  This file is part of systemd.

  Copyright 2010 Lennart Poettering
  Copyright 2013 Thomas H.P. Andersen

  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
  along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "def.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "fs-util.h"
#include "raw-clone.h"
#include "rm-rf.h"
#include "string-util.h"
#include "util.h"

static void test_align_power2(void) {
        unsigned long i, p2;

        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(0) == 0);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(1) == 1);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(2) == 2);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(3) == 4);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(12) == 16);

        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(ULONG_MAX) == 0);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(ULONG_MAX - 1) == 0);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(ULONG_MAX - 1024) == 0);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(ULONG_MAX / 2) == ULONG_MAX / 2 + 1);
        assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(ULONG_MAX + 1) == 0);

        for (i = 1; i < 131071; ++i) {
                for (p2 = 1; p2 < i; p2 <<= 1)
                        /* empty */ ;

                assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(i) == p2);

        for (i = ULONG_MAX - 1024; i < ULONG_MAX; ++i) {
                for (p2 = 1; p2 && p2 < i; p2 <<= 1)
                        /* empty */ ;

                assert_se(ALIGN_POWER2(i) == p2);

static void test_max(void) {
        static const struct {
                int a;
                int b[CONST_MAX(10, 100)];
        } val1 = {
                .a = CONST_MAX(10, 100),
        int d = 0;

        assert_cc(sizeof(val1.b) == sizeof(int) * 100);

        /* CONST_MAX returns (void) instead of a value if the passed arguments
         * are not of the same type or not constant expressions. */
        assert_cc(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(CONST_MAX(1, 10)), int));
        assert_cc(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(CONST_MAX(1, 1U)), void));

        assert_se(val1.a == 100);
        assert_se(MAX(++d, 0) == 1);
        assert_se(d == 1);

        assert_cc(MAXSIZE(char[3], uint16_t) == 3);
        assert_cc(MAXSIZE(char[3], uint32_t) == 4);
        assert_cc(MAXSIZE(char, long) == sizeof(long));

        assert_se(MAX(-5, 5) == 5);
        assert_se(MAX(5, 5) == 5);
        assert_se(MAX(MAX(1, MAX(2, MAX(3, 4))), 5) == 5);
        assert_se(MAX(MAX(1, MAX(2, MAX(3, 2))), 1) == 3);
        assert_se(MAX(MIN(1, MIN(2, MIN(3, 4))), 5) == 5);
        assert_se(MAX(MAX(1, MIN(2, MIN(3, 2))), 1) == 2);
        assert_se(LESS_BY(8, 4) == 4);
        assert_se(LESS_BY(8, 8) == 0);
        assert_se(LESS_BY(4, 8) == 0);
        assert_se(LESS_BY(16, LESS_BY(8, 4)) == 12);
        assert_se(LESS_BY(4, LESS_BY(8, 4)) == 0);
        assert_se(CLAMP(-5, 0, 1) == 0);
        assert_se(CLAMP(5, 0, 1) == 1);
        assert_se(CLAMP(5, -10, 1) == 1);
        assert_se(CLAMP(5, -10, 10) == 5);
        assert_se(CLAMP(CLAMP(0, -10, 10), CLAMP(-5, 10, 20), CLAMP(100, -5, 20)) == 10);

static void test_container_of(void) {
        struct mytype {
                uint8_t pad1[3];
                uint64_t v1;
                uint8_t pad2[2];
                uint32_t v2;
        } _packed_ myval = { };

        assert_cc(sizeof(myval) == 17);
        assert_se(container_of(&myval.v1, struct mytype, v1) == &myval);
        assert_se(container_of(&myval.v2, struct mytype, v2) == &myval);
                                             struct mytype,
                               struct mytype,
                               v1) == &myval);

static void test_div_round_up(void) {
        int div;

        /* basic tests */
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(0, 8) == 0);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(1, 8) == 1);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(8, 8) == 1);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(12, 8) == 2);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(16, 8) == 2);

        /* test multiple evaluation */
        div = 0;
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(div++, 8) == 0 && div == 1);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(++div, 8) == 1 && div == 2);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(8, div++) == 4 && div == 3);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(8, ++div) == 2 && div == 4);

        /* overflow test with exact division */
        assert_se(sizeof(0U) == 4);
        assert_se(0xfffffffaU % 10U == 0U);
        assert_se(0xfffffffaU / 10U == 429496729U);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(0xfffffffaU, 10U) == 429496729U);
        assert_se((0xfffffffaU + 10U - 1U) / 10U == 0U);
        assert_se(0xfffffffaU / 10U + !!(0xfffffffaU % 10U) == 429496729U);

