/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2014 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see . ***/ #include #include "sd-network.h" #include "strv.h" #include "resolved-link.h" int link_new(Manager *m, Link **ret, int ifindex) { _cleanup_(link_freep) Link *l = NULL; int r; assert(m); assert(ifindex > 0); r = hashmap_ensure_allocated(&m->links, NULL, NULL); if (r < 0) return r; l = new0(Link, 1); if (!l) return -ENOMEM; l->ifindex = ifindex; r = hashmap_put(m->links, INT_TO_PTR(ifindex), l); if (r < 0) return r; l->manager = m; if (ret) *ret = l; l = NULL; return 0; } Link *link_free(Link *l) { if (!l) return NULL; while (l->addresses) link_address_free(l->addresses); if (l->manager) hashmap_remove(l->manager->links, INT_TO_PTR(l->ifindex)); dns_scope_free(l->unicast_scope); dns_scope_free(l->llmnr_ipv4_scope); dns_scope_free(l->llmnr_ipv6_scope); while (l->dns_servers) dns_server_free(l->dns_servers); free(l); return NULL; } static void link_allocate_scopes(Link *l) { int r; assert(l); if (l->dns_servers) { if (!l->unicast_scope) { r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->unicast_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_DNS, AF_UNSPEC); if (r < 0) log_warning("Failed to allocate DNS scope: %s", strerror(-r)); } } else l->unicast_scope = dns_scope_free(l->unicast_scope); if (link_relevant(l, AF_INET) && l->manager->use_llmnr) { if (!l->llmnr_ipv4_scope) { r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->llmnr_ipv4_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR, AF_INET); if (r < 0) log_warning("Failed to allocate LLMNR IPv4 scope: %s", strerror(-r)); } } else l->llmnr_ipv4_scope = dns_scope_free(l->llmnr_ipv4_scope); if (link_relevant(l, AF_INET6) && l->manager->use_llmnr) { if (!l->llmnr_ipv6_scope) { r = dns_scope_new(l->manager, &l->llmnr_ipv6_scope, l, DNS_PROTOCOL_LLMNR, AF_INET6); if (r < 0) log_warning("Failed to allocate LLMNR IPv6 scope: %s", strerror(-r)); } } else l->llmnr_ipv6_scope = dns_scope_free(l->llmnr_ipv6_scope); } int link_update_rtnl(Link *l, sd_rtnl_message *m) { const char *n = NULL; int r; assert(l); assert(m); r = sd_rtnl_message_link_get_flags(m, &l->flags); if (r < 0) return r; sd_rtnl_message_read_u32(m, IFLA_MTU, &l->mtu); if (sd_rtnl_message_read_string(m, IFLA_IFNAME, &n) >= 0) { strncpy(l->name, n, sizeof(l->name)); char_array_0(l->name); } link_allocate_scopes(l); return 0; } static int link_update_dns_servers(Link *l) { _cleanup_free_ struct in_addr *nameservers = NULL; _cleanup_free_ struct in6_addr *nameservers6 = NULL; DnsServer *s, *nx; int r, n, i; assert(l); LIST_FOREACH(servers, s, l->dns_servers) s->marked = true; n = sd_network_get_dns(l->ifindex, &nameservers); if (n < 0) { r = n; goto clear; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { union in_addr_union a = { .in = nameservers[i] }; s = link_find_dns_server(l, AF_INET, &a); if (s) s->marked = false; else { r = dns_server_new(l->manager, NULL, l, AF_INET, &a); if (r < 0) goto clear; } } n = sd_network_get_dns6(l->ifindex, &nameservers6); if (n < 0) { r = n; goto clear; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { union in_addr_union a = { .in6 = nameservers6[i] }; s = link_find_dns_server(l, AF_INET6, &a); if (s) s->marked = false; else { r = dns_server_new(l->manager, NULL, l, AF_INET6, &a); if (r < 0) goto clear; } } LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(servers, s, nx, l->dns_servers) if (s->marked) dns_server_free(s); return 0; clear: while (l->dns_servers) dns_server_free(l->dns_servers); return r; } int link_update_monitor(Link *l) { assert(l); link_update_dns_servers(l); link_allocate_scopes(l); return 0; } bool link_relevant(Link *l, int family) { _cleanup_free_ char *state = NULL; LinkAddress *a; assert(l); /* A link is relevant if it isn't a loopback device and has at * least one relevant IP address */ if (l->flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) return false; sd_network_get_link_operational_state(l->ifindex, &state); if (state && !STR_IN_SET(state, "unknown", "degraded", "routable")) return false; LIST_FOREACH(addresses, a, l->addresses) if (a->family == family && link_address_relevant(a)) return true; return false; } LinkAddress *link_find_address(Link *l, int family, union in_addr_union *in_addr) { LinkAddress *a; assert(l); LIST_FOREACH(addresses, a, l->addresses) if (a->family == family && in_addr_equal(family, &a->in_addr, in_addr)) return a; return NULL; } DnsServer* link_find_dns_server(Link *l, int family, union in_addr_union *in_addr) { DnsServer *s; assert(l); LIST_FOREACH(servers, s, l->dns_servers) if (s->family == family && in_addr_equal(family, &s->address, in_addr)) return s; return NULL; } DnsServer *link_get_dns_server(Link *l) { assert(l); if (!l->current_dns_server) l->current_dns_server = l->dns_servers; return l->current_dns_server; } void link_next_dns_server(Link *l) { assert(l); /* Switch to the next DNS server */ if (!l->current_dns_server) { l->current_dns_server = l->dns_servers; if (l->current_dns_server) return; } if (!l->current_dns_server) return; if (l->current_dns_server->servers_next) { l->current_dns_server = l->current_dns_server->servers_next; return; } l->current_dns_server = l->dns_servers; } int link_address_new(Link *l, LinkAddress **ret, int family, union in_addr_union *in_addr) { LinkAddress *a; assert(l); assert(in_addr); a = new0(LinkAddress, 1); if (!a) return -ENOMEM; a->family = family; a->in_addr = *in_addr; a->link = l; LIST_PREPEND(addresses, l->addresses, a); if (ret) *ret = a; return 0; } LinkAddress *link_address_free(LinkAddress *a) { if (!a) return NULL; if (a->link) LIST_REMOVE(addresses, a->link->addresses, a); free(a); return NULL; } int link_address_update_rtnl(LinkAddress *a, sd_rtnl_message *m) { int r; assert(a); assert(m); r = sd_rtnl_message_addr_get_flags(m, &a->flags); if (r < 0) return r; sd_rtnl_message_addr_get_scope(m, &a->scope); link_allocate_scopes(a->link); return 0; } bool link_address_relevant(LinkAddress *a) { assert(a); if (a->flags & IFA_F_DEPRECATED) return false; if (IN_SET(a->scope, RT_SCOPE_HOST, RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE)) return false; return true; }