path: root/testing/xorg-server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/xorg-server')
8 files changed, 1874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/10-quirks.conf b/testing/xorg-server/10-quirks.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7afad22dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/10-quirks.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Collection of quirks and blacklist/whitelists for specific devices.
+# Accelerometer device, posts data through ABS_X/ABS_Y, making X unusable
+Section "InputClass"
+ Identifier "ThinkPad HDAPS accelerometer blacklist"
+ MatchProduct "ThinkPad HDAPS accelerometer data"
+ Option "Ignore" "on"
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/PKGBUILD b/testing/xorg-server/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd16d9086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 119887 2011-04-16 12:07:45Z andyrtr $
+# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <>
+pkgname=('xorg-server' 'xorg-server-xephyr' 'xorg-server-xdmx' 'xorg-server-xvfb' 'xorg-server-xnest' 'xorg-server-common' 'xorg-server-devel')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el')
+makedepends=('pixman' 'libx11' 'mesa' 'libgl' 'xf86driproto' 'xcmiscproto' 'xtrans' 'bigreqsproto' 'randrproto' 'inputproto' 'fontsproto' 'videoproto' 'compositeproto' 'recordproto' 'scrnsaverproto' 'resourceproto' 'xineramaproto' 'libxkbfile' 'libxfont' 'renderproto' 'libpciaccess' 'libxv' 'xf86dgaproto' 'libxmu' 'libxrender' 'libxi' 'dmxproto' 'libxaw' 'libdmx' 'libxtst' 'libxres' 'xorg-xkbcomp' 'xorg-util-macros' 'xorg-font-util')
+ bg-none-revert.patch
+ glx-pixmap-crash.patch
+ xserver-1.10-pointer-barriers.patch
+ xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch
+ xvfb-run
+ xvfb-run.1
+ 10-quirks.conf)
+ '629c6d8d52126eab81ee1b72a9e4209535f8cb81'
+ '19e7164dcf9814ad64231b50a46f651b0e68a27a'
+ '1b95e91384a57d966428c7db98ed06f4cc562f91'
+ '0efcdf61bde3c0cd813072b94e2b30ab922775b9'
+ 'c94f742d3f9cabf958ae58e4015d9dd185aabedc'
+ '6838fc00ef4618c924a77e0fb03c05346080908a'
+ '993798f3d22ad672d769dae5f48d1fa068d5578f')
+build() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+ # Get rid of the ugly pattern
+ patch -Np3 -i "${srcdir}/xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch"
+ # Add pointer barrier support, patch from Fedora
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/xserver-1.10-pointer-barriers.patch"
+ # Patches from ~ajax/xserver xserver-next branch
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/bg-none-revert.patch"
+ patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/glx-pixmap-crash.patch"
+ autoreconf
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-ipv6 \
+ --enable-dri \
+ --enable-dmx \
+ --enable-xvfb \
+ --enable-xnest \
+ --enable-composite \
+ --enable-xcsecurity \
+ --enable-xorg \
+ --enable-xephyr \
+ --enable-glx-tls \
+ --enable-kdrive \
+ --enable-install-setuid \
+ --enable-config-udev \
+ --disable-config-dbus \
+ --enable-record \
+ --disable-xfbdev \
+ --disable-xfake \
+ --disable-static \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-xkb-path=/usr/share/X11/xkb \
+ --with-xkb-output=/var/lib/xkb \
+ --with-fontrootdir=/usr/share/fonts
+ make
+ sed -e 's/^DMX_SUBDIRS =.*/DMX_SUBDIRS =/' \
+ -e 's/^XVFB_SUBDIRS =.*/XVFB_SUBDIRS =/' \
+ -i hw/Makefile
+package_xorg-server-common() {
+ pkgdesc="Xorg server common files"
+ depends=('xkeyboard-config' 'xorg-xkbcomp' 'xorg-setxkbmap' 'xorg-fonts-misc')
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-common"
+ install -m644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-common"
+ make -C xkb DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install-data
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1"
+ install -m644 doc/man/Xserver.1 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/"
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg"
+ install -m644 dix/protocol.txt "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/"
+package_xorg-server() {
+ pkgdesc="Xorg X server"
+ depends=(libxdmcp libxfont udev libpciaccess libdrm pixman libgcrypt libxau xorg-server-common xf86-input-evdev)
+ backup=('etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf' 'etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-quirks.conf')
+ provides=('x-server')
+ groups=('xorg')
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/etc/X11"
+ mv "${pkgdir}/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d" "${pkgdir}/etc/X11/"
+ install -m644 "${srcdir}/10-quirks.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/"
+ rmdir "${pkgdir}/usr/share/X11"
+ # Needed for non-mesa drivers, libgl will restore it
+ mv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.xorg"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/var"
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1"
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/protocol.txt"
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server"
+ ln -sf ../xorg-server-common/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server/COPYING"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/include"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/aclocal"
+package_xorg-server-xephyr() {
+ pkgdesc="A nested X server that runs as an X application"
+ depends=(libxfont libgl libgcrypt libxv pixman xorg-server-common)
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/hw/kdrive"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xephyr"
+ ln -sf ../xorg-server-common/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xephyr/COPYING"
+package_xorg-server-xvfb() {
+ pkgdesc="Virtual framebuffer X server"
+ depends=(libxfont libxdmcp libxau libgcrypt pixman xorg-server-common)
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/hw/vfb"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -m755 "${srcdir}/xvfb-run" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
+ install -m644 "${srcdir}/xvfb-run.1" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/"
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xvfb"
+ ln -sf ../xorg-server-common/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xvfb/COPYING"
+package_xorg-server-xnest() {
+ pkgdesc="A nested X server that runs as an X application"
+ depends=(libxfont libxext libgcrypt pixman xorg-server-common)
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/hw/xnest"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xnest"
+ ln -sf ../xorg-server-common/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xnest/COPYING"
+package_xorg-server-xdmx() {
+ pkgdesc="Distributed Multihead X Server and utilities"
+ depends=(libxfont libxi libgcrypt libxaw libxrender libdmx libxfixes pixman xorg-server-common)
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}/hw/dmx"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xdmx"
+ ln -sf ../xorg-server-common/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-xdmx/COPYING"
+package_xorg-server-devel() {
+ pkgdesc="Development files for the X.Org X server"
+ depends=(xproto randrproto renderproto xextproto inputproto kbproto fontsproto videoproto dri2proto xineramaproto xorg-util-macros pixman libpciaccess)
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/X11"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg"
+ rm -rf "${pkgdir}/var"
+ install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-devel"
+ ln -sf ../xorg-server-common/COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/xorg-server-devel/COPYING"
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/bg-none-revert.patch b/testing/xorg-server/bg-none-revert.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a38f1f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/bg-none-revert.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+From 3bc6ed2d8c9028ec28015d05b60af67a194f3694 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Adam Jackson <>
+Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 14:09:46 +0000
+Subject: Revert "composite: Don't backfill non-bg-None windows"
+This reverts commit 6dd775f57d2f94f0ddaee324aeec33b9b66ed5bc.
+Acked-by: Alex Deucher <>
+Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <>
+diff --git a/composite/compalloc.c b/composite/compalloc.c
+index e4064f6..7164c0d 100644
+--- a/composite/compalloc.c
++++ b/composite/compalloc.c
+@@ -508,17 +508,6 @@ compUnredirectOneSubwindow (WindowPtr pParent, WindowPtr pWin)
+ return Success;
+ }
+-static int
+-bgNoneVisitWindow(WindowPtr pWin, void *null)
+- if (pWin->backgroundState != BackgroundPixmap)
+- if (pWin->background.pixmap != None)
+ static PixmapPtr
+ compNewPixmap (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y, int w, int h, Bool map)
+ {
+@@ -539,21 +528,6 @@ compNewPixmap (WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y, int w, int h, Bool map)
+ if (!map)
+ return pPixmap;
+- /*
+- * If there's no bg=None in the tree, we're done.