        /* overflow test with rounded division */
        assert_se(0xfffffffdU % 10U == 3U);
        assert_se(0xfffffffdU / 10U == 429496729U);
        assert_se(DIV_ROUND_UP(0xfffffffdU, 10U) == 429496730U);
        assert_se((0xfffffffdU + 10U - 1U) / 10U == 0U);
        assert_se(0xfffffffdU / 10U + !!(0xfffffffdU % 10U) == 429496730U);

static void test_u64log2(void) {
        assert_se(u64log2(0) == 0);
        assert_se(u64log2(8) == 3);
        assert_se(u64log2(9) == 3);
        assert_se(u64log2(15) == 3);
        assert_se(u64log2(16) == 4);
        assert_se(u64log2(1024*1024) == 20);
        assert_se(u64log2(1024*1024+5) == 20);

static void test_protect_errno(void) {
        errno = 12;
                errno = 11;
        assert_se(errno == 12);

static void test_in_set(void) {
        assert_se(IN_SET(1, 1));
        assert_se(IN_SET(1, 1, 2, 3, 4));
        assert_se(IN_SET(2, 1, 2, 3, 4));
        assert_se(IN_SET(3, 1, 2, 3, 4));
        assert_se(IN_SET(4, 1, 2, 3, 4));
        assert_se(!IN_SET(0, 1));
        assert_se(!IN_SET(0, 1, 2, 3, 4));

static void test_log2i(void) {
        assert_se(log2i(1) == 0);
        assert_se(log2i(2) == 1);
        assert_se(log2i(3) == 1);
        assert_se(log2i(4) == 2);
        assert_se(log2i(32) == 5);
        assert_se(log2i(33) == 5);
        assert_se(log2i(63) == 5);
        assert_se(log2i(INT_MAX) == sizeof(int)*8-2);

static void test_execute_directory(void) {
        char template_lo[] = "/tmp/test-readlink_and_make_absolute-lo.XXXXXXX";
        char template_hi[] = "/tmp/test-readlink_and_make_absolute-hi.XXXXXXX";
        const char * dirs[] = {template_hi, template_lo, NULL};
        const char *name, *name2, *name3, *overridden, *override, *masked, *mask;


        name = strjoina(template_lo, "/script");
        name2 = strjoina(template_hi, "/script2");
        name3 = strjoina(template_lo, "/useless");
        overridden = strjoina(template_lo, "/overridden");
        override = strjoina(template_hi, "/overridden");
        masked = strjoina(template_lo, "/masked");
        mask = strjoina(template_hi, "/masked");

        assert_se(write_string_file(name, "#!/bin/sh\necho 'Executing '$0\ntouch $(dirname $0)/it_works", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
        assert_se(write_string_file(name2, "#!/bin/sh\necho 'Executing '$0\ntouch $(dirname $0)/it_works2", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
        assert_se(write_string_file(overridden, "#!/bin/sh\necho 'Executing '$0\ntouch $(dirname $0)/failed", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
        assert_se(write_string_file(override, "#!/bin/sh\necho 'Executing '$0", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
        assert_se(write_string_file(masked, "#!/bin/sh\necho 'Executing '$0\ntouch $(dirname $0)/failed", WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE) == 0);
        assert_se(symlink("/dev/null", mask) == 0);
        assert_se(chmod(name, 0755) == 0);
        assert_se(chmod(name2, 0755) == 0);
        assert_se(chmod(overridden, 0755) == 0);
        assert_se(chmod(override, 0755) == 0);
        assert_se(chmod(masked, 0755) == 0);
        assert_se(touch(name3) >= 0);

        execute_directories(dirs, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_USEC, NULL);

        assert_se(chdir(template_lo) == 0);
        assert_se(access("it_works", F_OK) >= 0);
        assert_se(access("failed", F_OK) < 0);

        assert_se(chdir(template_hi) == 0);
        assert_se(access("it_works2", F_OK) >= 0);
        assert_se(access("failed", F_OK) < 0);

        (void) rm_rf(template_lo, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL);
        (void) rm_rf(template_hi, REMOVE_ROOT|REMOVE_PHYSICAL);

static void test_raw_clone(void) {
        pid_t parent, pid, pid2;

        parent = getpid();
        log_info("before clone: getpid()→"PID_FMT, parent);
        assert_se(raw_getpid() == parent);

        pid = raw_clone(0);
        assert_se(pid >= 0);

        pid2 = raw_getpid();
        log_info("raw_clone: "PID_FMT" getpid()→"PID_FMT" raw_getpid()→"PID_FMT,
                 pid, getpid(), pid2);
        if (pid == 0) {
                assert_se(pid2 != parent);
        } else {
                int status;

                assert_se(pid2 == parent);
                waitpid(pid, &status, __WCLONE);
                assert_se(WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == EXIT_SUCCESS);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {


        return 0;