/*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ #include <netinet/icmp6.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include "sd-ndisc.h" #include "alloc-util.h" #include "fd-util.h" #include "icmp6-util.h" #include "in-addr-util.h" #include "ndisc-internal.h" #include "ndisc-router.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "string-util.h" #include "util.h" #define NDISC_ROUTER_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL (4U * USEC_PER_SEC) #define NDISC_MAX_ROUTER_SOLICITATIONS 3U static void ndisc_callback(sd_ndisc *ndisc, sd_ndisc_event event, sd_ndisc_router *rt) { assert(ndisc); log_ndisc("Invoking callback for '%c'.", event); if (!ndisc->callback) return; ndisc->callback(ndisc, event, rt, ndisc->userdata); } _public_ int sd_ndisc_set_callback( sd_ndisc *nd, sd_ndisc_callback_t callback, void *userdata) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); nd->callback = callback; nd->userdata = userdata; return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_set_ifindex(sd_ndisc *nd, int ifindex) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); assert_return(ifindex > 0, -EINVAL); assert_return(nd->fd < 0, -EBUSY); nd->ifindex = ifindex; return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_set_mac(sd_ndisc *nd, const struct ether_addr *mac_addr) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); if (mac_addr) nd->mac_addr = *mac_addr; else zero(nd->mac_addr); return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_attach_event(sd_ndisc *nd, sd_event *event, int64_t priority) { int r; assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); assert_return(nd->fd < 0, -EBUSY); assert_return(!nd->event, -EBUSY); if (event) nd->event = sd_event_ref(event); else { r = sd_event_default(&nd->event); if (r < 0) return 0; } nd->event_priority = priority; return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_detach_event(sd_ndisc *nd) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); assert_return(nd->fd < 0, -EBUSY); nd->event = sd_event_unref(nd->event); return 0; } _public_ sd_event *sd_ndisc_get_event(sd_ndisc *nd) { assert_return(nd, NULL); return nd->event; } _public_ sd_ndisc *sd_ndisc_ref(sd_ndisc *nd) { if (!nd) return NULL; assert(nd->n_ref > 0); nd->n_ref++; return nd; } static int ndisc_reset(sd_ndisc *nd) { assert(nd); nd->timeout_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(nd->timeout_event_source); nd->recv_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(nd->recv_event_source); nd->fd = safe_close(nd->fd); return 0; } _public_ sd_ndisc *sd_ndisc_unref(sd_ndisc *nd) { if (!nd) return NULL; assert(nd->n_ref > 0); nd->n_ref--; if (nd->n_ref > 0) return NULL; ndisc_reset(nd); sd_ndisc_detach_event(nd); return mfree(nd); } _public_ int sd_ndisc_new(sd_ndisc **ret) { _cleanup_(sd_ndisc_unrefp) sd_ndisc *nd = NULL; assert_return(ret, -EINVAL); nd = new0(sd_ndisc, 1); if (!nd) return -ENOMEM; nd->n_ref = 1; nd->fd = -1; *ret = nd; nd = NULL; return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_get_mtu(sd_ndisc *nd, uint32_t *mtu) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); assert_return(mtu, -EINVAL); if (nd->mtu == 0) return -ENODATA; *mtu = nd->mtu; return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_get_hop_limit(sd_ndisc *nd, uint8_t *ret) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); assert_return(ret, -EINVAL); if (nd->hop_limit == 0) return -ENODATA; *ret = nd->hop_limit; return 0; } static int ndisc_handle_datagram(sd_ndisc *nd, sd_ndisc_router *rt) { int r; assert(nd); assert(rt); r = ndisc_router_parse(rt); if (r == -EBADMSG) /* Bad packet */ return 0; if (r < 0) return 0; /* Update global variables we keep */ if (rt->mtu > 0) nd->mtu = rt->mtu; if (rt->hop_limit > 0) nd->hop_limit = rt->hop_limit; log_ndisc("Received Router Advertisement: flags %s preference %s lifetime %" PRIu16 " sec", rt->flags & ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED ? "MANAGED" : rt->flags & ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER ? "OTHER" : "none", rt->preference == SD_NDISC_PREFERENCE_HIGH ? "high" : rt->preference == SD_NDISC_PREFERENCE_LOW ? "low" : "medium", rt->lifetime); ndisc_callback(nd, SD_NDISC_EVENT_ROUTER, rt); return 0; } static int ndisc_recv(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *userdata) { _cleanup_(sd_ndisc_router_unrefp) sd_ndisc_router *rt = NULL; sd_ndisc *nd = userdata; union { struct cmsghdr cmsghdr; uint8_t buf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int)) + /* ttl */ CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct timeval))]; } control = {}; struct iovec iov = {}; union sockaddr_union sa = {}; struct msghdr msg = { .msg_name = &sa.sa, .msg_namelen = sizeof(sa), .msg_iov = &iov, .msg_iovlen = 1, .msg_control = &control, .msg_controllen = sizeof(control), }; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; ssize_t len, buflen; assert(s); assert(nd); assert(nd->event); buflen = next_datagram_size_fd(fd); if (buflen < 0) return log_ndisc_errno(buflen, "Failed to determine datagram size to read: %m"); rt = ndisc_router_new(buflen); if (!rt) return -ENOMEM; iov.iov_base = NDISC_ROUTER_RAW(rt); iov.iov_len = rt->raw_size; len = recvmsg(fd, &msg, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (len < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) return 0; return log_ndisc_errno(errno, "Could not receive message from ICMPv6 socket: %m"); } if ((size_t) len != rt->raw_size) { log_ndisc("Packet size mismatch."); return -EINVAL; } if (msg.msg_namelen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) && sa.in6.sin6_family == AF_INET6) { if (in_addr_is_link_local(AF_INET6, (union in_addr_union*) &sa.in6.sin6_addr) <= 0) { _cleanup_free_ char *addr = NULL; (void) in_addr_to_string(AF_INET6, (union in_addr_union*) &sa.in6.sin6_addr, &addr); log_ndisc("Received RA from non-link-local address %s. Ignoring.", strna(addr)); return 0; } rt->address = sa.in6.sin6_addr; } else if (msg.msg_namelen > 0) { log_ndisc("Received invalid source address size from ICMPv6 socket: %zu bytes", (size_t) msg.msg_namelen); return -EINVAL; } /* namelen == 0 only happens when running the test-suite over a socketpair */ assert(!(msg.msg_flags & MSG_CTRUNC)); assert(!(msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC)); CMSG_FOREACH(cmsg, &msg) { if (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_IPV6 && cmsg->cmsg_type == IPV6_HOPLIMIT && cmsg->cmsg_len == CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int))) { int hops = *(int*) CMSG_DATA(cmsg); if (hops != 255) { log_ndisc("Received RA with invalid hop limit %d. Ignoring.", hops); return 0; } } if (cmsg->cmsg_level == SOL_SOCKET && cmsg->cmsg_type == SO_TIMESTAMP && cmsg->cmsg_len == CMSG_LEN(sizeof(struct timeval))) triple_timestamp_from_realtime(&rt->timestamp, timeval_load((struct timeval*) CMSG_DATA(cmsg))); } if (!triple_timestamp_is_set(&rt->timestamp)) triple_timestamp_get(&rt->timestamp); nd->timeout_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(nd->timeout_event_source); return ndisc_handle_datagram(nd, rt); } static int ndisc_timeout(sd_event_source *s, uint64_t usec, void *userdata) { sd_ndisc *nd = userdata; usec_t time_now, next_timeout; int r; assert(s); assert(nd); assert(nd->event); if (nd->nd_sent >= NDISC_MAX_ROUTER_SOLICITATIONS) { nd->timeout_event_source = sd_event_source_unref(nd->timeout_event_source); ndisc_callback(nd, SD_NDISC_EVENT_TIMEOUT, NULL); return 0; } r = icmp6_send_router_solicitation(nd->fd, &nd->mac_addr); if (r < 0) { log_ndisc_errno(r, "Error sending Router Solicitation: %m"); goto fail; } log_ndisc("Sent Router Solicitation"); nd->nd_sent++; assert_se(sd_event_now(nd->event, clock_boottime_or_monotonic(), &time_now) >= 0); next_timeout = time_now + NDISC_ROUTER_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL; r = sd_event_source_set_time(nd->timeout_event_source, next_timeout); if (r < 0) { log_ndisc_errno(r, "Error updating timer: %m"); goto fail; } r = sd_event_source_set_enabled(nd->timeout_event_source, SD_EVENT_ONESHOT); if (r < 0) { log_ndisc_errno(r, "Error reenabling timer: %m"); goto fail; } return 0; fail: sd_ndisc_stop(nd); return 0; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_stop(sd_ndisc *nd) { assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); if (nd->fd < 0) return 0; log_ndisc("Stopping IPv6 Router Solicitation client"); ndisc_reset(nd); return 1; } _public_ int sd_ndisc_start(sd_ndisc *nd) { int r; assert_return(nd, -EINVAL); assert_return(nd->event, -EINVAL); assert_return(nd->ifindex > 0, -EINVAL); if (nd->fd >= 0) return 0; assert(!nd->recv_event_source); assert(!nd->timeout_event_source); nd->fd = icmp6_bind_router_solicitation(nd->ifindex); if (nd->fd < 0) return nd->fd; r = sd_event_add_io(nd->event, &nd->recv_event_source, nd->fd, EPOLLIN, ndisc_recv, nd); if (r < 0) goto fail; r = sd_event_source_set_priority(nd->recv_event_source, nd->event_priority); if (r < 0) goto fail; (void) sd_event_source_set_description(nd->recv_event_source, "ndisc-receive-message"); r = sd_event_add_time(nd->event, &nd->timeout_event_source, clock_boottime_or_monotonic(), 0, 0, ndisc_timeout, nd); if (r < 0) goto fail; r = sd_event_source_set_priority(nd->timeout_event_source, nd->event_priority); if (r < 0) goto fail; (void) sd_event_source_set_description(nd->timeout_event_source, "ndisc-timeout"); log_ndisc("Started IPv6 Router Solicitation client"); return 1; fail: ndisc_reset(nd); return r; }