+- *
+- * We could optimize this more by collection the regions of all the
+- * bg=None subwindows and feeding that in as the clip for the
+- * CopyArea below, but since window trees are shallow these days it
+- * might not be worth the effort.
+- */
+- if (TraverseTree(pWin, bgNoneVisitWindow, NULL) == WT_NOMATCH)
+- return pPixmap;
+- /*
+- * Copy bits from the parent into the new pixmap so that it will
+- * have "reasonable" contents in case for background None areas.
+- */
+ if (pParent->drawable.depth == pWin->drawable.depth)
+ {
+ GCPtr pGC = GetScratchGC (pWin->drawable.depth, pScreen);
+cgit v0.8.3-6-g21f6
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/glx-pixmap-crash.patch b/testing/xorg-server/glx-pixmap-crash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48f258eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/glx-pixmap-crash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+From 390ba6686d1baf80627c01d4a4273981d6606cc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Adam Jackson <>
+Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:30:09 +0000
+Subject: glx: Fix lifetime tracking for pixmaps
+GLX pixmaps take a reference on the underlying pixmap; X and GLX pixmap
+IDs can be destroyed in either order with no error. Only windows need
+to be tracked under both XIDs.
+Fixes piglit/glx-pixmap-life.
+Reviewed-by: Michel Dänzer <>
+Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <>
+diff --git a/glx/glxcmds.c b/glx/glxcmds.c
+index 66d4c7e..d5b764f 100644
+--- a/glx/glxcmds.c
++++ b/glx/glxcmds.c
+@@ -1127,10 +1127,11 @@ DoCreateGLXDrawable(ClientPtr client, __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen,
+ return BadAlloc;
+ }
+- /* Add the glx drawable under the XID of the underlying X drawable
+- * too. That way we'll get a callback in DrawableGone and can
+- * clean up properly when the drawable is destroyed. */
+- if (drawableId != glxDrawableId &&
++ /*
++ * Windows aren't refcounted, so track both the X and the GLX window
++ * so we get called regardless of destruction order.
++ */
++ if (drawableId != glxDrawableId && type == GLX_DRAWABLE_WINDOW &&
+ !AddResource(pDraw->id, __glXDrawableRes, pGlxDraw)) {
+ pGlxDraw->destroy (pGlxDraw);
+ return BadAlloc;
+@@ -1161,6 +1162,8 @@ DoCreateGLXPixmap(ClientPtr client, __GLXscreen *pGlxScreen, __GLXconfig *config
+ err = DoCreateGLXDrawable(client, pGlxScreen, config, pDraw, drawableId,
+ glxDrawableId, GLX_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP);
++ ((PixmapPtr)pDraw)->refcnt++;
+ return err;
+ }
+diff --git a/glx/glxext.c b/glx/glxext.c
+index 3f3dd79..9cfc096 100644
+--- a/glx/glxext.c
++++ b/glx/glxext.c
+@@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ static Bool DrawableGone(__GLXdrawable *glxPriv, XID xid)
+ {
+ __GLXcontext *c, *next;
+- /* If this drawable was created using glx 1.3 drawable
+- * constructors, we added it as a glx drawable resource under both
+- * its glx drawable ID and it X drawable ID. Remove the other
+- * resource now so we don't a callback for freed memory. */
+- if (glxPriv->drawId != glxPriv->pDraw->id) {
+- if (xid == glxPriv->drawId)
+- FreeResourceByType(glxPriv->pDraw->id, __glXDrawableRes, TRUE);
+- else
+- FreeResourceByType(glxPriv->drawId, __glXDrawableRes, TRUE);
++ if (glxPriv->type == GLX_DRAWABLE_WINDOW) {
++ /* If this was created by glXCreateWindow, free the matching resource */
++ if (glxPriv->drawId != glxPriv->pDraw->id) {
++ if (xid == glxPriv->drawId)
++ FreeResourceByType(glxPriv->pDraw->id, __glXDrawableRes, TRUE);
++ else
++ FreeResourceByType(glxPriv->drawId, __glXDrawableRes, TRUE);
++ }
++ /* otherwise this window was implicitly created by MakeCurrent */
+ }
+ for (c = glxAllContexts; c; c = next) {
+@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ static Bool DrawableGone(__GLXdrawable *glxPriv, XID xid)
+ c->readPriv = NULL;
+ }
++ /* drop our reference to any backing pixmap */
++ if (glxPriv->type == GLX_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP)
++ glxPriv->pDraw->pScreen->DestroyPixmap((PixmapPtr)glxPriv->pDraw);
+ glxPriv->destroy(glxPriv);
+ return True;
+cgit v0.8.3-6-g21f6
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch b/testing/xorg-server/xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e782f1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Remove the default root window grey stipple pattern, replacing it with
+--- xc/programs/Xserver/dix/window.c.die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die Tue Feb 12 16:33:04 2002
++++ xc/programs/Xserver/dix/window.c Tue Feb 12 16:45:32 2002
+@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
+ *
+ ******/
+-static unsigned char _back_lsb[4] = {0x88, 0x22, 0x44, 0x11};
+-static unsigned char _back_msb[4] = {0x11, 0x44, 0x22, 0x88};
++static unsigned char _back_lsb[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
++static unsigned char _back_msb[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+ int screenIsSaved = SCREEN_SAVER_OFF;
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/xserver-1.10-pointer-barriers.patch b/testing/xorg-server/xserver-1.10-pointer-barriers.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..099565436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/xserver-1.10-pointer-barriers.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+From 14f1112bec18ccece8e732fe6c200a56546230c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Adam Jackson <>
+Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 13:56:17 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] CRTC confine and pointer barriers
+ dix/events.c | 7 +
+ dix/getevents.c | 12 +-
+ include/dix.h | 1 +
+ include/protocol-versions.h | 2 +-
+ mi/mipointer.c | 16 ++-
+ mi/mipointer.h | 6 +
+ randr/randr.c | 2 +
+ randr/randrstr.h | 4 +
+ randr/rrcrtc.c | 155 ++++++++++++++++
+ test/ | 4 +-
+ xfixes/cursor.c | 408 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ xfixes/xfixes.c | 24 ++-
+ xfixes/xfixes.h | 17 ++
+ xfixes/xfixesint.h | 16 ++
+ 14 files changed, 658 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dix/events.c b/dix/events.c
+index 07f8b05..d2be84f 100644
+--- a/dix/events.c
++++ b/dix/events.c
+@@ -328,6 +328,13 @@ IsMaster(DeviceIntPtr dev)
+ return dev->type == MASTER_POINTER || dev->type == MASTER_KEYBOARD;
+ }
++IsFloating(DeviceIntPtr dev)
++ return GetMaster(dev, MASTER_KEYBOARD) == NULL;
+ /**
+ * Max event opcode.
+ */
+diff --git a/dix/getevents.c b/dix/getevents.c
+index 794df42..c66e516 100644
+--- a/dix/getevents.c
++++ b/dix/getevents.c
+@@ -812,7 +812,11 @@ accelPointer(DeviceIntPtr dev, int first, int num, int *valuators, CARD32 ms)
+ * miPointerSetPosition() and then scale back into device coordinates (if
+ * needed). miPSP will change x/y if the screen was crossed.
+ *
++ * The coordinates provided are always absolute. The parameter mode whether
++ * it was relative or absolute movement that landed us at those coordinates.
++ *
+ * @param dev The device to be moved.
++ * @param mode Movement mode (Absolute or Relative)
+ * @param x Pointer to current x-axis value, may be modified.
+ * @param y Pointer to current y-axis value, may be modified.
+ * @param x_frac Fractional part of current x-axis value, may be modified.
