/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2014 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see . ***/ #include #include "strv.h" #include "resolved-dns-domain.h" #include "resolved-dns-rr.h" #include "resolved-dns-packet.h" #include "dns-type.h" DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_new(uint16_t class, uint16_t type, const char *name) { DnsResourceKey *k; size_t l; assert(name); l = strlen(name); k = malloc0(sizeof(DnsResourceKey) + l + 1); if (!k) return NULL; k->n_ref = 1; k->class = class; k->type = type; strcpy((char*) k + sizeof(DnsResourceKey), name); return k; } DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_new_consume(uint16_t class, uint16_t type, char *name) { DnsResourceKey *k; assert(name); k = new0(DnsResourceKey, 1); if (!k) return NULL; k->n_ref = 1; k->class = class; k->type = type; k->_name = name; return k; } DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_ref(DnsResourceKey *k) { if (!k) return NULL; assert(k->n_ref > 0); k->n_ref++; return k; } DnsResourceKey* dns_resource_key_unref(DnsResourceKey *k) { if (!k) return NULL; assert(k->n_ref > 0); if (k->n_ref == 1) { free(k->_name); free(k); } else k->n_ref--; return NULL; } int dns_resource_key_equal(const DnsResourceKey *a, const DnsResourceKey *b) { int r; r = dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(a), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(b)); if (r <= 0) return r; if (a->class != b->class) return 0; if (a->type != b->type) return 0; return 1; } int dns_resource_key_match_rr(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceRecord *rr) { assert(key); assert(rr); if (rr->key->class != key->class && key->class != DNS_CLASS_ANY) return 0; if (rr->key->type != key->type && key->type != DNS_TYPE_ANY) return 0; return dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key)); } int dns_resource_key_match_cname(const DnsResourceKey *key, const DnsResourceRecord *rr) { assert(key); assert(rr); if (rr->key->class != key->class && key->class != DNS_CLASS_ANY) return 0; if (rr->key->type != DNS_TYPE_CNAME) return 0; return dns_name_equal(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(rr->key), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key)); } unsigned long dns_resource_key_hash_func(const void *i, const uint8_t hash_key[HASH_KEY_SIZE]) { const DnsResourceKey *k = i; unsigned long ul; ul = dns_name_hash_func(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(k), hash_key); ul = ul * hash_key[0] + ul + k->class; ul = ul * hash_key[1] + ul + k->type; return ul; } int dns_resource_key_compare_func(const void *a, const void *b) { const DnsResourceKey *x = a, *y = b; int ret; ret = dns_name_compare_func(DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(x), DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(y)); if (ret != 0) return ret; if (x->type < y->type) return -1; if (x->type > y->type) return 1; if (x->class < y->class) return -1; if (x->class > y->class) return 1; return 0; } int dns_resource_key_to_string(const DnsResourceKey *key, char **ret) { char cbuf[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(uint16_t)], tbuf[DECIMAL_STR_MAX(uint16_t)]; const char *c, *t; char *s; c = dns_class_to_string(key->class); if (!c) { sprintf(cbuf, "%i", key->class); c = cbuf; } t = dns_type_to_string(key->type); if (!t){ sprintf(tbuf, "%i", key->type); t = tbuf; } if (asprintf(&s, "%s %s %-5s", DNS_RESOURCE_KEY_NAME(key), c, t) < 0) return -ENOMEM; *ret = s; return 0; } DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_new(DnsResourceKey *key) { DnsResourceRecord *rr; rr = new0(DnsResourceRecord, 1); if (!rr) return NULL; rr->n_ref = 1; rr->key = dns_resource_key_ref(key); return rr; } DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_new_full(uint16_t class, uint16_t type, const char *name) { _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *key = NULL; key = dns_resource_key_new(class, type, name); if (!key) return NULL; return dns_resource_record_new(key); } DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_ref(DnsResourceRecord *rr) { if (!rr) return NULL; assert(rr->n_ref > 0); rr->n_ref++; return rr; } DnsResourceRecord* dns_resource_record_unref(DnsResourceRecord *rr) { if (!rr) return NULL; assert(rr->n_ref > 0); if (rr->n_ref > 1) { rr->n_ref--; return NULL; } if (rr->key) { switch(rr->key->type) { case DNS_TYPE_SRV: free(rr->srv.name); break; case DNS_TYPE_PTR: case DNS_TYPE_NS: case DNS_TYPE_CNAME: case DNS_TYPE_DNAME: free(rr->ptr.name); break; case DNS_TYPE_HINFO: free(rr->hinfo.cpu); free(rr->hinfo.os); break; case DNS_TYPE_TXT: case DNS_TYPE_SPF: strv_free(rr->txt.strings); break; case DNS_TYPE_SOA: free(rr->soa.mname); free(rr->soa.rname); break; case DNS_TYPE_MX: free(rr->mx.exchange); break; case DNS_TYPE_SSHFP: free(rr->sshfp.key); break; case DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY: free(rr->dnskey.key); break; case DNS_TYPE_LOC: case DNS_TYPE_A: case DNS_TYPE_AAAA: break; default: free(rr->generic.data); } dns_resource_key_unref(rr->key); } free(rr); return NULL; } int dns_resource_record_new_reverse(DnsResourceRecord **ret, int family, const union in_addr_union *address, const char *hostname) { _cleanup_(dns_resource_key_unrefp) DnsResourceKey *key = NULL; _cleanup_(dns_resource_record_unrefp) DnsResourceRecord *rr = NULL; _cleanup_free_ char *ptr = NULL; int r; assert(ret); assert(address); assert(hostname); r = dns_name_reverse(family, address, &ptr); if (r < 0) return r; key = dns_resource_key_new_consume(DNS_CLASS_IN, DNS_TYPE_PTR, ptr); if (!key) return -ENOMEM; ptr = NULL; rr = dns_resource_record_new(key); if (!rr) return -ENOMEM; rr->ptr.name = strdup(hostname); if (!rr->ptr.name) return -ENOMEM; *ret = rr; rr = NULL; return 0; } int dns_resource_record_equal(const DnsResourceRecord *a, const DnsResourceRecord *b) { int r; assert(a); assert(b); r = dns_resource_key_equal(a->key, b->key); if (r <= 0) return r; if (a->unparseable != b->unparseable) return 0; switch (a->unparseable ? _DNS_TYPE_INVALID : a->key->type) { case DNS_TYPE_SRV: r = dns_name_equal(a->srv.name, b->srv.name); if (r <= 0) return r; return a->srv.priority == b->srv.priority && a->srv.weight == b->srv.weight && a->srv.port == b->srv.port; case DNS_TYPE_PTR: case DNS_TYPE_NS: case DNS_TYPE_CNAME: case DNS_TYPE_DNAME: return dns_name_equal(a->ptr.name, b->ptr.name); case DNS_TYPE_HINFO: return strcaseeq(a->hinfo.cpu, b->hinfo.cpu) && strcaseeq(a->hinfo.os, b->hinfo.os); case DNS_TYPE_SPF: /* exactly the same as TXT */ case DNS_TYPE_TXT: { int i; for (i = 0; a->txt.strings[i] || b->txt.strings[i]; i++) if (!streq_ptr(a->txt.strings[i], b->txt.strings[i])) return false; return true; } case DNS_TYPE_A: return memcmp(&a->a.in_addr, &b->a.in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) == 0; case DNS_TYPE_AAAA: return memcmp(&a->aaaa.in6_addr, &b->aaaa.in6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) == 0; case DNS_TYPE_SOA: r = dns_name_equal(a->soa.mname, b->soa.mname); if (r <= 0) return r; r = dns_name_equal(a->soa.rname, b->soa.rname); if (r <= 0) return r; return a->soa.serial == b->soa.serial && a->soa.refresh == b->soa.refresh && a->soa.retry == b->soa.retry && a->soa.expire == b->soa.expire && a->soa.minimum == b->soa.minimum; case DNS_TYPE_MX: if (a->mx.priority != b->mx.priority) return 0; return dns_name_equal(a->mx.exchange, b->mx.exchange); case DNS_TYPE_LOC: assert(a->loc.version == b->loc.version); return a->loc.size == b->loc.size && a->loc.horiz_pre == b->loc.horiz_pre && a->loc.vert_pre == b->loc.vert_pre && a->loc.latitude == b->loc.latitude && a->loc.longitude == b->loc.longitude && a->loc.altitude == b->loc.altitude; case DNS_TYPE_SSHFP: return a->sshfp.algorithm == b->sshfp.algorithm && a->sshfp.fptype == b->sshfp.fptype && a->sshfp.key_size == b->sshfp.key_size && memcmp(a->sshfp.key, b->sshfp.key, a->sshfp.key_size) == 0; case DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY: return a->dnskey.zone_key_flag == b->dnskey.zone_key_flag && a->dnskey.sep_flag == b->dnskey.sep_flag && a->dnskey.algorithm == b->dnskey.algorithm && a->dnskey.key_size == b->dnskey.key_size && memcmp(a->dnskey.key, b->dnskey.key, a->dnskey.key_size) == 0; default: return a->generic.size == b->generic.size && memcmp(a->generic.data, b->generic.data, a->generic.size) == 0; } } static char* format_location(uint32_t latitude, uint32_t longitude, uint32_t altitude, uint8_t size, uint8_t horiz_pre, uint8_t vert_pre) { char *s; char NS = latitude >= 1U<<31 ? 'N' : 'S'; char EW = longitude >= 1U<<31 ? 'E' : 'W'; int lat = latitude >= 1U<<31 ? (int) (latitude - (1U<<31)) : (int) ((1U<<31) - latitude); int lon = longitude >= 1U<<31 ? (int) (longitude - (1U<<31)) : (int) ((1U<<31) - longitude); double alt = altitude >= 10000000u ? altitude - 10000000u : -(double)(10000000u - altitude); double siz = (size >> 4) * exp10((double) (size & 0xF)); double hor = (horiz_pre >> 4) * exp10((double) (horiz_pre & 0xF)); double ver = (vert_pre >> 4) * exp10((double) (vert_pre & 0xF)); if (asprintf(&s, "%d %d %.3f %c %d %d %.3f %c %.2fm %.2fm %.2fm %.2fm", (lat / 60000 / 60), (lat / 60000) % 60, (lat % 60000) / 1000., NS, (lon / 60000 / 60), (lon / 60000) % 60, (lon % 60000) / 1000., EW, alt / 100., siz / 100., hor / 100., ver / 100.) < 0) return NULL; return s; } int dns_resource_record_to_string(const DnsResourceRecord *rr, char **ret) { _cleanup_free_ char *k = NULL, *t = NULL; char *s; int r; assert(rr); r = dns_resource_key_to_string(rr->key, &k); if (r < 0) return r; switch (rr->unparseable ? _DNS_TYPE_INVALID : rr->key->type) { case DNS_TYPE_SRV: r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %u %u %s", k, rr->srv.priority, rr->srv.weight, rr->srv.port, strna(rr->srv.name)); if (r < 0) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_PTR: case DNS_TYPE_NS: case DNS_TYPE_CNAME: case DNS_TYPE_DNAME: s = strjoin(k, " ", rr->ptr.name, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_HINFO: s = strjoin(k, " ", rr->hinfo.cpu, " ", rr->hinfo.os, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_SPF: /* exactly the same as TXT */ case DNS_TYPE_TXT: t = strv_join_quoted(rr->txt.strings); if (!t) return -ENOMEM; s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_A: { _cleanup_free_ char *x = NULL; r = in_addr_to_string(AF_INET, (const union in_addr_union*) &rr->a.in_addr, &x); if (r < 0) return r; s = strjoin(k, " ", x, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; } case DNS_TYPE_AAAA: r = in_addr_to_string(AF_INET6, (const union in_addr_union*) &rr->aaaa.in6_addr, &t); if (r < 0) return r; s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_SOA: r = asprintf(&s, "%s %s %s %u %u %u %u %u", k, strna(rr->soa.mname), strna(rr->soa.rname), rr->soa.serial, rr->soa.refresh, rr->soa.retry, rr->soa.expire, rr->soa.minimum); if (r < 0) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_MX: r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %s", k, rr->mx.priority, rr->mx.exchange); if (r < 0) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_LOC: assert(rr->loc.version == 0); t = format_location(rr->loc.latitude, rr->loc.longitude, rr->loc.altitude, rr->loc.size, rr->loc.horiz_pre, rr->loc.vert_pre); if (!t) return -ENOMEM; s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_SSHFP: t = hexmem(rr->sshfp.key, rr->sshfp.key_size); if (!t) return -ENOMEM; r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u %u %s", k, rr->sshfp.algorithm, rr->sshfp.fptype, t); if (r < 0) return -ENOMEM; break; case DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY: t = hexmem(rr->dnskey.key, rr->dnskey.key_size); if (!t) return -ENOMEM; r = asprintf(&s, "%s %u 3 %u %s", k, dnskey_to_flags(rr), rr->dnskey.algorithm, t); if (r < 0) return -ENOMEM; break; default: t = hexmem(rr->generic.data, rr->generic.size); if (!t) return -ENOMEM; s = strjoin(k, " ", t, NULL); if (!s) return -ENOMEM; break; } *ret = s; return 0; } const char *dns_class_to_string(uint16_t class) { switch (class) { case DNS_CLASS_IN: return "IN"; case DNS_CLASS_ANY: return "ANY"; } return NULL; } int dns_class_from_string(const char *s, uint16_t *class) { assert(s); assert(class); if (strcaseeq(s, "IN")) *class = DNS_CLASS_IN; else if (strcaseeq(s, "ANY")) *class = DNS_TYPE_ANY; else return -EINVAL; return 0; }