# Maintainer: Brad Fanella # Contributor: fnord0 [fnord0 riseup net] pkgname=lorcon-old-svn pkgver=197 pkgrel=2 makedepends=('subversion') pkgdesc="Loss Of Radio CONnectivity: A generic library for injecting 802.11 frames, capable of injection via multiple driver frameworks, without forcing modification of the application code." url="http://802.11ninja.net" license="GPL" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') _svntrunk=http://802.11ninja.net/svn/lorcon/branch/lorcon-old/ _svnmod=lorcon-old build() { cd ${srcdir} # Fetch latest svn build if [ -d ${_svnmod}/.svn ]; then msg "Updating lorcon-old SVN..." cd ${_svnmod} && svn up else msg "Checking out lorcon-old SVN..." svn co ${_svntrunk} -r 224 ${_svnmod} fi msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout" # Compile cd ${srcdir}/${_svnmod} msg "Starting make..." ./configure --prefix=/usr make } package() { cd ${srcdir}/${_svnmod} # Install make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install }