+@@ -824,7 +828,8 @@ accelPointer(DeviceIntPtr dev, int first, int num, int *valuators, CARD32 ms)
+ * @param screeny_frac Fractional part of screen y coordinate, as above.
+ */
+ static void
+-positionSprite(DeviceIntPtr dev, int *x, int *y, float x_frac, float y_frac,
++positionSprite(DeviceIntPtr dev, int mode,
++ int *x, int *y, float x_frac, float y_frac,
+ ScreenPtr scr, int *screenx, int *screeny, float *screenx_frac, float *screeny_frac)
+ {
+ int old_screenx, old_screeny;
+@@ -863,7 +868,7 @@ positionSprite(DeviceIntPtr dev, int *x, int *y, float x_frac, float y_frac,
+ old_screeny = *screeny;
+ /* This takes care of crossing screens for us, as well as clipping
+ * to the current screen. */
+- miPointerSetPosition(dev, screenx, screeny);
++ _miPointerSetPosition(dev, mode, screenx, screeny);
+ if (dev->u.master) {
+ dev->u.master->last.valuators[0] = *screenx;
+@@ -1193,7 +1198,8 @@ GetPointerEvents(EventList *events, DeviceIntPtr pDev, int type, int buttons,
+ set_raw_valuators(raw, &mask, raw->;
+- positionSprite(pDev, &x, &y, x_frac, y_frac, scr, &cx, &cy, &cx_frac, &cy_frac);
++ positionSprite(pDev, (flags & POINTER_ABSOLUTE) ? Absolute : Relative,
++ &x, &y, x_frac, y_frac, scr, &cx, &cy, &cx_frac, &cy_frac);
+ updateHistory(pDev, &mask, ms);
+ /* Update the valuators with the true value sent to the client*/
+diff --git a/include/dix.h b/include/dix.h
+index 12e4b59..3f99098 100644
+--- a/include/dix.h
++++ b/include/dix.h
+@@ -570,6 +570,7 @@ extern Bool _X_EXPORT IsPointerDevice( DeviceIntPtr dev);
+ extern Bool _X_EXPORT IsKeyboardDevice(DeviceIntPtr dev);
+ extern Bool IsPointerEvent(InternalEvent *event);
+ extern _X_EXPORT Bool IsMaster(DeviceIntPtr dev);
++extern _X_EXPORT Bool IsFloating(DeviceIntPtr dev);
+ extern _X_HIDDEN void CopyKeyClass(DeviceIntPtr device, DeviceIntPtr master);
+ extern _X_HIDDEN int CorePointerProc(DeviceIntPtr dev, int what);
+diff --git a/include/protocol-versions.h b/include/protocol-versions.h
+index 1d33bdd..1dc66ad 100644
+--- a/include/protocol-versions.h
++++ b/include/protocol-versions.h
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
+ /* Fixes */
+ /* X Input */
+diff --git a/mi/mipointer.c b/mi/mipointer.c
+index 554397a..85f1949 100644
+--- a/mi/mipointer.c
++++ b/mi/mipointer.c
+@@ -229,6 +229,10 @@ miPointerSetCursorPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen,
+ SetupScreen (pScreen);
+ GenerateEvent = generateEvent;
++ if (pScreen->ConstrainCursorHarder)
++ pScreen->ConstrainCursorHarder(pDev, pScreen, Absolute, &x, &y);
+ /* device dependent - must pend signal and call miPointerWarpCursor */
+ (*pScreenPriv->screenFuncs->WarpCursor) (pDev, pScreen, x, y);
+ if (!generateEvent)
+@@ -484,7 +488,7 @@ miPointerMoveNoEvent (DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen,
+ }
+ void
+-miPointerSetPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int *x, int *y)
++_miPointerSetPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int mode, int *x, int *y)
+ {
+ miPointerScreenPtr pScreenPriv;
+ ScreenPtr pScreen;
+@@ -529,6 +533,9 @@ miPointerSetPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int *x, int *y)
+ if (*y >= pPointer->limits.y2)
+ *y = pPointer->limits.y2 - 1;
++ if (pScreen->ConstrainCursorHarder)
++ pScreen->ConstrainCursorHarder(pDev, pScreen, mode, x, y);
+ if (pPointer->x == *x && pPointer->y == *y &&
+ pPointer->pScreen == pScreen)
+ return;
+@@ -536,6 +543,13 @@ miPointerSetPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int *x, int *y)
+ miPointerMoveNoEvent(pDev, pScreen, *x, *y);
+ }
++/* ABI hack */
++miPointerSetPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int *x, int *y)
++ _miPointerSetPosition(pDev, Absolute, x, y);
+ void
+ miPointerGetPosition(DeviceIntPtr pDev, int *x, int *y)
+ {
+diff --git a/mi/mipointer.h b/mi/mipointer.h
+index 3c86110..6b6010c 100644
+--- a/mi/mipointer.h
++++ b/mi/mipointer.h
+@@ -131,6 +131,12 @@ extern _X_EXPORT void miPointerGetPosition(
+ /* Moves the cursor to the specified position. May clip the co-ordinates:
+ * x and y are modified in-place. */
++extern _X_EXPORT void _miPointerSetPosition(
++ DeviceIntPtr pDev,
++ int mode,
++ int *x,
++ int *y);
+ extern _X_EXPORT void miPointerSetPosition(
+ DeviceIntPtr pDev,
+ int *x,
+diff --git a/randr/randr.c b/randr/randr.c
+index 6077705..d337129 100644
+--- a/randr/randr.c
++++ b/randr/randr.c
+@@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ Bool RRScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen)
+ wrap (pScrPriv, pScreen, CloseScreen, RRCloseScreen);
++ pScreen->ConstrainCursorHarder = RRConstrainCursorHarder;
+ pScrPriv->numOutputs = 0;
+ pScrPriv->outputs = NULL;
+ pScrPriv->numCrtcs = 0;
+diff --git a/randr/randrstr.h b/randr/randrstr.h
+index 7ea6080..d8dd37d 100644
+--- a/randr/randrstr.h
++++ b/randr/randrstr.h
+@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ typedef struct _rrScrPriv {
+ int rate;
+ int size;
+ #endif
++ Bool discontiguous;
+ } rrScrPrivRec, *rrScrPrivPtr;
+ extern _X_EXPORT DevPrivateKeyRec rrPrivKeyRec;
+@@ -700,6 +701,9 @@ ProcRRGetPanning (ClientPtr client);
+ int
+ ProcRRSetPanning (ClientPtr client);
++RRConstrainCursorHarder (DeviceIntPtr, ScreenPtr, int, int *, int *);
+ /* rrdispatch.c */
+ extern _X_EXPORT Bool
+ RRClientKnowsRates (ClientPtr pClient);
+diff --git a/randr/rrcrtc.c b/randr/rrcrtc.c
+index 98206a2..d4d8f2a 100644
+--- a/randr/rrcrtc.c
++++ b/randr/rrcrtc.c
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright © 2006 Keith Packard
++ * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include "randrstr.h"
+ #include "swaprep.h"
++#include "mipointer.h"
+@@ -292,6 +294,92 @@ RRCrtcPendingProperties (RRCrtcPtr crtc)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
++static void
++crtc_bounds(RRCrtcPtr crtc, int *left, int *right, int *top, int *bottom)
++ *left = crtc->x;
++ *top = crtc->y;
++ switch (crtc->rotation) {
++ case RR_Rotate_0:
++ case RR_Rotate_180:
++ default:
++ *right = crtc->x + crtc->mode->mode.width;
++ *bottom = crtc->y + crtc->mode->mode.height;
++ return;
++ case RR_Rotate_90:
++ case RR_Rotate_270:
++ *right = crtc->x + crtc->mode->mode.height;
++ *bottom = crtc->y + crtc->mode->mode.width;
++ return;
++ }
