GLib =; (function() { /* Variant Sugar * Provide commodities methods to convert Variant from/to javascript object. * variant.toJS() : returns a javascript object representing the Variant # @variant *, value): returns a GVariant structure representing * the javascript object @value * * This implementation uses json-glib's json <-> variant conversion facilities * if presents and fallback to a javascript implementation otherwise. * This javascript implementation is imported from gjs with modification for * JSCore compatibility (Copyright 2011 Giovanni Campagna, * see gjs/override/GLib.js for licence) */ // Use json-glib's json <-> variant conversion if present. // Defaults to javascript code imported from gjs otherwise. GLib.Variant.prototype.to_js = function(signature) { return _toJS(signature, this); } var toVariant = _toVariant; try { JSONGLib =; } catch (e) {} if (JSONGLib && JSONGLib.gvariant_serialize_data) { GLib.Variant.prototype.to_js = function(signature) { return _toJSNative(signature, this); } toVariant = _toVariantNative; } = function (value, sig) { var signature =; if (signature.length != 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature (more than one single complete type)'); var variant = toVariant(signature, value); return variant; } GLib.Variant.prototype.toString = function() { return '[object variant of type "' + this.get_type_string() + '"]'; }; /// End Variant Sugar /// }).apply(); function _toVariantNative(signature, object) { if (!object || object == '') return null; if (!signature || signature == '') signature = null; return JSONGLib.gvariant_deserialize_data (JSON.stringify (object), -1, signature); }; function _toJSNative(signature, variant) { if (!variant) return; var jsonStr = JSONGLib.gvariant_serialize_data (variant, signature); if (!jsonStr) return; return JSON.parse (jsonStr); }; // Code imported from gjs, modified for JSCore idoms. // Copyright 2011 Giovanni Campagna (see gjs/override/GLib.js for licence) const SIMPLE_TYPES = ['b', 'y', 'n', 'q', 'i', 'u', 'x', 't', 'h', 'd', 's', 'o', 'g']; function _read_single_type(signature, forceSimple) { var char = signature.shift(); var isSimple = false; if (SIMPLE_TYPES.indexOf(char) == -1) { if (forceSimple) throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature (a simple type was expected)'); } else isSimple = true; if (char == 'm' || char == 'a') return [char].concat(_read_single_type(signature, false)); if (char == '{') { var key = _read_single_type(signature, true); var val = _read_single_type(signature, false); var close = signature.shift(); if (close != '}') throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature for type DICT_ENTRY (expected "}"'); return [char].concat(key, val, close); } if (char == '(') { var res = [char]; while (true) { if (signature.length == 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature for type TUPLE (expected ")")'); var next = signature[0]; if (next == ')') { signature.shift(); return res.concat(next); } var el = _read_single_type(signature); res = res.concat(el); } } // Valid types are simple types, arrays, maybes, tuples, dictionary entries and variants if (!isSimple && char != 'v') throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature (' + char + ' is not a valid type)'); return [char]; } function _toVariant(signature, value) { if (signature.length == 0) throw new TypeError('GVariant signature cannot be empty'); var char = signature.shift(); switch (char) { case 'b': return GLib.Variant.new_boolean(value); case 'y': return GLib.Variant.new_byte(value); case 'n': return GLib.Variant.new_int16(value); case 'q': return GLib.Variant.new_uint16(value); case 'i': return GLib.Variant.new_int32(value); case 'u': return GLib.Variant.new_uint32(value); case 'x': return GLib.Variant.new_int64(value); case 't': return GLib.Variant.new_uint64(value); case 'h': return GLib.Variant.new_handle(value); case 'd': return GLib.Variant.new_double(value); case 's': return GLib.Variant.new_string(value); case 'o': return GLib.Variant.new_object_path(value); case 'g': return GLib.Variant.new_signature(value); case 'v': return GLib.Variant.new_variant(value); case 'm': if (value != null) return GLib.Variant.new_maybe(null, _pack_variant(signature, value)) else return GLib.Variant.new_maybe(, false).join('')), null); case 'a': var arrayType = _read_single_type(signature, false); if (arrayType[0] == 's') { // special case for array of strings return GLib.Variant.new_strv(value, value.length); } if (arrayType[0] == 'y') { // special case for array of bytes return GLib.Variant.new_bytestring(value); } if (arrayType[0] == 'a' && arrayType[1] == 'y') { // special case for array of array of bytes return GLib.Variant.new_bytestring_array(value, value.length); } var arrayValue = []; if (arrayType[0] == '{') { // special case for dictionaries for (var key in value) { var copy = [].concat(arrayType); var child = _pack_variant(copy, [key, value[key]]); arrayValue.push(child); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var copy = [].concat(arrayType); var child = _pack_variant(copy, value[i]); arrayValue.push(child); } } return GLib.Variant.new_array('')), arrayValue, arrayValue.length); case '(': var children = [ ]; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var next = signature[0]; if (next == ')') break; children.push(_pack_variant(signature, value[i])); } if (signature[0] != ')') throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature for type TUPLE (expected ")")'); signature.shift(); return GLib.Variant.new_tuple(children, children.length); case '{': var key = _pack_variant(signature, value[0]); var child = _pack_variant(signature, value[1]); if (signature[0] != '}') throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature for type DICT_ENTRY (expected "}")'); signature.shift(); return GLib.Variant.new_dict_entry(key, child); default: throw new TypeError('Invalid GVariant signature (unexpected character ' + char + ')'); } } function _toJS(signature, variant) { switch (String.fromCharCode(variant.classify())) { case 'b': return variant.get_boolean(); case 'y': return variant.get_byte(); case 'n': return variant.get_int16(); case 'q': return variant.get_uint16(); case 'i': return variant.get_int32(); case 'u': return variant.get_uint32(); case 'x': return variant.get_int64(); case 't': return variant.get_uint64(); case 'h': return variant.get_handle(); case 'd': return variant.get_double(); case 'o': case 'g': case 's': // g_variant_get_string has length as out argument return variant.get_string(); case 'v': return variant.get_variant(); case 'm': var val = variant.get_maybe(); return _toJS(val); case 'a': if (variant.is_container()) { // special case containers var ret = { }; var nElements = variant.n_children(); for (var i = 0; i < nElements; i++) { // always unpack the dictionary entry, and always unpack // the key (or it cannot be added as a key) var val = _toJS(variant.get_child_value(i)); var key = val[0].classify ? _toJS(val[0]) : val[0]; ret[key] = val[1] && val[1].classify ? _toJS(val[1]) : val[1] } return ret; } // fall through case '(': case '{': var ret = [ ]; var nElements = variant.n_children(); for (var i = 0; i < nElements; i++) { var val = variant.get_child_value(i); ret.push(_toJS(val)); } return ret; } throw new Error('Assertion failure: this code should not be reached'); }