/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright (C) 2014 Axis Communications AB. All rights reserved. systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "util.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "event-util.h" #include "sd-ipv4ll.h" #include "ipv4ll-internal.h" static bool verbose = false; static bool extended = false; static int test_fd[2]; static int basic_request_handler_bind = 0; static int basic_request_handler_stop = 0; static void* basic_request_handler_userdata = (void*)0xCABCAB; static void basic_request_handler(sd_ipv4ll *ll, int event, void *userdata) { assert_se(userdata == basic_request_handler_userdata); switch(event) { case IPV4LL_EVENT_STOP: basic_request_handler_stop = 1; break; case IPV4LL_EVENT_BIND: basic_request_handler_bind = 1; break; default: assert_se(0); break; } } int arp_network_send_raw_socket(int fd, const union sockaddr_union *link, const struct ether_arp *arp) { assert_se(arp); assert_se(link); assert_se(fd >= 0); if (send(fd, arp, sizeof(struct ether_arp), 0) < 0) return -errno; return 0; } int arp_network_bind_raw_socket(int index, union sockaddr_union *link) { if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK, 0, test_fd) < 0) return -errno; return test_fd[0]; } static void test_arp_header(struct ether_arp *arp) { assert_se(arp); assert_se(arp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd == htons(ARPHRD_ETHER)); /* HTYPE */ assert_se(arp->ea_hdr.ar_pro == htons(ETHERTYPE_IP)); /* PTYPE */ assert_se(arp->ea_hdr.ar_hln == ETH_ALEN); /* HLEN */ assert_se(arp->ea_hdr.ar_pln == sizeof arp->arp_spa); /* PLEN */ assert_se(arp->ea_hdr.ar_op == htons(ARPOP_REQUEST)); /* REQUEST */ } static void test_arp_probe(void) { struct ether_arp arp; struct ether_addr mac_addr = { .ether_addr_octet = {'A', 'B', 'C', '1', '2', '3'}}; be32_t pa = 0x3030; if (verbose) printf("* %s\n", __FUNCTION__); arp_packet_probe(&arp, pa, &mac_addr); test_arp_header(&arp); assert_se(memcmp(arp.arp_sha, &mac_addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0); assert_se(memcmp(arp.arp_tpa, &pa, sizeof(pa)) == 0); } static void test_arp_announce(void) { struct ether_arp arp; struct ether_addr mac_addr = { .ether_addr_octet = {'A', 'B', 'C', '1', '2', '3'}}; be32_t pa = 0x3131; if (verbose) printf("* %s\n", __FUNCTION__); arp_packet_announcement(&arp, pa, &mac_addr); test_arp_header(&arp); assert_se(memcmp(arp.arp_sha, &mac_addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0); assert_se(memcmp(arp.arp_tpa, &pa, sizeof(pa)) == 0); assert_se(memcmp(arp.arp_spa, &pa, sizeof(pa)) == 0); } static void test_public_api_setters(sd_event *e) { uint8_t seed[8]; sd_ipv4ll *ll; struct ether_addr mac_addr = { .ether_addr_octet = {'A', 'B', 'C', '1', '2', '3'}}; if (verbose) printf("* %s\n", __FUNCTION__); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_new(&ll) == 0); assert_se(ll); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_attach_event(NULL, NULL, 0) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_attach_event(ll, e, 0) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_attach_event(ll, e, 0) == -EBUSY); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_callback(NULL, NULL, NULL) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_callback(ll, NULL, NULL) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_address_seed(NULL, NULL) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_address_seed(ll, NULL) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_address_seed(ll, seed) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_mac(NULL, NULL) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_mac(ll, NULL) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_mac(ll, &mac_addr) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_index(NULL, -1) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_index(ll, -1) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_index(ll, -99) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_index(ll, 1) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_index(ll, 99) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_ref(ll) == ll); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_unref(ll) == ll); /* Cleanup */ assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_unref(ll) == NULL); } static void test_basic_request(sd_event *e) { sd_ipv4ll *ll; struct ether_arp arp; struct ether_addr mac_addr = { .ether_addr_octet = {'A', 'B', 'C', '1', '2', '3'}}; if (verbose) printf("* %s\n", __FUNCTION__); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_new(&ll) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_start(ll) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_attach_event(ll, e, 0) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_start(ll) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_mac(ll, &mac_addr) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_start(ll) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_callback(ll, basic_request_handler, basic_request_handler_userdata) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_start(ll) == -EINVAL); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_set_index(ll, 1) == 0); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_start(ll) == 0); sd_event_run(e, (uint64_t) -1); assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_start(ll) == -EBUSY); /* PROBE */ sd_event_run(e, (uint64_t) -1); assert_se(read(test_fd[1], &arp, sizeof(struct ether_arp)) == sizeof(struct ether_arp)); test_arp_header(&arp); if (extended) { /* PROBE */ sd_event_run(e, (uint64_t) -1); assert_se(read(test_fd[1], &arp, sizeof(struct ether_arp)) == sizeof(struct ether_arp)); test_arp_header(&arp); /* PROBE */ sd_event_run(e, (uint64_t) -1); assert_se(read(test_fd[1], &arp, sizeof(struct ether_arp)) == sizeof(struct ether_arp)); test_arp_header(&arp); sd_event_run(e, (uint64_t) -1); assert_se(basic_request_handler_bind == 1); } sd_ipv4ll_stop(ll); assert_se(basic_request_handler_stop == 1); /* Cleanup */ assert_se(sd_ipv4ll_unref(ll) == NULL); safe_close(test_fd[1]); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { _cleanup_event_unref_ sd_event *e = NULL; assert_se(sd_event_new(&e) >= 0); test_public_api_setters(e); test_arp_probe(); test_arp_announce(); test_basic_request(e); return 0; }