++/* overlapping counts as adjacent */
++static Bool
++crtcs_adjacent(const RRCrtcPtr a, const RRCrtcPtr b)
++ /* left, right, top, bottom... */
++ int al, ar, at, ab;
++ int bl, br, bt, bb;
++ int cl, cr, ct, cb; /* the overlap, if any */
++ crtc_bounds(a, &al, &ar, &at, &ab);
++ crtc_bounds(b, &bl, &br, &bt, &bb);
++ cl = max(al, bl);
++ cr = min(ar, br);
++ ct = max(at, bt);
++ cb = min(ab, bb);
++ return (cl <= cr) && (ct <= cb);
++/* Depth-first search and mark all CRTCs reachable from cur */
++static void
++mark_crtcs (rrScrPrivPtr pScrPriv, int *reachable, int cur)
++ int i;
++ reachable[cur] = TRUE;
++ for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numCrtcs; ++i) {
++ if (reachable[i] || !pScrPriv->crtcs[i]->mode)
++ continue;
++ if (crtcs_adjacent(pScrPriv->crtcs[cur], pScrPriv->crtcs[i]))
++ mark_crtcs(pScrPriv, reachable, i);
++ }
++static void
++RRComputeContiguity (ScreenPtr pScreen)
++ rrScrPriv(pScreen);
++ Bool discontiguous = TRUE;
++ int i, n = pScrPriv->numCrtcs;
++ int *reachable = calloc(n, sizeof(int));
++ if (!reachable)
++ goto out;
++ /* Find first enabled CRTC and start search for reachable CRTCs from it */
++ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
++ if (pScrPriv->crtcs[i]->mode) {
++ mark_crtcs(pScrPriv, reachable, i);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ /* Check that all enabled CRTCs were marked as reachable */
++ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
++ if (pScrPriv->crtcs[i]->mode && !reachable[i])
++ goto out;
++ discontiguous = FALSE;
++ free(reachable);
++ pScrPriv->discontiguous = discontiguous;
+ /*
+ * Request that the Crtc be reconfigured
+ */
+@@ -306,6 +394,7 @@ RRCrtcSet (RRCrtcPtr crtc,
+ {
+ ScreenPtr pScreen = crtc->pScreen;
+ Bool ret = FALSE;
++ Bool recompute = TRUE;
+ rrScrPriv(pScreen);
+ /* See if nothing changed */
+@@ -318,6 +407,7 @@ RRCrtcSet (RRCrtcPtr crtc,
+ !RRCrtcPendingProperties (crtc) &&
+ !RRCrtcPendingTransform (crtc))
+ {
++ recompute = FALSE;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+@@ -381,6 +471,10 @@ RRCrtcSet (RRCrtcPtr crtc,
+ RRPostPendingProperties (outputs[o]);
+ }
+ }
++ if (recompute)
++ RRComputeContiguity(pScreen);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -1349,3 +1443,64 @@ ProcRRGetCrtcTransform (ClientPtr client)
+ free(reply);
+ return Success;
+ }
++RRConstrainCursorHarder(DeviceIntPtr pDev, ScreenPtr pScreen, int mode, int *x, int *y)
++ rrScrPriv (pScreen);
++ int i;
++ /* intentional dead space -> let it float */
++ if (pScrPriv->discontiguous)
++ return;
++ /* if we're moving inside a crtc, we're fine */
++ for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numCrtcs; i++) {
++ RRCrtcPtr crtc = pScrPriv->crtcs[i];
++ int left, right, top, bottom;
++ if (!crtc->mode)
++ continue;
++ crtc_bounds(crtc, &left, &right, &top, &bottom);
++ if ((*x >= left) && (*x <= right) && (*y >= top) && (*y <= bottom))
++ return;
++ }
++ /* if we're trying to escape, clamp to the CRTC we're coming from */
++ for (i = 0; i < pScrPriv->numCrtcs; i++) {
++ RRCrtcPtr crtc = pScrPriv->crtcs[i];
++ int nx, ny;
++ int left, right, top, bottom;
++ if (!crtc->mode)
++ continue;
++ crtc_bounds(crtc, &left, &right, &top, &bottom);
++ miPointerGetPosition(pDev, &nx, &ny);
++ if ((nx >= left) && (nx <= right) && (ny >= top) && (ny <= bottom)) {
++ if ((*x <= left) || (*x >= right)) {
++ int dx = *x - nx;
++ if (dx > 0)
++ *x = right;
++ else if (dx < 0)
++ *x = left;
++ }
++ if ((*y <= top) || (*y >= bottom)) {
++ int dy = *y - ny;
++ if (dy > 0)
++ *y = bottom;
++ else if (dy < 0)
++ *y = top;
++ }
++ return;
++ }
++ }
+diff --git a/test/ b/test/
+index 456221e..ccdb859 100644
+--- a/test/
++++ b/test/
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ SUBDIRS= . xi2
+-check_PROGRAMS = xkb input xtest
++check_PROGRAMS = xkb input xtest list fixes
+@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ endif
+ libxservertest_la_LIBADD = \
+diff --git a/xfixes/cursor.c b/xfixes/cursor.c
+index fb608f6..5c55c95 100644
+--- a/xfixes/cursor.c
++++ b/xfixes/cursor.c
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+@@ -50,13 +51,16 @@
+ #include "cursorstr.h"
+ #include "dixevents.h"
+ #include "servermd.h"
++#include "mipointer.h"
+ #include "inputstr.h"
+ #include "windowstr.h"
+ #include "xace.h"
++#include "list.h"
+ static RESTYPE CursorClientType;
+ static RESTYPE CursorHideCountType;
+ static RESTYPE CursorWindowType;
++RESTYPE PointerBarrierType;
+ static CursorPtr CursorCurrent[MAXDEVICES];
+ static DevPrivateKeyRec CursorScreenPrivateKeyRec;
+@@ -107,6 +111,14 @@ typedef struct _CursorHideCountRec {
+ XID resource;
+ } CursorHideCountRec;
++typedef struct PointerBarrierClient *PointerBarrierClientPtr;
++struct PointerBarrierClient {
++ ScreenPtr screen;
++ struct PointerBarrier barrier;
++ struct list entry;
+ /*
+ * Wrap DisplayCursor to catch cursor change events
+ */
+@@ -114,7 +126,9 @@ typedef struct _CursorHideCountRec {
+ typedef struct _CursorScreen {
+ DisplayCursorProcPtr DisplayCursor;
+ CloseScreenProcPtr CloseScreen;
++ ConstrainCursorHarderProcPtr ConstrainCursorHarder;
+ CursorHideCountPtr pCursorHideCounts;
++ struct list barriers;
+ } CursorScreenRec, *CursorScreenPtr;
+ #define GetCursorScreen(s) ((CursorScreenPtr)dixLookupPrivate(&(s)->devPrivates, CursorScreenPrivateKey))
+@@ -184,9 +198,11 @@ CursorCloseScreen (int index, ScreenPtr pScreen)
+ Bool ret;
+ CloseScreenProcPtr close_proc;
+ DisplayCursorProcPtr display_proc;
++ ConstrainCursorHarderProcPtr constrain_proc;
+ Unwrap (cs, pScreen, CloseScreen, close_proc);
+ Unwrap (cs, pScreen, DisplayCursor, display_proc);
++ Unwrap (cs, pScreen, ConstrainCursorHarder, constrain_proc);
+ deleteCursorHideCountsForScreen(pScreen);
+ ret = (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (index, pScreen);
+ free(cs);
+@@ -1029,6 +1045,391 @@ CursorFreeWindow (pointer data, XID id)
+ return 1;
+ }
++static BOOL
++barrier_is_horizontal(const struct PointerBarrier *barrier)
++ return barrier->y1 == barrier->y2;
++static BOOL
++barrier_is_vertical(const struct PointerBarrier *barrier)
++ return barrier->x1 == barrier->x2;
++ * @return The set of barrier movement directions the movement vector
++ * x1/y1 → x2/y2 represents.
