/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2013 Steven Hiscocks, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see . ***/ #include #include #include #include typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD sd_journal *j; } Journal; static PyTypeObject JournalType; static void Journal_dealloc(Journal* self) { sd_journal_close(self->j); Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject*)self); } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal__doc__, "Journal([flags][,path]) -> ...\n" "Journal instance\n\n" "Returns instance of Journal, which allows filtering and return\n" "of journal entries.\n" "Argument `flags` sets open flags of the journal, which can be one\n" "of, or ORed combination of constants: LOCAL_ONLY (default) opens\n" "journal on local machine only; RUNTIME_ONLY opens only\n" "volatile journal files; and SYSTEM_ONLY opens only\n" "journal files of system services and the kernel.\n" "Argument `path` is the directory of journal files. Note that\n" "currently flags are ignored when `path` is present as they are\n" " not relevant."); static int Journal_init(Journal *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywds) { int flags=SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY; char *path=NULL; static char *kwlist[] = {"flags", "path", NULL}; if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "|iz", kwlist, &flags, &path)) return 1; int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS if (path) { r = sd_journal_open_directory(&self->j, path, 0); }else{ r = sd_journal_open(&self->j, flags); } Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyObject *errtype = r == -EINVAL ? PyExc_ValueError : r == -ENOMEM ? PyExc_MemoryError : PyExc_OSError; PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(errtype, path); return -1; } return 0; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_get_next__doc__, "get_next([skip]) -> dict\n\n" "Return dictionary of the next log entry. Optional skip value will\n" "return the `skip`th log entry."); static PyObject * Journal_get_next(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { int64_t skip=1LL; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|L", &skip)) return NULL; if (skip == 0LL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Skip number must positive/negative integer"); return NULL; } int r = -EINVAL; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS if (skip == 1LL) { r = sd_journal_next(self->j); }else if (skip == -1LL) { r = sd_journal_previous(self->j); }else if (skip > 1LL) { r = sd_journal_next_skip(self->j, skip); }else if (skip < -1LL) { r = sd_journal_previous_skip(self->j, -skip); } Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; }else if ( r == 0) { //EOF return PyDict_New(); } PyObject *dict; dict = PyDict_New(); const void *msg; size_t msg_len; const char *delim_ptr; PyObject *key, *value, *cur_value, *tmp_list; SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_DATA(self->j, msg, msg_len) { delim_ptr = memchr(msg, '=', msg_len); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 key = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(msg, delim_ptr - (const char*) msg); #else key = PyString_FromStringAndSize(msg, delim_ptr - (const char*) msg); #endif value = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(delim_ptr + 1, (const char*) msg + msg_len - (delim_ptr + 1) ); if (PyDict_Contains(dict, key)) { cur_value = PyDict_GetItem(dict, key); if (PyList_CheckExact(cur_value)) { PyList_Append(cur_value, value); }else{ tmp_list = PyList_New(0); PyList_Append(tmp_list, cur_value); PyList_Append(tmp_list, value); PyDict_SetItem(dict, key, tmp_list); Py_DECREF(tmp_list); } }else{ PyDict_SetItem(dict, key, value); } Py_DECREF(key); Py_DECREF(value); } uint64_t realtime; if (sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(self->j, &realtime) == 0) { char realtime_str[20]; sprintf(realtime_str, "%llu", (long long unsigned) realtime); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 key = PyUnicode_FromString("__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"); #else key = PyString_FromString("__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"); #endif value = PyBytes_FromString(realtime_str); PyDict_SetItem(dict, key, value); Py_DECREF(key); Py_DECREF(value); } sd_id128_t sd_id; uint64_t monotonic; if (sd_journal_get_monotonic_usec(self->j, &monotonic, &sd_id) == 0) { char monotonic_str[20]; sprintf(monotonic_str, "%llu", (long long unsigned) monotonic); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 key = PyUnicode_FromString("__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP"); #else key = PyString_FromString("__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP"); #endif value = PyBytes_FromString(monotonic_str); PyDict_SetItem(dict, key, value); Py_DECREF(key); Py_DECREF(value); } char *cursor; if (sd_journal_get_cursor(self->j, &cursor) > 