/*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2014 Ronny Chevalier systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ***/ #include <grp.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "fileio.h" #include "fs-util.h" #include "macro.h" #include "manager.h" #include "mkdir.h" #include "path-util.h" #include "rm-rf.h" #include "test-helper.h" #include "unit.h" #include "util.h" typedef void (*test_function_t)(Manager *m); static void check(Manager *m, Unit *unit, int status_expected, int code_expected) { Service *service = NULL; usec_t ts; usec_t timeout = 2 * USEC_PER_SEC; assert_se(m); assert_se(unit); service = SERVICE(unit); printf("%s\n", unit->id); exec_context_dump(&service->exec_context, stdout, "\t"); ts = now(CLOCK_MONOTONIC); while (service->state != SERVICE_DEAD && service->state != SERVICE_FAILED) { int r; usec_t n; r = sd_event_run(m->event, 100 * USEC_PER_MSEC); assert_se(r >= 0); n = now(CLOCK_MONOTONIC); if (ts + timeout < n) { log_error("Test timeout when testing %s", unit->id); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } exec_status_dump(&service->main_exec_status, stdout, "\t"); assert_se(service->main_exec_status.status == status_expected); assert_se(service->main_exec_status.code == code_expected); } static void test(Manager *m, const char *unit_name, int status_expected, int code_expected) { Unit *unit; assert_se(unit_name); assert_se(manager_load_unit(m, unit_name, NULL, NULL, &unit) >= 0); assert_se(UNIT_VTABLE(unit)->start(unit) >= 0); check(m, unit, status_expected, code_expected); } static void test_exec_workingdirectory(Manager *m) { assert_se(mkdir_p("/tmp/test-exec_workingdirectory", 0755) >= 0); test(m, "exec-workingdirectory.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); (void) rm_rf("/tmp/test-exec_workingdirectory", REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL); } static void test_exec_personality(Manager *m) { #if defined(__x86_64__) test(m, "exec-personality-x86-64.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); #elif defined(__s390__) test(m, "exec-personality-s390.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); #elif defined(__i386__) test(m, "exec-personality-x86.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); #endif } static void test_exec_ignoresigpipe(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-ignoresigpipe-yes.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-ignoresigpipe-no.service", SIGPIPE, CLD_KILLED); } static void test_exec_privatetmp(Manager *m) { assert_se(touch("/tmp/test-exec_privatetmp") >= 0); test(m, "exec-privatetmp-yes.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-privatetmp-no.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); unlink("/tmp/test-exec_privatetmp"); } static void test_exec_privatedevices(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-privatedevices-yes.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-privatedevices-no.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_systemcallfilter(Manager *m) { #ifdef HAVE_SECCOMP test(m, "exec-systemcallfilter-not-failing.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-systemcallfilter-not-failing2.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-systemcallfilter-failing.service", SIGSYS, CLD_KILLED); test(m, "exec-systemcallfilter-failing2.service", SIGSYS, CLD_KILLED); #endif } static void test_exec_systemcallerrornumber(Manager *m) { #ifdef HAVE_SECCOMP test(m, "exec-systemcallerrornumber.service", 1, CLD_EXITED); #endif } static void test_exec_systemcall_system_mode_with_user(Manager *m) { #ifdef HAVE_SECCOMP if (getpwnam("nobody")) test(m, "exec-systemcallfilter-system-user.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else if (getpwnam("nfsnobody")) test(m, "exec-systemcallfilter-system-user-nfsnobody.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else log_error_errno(errno, "Skipping test_exec_systemcall_system_mode_with_user, could not find nobody/nfsnobody user: %m"); #endif } static void test_exec_user(Manager *m) { if (getpwnam("nobody")) test(m, "exec-user.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else if (getpwnam("nfsnobody")) test(m, "exec-user-nfsnobody.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else log_error_errno(errno, "Skipping test_exec_user, could not find nobody/nfsnobody user: %m"); } static void test_exec_group(Manager *m) { if (getgrnam("nobody")) test(m, "exec-group.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else if (getgrnam("nfsnobody")) test(m, "exec-group-nfsnobody.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else log_error_errno(errno, "Skipping test_exec_group, could not find nobody/nfsnobody group: %m"); } static void test_exec_environment(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-environment.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-environment-multiple.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-environment-empty.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_environmentfile(Manager *m) { static const char e[] = "VAR1='word1 word2'\n" "VAR2=word3 \n" "# comment1\n" "\n" "; comment2\n" " ; # comment3\n" "line without an equal\n" "VAR3='$word 5 6'\n"; int r; r = write_string_file("/tmp/test-exec_environmentfile.conf", e, WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE); assert_se(r == 0); test(m, "exec-environmentfile.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); unlink("/tmp/test-exec_environmentfile.conf"); } static void test_exec_passenvironment(Manager *m) { /* test-execute runs under MANAGER_USER which, by default, forwards all * variables present in the environment, but only those that are * present _at the time it is created_! * * So these PassEnvironment checks are still expected to work, since we * are ensuring the variables are not present at manager creation (they * are unset explicitly in main) and are only set here. * * This is still a good approximation of how a test for MANAGER_SYSTEM * would work. */ assert_se(setenv("VAR1", "word1 word2", 1) == 0); assert_se(setenv("VAR2", "word3", 1) == 0); assert_se(setenv("VAR3", "$word 5 6", 1) == 0); test(m, "exec-passenvironment.