++ */
++barrier_get_direction(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
++ int direction = 0;
++ /* which way are we trying to go */
++ if (x2 > x1)
++ direction |= BarrierPositiveX;
++ if (x2 < x1)
++ direction |= BarrierNegativeX;
++ if (y2 > y1)
++ direction |= BarrierPositiveY;
++ if (y2 < y1)
++ direction |= BarrierNegativeY;
++ return direction;
++ * Test if the barrier may block movement in the direction defined by
++ * x1/y1 → x2/y2. This function only tests whether the directions could be
++ * blocked, it does not test if the barrier actually blocks the movement.
++ *
++ * @return TRUE if the barrier blocks the direction of movement or FALSE
++ * otherwise.
++ */
++barrier_is_blocking_direction(const struct PointerBarrier *barrier, int direction)
++ /* Barriers define which way is ok, not which way is blocking */
++ return (barrier->directions & direction) != direction;
++ * Test if the movement vector x1/y1 → x2/y2 is intersecting with the
++ * barrier. A movement vector with the startpoint or endpoint on the barrier
++ * itself counts as intersecting.
++ *
++ * @param x1 X start coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param y1 Y start coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param x2 X end coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param y2 Y end coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param[out] distance The distance between the start point and the
++ * intersection with the barrier (if applicable).
++ * @return TRUE if the barrier intersects with the given vector
++ */
++barrier_is_blocking(const struct PointerBarrier *barrier,
++ int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
++ double *distance)
++ BOOL rc = FALSE;
++ float ua, ub, ud;
++ int dir = barrier_get_direction(x1, y1, x2, y2);
++ /* Algorithm below doesn't handle edge cases well, hence the extra
++ * checks. */
++ if (barrier_is_vertical(barrier)) {
++ /* handle immediate barrier adjacency, moving away */
++ if (dir & BarrierPositiveX && x1 == barrier->x1)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (dir & BarrierNegativeX && x1 == (barrier->x1 - 1))
++ return FALSE;
++ /* startpoint on barrier */
++ if (x1 == barrier->x1 && y1 >= barrier->y1 && y1 <= barrier->y2) {
++ *distance = 0;
++ return TRUE;
++ }
++ /* endpoint on barrier */
++ if (x2 == barrier->x1 && y2 >= barrier->y1 && y2 <= barrier->y2) {
++ *distance = abs(x2 - x1);
++ return TRUE;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* handle immediate barrier adjacency, moving away */
++ if (dir & BarrierPositiveY && y1 == barrier->y1)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (dir & BarrierNegativeY && y1 == (barrier->y1 - 1))
++ return FALSE;
++ /* startpoint on barrier */
++ if (y1 == barrier->y1 && x1 >= barrier->x1 && x1 <= barrier->x2) {
++ *distance = 0;
++ return TRUE;
++ }
++ /* endpoint on barrier */
++ if (y2 == barrier->y1 && x2 >= barrier->x1 && x2 <= barrier->x2) {
++ *distance = abs(y2 - y1);
++ return TRUE;
++ }
++ }
++ /* not an edge case, compute distance */
++ ua = 0;
++ ud = (barrier->y2 - barrier->y1) * (x2 - x1) - (barrier->x2 - barrier->x1) * (y2 - y1);
++ if (ud != 0) {
++ ua = ((barrier->x2 - barrier->x1) * (y1 - barrier->y1) -
++ (barrier->y2 - barrier->y1) * (x1 - barrier->x1)) / ud;
++ ub = ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - barrier->y1) -
++ (y2 - y1) * (x1 - barrier->x1)) / ud;
++ if (ua < 0 || ua > 1 || ub < 0 || ub > 1)
++ ua = 0;
++ }
++ if (ua > 0 && ua <= 1)
++ {
++ double ix = barrier->x1 + ua * (barrier->x2 - barrier->x1);
++ double iy = barrier->y1 + ua * (barrier->y2 - barrier->y1);
++ *distance = sqrt(pow(x1 - ix, 2) + pow(y1 - iy, 2));
++ rc = TRUE;
++ }
++ return rc;
++ * Find the nearest barrier that is blocking movement from x1/y1 to x2/y2.
++ *
++ * @param dir Only barriers blocking movement in direction dir are checked
++ * @param x1 X start coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param y1 Y start coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param x2 X end coordinate of movement vector
++ * @param y2 Y end coordinate of movement vector
++ * @return The barrier nearest to the movement origin that blocks this movement.
++ */
++static struct PointerBarrier*
++barrier_find_nearest(CursorScreenPtr cs, int dir,
++ int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
++ struct PointerBarrierClient *c;
++ struct PointerBarrier *nearest = NULL;
++ double min_distance = INT_MAX; /* can't get higher than that in X anyway */
++ list_for_each_entry(c, &cs->barriers, entry) {
++ struct PointerBarrier *b = &c->barrier;
++ double distance;
++ if (!barrier_is_blocking_direction(b, dir))
++ continue;
++ if (barrier_is_blocking(b, x1, y1, x2, y2, &distance))
++ {
++ if (min_distance > distance)
++ {
++ min_distance = distance;
++ nearest = b;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return nearest;
++ * Clamp to the given barrier given the movement direction specified in dir.
++ *
++ * @param barrier The barrier to clamp to
++ * @param dir The movement direction
++ * @param[out] x The clamped x coordinate.
++ * @param[out] y The clamped x coordinate.
++ */
++barrier_clamp_to_barrier(struct PointerBarrier *barrier, int dir, int *x, int *y)
++ if (barrier_is_vertical(barrier)) {
++ if ((dir & BarrierNegativeX) & ~barrier->directions)
++ *x = barrier->x1;
++ if ((dir & BarrierPositiveX) & ~barrier->directions)
++ *x = barrier->x1 - 1;
++ }
++ if (barrier_is_horizontal(barrier))
++ {
++ if ((dir & BarrierNegativeY) & ~barrier->directions)
++ *y = barrier->y1;
++ if ((dir & BarrierPositiveY) & ~barrier->directions)
++ *y = barrier->y1 - 1;
++ }
++static void
++CursorConstrainCursorHarder(DeviceIntPtr dev, ScreenPtr screen, int mode, int *x, int *y)
++ CursorScreenPtr cs = GetCursorScreen(screen);
++ if (!list_is_empty(&cs->barriers) && !IsFloating(dev) && mode == Relative) {
++ int ox, oy;
++ int dir;
++ struct PointerBarrier *nearest = NULL;
++ /* where are we coming from */
++ miPointerGetPosition(dev, &ox, &oy);
++ /* How this works:
++ * Given the origin and the movement vector, get the nearest barrier
++ * to the origin that is blocking the movement.
++ * Clamp to that barrier.
++ * Then, check from the clamped position to the original
++ * destination, again finding the nearest barrier and clamping.
