#  -*- Mode: python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
#  This file is part of systemd.
#  Copyright 2012-2013 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#  along with systemd; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys
import collections
import re
from xml_helper import *
from copy import deepcopy

<refentry id="systemd.directives" conditional="HAVE_PYTHON">




                <refpurpose>Index of configuration directives</refpurpose>

                <title>Unit directives</title>

                <para>Directives for configuring units, used in unit

                <variablelist id='unit-directives' />

                <title>Options on the kernel command line</title>

                <para>Kernel boot options for configuring the behaviour of the
                systemd process.</para>

                <variablelist id='kernel-commandline-options' />

                <title>Environment variables</title>

                <para>Environment variables understood by the systemd
                manager and other programs.</para>

                <variablelist id='environment-variables' />

                <title>UDEV directives</title>

                <para>Directives for configuring systemd units through the
                udev database.</para>

                <variablelist id='udev-directives' />

                <title>Network directives</title>

                <para>Directives for configuring network links through the
                net-setup-link udev builtin and networks through

                <variablelist id='network-directives' />

                <title>Journal fields</title>

                <para>Fields in the journal events with a well known meaning.</para>

                <variablelist id='journal-directives' />

                <title>PAM configuration directives</title>

                <para>Directives for configuring PAM behaviour.</para>

                <variablelist id='pam-directives' />

                <title><filename>/etc/crypttab</filename> and
                <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> options</title>

                <para>Options which influence mounted filesystems and
                encrypted volumes.</para>

                <variablelist id='fstab-options' />

                <title>System manager directives</title>

                <para>Directives for configuring the behaviour of the
                systemd process.</para>

                <variablelist id='systemd-directives' />

                <title>command line options</title>

                <para>Command-line options accepted by programs in the
                systemd suite.</para>

                <variablelist id='options' />


                <para>Various constant used and/or defined by systemd.</para>

                <variablelist id='constants' />

                <title>Miscellaneous options and directives</title>

                <para>Other configuration elements which don't fit in
                any of the above groups.</para>

                <variablelist id='miscellaneous' />

                <title>Files and directories</title>

                <para>Paths and file names referred to in the

                <variablelist id='filenames' />

                <para id='colophon' />

This index contains {count} entries in {sections} sections,
referring to {pages} individual manual pages.

def _extract_directives(directive_groups, formatting, page):
    t = xml_parse(page)
    section = t.find('./refmeta/manvolnum').text
    pagename = t.find('./refmeta/refentrytitle').text

    storopt = directive_groups['options']
    for variablelist in t.iterfind('.//variablelist'):
        klass = variablelist.attrib.get('class')
        storvar = directive_groups[klass or 'miscellaneous']
        # <option>s go in OPTIONS, unless class is specified
        for xpath, stor in (('./varlistentry/term/varname', storvar),
                             storvar if klass else storopt)):
            for name in variablelist.iterfind(xpath):
                text = re.sub(r'([= ]).*', r'\1', name.text).rstrip()
                stor[text].append((pagename, section))
                if text not in formatting:
                    # use element as formatted display
                    if name.text[-1] in '= ':
                        name.tail = ''
                    name.text = text
                    formatting[text] = name

    storfile = directive_groups['filenames']
    for xpath, absolute_only in (('.//refsynopsisdiv//filename', False),
                                 ('.//refsynopsisdiv//command', False),
                                 ('.//filename', True)):
        for name in t.iterfind(xpath):
            if absolute_only and not (name.text and name.text.startswith('/')):
            if name.attrib.get('noindex'):
            name.tail = ''
            if name.text:
                if name.text.endswith('*'):
                    name.text = name.text[:-1]
                if not name.text.startswith('.'):
                    text = name.text.partition(' ')[0]
                    if text != name.text:
                        name.text = text
                    if text.endswith('/'):
                        text = text[:-1]
                    storfile[text].append((pagename, section))
                    if text not in formatting:
                        # use element as formatted display
                        formatting[text] = name
                text = ' '.join(name.itertext())
                storfile[text].append((pagename, section))
                formatting[text] = name

    storfile = directive_groups['constants']
    for name in t.iterfind('.//constant'):
        if name.attrib.get('noindex'):
        name.tail = ''
        if name.text.startswith('('): # a cast, strip it
            name.text = name.text.partition(' ')[2]
        storfile[name.text].append((pagename, section))
        formatting[name.text] = name

def _make_section(template, name, directives, formatting):
    varlist = template.find(".//*[@id='{}']".format(name))
    for varname, manpages in sorted(directives.items()):
        entry = tree.SubElement(varlist, 'varlistentry')
        term = tree.SubElement(entry, 'term')
        display = deepcopy(formatting[varname])

        para = tree.SubElement(tree.SubElement(entry, 'listitem'), 'para')

        b = None
        for manpage, manvolume in sorted(set(manpages)):
            if b is not None:
                b.tail = ', '
            b = tree.SubElement(para, 'citerefentry')
            c = tree.SubElement(b, 'refentrytitle')
            c.text = manpage
            c.attrib['target'] = varname
            d = tree.SubElement(b, 'manvolnum')
            d.text = manvolume
        entry.tail = '\n\n'

def _make_colophon(template, groups):
    count = 0
    pages = set()
    for group in groups:
        count += len(group)
        for pagelist in group.values():
            pages |= set(pagelist)

    para = template.find(".//para[@id='colophon']")
    para.text = COLOPHON.format(count=count,

def _make_page(template, directive_groups, formatting):
    """Create an XML tree from directive_groups.

    directive_groups = {
       'class': {'variable': [('manpage', 'manvolume'), ...],
                 'variable2': ...},
    for name, directives in directive_groups.items():
        _make_section(template, name, directives, formatting)

    _make_colophon(template, directive_groups.values())

    return template

def make_page(*xml_files):
    "Extract directives from xml_files and return XML index tree."
    template = tree.fromstring(TEMPLATE)
    names = [vl.get('id') for vl in template.iterfind('.//variablelist')]
    directive_groups = {name:collections.defaultdict(list)
                        for name in names}
    formatting = {}
    for page in xml_files:
            _extract_directives(directive_groups, formatting, page)
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("failed to process " + page)

    return _make_page(template, directive_groups, formatting)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open(sys.argv[1], 'wb') as f: