# $Id: PKGBUILD 155305 2012-04-01 14:23:52Z heftig $ # Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) # Contributor: Allan McRae # Contributor: Jason Chu pkgname=openal pkgver=1.14 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A cross-platform 3D audio library" arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el') url="http://www.openal.org/" license=(LGPL) depends=(glibc) makedepends=(alsa-lib sdl pkgconfig cmake libpulse) options=('!libtool') source=(http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal-releases/openal-soft-$pkgver.tar.bz2 fpu.patch) md5sums=('3d8b86c21a2f87a2a5e60f78f3b3f03d' '902d3f0e6cb16584f2b21d65235c3168') build() { # patch coming from Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=666963 cd $srcdir/$pkgname-soft-$pkgver patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/fpu.patch" cd $srcdir/$pkgname-soft-$pkgver/build cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ # The next option was taken following the suggestions in this tutorial (spanish): http://manualinux.heliohost.org/blender.html # mtjm suggests as an alternative to learn how to use cmake for finding ffmpeg libraries and send it upstream, avoiding then the use of -rpath -D CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING='-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lavutil'\ .. make } package() { cd $pkgname-soft-$pkgver make -C build DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install install -Dm644 alsoftrc.sample "$pkgdir/etc/openal/alsoft.conf.sample" }