++ */
++ dir = barrier_get_direction(ox, oy, *x, *y);
++ nearest = barrier_find_nearest(cs, dir, ox, oy, *x, *y);
++ if (nearest) {
++ barrier_clamp_to_barrier(nearest, dir, x, y);
++ if (barrier_is_vertical(nearest)) {
++ dir &= ~(BarrierNegativeX | BarrierPositiveX);
++ ox = *x;
++ } else if (barrier_is_horizontal(nearest)) {
++ dir &= ~(BarrierNegativeY | BarrierPositiveY);
++ oy = *y;
++ }
++ nearest = barrier_find_nearest(cs, dir, ox, oy, *x, *y);
++ if (nearest) {
++ barrier_clamp_to_barrier(nearest, dir, x, y);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if (cs->ConstrainCursorHarder) {
++ screen->ConstrainCursorHarder = cs->ConstrainCursorHarder;
++ screen->ConstrainCursorHarder(dev, screen, mode, x, y);
++ screen->ConstrainCursorHarder = CursorConstrainCursorHarder;
++ }
++static struct PointerBarrierClient *
++CreatePointerBarrierClient(ScreenPtr screen, ClientPtr client,
++ xXFixesCreatePointerBarrierReq *stuff)
++ CursorScreenPtr cs = GetCursorScreen(screen);
++ struct PointerBarrierClient *ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret));
++ if (ret) {
++ ret->screen = screen;
++ ret->barrier.x1 = min(stuff->x1, stuff->x2);
++ ret->barrier.x2 = max(stuff->x1, stuff->x2);
++ ret->barrier.y1 = min(stuff->y1, stuff->y2);
++ ret->barrier.y2 = max(stuff->y1, stuff->y2);
++ ret->barrier.directions = stuff->directions & 0x0f;
++ if (barrier_is_horizontal(&ret->barrier))
++ ret->barrier.directions &= ~(BarrierPositiveX | BarrierNegativeX);
++ if (barrier_is_vertical(&ret->barrier))
++ ret->barrier.directions &= ~(BarrierPositiveY | BarrierNegativeY);
++ list_add(&ret->entry, &cs->barriers);
++ }
++ return ret;
++ProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier (ClientPtr client)
++ int err;
++ WindowPtr pWin;
++ struct PointerBarrierClient *barrier;
++ struct PointerBarrier b;
++ REQUEST (xXFixesCreatePointerBarrierReq);
++ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXFixesCreatePointerBarrierReq);
++ LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->barrier, client);
++ err = dixLookupWindow(&pWin, stuff->window, client, DixReadAccess);
++ if (err != Success) {
++ client->errorValue = stuff->window;
++ return err;
++ }
++ /* This sure does need fixing. */
++ if (stuff->num_devices)
++ return BadImplementation;
++ b.x1 = stuff->x1;
++ b.x2 = stuff->x2;
++ b.y1 = stuff->y1;
++ b.y2 = stuff->y2;
++ if (!barrier_is_horizontal(&b) && !barrier_is_vertical(&b))
++ return BadValue;
++ /* no 0-sized barriers */
++ if (barrier_is_horizontal(&b) && barrier_is_vertical(&b))
++ return BadValue;
++ if (!(barrier = CreatePointerBarrierClient(pWin->drawable.pScreen,
++ client, stuff)))
++ return BadAlloc;
++ if (!AddResource(stuff->barrier, PointerBarrierType, &barrier->barrier))
++ return BadAlloc;
++ return Success;
++SProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier (ClientPtr client)
++ int n;
++ REQUEST(xXFixesCreatePointerBarrierReq);
++ swaps(&stuff->length, n);
++ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXFixesCreatePointerBarrierReq);
++ swapl(&stuff->barrier, n);
++ swapl(&stuff->window, n);
++ swaps(&stuff->x1, n);
++ swaps(&stuff->y1, n);
++ swaps(&stuff->x2, n);
++ swaps(&stuff->y2, n);
++ swapl(&stuff->directions, n);
++ return ProcXFixesVector[stuff->xfixesReqType](client);
++static int
++CursorFreeBarrier(void *data, XID id)
++ struct PointerBarrierClient *b = NULL, *barrier;
++ ScreenPtr screen;
++ CursorScreenPtr cs;
++ barrier = container_of(data, struct PointerBarrierClient, barrier);
++ screen = barrier->screen;
++ cs = GetCursorScreen(screen);
++ /* find and unlink from the screen private */
++ list_for_each_entry(b, &cs->barriers, entry) {
++ if (b == barrier) {
++ list_del(&b->entry);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ free(barrier);
++ return Success;
++ProcXFixesDestroyPointerBarrier (ClientPtr client)
++ int err;
++ void *barrier;
++ REQUEST (xXFixesDestroyPointerBarrierReq);
++ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXFixesDestroyPointerBarrierReq);
++ err = dixLookupResourceByType((void **)&barrier, stuff->barrier,
++ PointerBarrierType, client,
++ DixDestroyAccess);
++ if (err != Success) {
++ client->errorValue = stuff->barrier;
++ return err;
++ }
++ FreeResource(stuff->barrier, RT_NONE);
++ return Success;
++SProcXFixesDestroyPointerBarrier (ClientPtr client)
++ int n;
++ REQUEST(xXFixesDestroyPointerBarrierReq);
++ swaps(&stuff->length, n);
++ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xXFixesDestroyPointerBarrierReq);
++ swapl(&stuff->barrier, n);
++ return ProcXFixesVector[stuff->xfixesReqType](client);
+ Bool
+ XFixesCursorInit (void)
+ {
+@@ -1048,8 +1449,10 @@ XFixesCursorInit (void)
+ cs = (CursorScreenPtr) calloc(1, sizeof (CursorScreenRec));
+ if (!cs)
+ return FALSE;
++ list_init(&cs->barriers);
+ Wrap (cs, pScreen, CloseScreen, CursorCloseScreen);
+ Wrap (cs, pScreen, DisplayCursor, CursorDisplayCursor);
++ Wrap (cs, pScreen, ConstrainCursorHarder, CursorConstrainCursorHarder);
+ cs->pCursorHideCounts = NULL;
+ SetCursorScreen (pScreen, cs);
+ }
+@@ -1059,7 +1462,10 @@ XFixesCursorInit (void)
+ "XFixesCursorHideCount");
+ CursorWindowType = CreateNewResourceType(CursorFreeWindow,
+ "XFixesCursorWindow");
++ PointerBarrierType = CreateNewResourceType(CursorFreeBarrier,
++ "XFixesPointerBarrier");
+- return CursorClientType && CursorHideCountType && CursorWindowType;
++ return CursorClientType && CursorHideCountType && CursorWindowType &&
++ PointerBarrierType;
+ }
+diff --git a/xfixes/xfixes.c b/xfixes/xfixes.c
+index e8c7bf1..a57884b 100644
+--- a/xfixes/xfixes.c
++++ b/xfixes/xfixes.c
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+@@ -47,10 +48,6 @@
+ #include "xfixesint.h"
+ #include "protocol-versions.h"
+- * Must use these instead of the constants from xfixeswire.h. They advertise
+- * what we implement, not what the protocol headers define.
