/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2011 Lennart Poettering systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see . ***/ #include #include #include #include #include "systemd/sd-id128.h" #include "systemd/sd-messages.h" #include "util.h" #include "strv.h" #include "dbus-common.h" #include "polkit.h" #include "def.h" #include "hwclock.h" #include "conf-files.h" #include "path-util.h" #include "fileio-label.h" #include "label.h" #define NULL_ADJTIME_UTC "0.0 0 0\n0\nUTC\n" #define NULL_ADJTIME_LOCAL "0.0 0 0\n0\nLOCAL\n" #define INTERFACE \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" \ " \n" #define INTROSPECTION \ DBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_DOCTYPE_DECL_NODE \ "\n" \ INTERFACE \ BUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE \ BUS_INTROSPECTABLE_INTERFACE \ BUS_PEER_INTERFACE \ "\n" #define INTERFACES_LIST \ BUS_GENERIC_INTERFACES_LIST \ "org.freedesktop.timedate1\0" const char timedate_interface[] _introspect_("timedate1") = INTERFACE; typedef struct TZ { char *zone; bool local_rtc; int can_ntp; int use_ntp; } TZ; static TZ tz = { .can_ntp = -1, .use_ntp = -1, }; static usec_t remain_until; static void free_data(void) { free(tz.zone); tz.zone = NULL; tz.local_rtc = false; } static bool valid_timezone(const char *name) { const char *p; char *t; bool slash = false; int r; struct stat st; assert(name); if (*name == '/' || *name == 0) return false; for (p = name; *p; p++) { if (!(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') && !(*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') && !(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') && !(*p == '-' || *p == '_' || *p == '+' || *p == '/')) return false; if (*p == '/') { if (slash) return false; slash = true; } else slash = false; } if (slash) return false; t = strappend("/usr/share/zoneinfo/", name); if (!t) return false; r = stat(t, &st); free(t); if (r < 0) return false; if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return false; return true; } static int read_data(void) { int r; _cleanup_free_ char *t = NULL; free_data(); r = readlink_malloc("/etc/localtime", &t); if (r < 0) { if (r == -EINVAL) log_warning("/etc/localtime should be a symbolic link to a timezone data file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/."); else log_warning("Failed to get target of /etc/localtime: %s", strerror(-r)); } else { const char *e; e = path_startswith(t, "/usr/share/zoneinfo/"); if (!e) e = path_startswith(t, "../usr/share/zoneinfo/"); if (!e) log_warning("/etc/localtime should be a symbolic link to a timezone data file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/."); else { tz.zone = strdup(e); if (!tz.zone) return log_oom(); goto have_timezone; } } have_timezone: if (isempty(tz.zone)) { free(tz.zone); tz.zone = NULL; } tz.local_rtc = hwclock_is_localtime() > 0; return 0; } static int write_data_timezone(void) { int r = 0; _cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL; if (!tz.zone) { if (unlink("/etc/localtime") < 0 && errno != ENOENT) r = -errno; return r; } p = strappend("../usr/share/zoneinfo/", tz.zone); if (!p) return log_oom(); r = symlink_atomic(p, "/etc/localtime"); if (r < 0) return r; return 0; } static int write_data_local_rtc(void) { int r; char *s, *w; r = read_full_file("/etc/adjtime", &s, NULL); if (r < 0) { if (r != -ENOENT) return r; if (!tz.local_rtc) return 0; w = strdup(NULL_ADJTIME_LOCAL); if (!w) return -ENOMEM; } else { char *p, *e; size_t a, b; p = strchr(s, '\n'); if (!p) { free(s); return -EIO; } p = strchr(p+1, '\n'); if (!p) { free(s); return -EIO; } p++; e = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!e) { free(s); return -EIO; } a = p - s; b = strlen(e); w = new(char, a + (tz.local_rtc ? 5 : 3) + b + 1); if (!w) { free(s); return -ENOMEM; } *(char*) mempcpy(stpcpy(mempcpy(w, s, a), tz.local_rtc ? "LOCAL" : "UTC"), e, b) = 0; if (streq(w, NULL_ADJTIME_UTC)) { free(w); if (unlink("/etc/adjtime") < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) return -errno; } return 0; } } label_init("/etc"); r = write_string_file_atomic_label("/etc/adjtime", w); free(w); return r; } static char** get_ntp_services(void) { char **r = NULL, **files, **i; int k; k = conf_files_list(&files, ".list", NULL, "/etc/systemd/ntp-units.d", "/run/systemd/ntp-units.d", "/usr/local/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d", "/usr/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d", NULL); if (k < 0) return NULL; STRV_FOREACH(i, files) { FILE *f; f = fopen(*i, "re"); if (!f) continue; for (;;) { char line[PATH_MAX], *l, **q; if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { if (ferror(f)) log_error("Failed to read NTP units file: %m"); break; } l = strstrip(line); if (l[0] == 0 || l[0] == '#') continue; q = strv_append(r, l); if (!q) { log_oom(); break; } strv_free(r); r = q; } fclose(f); } strv_free(files); return strv_uniq(r); } static int read_ntp(DBusConnection *bus) { DBusMessage *m = NULL, *reply = NULL; DBusError error; int r; char **i, **l; assert(bus); dbus_error_init(&error); l = get_ntp_services(); STRV_FOREACH(i, l) { const char *s; if (m) dbus_message_unref(m); m = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", "GetUnitFileState"); if (!m) { r = log_oom(); goto finish; } if (!dbus_message_append_args(m, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, i, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { r = log_oom(); goto finish; } reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(bus, m, -1, &error); if (!reply) { if (streq(error.name, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound")) { /* This implementation does not exist, try next one */ dbus_error_free(&error); continue; } log_error("Failed to issue method call: %s", bus_error_message(&error)); r = -EIO; goto finish; } if (!dbus_message_get_args(reply, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &s, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { log_error("Failed to parse reply: %s", bus_error_message(&error)); r = -EIO; goto finish; } tz.can_ntp = 1; tz.use_ntp = streq(s, "enabled") || streq(s, "enabled-runtime"); r = 0; goto finish; } /* NTP is not installed. */ tz.can_ntp = 0; tz.use_ntp = 0; r = 0; finish: if (m) dbus_message_unref(m); if (reply) dbus_message_unref(reply); strv_free(l); dbus_error_free(&error); return r; } static int start_ntp(DBusConnection *bus, DBusError *error) { DBusMessage *m = NULL, *reply = NULL; const char *mode = "replace"; char **i, **l; int r; assert(bus); assert(error); l = get_ntp_services(); STRV_FOREACH(i, l) { if (m) dbus_message_unref(m); m = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", tz.use_ntp ? "StartUnit" : "StopUnit"); if (!m) { log_error("Could not allocate message."); r = -ENOMEM; goto finish; } if (!dbus_message_append_args(m, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, i, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &mode, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { log_error("Could not append arguments to message."); r = -ENOMEM; goto finish; } reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(bus, m, -1, error); if (!reply) { if (streq(error->name, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound") || streq(error->name, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed") || streq(error->name, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit")) { /* This implementation does not exist, try next one */ dbus_error_free(error); continue; } log_error("Failed to issue method call: %s", bus_error_message(error)); r = -EIO; goto finish; } r = 0; goto finish; } /* No implementaiton available... */ r = -ENOENT; finish: if (m) dbus_message_unref(m); if (reply) dbus_message_unref(reply); strv_free(l); return r; } static int enable_ntp(DBusConnection *bus, DBusError *error) { DBusMessage *m = NULL, *reply = NULL; int r; DBusMessageIter iter; dbus_bool_t f = FALSE, t = TRUE; char **i, **l; assert(bus); assert(error); l = get_ntp_services(); STRV_FOREACH(i, l) { char* k[2]; if (m) dbus_message_unref(m); m = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", tz.use_ntp ? "EnableUnitFiles" : "DisableUnitFiles"); if (!m) { log_error("Could not allocate message."); r = -ENOMEM; goto finish; } dbus_message_iter_init_append(m, &iter); k[0] = *i; k[1] = NULL; r = bus_append_strv_iter(&iter, k); if (r < 0) { log_error("Failed to append unit files."); goto finish; } /* send runtime bool */ if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &f)) { log_error("Failed to append runtime boolean."); r = -ENOMEM; goto finish; } if (tz.use_ntp) { /* send force bool */ if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &t)) { log_error("Failed to append force boolean."); r = -ENOMEM; goto finish; } } reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(bus, m, -1, error); if (!reply) { if (streq(error->name, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound")) { /* This implementation does not exist, try next one */ dbus_error_free(error); continue; } log_error("Failed to issue method call: %s", bus_error_message(error)); r = -EIO; goto finish; } dbus_message_unref(m); m = dbus_message_new_method_call( "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", "Reload"); if (!m) { log_error("Could not allocate message."); r = -ENOMEM; goto finish; } dbus_message_unref(reply); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(bus, m, -1, error); if (!reply) { log_error("Failed to issue method call: %s", bus_error_message(error)); r = -EIO; goto finish; } r = 0; goto finish; } r = -ENOENT; finish: if (m) dbus_message_unref(m); if (reply) dbus_message_unref(reply); strv_free(l); return r; } static int property_append_can_ntp(DBusMessageIter *i, const char *property, void *data) { dbus_bool_t db; assert(i); assert(property); db = tz.can_ntp > 0; if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(i, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &db)) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } static int property_append_ntp(DBusMessageIter *i, const char *property, void *data) { dbus_bool_t db; assert(i); assert(property); db = tz.use_ntp > 0; if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(i, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &db)) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } static const BusProperty bus_timedate_properties[] = { { "Timezone", bus_property_append_string, "s", offsetof(TZ, zone), true }, { "LocalRTC", bus_property_append_bool, "b", offsetof(TZ, local_rtc) }, { "CanNTP", property_append_can_ntp, "b", offsetof(TZ, can_ntp) }, { "NTP", property_append_ntp, "b", offsetof(TZ, use_ntp) }, { NULL, } }; static const BusBoundProperties bps[] = { { "org.freedesktop.timedate1", bus_timedate_properties, &tz }, { NULL, } }; static DBusHandlerResult timedate_message_handler( DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *userdata) { DBusMessage *reply = NULL, *changed = NULL; DBusError error; int r; assert(connection); assert(message); dbus_error_init(&error); if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "SetTimezone")) { const char *z; dbus_bool_t interactive; if (!dbus_message_get_args( message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &z, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &interactive, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, -EINVAL); if (!valid_timezone(z)) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, -EINVAL); if (!streq_ptr(z, tz.zone)) { char *t; r = verify_polkit(connection, message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1.set-timezone", interactive, NULL, &error); if (r < 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, r); t = strdup(z); if (!t) goto oom; free(tz.zone); tz.zone = t; /* 1. Write new configuration file */ r = write_data_timezone(); if (r < 0) { log_error("Failed to set timezone: %s", strerror(-r)); return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, r); } /* 2. Tell the kernel our time zone */ hwclock_set_timezone(NULL); if (tz.local_rtc) { struct timespec ts; struct tm *tm; /* 3. Sync RTC from system clock, with the new delta */ assert_se(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) == 0); assert_se(tm = localtime(&ts.tv_sec)); hwclock_set_time(tm); } log_struct(LOG_INFO, MESSAGE_ID(SD_MESSAGE_TIMEZONE_CHANGE), "TIMEZONE=%s", tz.zone, "MESSAGE=Changed timezone to '%s'.", tz.zone, NULL); changed = bus_properties_changed_new( "/org/freedesktop/timedate1", "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "Timezone\0"); if (!changed) goto oom; } } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "SetLocalRTC")) { dbus_bool_t lrtc; dbus_bool_t fix_system; dbus_bool_t interactive; if (!dbus_message_get_args( message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &lrtc, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &fix_system, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &interactive, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, -EINVAL); if (lrtc != tz.local_rtc) { struct timespec ts; r = verify_polkit(connection, message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1.set-local-rtc", interactive, NULL, &error); if (r < 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, r); tz.local_rtc = lrtc; /* 1. Write new configuration file */ r = write_data_local_rtc(); if (r < 0) { log_error("Failed to set RTC to local/UTC: %s", strerror(-r)); return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, r); } /* 2. Tell the kernel our time zone */ hwclock_set_timezone(NULL); /* 3. Synchronize clocks */ assert_se(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) == 0); if (fix_system) { struct tm tm; /* Sync system clock from RTC; first, * initialize the timezone fields of * struct tm. */ if (tz.local_rtc) tm = *localtime(&ts.tv_sec); else tm = *gmtime(&ts.tv_sec); /* Override the main fields of * struct tm, but not the timezone * fields */ if (hwclock_get_time(&tm) >= 0) { /* And set the system clock * with this */ if (tz.local_rtc) ts.tv_sec = mktime(&tm); else ts.tv_sec = timegm(&tm); clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); } } else { struct tm *tm; /* Sync RTC from system clock */ if (tz.local_rtc) tm = localtime(&ts.tv_sec); else tm = gmtime(&ts.tv_sec); hwclock_set_time(tm); } log_info("RTC configured to %s time.", tz.local_rtc ? "local" : "UTC"); changed = bus_properties_changed_new( "/org/freedesktop/timedate1", "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "LocalRTC\0"); if (!changed) goto oom; } } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "SetTime")) { int64_t utc; dbus_bool_t relative; dbus_bool_t interactive; if (!dbus_message_get_args( message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_INT64, &utc, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &relative, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &interactive, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, -EINVAL); if (!relative && utc <= 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, -EINVAL); if (!relative || utc != 0) { struct timespec ts; struct tm* tm; if (relative) { usec_t n, x; n = now(CLOCK_REALTIME); x = n + utc; if ((utc > 0 && x < n) || (utc < 0 && x > n)) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, -EOVERFLOW); timespec_store(&ts, x); } else timespec_store(&ts, (usec_t) utc); r = verify_polkit(connection, message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1.set-time", interactive, NULL, &error); if (r < 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, r); /* Set system clock */ if (clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts) < 0) { log_error("Failed to set local time: %m"); return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, -errno); } /* Sync down to RTC */ if (tz.local_rtc) tm = localtime(&ts.tv_sec); else tm = gmtime(&ts.tv_sec); hwclock_set_time(tm); log_struct(LOG_INFO, MESSAGE_ID(SD_MESSAGE_TIME_CHANGE), "REALTIME=%llu", (unsigned long long) timespec_load(&ts), "MESSAGE=Changed local time to %s", ctime(&ts.tv_sec), NULL); } } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "SetNTP")) { dbus_bool_t ntp; dbus_bool_t interactive; if (!dbus_message_get_args( message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &ntp, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &interactive, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, -EINVAL); if (ntp != !!tz.use_ntp) { r = verify_polkit(connection, message, "org.freedesktop.timedate1.set-ntp", interactive, NULL, &error); if (r < 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, r); tz.use_ntp = !!ntp; r = enable_ntp(connection, &error); if (r < 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, r); r = start_ntp(connection, &error); if (r < 0) return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, r); log_info("Set NTP to %s", tz.use_ntp ? "enabled" : "disabled"); changed = bus_properties_changed_new( "/org/freedesktop/timedate1", "org.freedesktop.timedate1", "NTP\0"); if (!changed) goto oom; } } else return bus_default_message_handler(connection, message, INTROSPECTION, INTERFACES_LIST, bps); if (!(reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message))) goto oom; if (!bus_maybe_send_reply(connection, message, reply)) goto oom; dbus_message_unref(reply); reply = NULL; if (changed) { if (!dbus_connection_send(connection, changed, NULL)) goto oom; dbus_message_unref(changed); } return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED; oom: if (reply) dbus_message_unref(reply); if (changed) dbus_message_unref(changed); dbus_error_free(&error); return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY; } static int connect_bus(DBusConnection **_bus) { static const DBusObjectPathVTable timedate_vtable = { .message_function = timedate_message_handler }; DBusError error; DBusConnection *bus = NULL; int r; assert(_bus); dbus_error_init(&error); bus = dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (!bus) { log_error("Failed to get system D-Bus connection: %s", bus_error_message(&error)); r = -ECONNREFUSED; goto fail2; } dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(bus, FALSE); if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path(bus, "/org/freedesktop/timedate1", &timedate_vtable, NULL) || !dbus_connection_add_filter(bus, bus_exit_idle_filter, &remain_until, NULL)) { r = log_oom(); goto fail; } r = dbus_bus_request_name(bus, "org.freedesktop.timedate1", DBUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE, &error); if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { log_error("Failed to register name on bus: %s", bus_error_message(&error)); r = -EEXIST; goto fail; } if (r != DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER) { log_error("Failed to acquire name."); r = -EEXIST; goto fail; } if (_bus) *_bus = bus; return 0; fail: dbus_connection_close(bus); dbus_connection_unref(bus); fail2: dbus_error_free(&error); return r; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r; DBusConnection *bus = NULL; bool exiting = false; log_set_target(LOG_TARGET_AUTO); log_parse_environment(); log_open(); umask(0022); if (argc == 2 && streq(argv[1], "--introspect")) { fputs(DBUS_INTROSPECT_1_0_XML_DOCTYPE_DECL_NODE "\n", stdout); fputs(timedate_interface, stdout); fputs("\n", stdout); return 0; } if (argc != 1) { log_error("This program takes no arguments."); r = -EINVAL; goto finish; } r = read_data(); if (r < 0) { log_error("Failed to read timezone data: %s", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } r = connect_bus(&bus); if (r < 0) goto finish; r = read_ntp(bus); if (r < 0) { log_error("Failed to determine whether NTP is enabled: %s", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } remain_until = now(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) + DEFAULT_EXIT_USEC; for (;;) { if (!dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch(bus, exiting ? -1 : (int) (DEFAULT_EXIT_USEC/USEC_PER_MSEC))) break; if (!exiting && remain_until < now(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)) { exiting = true; bus_async_unregister_and_exit(bus, "org.freedesktop.timedated1"); } } r = 0; finish: free_data(); if (bus) { dbus_connection_flush(bus); dbus_connection_close(bus); dbus_connection_unref(bus); } return r < 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }