/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ #include <unistd.h> #include "alloc-util.h" #include "bus-error.h" #include "bus-util.h" #include "conf-parser.h" #include "formats-util.h" #include "logind-action.h" #include "process-util.h" #include "sleep-config.h" #include "special.h" #include "string-table.h" #include "terminal-util.h" #include "user-util.h" int manager_handle_action( Manager *m, InhibitWhat inhibit_key, HandleAction handle, bool ignore_inhibited, bool is_edge) { static const char * const message_table[_HANDLE_ACTION_MAX] = { [HANDLE_POWEROFF] = "Powering Off...", [HANDLE_REBOOT] = "Rebooting...", [HANDLE_HALT] = "Halting...", [HANDLE_KEXEC] = "Rebooting via kexec...", [HANDLE_SUSPEND] = "Suspending...", [HANDLE_HIBERNATE] = "Hibernating...", [HANDLE_HYBRID_SLEEP] = "Hibernating and suspending..." }; static const char * const target_table[_HANDLE_ACTION_MAX] = { [HANDLE_POWEROFF] = SPECIAL_POWEROFF_TARGET, [HANDLE_REBOOT] = SPECIAL_REBOOT_TARGET, [HANDLE_HALT] = SPECIAL_HALT_TARGET, [HANDLE_KEXEC] = SPECIAL_KEXEC_TARGET, [HANDLE_SUSPEND] = SPECIAL_SUSPEND_TARGET, [HANDLE_HIBERNATE] = SPECIAL_HIBERNATE_TARGET, [HANDLE_HYBRID_SLEEP] = SPECIAL_HYBRID_SLEEP_TARGET }; _cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; InhibitWhat inhibit_operation; Inhibitor *offending = NULL; bool supported; int r; assert(m); /* If the key handling is turned off, don't do anything */ if (handle == HANDLE_IGNORE) { log_debug("Refusing operation, as it is turned off."); return 0; } if (inhibit_key == INHIBIT_HANDLE_LID_SWITCH) { /* If the last system suspend or startup is too close, * let's not suspend for now, to give USB docking * stations some time to settle so that we can * properly watch its displays. */ if (m->lid_switch_ignore_event_source) { log_debug("Ignoring lid switch request, system startup or resume too close."); return 0; } } /* If the key handling is inhibited, don't do anything */ if (inhibit_key > 0) { if (manager_is_inhibited(m, inhibit_key, INHIBIT_BLOCK, NULL, true, false, 0, NULL)) { log_debug("Refusing operation, %s is inhibited.", inhibit_what_to_string(inhibit_key)); return 0; } } /* Locking is handled differently from the rest. */ if (handle == HANDLE_LOCK) { if (!is_edge) return 0; log_info("Locking sessions..."); session_send_lock_all(m, true); return 1; } if (handle == HANDLE_SUSPEND) supported = can_sleep("suspend") > 0; else if (handle == HANDLE_HIBERNATE) supported = can_sleep("hibernate") > 0; else if (handle == HANDLE_HYBRID_SLEEP) supported = can_sleep("hybrid-sleep") > 0; else if (handle == HANDLE_KEXEC) supported = access(KEXEC, X_OK) >= 0; else supported = true; if (!supported) { log_warning("Requested operation not supported, ignoring."); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } if (m->action_what) { log_debug("Action already in progress, ignoring."); return -EALREADY; } inhibit_operation = handle == HANDLE_SUSPEND || handle == HANDLE_HIBERNATE || handle == HANDLE_HYBRID_SLEEP ? INHIBIT_SLEEP : INHIBIT_SHUTDOWN; /* If the actual operation is inhibited, warn and fail */ if (!ignore_inhibited && manager_is_inhibited(m, inhibit_operation, INHIBIT_BLOCK, NULL, false, false, 0, &offending)) { _cleanup_free_ char *comm = NULL, *u = NULL; get_process_comm(offending->pid, &comm); u = uid_to_name(offending->uid); /* If this is just a recheck of the lid switch then don't warn about anything */ if (!is_edge) { log_debug("Refusing operation, %s is inhibited by UID "UID_FMT"/%s, PID "PID_FMT"/%s.", inhibit_what_to_string(inhibit_operation), offending->uid, strna(u), offending->pid, strna(comm)); return 0; } log_error("Refusing operation, %s is inhibited by UID "UID_FMT"/%s, PID "PID_FMT"/%s.", inhibit_what_to_string(inhibit_operation), offending->uid, strna(u), offending->pid, strna(comm)); return -EPERM; } log_info("%s", message_table[handle]); r = bus_manager_shutdown_or_sleep_now_or_later(m, target_table[handle], inhibit_operation, &error); if (r < 0) { log_error("Failed to execute operation: %s", bus_error_message(&error, r)); return r; } return 1; } static const char* const handle_action_table[_HANDLE_ACTION_MAX] = { [HANDLE_IGNORE] = "ignore", [HANDLE_POWEROFF] = "poweroff", [HANDLE_REBOOT] = "reboot", [HANDLE_HALT] = "halt", [HANDLE_KEXEC] = "kexec", [HANDLE_SUSPEND] = "suspend", [HANDLE_HIBERNATE] = "hibernate", [HANDLE_HYBRID_SLEEP] = "hybrid-sleep", [HANDLE_LOCK] = "lock" }; DEFINE_STRING_TABLE_LOOKUP(handle_action, HandleAction); DEFINE_CONFIG_PARSE_ENUM(config_parse_handle_action, handle_action, HandleAction, "Failed to parse handle action setting");