+- */
+ static unsigned char XFixesReqCode;
+ int XFixesEventBase;
+@@ -97,11 +94,12 @@ ProcXFixesQueryVersion(ClientPtr client)
+ /* Major version controls available requests */
+ static const int version_requests[] = {
+- X_XFixesQueryVersion, /* before client sends QueryVersion */
+- X_XFixesGetCursorImage, /* Version 1 */
+- X_XFixesChangeCursorByName, /* Version 2 */
+- X_XFixesExpandRegion, /* Version 3 */
+- X_XFixesShowCursor, /* Version 4 */
++ X_XFixesQueryVersion, /* before client sends QueryVersion */
++ X_XFixesGetCursorImage, /* Version 1 */
++ X_XFixesChangeCursorByName, /* Version 2 */
++ X_XFixesExpandRegion, /* Version 3 */
++ X_XFixesShowCursor, /* Version 4 */
++ X_XFixesDestroyPointerBarrier, /* Version 5 */
+ };
+ #define NUM_VERSION_REQUESTS (sizeof (version_requests) / sizeof (version_requests[0]))
+@@ -142,6 +140,9 @@ int (*ProcXFixesVector[XFixesNumberRequests])(ClientPtr) = {
+ /*************** Version 4 ****************/
+ ProcXFixesHideCursor,
+ ProcXFixesShowCursor,
++/*************** Version 5 ****************/
++ ProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier,
++ ProcXFixesDestroyPointerBarrier,
+ };
+ static int
+@@ -205,6 +206,9 @@ static int (*SProcXFixesVector[XFixesNumberRequests])(ClientPtr) = {
+ /*************** Version 4 ****************/
+ SProcXFixesHideCursor,
+ SProcXFixesShowCursor,
++/*************** Version 5 ****************/
++ SProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier,
++ SProcXFixesDestroyPointerBarrier,
+ };
+ static int
+@@ -260,6 +264,8 @@ XFixesExtensionInit(void)
+ EventSwapVector[XFixesEventBase + XFixesCursorNotify] =
+ (EventSwapPtr) SXFixesCursorNotifyEvent;
+ SetResourceTypeErrorValue(RegionResType, XFixesErrorBase + BadRegion);
++ SetResourceTypeErrorValue(PointerBarrierType,
++ XFixesErrorBase + BadBarrier);
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/xfixes/xfixes.h b/xfixes/xfixes.h
+index 1638350..5765e64 100644
+--- a/xfixes/xfixes.h
++++ b/xfixes/xfixes.h
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include "resource.h"
+ extern _X_EXPORT RESTYPE RegionResType;
++extern _X_EXPORT RESTYPE PointerBarrierType;
+ extern _X_EXPORT int XFixesErrorBase;
+ #define VERIFY_REGION(pRegion, rid, client, mode) \
+@@ -51,5 +52,21 @@ extern _X_EXPORT int XFixesErrorBase;
+ extern _X_EXPORT RegionPtr
+ XFixesRegionCopy (RegionPtr pRegion);
++struct PointerBarrier {
++ CARD16 x1, x2, y1, y2;
++ CARD32 directions;
++extern int
++barrier_get_direction(int, int, int, int);
++extern BOOL
++barrier_is_blocking(const struct PointerBarrier*, int, int, int, int, double*);
++extern BOOL
++barrier_is_blocking_direction(const struct PointerBarrier*, int);
++extern void
++barrier_clamp_to_barrier(struct PointerBarrier *barrier, int dir, int *x, int *y);
+ #endif /* _XFIXES_H_ */
+diff --git a/xfixes/xfixesint.h b/xfixes/xfixesint.h
+index d005369..6ba276e 100644
+--- a/xfixes/xfixesint.h
++++ b/xfixes/xfixesint.h
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
++ * Copyright 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+@@ -278,6 +279,21 @@ ProcXFixesShowCursor (ClientPtr client);
+ int
+ SProcXFixesShowCursor (ClientPtr client);
++/* Version 5 */
++ProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier (ClientPtr client);
++SProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier (ClientPtr client);
++ProcXFixesDestroyPointerBarrier (ClientPtr client);
++SProcXFixesDestroyPointerBarrier (ClientPtr client);
++/* Xinerama */
+ extern int (*PanoramiXSaveXFixesVector[XFixesNumberRequests])(ClientPtr);
+ void PanoramiXFixesInit (void);
+ void PanoramiXFixesReset (void);
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/xvfb-run b/testing/xorg-server/xvfb-run
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c2f4e0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/xvfb-run
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# $Id: xvfb-run 2027 2004-11-16 14:54:16Z branden $
+# This script starts an instance of Xvfb, the "fake" X server, runs a command
+# with that server available, and kills the X server when done. The return
+# value of the command becomes the return value of this script.
+# If anyone is using this to build a Debian package, make sure the package
+# Build-Depends on xvfb, xbase-clients, and xfonts-base.
+set -e
+XVFBARGS="-screen 0 640x480x8"
+LISTENTCP="-nolisten tcp"
+# Query the terminal to establish a default number of columns to use for
+# displaying messages to the user. This is used only as a fallback in the event
+# the COLUMNS variable is not set. ($COLUMNS can react to SIGWINCH while the
+# script is running, and this cannot, only being calculated once.)
+DEFCOLUMNS=$(stty size 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}') || true
+if ! expr "$DEFCOLUMNS" : "[[:digit:]]\+$" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+# Display a message, wrapping lines at the terminal width.
+message () {
+ echo "$PROGNAME: $*" | fmt -t -w ${COLUMNS:-$DEFCOLUMNS}
+# Display an error message.
+error () {
+ message "error: $*" >&2
+# Display a usage message.
+usage () {
+ if [ -n "$*" ]; then
+ message "usage error: $*"
+ fi
+ cat <<EOF
+Run COMMAND (usually an X client) in a virtual X server environment.
+-a --auto-servernum try to get a free server number, starting at
+ --server-num
+-e FILE --error-file=FILE file used to store xauth errors and Xvfb
+ output (default: $ERRORFILE)
+-f FILE --auth-file=FILE file used to store auth cookie
+ (default: ./.Xauthority)
+-h --help display this usage message and exit
+-n NUM --server-num=NUM server number to use (default: $SERVERNUM)
+-l --listen-tcp enable TCP port listening in the X server
+-p PROTO --xauth-protocol=PROTO X authority protocol name to use
+ (default: xauth command's default)
+-s ARGS --server-args=ARGS arguments (other than server number and
+ "-nolisten tcp") to pass to the Xvfb server
+ (default: "$XVFBARGS")
+-w DELAY --wait=DELAY delay in seconds to wait for Xvfb to start
+ before running COMMAND (default: $STARTWAIT)
+# Find a free server number by looking at .X*-lock files in /tmp.
+find_free_servernum() {
+ # Sadly, the "local" keyword is not POSIX. Leave the next line commented in
+ # the hope Debian Policy eventually changes to allow it in /bin/sh scripts
+ # anyway.
+ #local i
+ while [ -f /tmp/.X$i-lock ]; do
+ i=$(($i + 1))
+ done
+ echo $i
+# Clean up files
+clean_up() {
+ if [ -e "$AUTHFILE" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR" ]; then
+ if ! rm -r "$XVFB_RUN_TMPDIR"; then
+ error "problem while cleaning up temporary directory"
+ exit 5
+ fi
+ fi
+# Parse the command line.
+ARGS=$(getopt --options +ae:f:hn:lp:s:w: \
+ --long auto-servernum,error-file:,auth-file:,help,server-num:,listen-tcp,xauth-protocol:,server-args:,wait: \
+ --name "$PROGNAME" -- "$@")
+if [ $GETOPT_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then
+ error "internal error; getopt exited with status $GETOPT_STATUS"
+ exit 6
+eval set -- "$ARGS"
+while :; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -a|--auto-servernum) SERVERNUM=$(find_free_servernum) ;;
+ -e|--error-file) ERRORFILE="$2"; shift ;;
+ -f|--auth-file) AUTHFILE="$2"; shift ;;
+ -h|--help) SHOWHELP="yes" ;;
+ -n|--server-num) SERVERNUM="$2"; shift ;;
+ -l|--listen-tcp) LISTENTCP="" ;;
+ -p|--xauth-protocol) XAUTHPROTO="$2"; shift ;;
+ -s|--server-args) XVFBARGS="$2"; shift ;;
+ -w|--wait) STARTWAIT="$2"; shift ;;
+ --) shift; break ;;
+ *) error "internal error; getopt permitted \"$1\" unexpectedly"
+ exit 6
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ "$SHOWHELP" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 0
+if [ -z "$*" ]; then
+ usage "need a command to run" >&2
+ exit 2
+if ! which xauth >/dev/null; then
+ error "xauth command not found"
+ exit 3
+# tidy up after ourselves
+trap clean_up EXIT
+# If the user did not specify an X authorization file to use, set up a temporary
+# directory to house one.
+if [ -z "$AUTHFILE" ]; then
+# Start Xvfb.
