/*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2014 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ #include "sd-path.h" #include "alloc-util.h" #include "architecture.h" #include "fd-util.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "missing.h" #include "path-util.h" #include "string-util.h" #include "strv.h" #include "user-util.h" #include "util.h" static int from_environment(const char *envname, const char *fallback, const char **ret) { assert(ret); if (envname) { const char *e; e = secure_getenv(envname); if (e && path_is_absolute(e)) { *ret = e; return 0; } } if (fallback) { *ret = fallback; return 0; } return -ENXIO; } static int from_home_dir(const char *envname, const char *suffix, char **buffer, const char **ret) { _cleanup_free_ char *h = NULL; char *cc = NULL; int r; assert(suffix); assert(buffer); assert(ret); if (envname) { const char *e = NULL; e = secure_getenv(envname); if (e && path_is_absolute(e)) { *ret = e; return 0; } } r = get_home_dir(&h); if (r < 0) return r; if (endswith(h, "/")) cc = strappend(h, suffix); else cc = strjoin(h, "/", suffix); if (!cc) return -ENOMEM; *buffer = cc; *ret = cc; return 0; } static int from_user_dir(const char *field, char **buffer, const char **ret) { _cleanup_fclose_ FILE *f = NULL; _cleanup_free_ char *b = NULL; _cleanup_free_ const char *fn = NULL; const char *c = NULL; char line[LINE_MAX]; size_t n; int r; assert(field); assert(buffer); assert(ret); r = from_home_dir("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", ".config", &b, &c); if (r < 0) return r; fn = strappend(c, "/user-dirs.dirs"); if (!fn) return -ENOMEM; f = fopen(fn, "re"); if (!f) { if (errno == ENOENT) goto fallback; return -errno; } /* This is an awful parse, but it follows closely what * xdg-user-dirs does upstream */ n = strlen(field); FOREACH_LINE(line, f, return -errno) { char *l, *p, *e; l = strstrip(line); if (!strneq(l, field, n)) continue; p = l + n; p += strspn(p, WHITESPACE); if (*p != '=') continue; p++; p += strspn(p, WHITESPACE); if (*p != '"') continue; p++; e = strrchr(p, '"'); if (!e) continue; *e = 0; /* Three syntaxes permitted: relative to $HOME, $HOME itself, and absolute path */ if (startswith(p, "$HOME/")) { _cleanup_free_ char *h = NULL; char *cc; r = get_home_dir(&h); if (r < 0) return r; cc = strappend(h, p+5); if (!cc) return -ENOMEM; *buffer = cc; *ret = cc; return 0; } else if (streq(p, "$HOME")) { r = get_home_dir(buffer); if (r < 0) return r; *ret = *buffer; return 0; } else if (path_is_absolute(p)) { char *copy; copy = strdup(p); if (!copy) return -ENOMEM; *buffer = copy; *ret = copy; return 0; } } fallback: /* The desktop directory defaults to $HOME/Desktop, the others to $HOME */ if (streq(field, "XDG_DESKTOP_DIR")) { _cleanup_free_ char *h = NULL; char *cc; r = get_home_dir(&h); if (r < 0) return r; cc = strappend(h, "/Desktop"); if (!cc) return -ENOMEM; *buffer = cc; *ret = cc; } else { r = get_home_dir(buffer); if (r < 0) return r; *ret = *buffer; } return 0; } static int get_path(uint64_t type, char **buffer, const char **ret) { int r; assert(buffer); assert(ret); switch (type) { case SD_PATH_TEMPORARY: return from_environment("TMPDIR", "/tmp", ret); case SD_PATH_TEMPORARY_LARGE: return from_environment("TMPDIR", "/var/tmp", ret); case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_BINARIES: *ret = "/usr/bin"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_INCLUDE: *ret = "/usr/include"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PRIVATE: *ret = "/usr/lib"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_ARCH: *ret = LIBDIR; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_SHARED: *ret = "/usr/share"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_FACTORY: *ret = "/usr/share/factory/etc"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_STATE_FACTORY: *ret = "/usr/share/factory/var"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION: *ret = "/etc"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_RUNTIME: *ret = "/run"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LOGS: *ret = "/run/log"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_STATE_PRIVATE: *ret = "/var/lib"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_STATE_LOGS: *ret = "/var/log"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_STATE_CACHE: *ret = "/var/cache"; return 0; case SD_PATH_SYSTEM_STATE_SPOOL: *ret = "/var/spool"; return 0; case SD_PATH_USER_BINARIES: return from_home_dir(NULL, ".local/bin", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_LIBRARY_PRIVATE: return from_home_dir(NULL, ".local/lib", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_LIBRARY_ARCH: return from_home_dir(NULL, ".local/lib/" LIB_ARCH_TUPLE, buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_SHARED: return from_home_dir("XDG_DATA_HOME", ".local/share", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_CONFIGURATION: return from_home_dir("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", ".config", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_RUNTIME: return from_environment("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", NULL, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_STATE_CACHE: return from_home_dir("XDG_CACHE_HOME", ".cache", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER: r = get_home_dir(buffer); if (r < 0) return r; *ret = *buffer; return 