# $Id: PKGBUILD 95010 2013-08-03 09:40:52Z schuay $ # Contributor: Daniel J Griffiths # Maintainer: schuay _pkgname=mc pkgname=mc-libre pkgver=4.8.10 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Midnight Commander is a text based filemanager/shell that emulates Norton Commander, with unar and arj recommendation included and nonfree unace recommendation removed" arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el') url="http://www.ibiblio.org/mc/" license=('GPL') depends=( 'e2fsprogs' 'glib2' 'gpm' 'libssh2' 'pcre' 'slang') makedepends=('libxt' 'libx11') optdepends=( 'cabextract: ucab extfs' 'cdparanoia: audio extfs' 'cdrkit: iso9660 extfs' 'gawk: hp48+ extfs' 'aspell: spelling corrections' 'cvs: CVS support' 'mtools: a+ extfs' 'perl: needed by several extfs scripts' 'python2-boto: s3+ extfs' 'python2-pytz: s3+ extfs' 'smb: VFS support' 'arj: uarj extfs' 'unar: urar extfs' 'zip: uzip extfs' 'p7zip: support for 7zip archives') conflicts=('mc') replaces=('mc') provides=("mc=${pkgver}") options=('!emptydirs' '!makeflags') backup=('etc/mc/edit.indent.rc' 'etc/mc/filehighlight.ini' 'etc/mc/mcedit.menu' 'etc/mc/mc.ext' 'etc/mc/mc.keymap' 'etc/mc/mc.menu' 'etc/mc/sfs.ini') source=("http://www.midnight-commander.org/downloads/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2") build() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-vfs-smb \ --with-x --libexecdir=/usr/lib make } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install # Fix FS#15177 sed 's|op_has_zipinfo = 0|op_has_zipinfo = 1|' \ -i "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mc/extfs.d/uzip" sed 's#/usr/bin/env python#/usr/bin/python2#' \ -i "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/mc/extfs.d/s3+" } md5sums=('eb4bdc23abd4fdfa14911d53d65c8186')