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-passenvironment-repeated.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-passenvironment-empty.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); assert_se(unsetenv("VAR1") == 0); assert_se(unsetenv("VAR2") == 0); assert_se(unsetenv("VAR3") == 0); test(m, "exec-passenvironment-absent.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_umask(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-umask-default.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-umask-0177.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_runtimedirectory(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-runtimedirectory.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-runtimedirectory-mode.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); if (getgrnam("nobody")) test(m, "exec-runtimedirectory-owner.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else if (getgrnam("nfsnobody")) test(m, "exec-runtimedirectory-owner-nfsnobody.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); else log_error_errno(errno, "Skipping test_exec_runtimedirectory-owner, could not find nobody/nfsnobody group: %m"); } static void test_exec_capabilityboundingset(Manager *m) { int r; /* We use capsh to test if the capabilities are * properly set, so be sure that it exists */ r = find_binary("capsh", NULL); if (r < 0) { log_error_errno(r, "Skipping test_exec_capabilityboundingset, could not find capsh binary: %m"); return; } test(m, "exec-capabilityboundingset-simple.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-capabilityboundingset-reset.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-capabilityboundingset-merge.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-capabilityboundingset-invert.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_capabilityambientset(Manager *m) { int r; /* Check if the kernel has support for ambient capabilities. Run * the tests only if that's the case. Clearing all ambient * capabilities is fine, since we are expecting them to be unset * in the first place for the tests. */ r = prctl(PR_CAP_AMBIENT, PR_CAP_AMBIENT_CLEAR_ALL, 0, 0, 0); if (r >= 0 || errno != EINVAL) { if (getpwnam("nobody")) { test(m, "exec-capabilityambientset.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-capabilityambientset-merge.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } else if (getpwnam("nfsnobody")) { test(m, "exec-capabilityambientset-nfsnobody.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-capabilityambientset-merge-nfsnobody.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } else log_error_errno(errno, "Skipping test_exec_capabilityambientset, could not find nobody/nfsnobody user: %m"); } else log_error_errno(errno, "Skipping test_exec_capabilityambientset, the kernel does not support ambient capabilities: %m"); } static void test_exec_privatenetwork(Manager *m) { int r; r = find_binary("ip", NULL); if (r < 0) { log_error_errno(r, "Skipping test_exec_privatenetwork, could not find ip binary: %m"); return; } test(m, "exec-privatenetwork-yes.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_oomscoreadjust(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-oomscoreadjust-positive.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-oomscoreadjust-negative.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_ioschedulingclass(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-ioschedulingclass-none.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-ioschedulingclass-idle.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-ioschedulingclass-realtime.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); test(m, "exec-ioschedulingclass-best-effort.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static void test_exec_spec_interpolation(Manager *m) { test(m, "exec-spec-interpolation.service", 0, CLD_EXITED); } static int run_tests(ManagerRunningAs running_as, test_function_t *tests) { test_function_t *test = NULL; Manager *m = NULL; int r; assert_se(tests); r = manager_new(running_as, true, &m); if (MANAGER_SKIP_TEST(r)) { printf("Skipping test: manager_new: %s\n", strerror(-r)); return EXIT_TEST_SKIP; } assert_se(r >= 0); assert_se(manager_startup(m, NULL, NULL) >= 0); for (test = tests; test && *test; test++) (*test)(m); manager_free(m); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { test_function_t user_tests[] = { test_exec_workingdirectory, test_exec_personality, test_exec_ignoresigpipe, test_exec_privatetmp, test_exec_privatedevices, test_exec_privatenetwork, test_exec_systemcallfilter, test_exec_systemcallerrornumber, test_exec_user, test_exec_group, test_exec_environment, test_exec_environmentfile, test_exec_passenvironment, test_exec_umask, test_exec_runtimedirectory, test_exec_capabilityboundingset, test_exec_capabilityambientset, test_exec_oomscoreadjust, test_exec_ioschedulingclass, test_exec_spec_interpolation, NULL, }; test_function_t system_tests[] = { test_exec_systemcall_system_mode_with_user, NULL, }; int r; log_parse_environment(); log_open(); /* It is needed otherwise cgroup creation fails */ if (getuid() != 0) { printf("Skipping test: not root\n"); return EXIT_TEST_SKIP; } assert_se(setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "/tmp/", 1) == 0); assert_se(set_unit_path(TEST_DIR "/test-execute/") >= 0); /* Unset VAR1, VAR2 and VAR3 which are used in the PassEnvironment test * cases, otherwise (and if they are present in the environment), * `manager_default_environment` will copy them into the default * environment which is passed to each created job, which will make the * tests that expect those not to be present to fail. */ assert_se(unsetenv("VAR1") == 0); assert_se(unsetenv("VAR2") == 0); assert_se(unsetenv("VAR3") == 0); r = run_tests(MANAGER_USER, user_tests); if (r != 0) return r; return run_tests(MANAGER_SYSTEM, system_tests); }