path: root/community/ucarp/ucarp.8
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diff --git a/community/ucarp/ucarp.8 b/community/ucarp/ucarp.8
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index 7eb19ddc0..000000000
--- a/community/ucarp/ucarp.8
+++ /dev/null
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-.TH "UCARP" "8"
-ucarp \(em Automatic IP failover
-\fBucarp\fR [\fB-i, \-\-interface=\fIINTERFACE\fR\fP] [\fB-s, \-\-srcip=\fIIPADDRESS\fR\fP]
-[\fB-v, \-\-vhid=\fIVHID\fR\fP] [\fB-p, \-\-pass=\fIPASSWORD\fR\fP] [\fB-o, \-\-passfile=\fIPASSFILE\fR\fP]
-[\fB-P, \-\-preempt\fP] [\fB-n, \-\-neutral\fP] [\fB-a, \-\-addr=\fIIPADDR\fR\fP] [\fB-h, \-\-help\fP]
-[\fB-b, \-\-advbase=\fISECS\fR\fP] [\fB-k, \-\-advskew=\fISKEW\fR\fP] [\fB-u, \-\-upscript=\fISCRIPT\fR\fP]
-[\fB-d, \-\-downscript=\fISCRIPT\fR\fP] [\fB-r, \-\-deadratio=\fIRATIO\fR\fP] [\fB-z, \-\-shutdown\fP]
-[\fB-B, \-\-daemonize\fP] [\fB-f, \-\-facility=\fIFACILITY\fR\fP] [\fB-x, \-\-xparam \fIPARAM\fR\fP]
-[\fB-S, \-\-ignoreifstate\fP] [\fB-M, \-\-nomcast\fP]
-ucarp allows a pair of hosts to share common IP addresses in
-order to provide automatic failover of an address from one machine to
-another. It is a portable userland implementation of the secure and
-patent-free Common Address Redundancy Protocol, (CARP), OpenBSD's
-alternative to VRRP.
-ucarp supports the following command line options:
-.IP "\fB-i \fIINTERFACE\fR\fP\fB \-\-interface=\fIINTERFACE\fR\fP" 10
-The network interface to bind to.
-.IP "\fB-s \fIIPADDRESS\fR\fP\fB \-\-srcip=\fIIPADDRESS\fR\fP" 10
-The persistent source address, (real IP), associated with this
-.IP "\fB-v \fIVHID\fR\fP\fB \-\-vhid=\fIVHID\fR\fP" 10
-The id of the virtual server [1-255].
-.IP "\fB-p \fIPASSWORD\fR\fP\fB \-\-pass=\fIPASSWORD\fR\fP" 10
-The shared password, (this gets encrypted and is not sent in the
-.IP "\fB-o \fIPASSFILE\fR\fP\fB \-\-passfile=\fIPASSFILE\fR\fP" 10
-File to read the shared password from. The file specified
-should contain the password on the first line of the file.
-.IP "\fB-P \fP\fB\-\-preempt\fP" 10
-Turn on preemptive failover. This causes an instance of
-ucarp to assume master status right immediately.
-.IP "\fB-n \fP\fB\-\-neutral\fP" 10
-Do not run the downscript on startup when the
-initial state is backup.
-.IP "\fB-a \fIIPADDRESS\fR\fP\fB \-\-addr=\fIIPADDRESS\fR\fP" 10
-The IP address of the virtual server.
-.IP "\fB-h \fP\fB\-\-help\fP" 10
-Display a brief summary of the command line options.
-.IP "\fB-b \fISECONDS\fR\fP\fB \-\-advbase=\fISECONDS\fR\fP" 10
-Interval in seconds that advertisements will occur, (defaults
-to 1 second).
-.IP "\fB-k \fISKEW\fR\fP\fB \-\-advskew=\fISKEW\fR\fP" 10
-Advertisement skew [1-255], (defaults to 0).
-.IP "\fB-u \fICOMMAND\fR\fP\fB \-\-upscript=\fICOMMAND\fR\fP" 10
-Specifies the command to run after ucarp has successfully
-become master, the interface name gets passed as an argument.
-Typically a script used to bring up the virtual address, log the
-result, add routes, clear arp cache entries, etc.
-.IP "\fB-d \fICOMMAND\fR\fP\fB \-\-downscript=\fICOMMAND\fR\fP" 10
-Specifies the command that is run after ucarp has
-transitioned to the backup state, the interface name is passed
-as an argument. This is typically a script used to bring down
-the virtual interface, log the action, remove routes, etc.
-.IP "\fB-r \fIRATIO\fR\fP\fB \-\-deadratio=\fIRATIO\fR\fP" 10
-Ratio used by the backup to determine how long to wait for an
-unresponsive master before considering it dead.
-.IP "\fB-z\fP\fB \-\-shutdown\fP" 10
-Use of this command causes the command specified by the \-d
-argument to be invoked when ucarp shuts down.
-.IP "\fB-B\fP\fB \-\-daemonize\fP" 10
-Causes ucarp to detach from the terminal and run in the
-background as a daemon.
-.IP "\fB-f\fP\fB \-\-facility\fP" 10
-Set the syslog facility, defaults to daemon.
-.IP "\fB-x \fIPARAMETER\fR\fP\fB \-\-xparam=\fIPARAMETER\fR\fP" 10
-Specify an extra parameter to be supplied to the up/down
-.IP "\fB-S\fP\fB \-\-ignoreifstate\fP" 10
-Ignore unplugged network cables. This option is useful when
-ucarp nodes are connected with a crossover cable. Without
-this option the master will transition to backup when the other
-node is powered down, as it no longer has a link (NO-CARRIER).
-.IP "\fB-M\fP\fB \-\-nomcast\fP" 10
-Use broadcast instead of multicast advertisements.
-A host with a real IP of configured to be the master
-in a preemptive configuration with a virtual IP of
-\fB \fPucarp \-i eth0 \-s \-v 10 \-p secret \-a \\
-\fB \fP\-\-upscript=/usr/local/sbin/ \-\-downscript=/usr/local/sbin/ \-P
-The backup might be configured something like this.
-\fB \fPucarp \-i eth0 \-s \-v 10 \-p secret \-a \\
-\fB \fP\-\-upscript=/usr/local/sbin/ \-\-downscript=/usr/local/sbin/
-A machine with a real IP of is the preferred master for
-a virtual IP of, broadcasts are sent every 5 seconds.
-\fB \fPucarp \-b 5 \-s \-v 27 \-p badpass \-a \\
-\fB \fP-u /usr/local/sbin/ \-d /usr/local/sbin/ \-z
-The hot standby with an IP of uses the following
-command, (note the advskew of 50 putting it at a disadvantage and making
-the first machine preferred).
-\fB \fPucarp \-b 5 \-k 50 \-s \-v 27 \-p badpass \-a \\
-\fB \fP-u /usr/local/sbin/ \-d /usr/local/sbin/ \-z
-Sending the ucarp process a SIGUSR1 will have it log a status
-line to syslog, eg "Sep 13 12:59:56 localhost ucarp[2654]: [INFO]
-MASTER on eth0 id 1" or "Sep 13 13:00:25 localhost ucarp[2644]: [INFO]
-BACKUP on eth0 id 1"
-Sending the ucarp process a SIGUSR2 will cause it to demote itself
-from master to backup, pause 3 seconds, then proceed as usual to listen
-for other masters, and promote itself if necessary. This could be useful
-if you wish another node to take over master.
-ucarp was written by Frank Denis, <>.
-This manual page was written by Eric Evans <>
-for \fBDebian\fP and adapted to \fBArchlinux\fP
-by Sébastien Luttringer <>. Permission is
-granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or any
-later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
-On Archlinux systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
-License can be found in /usr/share/licenses/common/GPL.