# # xmms2-launcher cmdline parameters # XMMS2_PARAMETERS="" # # xmms2 user # You may want to add user to run xmms or use your username # XMMS2_USER="xmms2user" # # If you set XMMS2_USER to a different user than the one who will be controlling # xmms2d using xmms2 clients, make sure that the clients are aware of the path to # xmms2d's IPC socket, or they might not be able to connect. On failure to connect # some clients will try to run xmms2d themselves. These xmms2d instances will of # course run as the user running the client, and not as the one configured below. # # If an IPC path is specified on the command line to xmms2d (using # XMMS2_PARAMETERS="-i tcp://" # for instance) that will be used. If not, xmms2d will use the path from its # configuration file which is typically in ~/.config/xmms2/xmms2.conf. If this # fails, a unix socket at /tmp/xmms-ipc-[username] will be used, where username # is of the user starting xmms2d. # # Clients typically try to get the ipc path from the XMMS_PATH environment variable, # (which might be set by adding say 'export XMMS_PATH="tcp://"' to # ~/.profile). If this fails they can check their configuration file (if they have # one) and finally use unix:///tmp/xmms-ipc-[username], where username is of the user # starting the client. Upon failing to connect some will try to start xmms2d themselves. #