0) { //Should return 0... #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 key = PyUnicode_FromString("__CURSOR"); #else key = PyString_FromString("__CURSOR"); #endif value = PyBytes_FromString(cursor); PyDict_SetItem(dict, key, value); free(cursor); Py_DECREF(key); Py_DECREF(value); } return dict; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_get_previous__doc__, "get_previous([skip]) -> dict\n\n" "Return dictionary of the previous log entry. Optional skip value\n" "will return the -`skip`th log entry. Equivalent to get_next(-skip)."); static PyObject * Journal_get_previous(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { int64_t skip=1LL; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|L", &skip)) return NULL; return PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "get_next", "L", -skip); } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_add_match__doc__, "add_match(match) -> None\n\n" "Add a match to filter journal log entries. All matches of different\n" "fields are combined in logical AND, and matches of the same field\n" "are automatically combined in logical OR.\n" "Match is string of form \"field=value\"."); static PyObject * Journal_add_match(Journal *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywds) { char *match; int match_len; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#", &match, &match_len)) return NULL; int r; r = sd_journal_add_match(self->j, match, match_len); if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyObject *errtype = r == -EINVAL ? PyExc_ValueError : r == -ENOMEM ? PyExc_MemoryError : PyExc_OSError; PyErr_SetFromErrno(errtype); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_add_disjunction__doc__, "add_disjunction() -> None\n\n" "Once called, all matches before and after are combined in logical\n" "OR."); static PyObject * Journal_add_disjunction(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { int r; r = sd_journal_add_disjunction(self->j); if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyObject *errtype = r == -ENOMEM ? PyExc_MemoryError : PyExc_OSError; PyErr_SetFromErrno(errtype); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_flush_matches__doc__, "flush_matches() -> None\n\n" "Clears all current match filters."); static PyObject * Journal_flush_matches(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { sd_journal_flush_matches(self->j); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_seek__doc__, "seek(offset[, whence]) -> None\n\n" "Seek through journal by `offset` number of entries. Argument\n" "`whence` defines what the offset is relative to:\n" "os.SEEK_SET (default) from first match in journal;\n" "os.SEEK_CUR from current position in journal;\n" "and os.SEEK_END is from last match in journal."); static PyObject * Journal_seek(Journal *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywds) { int64_t offset; int whence=SEEK_SET; static char *kwlist[] = {"offset", "whence", NULL}; if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "L|i", kwlist, &offset, &whence)) return NULL; PyObject *result=NULL; if (whence == SEEK_SET){ int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS r = sd_journal_seek_head(self->j); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } if (offset > 0LL) { result = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "get_next", "L", offset); } }else if (whence == SEEK_CUR){ result = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "get_next", "L", offset); }else if (whence == SEEK_END){ int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS r = sd_journal_seek_tail(self->j); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } if (offset < 0LL) { result = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "get_next", "L", offset); }else{ result = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "get_next", "L", -1LL); } }else{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid value for whence"); } Py_XDECREF(result); if (PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL; Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_seek_realtime__doc__, "seek_realtime(realtime) -> None\n\n" "Seek to nearest matching journal entry to `realtime`. Argument\n" "`realtime` can must be an integer unix timestamp."); static PyObject * Journal_seek_realtime(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { double timedouble; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d", &timedouble)) return NULL; uint64_t timestamp; timestamp = (uint64_t) (timedouble * 1.0E6); if ((int64_t) timestamp < 0LL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Time must be positive integer"); return NULL; } int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS r = sd_journal_seek_realtime_usec(self->j, timestamp); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_seek_monotonic__doc__, "seek_monotonic(monotonic[, bootid]) -> None\n\n" "Seek to nearest matching journal entry to `monotonic`. Argument\n" "`monotonic` is an timestamp from boot in seconds.\n" "Argument `bootid` is a string representing which boot the\n" "monotonic time is reference to. Defaults to current bootid."); static PyObject * Journal_seek_monotonic(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { double timedouble; char *bootid=NULL; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d|z", &timedouble, &bootid)) return NULL; uint64_t timestamp; timestamp = (uint64_t) (timedouble * 1.0E6); if ((int64_t) timestamp < 0LL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Time must be positive number"); return NULL; } sd_id128_t sd_id; int r; if (bootid) { r = sd_id128_from_string(bootid, &sd_id); if (r == -EINVAL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid bootid"); return NULL; }else if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } }else{ r = sd_id128_get_boot(&sd_id); if (r == -EIO) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "Error getting current boot ID"); return NULL; }else if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } } Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS r = sd_journal_seek_monotonic_usec(self->j, sd_id, timestamp); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_wait__doc__, "wait([timeout]) -> Change state (integer)\n\n" "Waits until there is a change in the journal. Argument `timeout`\n" "is the maximum number of seconds to wait before returning\n" "regardless if journal has changed. If `timeout` is not given or is\n" "0, then it will block forever.\n" "Will return constants: NOP if no change; APPEND if new\n" "entries have been added to the end of the journal; and\n" "INVALIDATE if journal files have been added or removed."); static PyObject * Journal_wait(Journal *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywds) { int64_t timeout=0LL; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|L", &timeout)) return NULL; int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS if ( timeout == 0LL) { r = sd_journal_wait(self->j, (uint64_t) -1); }else{ r = sd_journal_wait(self->j, timeout * 1E6); } Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyObject *errtype = r == -ENOMEM ? PyExc_MemoryError : PyExc_OSError; PyErr_SetFromErrno(errtype); return NULL; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 return PyLong_FromLong(r); #else return PyInt_FromLong(r); #endif } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_seek_cursor__doc__, "seek_cursor(cursor) -> None\n\n" "Seeks to journal entry by given unique reference `cursor`."); static PyObject * Journal_seek_cursor(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { const char *cursor; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &cursor)) return NULL; int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS r = sd_journal_seek_cursor(self->j, cursor); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyObject *errtype = r == -EINVAL ? PyExc_ValueError : r == -ENOMEM ? PyExc_MemoryError : PyExc_OSError; PyErr_SetFromErrno(errtype); return NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static PyObject * Journal_iter(PyObject *self) { Py_INCREF(self); return self; } static PyObject * Journal_iternext(PyObject *self) { PyObject *dict; Py_ssize_t dict_size; dict = PyObject_CallMethod(self, "get_next", ""); if (PyErr_Occurred()) return NULL; dict_size = PyDict_Size(dict); if ((int64_t) dict_size > 0LL) { return dict; }else{ Py_DECREF(dict); PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_StopIteration); return NULL; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(Journal_query_unique__doc__, "query_unique(field) -> a set of values\n\n" "Returns a set of unique values in journal for given `field`.\n" "Note this does not respect any journal matches."); static PyObject * Journal_query_unique(Journal *self, PyObject *args) { char *query; if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &query)) return NULL; int r; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS r = sd_journal_query_unique(self->j, query); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyObject *errtype = r == -EINVAL ? PyExc_ValueError : r == -ENOMEM ? PyExc_MemoryError : PyExc_OSError; PyErr_SetFromErrno(errtype); return NULL; } const void *uniq; size_t uniq_len; const char *delim_ptr; PyObject *value_set, *key, *value; value_set = PySet_New(0); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 key = PyUnicode_FromString(query); #else key = PyString_FromString(query); #endif SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_UNIQUE(self->j, uniq, uniq_len) { delim_ptr = memchr(uniq, '=', uniq_len); value = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(delim_ptr + 1, (const char*) uniq + uniq_len - (delim_ptr + 1)); PySet_Add(value_set, value); Py_DECREF(value); } Py_DECREF(key); return value_set; } static PyObject * Journal_get_data_threshold(Journal *self, void *closure) { size_t cvalue; PyObject *value; int r; r = sd_journal_get_data_threshold(self->j, &cvalue); if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return NULL; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 value = PyLong_FromSize_t(cvalue); #else value = PyInt_FromSize_t(cvalue); #endif return value; } static int Journal_set_data_threshold(Journal *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if (value == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot delete data threshold"); return -1; } #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 if (! PyLong_Check(value)){ #else if (! PyInt_Check(value)){ #endif PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Data threshold must be int"); return -1; } int r; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >=3 r = sd_journal_set_data_threshold(self->j, (size_t) PyLong_AsLong(value)); #else r = sd_journal_set_data_threshold(self->j, (size_t) PyInt_AsLong(value)); #endif if (r < 0) { errno = -r; PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_OSError); return -1; } return 0; } static PyGetSetDef Journal_getseters[] = { {"data_threshold", (getter)Journal_get_data_threshold, (setter)Journal_set_data_threshold, "data threshold", NULL}, {NULL} }; static PyMethodDef Journal_methods[] = { {"get_next", (PyCFunction)Journal_get_next, METH_VARARGS, Journal_get_next__doc__}, {"get_previous", (PyCFunction)Journal_get_previous, METH_VARARGS, Journal_get_previous__doc__}, {"add_match", (PyCFunction)Journal_add_match, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, Journal_add_match__doc__}, {"add_disjunction", (PyCFunction)Journal_add_disjunction, METH_NOARGS, Journal_add_disjunction__doc__}, {"flush_matches", (PyCFunction)Journal_flush_matches, METH_NOARGS, Journal_flush_matches__doc__}, {"seek", (PyCFunction)Journal_seek, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, Journal_seek__doc__}, {"seek_realtime", (PyCFunction)Journal_seek_realtime, METH_VARARGS, Journal_seek_realtime__doc__}, {"seek_monotonic", (PyCFunction)Journal_seek_monotonic, METH_VARARGS, Journal_seek_monotonic__doc__}, {"wait", (PyCFunction)Journal_wait, METH_VARARGS, Journal_wait__doc__}, {"seek_cursor", (PyCFunction)Journal_seek_cursor, METH_VARARGS, Journal_seek_cursor__doc__}, {"query_unique", (PyCFunction)Journal_query_unique, METH_VARARGS, Journal_query_unique__doc__}, {NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; static PyTypeObject JournalType = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) "_reader._Journal", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(Journal), /*tp_basicsize*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ (destructor)Journal_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 0, /*tp_print*/ 0, /*tp_getattr*/ 0, /*tp_setattr*/ 0, /*tp_compare*/ 0, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/ 0, /*tp_hash */ 0, /*tp_call*/ 0, /*tp_str*/ 0, /*tp_getattro*/ 0, /*tp_setattro*/ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,/*tp_flags*/ Journal__doc__, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ Journal_iter, /* tp_iter */ Journal_iternext, /* tp_iternext */ Journal_methods, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ Journal_getseters, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ (initproc)Journal_init, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ PyType_GenericNew, /* tp_new */ }; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 static PyModuleDef _reader_module = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "_reader", "Module that reads systemd journal similar to journalctl.", -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; #endif PyMODINIT_FUNC #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyInit__reader(void) #else init_reader(void) #endif { PyObject* m; PyDateTime_IMPORT; if (PyType_Ready(&JournalType) < 0) #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return NULL; #else return; #endif #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 m = PyModule_Create(&_reader_module); if (m == NULL) return NULL; #else m = Py_InitModule3("_reader", NULL, "Module that reads systemd journal similar to journalctl."); if (m == NULL) return; #endif Py_INCREF(&JournalType); PyModule_AddObject(m, "_Journal", (PyObject *)&JournalType); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "NOP", SD_JOURNAL_NOP); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "APPEND", SD_JOURNAL_APPEND); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "INVALIDATE", SD_JOURNAL_INVALIDATE); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "LOCAL_ONLY", SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "RUNTIME_ONLY", SD_JOURNAL_RUNTIME_ONLY); PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SYSTEM_ONLY", SD_JOURNAL_SYSTEM_ONLY); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 return m; #endif }