit_notify() will do that for us anyway. */ slice_set_state(t, SLICE_DEAD); return 0; } static int slice_kill(Unit *u, KillWho who, int signo, sd_bus_error *error) { return unit_kill_common(u, who, signo, -1, -1, error); } static int slice_serialize(Unit *u, FILE *f, FDSet *fds) { Slice *s = SLICE(u); assert(s); assert(f); assert(fds); unit_serialize_item(u, f, "state", slice_state_to_string(s->state)); return 0; } static int slice_deserialize_item(Unit *u, const char *key, const char *value, FDSet *fds) { Slice *s = SLICE(u); assert(u); assert(key); assert(value); assert(fds); if (streq(key, "state")) { SliceState state; state = slice_state_from_string(value); if (state < 0) log_debug("Failed to parse state value %s", value); else s->deserialized_state = state; } else log_debug("Unknown serialization key '%s'", key); return 0; } _pure_ static UnitActiveState slice_active_state(Unit *u) { assert(u); return state_translation_table[SLICE(u)->state]; } _pure_ static const char *slice_sub_state_to_string(Unit *u) { assert(u); return slice_state_to_string(SLICE(u)->state); } static const char* const slice_state_table[_SLICE_STATE_MAX] = { [SLICE_DEAD] = "dead", [SLICE_ACTIVE] = "active" }; DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(slice_state, SliceState); const UnitVTable slice_vtable = { .object_size = sizeof(Slice), .cgroup_context_offset = offsetof(Slice, cgroup_context), .sections = "Unit\0" "Slice\0" "Install\0", .private_section = "Slice", .no_alias = true, .no_instances = true, .init = slice_init, .load = slice_load, .done = slice_done, .coldplug = slice_coldplug, .dump = slice_dump, .start = slice_start, .stop = slice_stop, .kill = slice_kill, .serialize = slice_serialize, .deserialize_item = slice_deserialize_item, .active_state = slice_active_state, .sub_state_to_string = slice_sub_state_to_string, .bus_interface = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Slice", .bus_vtable = bus_slice_vtable, .bus_set_property = bus_slice_set_property, .bus_commit_properties = bus_slice_commit_properties, .status_message_formats = { .finished_start_job = { [JOB_DONE] = "Created slice %s.", [JOB_DEPENDENCY] = "Dependency failed for %s.", }, .finished_stop_job = { [JOB_DONE] = "Removed slice %s.", }, }, };