+XAUTHORITY=$AUTHFILE xauth source - << EOF >>"$ERRORFILE" 2>&1
+ 2>&1 &
+sleep "$STARTWAIT"
+if ! kill -0 $XVFBPID 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "Xvfb failed to start" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Start the command and save its exit status.
+set +e
+set -e
+# Kill Xvfb now that the command has exited.
+kill $XVFBPID
+# Return the executed command's exit status.
+exit $RETVAL
+# vim:set ai et sts=4 sw=4 tw=80:
diff --git a/testing/xorg-server/xvfb-run.1 b/testing/xorg-server/xvfb-run.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..137d3a196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/xorg-server/xvfb-run.1
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+.\" $Id: xvfb-run.1 2138 2005-01-17 23:40:27Z branden $
+.\" Copyright 1998-2004 Branden Robinson <>.
+.\" This is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
+.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
+.\" or (at your option) any later version.
+.\" This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+.\" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
+.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
+.\" the Debian operating system, in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if
+.\" not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
+.\" Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+.\" We need the URL macro from groff's www macro package, but also want
+.\" things to work all right for people who don't have it. So we define
+.\" our own URL macro and let the www macro package override it if it's
+.\" available. URL
+\\$2 \(laURL: \\$1 \(ra\\$3
+.if \n[.g] .mso www.tmac
+.TH xvfb\-run 1 "2004\-11\-12" "Debian Project"
+xvfb\-run \- run specified X client or command in a virtual X server environment
+.B xvfb\-run
+.I options
+.I command
+.B xvfb\-run
+is a wrapper for the
+.BR Xvfb (1x)
+command which simplifies the task of running commands (typically an X
+client, or a script containing a list of clients to be run) within a virtual
+X server environment.
+.B xvfb\-run
+sets up an X authority file (or uses an existing user\-specified one),
+writes a cookie to it (see
+.BR xauth (1x))
+and then starts the
+.B Xvfb
+X server as a background process.
+The process ID of
+.B Xvfb
+is stored for later use.
+The specified
+.I command
+is then run using the X display corresponding to the
+.B Xvfb
+just started and the X authority file created earlier.
+When the
+.I command
+exits, its status is saved, the
+.B Xvfb
+server is killed (using the process ID stored earlier), the X authority
+cookie removed, and the authority file deleted (if the user did not specify
+one to use).
+.B xvfb\-run
+then exits with the exit status of
+.IR command .
+.B xvfb\-run
+requires the
+.B xauth
+command to function.
+.B \-a\fR,\fB \-\-auto\-servernum
+Try to get a free server number, starting at 99, or the argument to
+.BR \-\-server\-num .
+.BI \-e\ file \fR,\fB\ \-\-error\-file= file
+Store output from
+.B xauth
+.B Xvfb
+.IR file .
+The default is
+.IR /dev/null .
+.BI \-f\ file \fR,\fB\ \-\-auth\-file= file
+Store X authentication data in
+.IR file .
+By default, a temporary directory called
+.IR xvfb\-run. PID
+(where PID is the process ID of
+.B xvfb\-run
+itself) is created in the directory specified by the environment variable
+.I /tmp
+if that variable is null or unset), and the
+.BR tempfile (1)
+command is used to create a file in that temporary directory called
+.IR Xauthority .
+.B \-h\fR,\fB \-\-help
+Display a usage message and exit.
+.BI \-n\ servernumber \fR,\fB\ \-\-server\-num= servernumber
+.I servernumber
+as the server number (but see the
+.B \-a\fR,\fB \-\-auto\-servernum
+option above).
+The default is 99.
+.B \-l\fR,\fB \-\-listen\-tcp
+Enable TCP port listening in the X server.
+For security reasons (to avoid denial\-of\-service attacks or exploits),
+TCP port listening is disabled by default.
+.BI \-p\ protocolname \fR,\fB\ \-\-xauth\-protocol= protocolname
+.I protocolname
+as the X authority protocol to use.
+The default is \(oq.\(cq, which
+.B xauth
+interprets as its own default protocol, which is MIT\-MAGIC\-COOKIE\-1.
+.BI \-s\ arguments \fR,\fB\ \-\-server\-args= arguments
+.I arguments
+to the
+.B Xvfb
+Be careful to quote any whitespace characters that may occur within
+.I arguments
+to prevent them from regarded as separators for
+.BR xvfb\-run 's
+own arguments.
+Also, note that specification of \(oq\-nolisten tcp\(cq in
+.I arguments
+may override the function of
+.BR xvfb\-run 's
+.B \-l\fR,\fB \-\-listen\-tcp
+option, and that specification of the server number (e.g., \(oq:1\(cq) may
+be ignored because of the way the X server parses its argument list.
+Use the
+.B xvfb\-run
+.BI \-n\ servernumber \fR,\fB\ \-\-server\-num= servernumber
+to achieve the latter function.
+The default is \(oq\-screen 0 640x480x8\(cq.
+.BI \-w\ delay \fR,\fB\ \-\-wait= delay
+.I delay
+seconds after launching
+.B Xvfb
+before attempting to start the specified command.
+The default is 3.
+indicates the width of the terminal device in character cells.
+This value is used for formatting diagnostic messages.
+If not set, the terminal is queried using
+.BR stty (1)
+to determine its width.
+If that fails, a value of \(oq80\(cq is assumed.
+specifies the directory in which to place
+.BR xvfb\-run 's
+temporary directory for storage of the X authority file; only used if the
+.B \-f
+.B \-\-auth\-file
+options are not specified.
+Unless the
+.B \-f
+.B \-\-auth\-file
+options are specified, a temporary
+directory and file within it are created (and deleted) to store the X
+authority cookies used by the
+.B Xvfb
+server and client(s) run under it.
+.BR tempfile (1).
+If \-f or \-\-auth\-file are used, then the specified X authority file is
+only written to, not created or deleted (though
+.B xauth
+creates an authority file itself if told to use use that does not already
+An error file with a user\-specified name is also created if the
+.B \-e
+.B \-\-error\-file
+options are specifed; see above.
+.B xvfb\-run
+uses its exit status as well as output to standard error to communicate
+The exit status of \(oq1\(cq is not used, and should be interpreted as failure
+of the specified command.
+.B xvfb\-run
+only uses this exit status if the
+.B \-h\fR,\fB \-\-help
+option is given.
+In all other situations, this may be interpreted as success of the specified
+No command to run was specified.
+.B xauth
+command is not available.
+The temporary directory that was going to be used already exists; since
+.B xvfb\-run
+produces a uniquely named directory, this may indicate an attempt by another
+process on the system to exploit a temporary file race condition.
+A problem was encountered while cleaning up the temporary directory.
+A problem was encountered while using
+.BR getopt (1)
+to parse the command\-line arguments.
+.B xvfb\-run \-\-auto\-servernum \-\-server\-num=1 xlogo
+runs the
+.BR xlogo (1x)
+demonstration client inside the
+.B Xvfb
+X server on the first available server number greater than or equal to 1.
+.B xvfb\-run \-\-server\-args="\-screen 0 1024x768x24" ico \-faces
+runs the
+.BR ico (1x)
+demonstration client (and passes it the
+.B \-faces
+argument) inside the
+.B Xvfb
+X server, configured with a root window of 1024 by 768 pixels and a color
+depth of 24 bits.
+Note that the demo X clients used in the above examples will not exit on
+their own, so they will have to be killed before
+.B xvfb\-run
+will exit.
+.URL "" "the Debian Bug Tracking System" .
+If you wish to report a bug in
+.BR xvfb\-run ,
+please use the
+.BR reportbug (1)
+.B xfvb\-run
+was written by Branden Robinson and Jeff Licquia with sponsorship from
+Progeny Linux Systems.
+.BR Xvfb (1x),
+.BR xauth (1x)
+.\" vim:set et tw=80: