# Maintainer: Peter Lewis # Contributor: linuxSEAT <--put_my_name_here--@gmail.com> # Contributor: Le_J pkgname=ktikz pkgver=0.10 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="A small application helping you to create TikZ diagrams (from the LaTeX pgf package)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el') url="http://www.hackenberger.at/blog/ktikz-editor-for-the-tikz-language/" license=("GPL") depends=('poppler-qt' 'kdelibs') makedepends=('automoc4' 'cmake' 'docbook-xml') source=("http://www.hackenberger.at/ktikz/"$pkgname"_"$pkgver".tar.gz") md5sums=('e8f0826cba2447250bcdcd389a71a2ac') install=ktikz.install build() { cd "$srcdir"/"$pkgname" # Patch conf.pri to get rid of annoying environment variables egrep -v '^(DESKTOPDIR|PREFIX)' conf.pri > conf.pri.patched mv -f conf.pri.patched conf.pri sed -e 's/LRELEASECOMMAND/#LRELEASECOMMAND/' conf.pri > conf.pri.patched mv -f conf.pri.patched conf.pri sed -e 's/QMAKECOMMAND/#QMAKECOMMAND/' conf.pri > conf.pri.patched mv -f conf.pri.patched conf.pri # Make and install cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` make } package() { cd "$srcdir"/"${pkgname}" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install }