0; case SD_PATH_USER_DOCUMENTS: return from_user_dir("XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_MUSIC: return from_user_dir("XDG_MUSIC_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_PICTURES: return from_user_dir("XDG_PICTURES_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_VIDEOS: return from_user_dir("XDG_VIDEOS_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_DOWNLOAD: return from_user_dir("XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_PUBLIC: return from_user_dir("XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_TEMPLATES: return from_user_dir("XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR", buffer, ret); case SD_PATH_USER_DESKTOP: return from_user_dir("XDG_DESKTOP_DIR", buffer, ret); } return -EOPNOTSUPP; } _public_ int sd_path_home(uint64_t type, const char *suffix, char **path) { char *buffer = NULL, *cc; const char *ret; int r; assert_return(path, -EINVAL); if (IN_SET(type, SD_PATH_SEARCH_BINARIES, SD_PATH_SEARCH_LIBRARY_PRIVATE, SD_PATH_SEARCH_LIBRARY_ARCH, SD_PATH_SEARCH_SHARED, SD_PATH_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION_FACTORY, SD_PATH_SEARCH_STATE_FACTORY, SD_PATH_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION)) { _cleanup_strv_free_ char **l = NULL; r = sd_path_search(type, suffix, &l); if (r < 0) return r; buffer = strv_join(l, ":"); if (!buffer) return -ENOMEM; *path = buffer; return 0; } r = get_path(type, &buffer, &ret); if (r < 0) return r; if (!suffix) { if (!buffer) { buffer = strdup(ret); if (!buffer) return -ENOMEM; } *path = buffer; return 0; } suffix += strspn(suffix, "/"); if (endswith(ret, "/")) cc = strappend(ret, suffix); else cc = strjoin(ret, "/", suffix); free(buffer); if (!cc) return -ENOMEM; *path = cc; return 0; } static int search_from_environment( char ***list, const char *env_home, const char *home_suffix, const char *env_search, bool env_search_sufficient, const char *first, ...) { const char *e; char *h = NULL; char **l = NULL; int r; assert(list); if (env_search) { e = secure_getenv(env_search); if (e) { l = strv_split(e, ":"); if (!l) return -ENOMEM; if (env_search_sufficient) { *list = l; return 0; } } } if (!l && first) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, first); l = strv_new_ap(first, ap); va_end(ap); if (!l) return -ENOMEM; } if (env_home) { e = secure_getenv(env_home); if (e && path_is_absolute(e)) { h = strdup(e); if (!h) { strv_free(l); return -ENOMEM; } } } if (!h && home_suffix) { e = secure_getenv("HOME"); if (e && path_is_absolute(e)) { if (endswith(e, "/")) h = strappend(e, home_suffix); else h = strjoin(e, "/", home_suffix); if (!h) { strv_free(l); return -ENOMEM; } } } if (h) { r = strv_consume_prepend(&l, h); if (r < 0) { strv_free(l); return -ENOMEM; } } *list = l; return 0; } static int get_search(uint64_t type, char ***list) { assert(list); switch(type) { case SD_PATH_SEARCH_BINARIES: return search_from_environment(list, NULL, ".local/bin", "PATH", true, "/usr/local/sbin", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/bin", #ifdef HAVE_SPLIT_USR "/sbin", "/bin", #endif NULL); case SD_PATH_SEARCH_LIBRARY_PRIVATE: return search_from_environment(list, NULL, ".local/lib", NULL, false, "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/lib", #ifdef HAVE_SPLIT_USR "/lib", #endif NULL); case SD_PATH_SEARCH_LIBRARY_ARCH: return search_from_environment(list, NULL, ".local/lib/" LIB_ARCH_TUPLE, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", true, LIBDIR, #ifdef HAVE_SPLIT_USR ROOTLIBDIR, #endif NULL); case SD_PATH_SEARCH_SHARED: return search_from_environment(list, "XDG_DATA_HOME", ".local/share", "XDG_DATA_DIRS", false, "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share", NULL); case SD_PATH_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION_FACTORY: return search_from_environment(list, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, "/usr/local/share/factory/etc", "/usr/share/factory/etc", NULL); case SD_PATH_SEARCH_STATE_FACTORY: return search_from_environment(list, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, "/usr/local/share/factory/var", "/usr/share/factory/var", NULL); case SD_PATH_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION: return search_from_environment(list, "XDG_CONFIG_HOME", ".config", "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS", false, "/etc", NULL); } return -EOPNOTSUPP; } _public_ int sd_path_search(uint64_t type, const char *suffix, char ***paths) { char **l, **i, **j, **n; int r; assert_return(paths, -EINVAL); if (!IN_SET(type, SD_PATH_SEARCH_BINARIES, SD_PATH_SEARCH_LIBRARY_PRIVATE, SD_PATH_SEARCH_LIBRARY_ARCH, SD_PATH_SEARCH_SHARED, SD_PATH_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION_FACTORY, SD_PATH_SEARCH_STATE_FACTORY, SD_PATH_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION)) { char *p; r = sd_path_home(type, suffix, &p); if (r < 0) return r; l = new(char*, 2); if (!l) { free(p); return -ENOMEM; } l[0] = p; l[1] = NULL; *paths = l; return 0; } r = get_search(type, &l); if (r < 0) return r; if (!suffix) { *paths = l; return 0; } n = new(char*, strv_length(l)+1); if (!n) { strv_free(l); return -ENOMEM; } j = n; STRV_FOREACH(i, l) { if (endswith(*i, "/")) *j = strappend(*i, suffix); else *j = strjoin(*i, "/", suffix); if (!*j) { strv_free(l); strv_free(n); return -ENOMEM; } j++; } *j = NULL; *paths = n; return 0; }