# $Id: PKGBUILD 111823 2014-05-25 10:39:16Z arodseth $ # Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino # Contributor: Ryan Coyner pkgbase=mod_wsgi pkgname=($pkgbase 'mod_wsgi2') pkgver=3.5 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Python2 WSGI adapter module for Apache' arch=('x86_64' 'i686') url='http://www.modwsgi.org/' license=('APACHE') makedepends=('apache' 'python' 'python2') install='mod_wsgi.install' source=("https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/$pkgname/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz") sha256sums=('f0674c38f0f568ece55610bcc6a775c179835c4cba23aa7f876d2a2a8520bf93') build() { cp -r "$pkgbase-$pkgver" py2 # Build the Python 3 version cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver" ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs \ --with-python=/usr/bin/python make LDLIBS='-lpython3 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm' # Build the Python 2 version cd "$srcdir/py2" ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs \ --with-python=/usr/bin/python2 make } package_mod_wsgi() { pkgdesc='Python WSGI adapter module for Apache' depends=('apache' 'python') conflicts=('mod_wsgi2') make -C "$pkgbase-$pkgver" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install } package_mod_wsgi2() { pkgdesc='Python2 WSGI adapter module for Apache' depends=('apache' 'python2') conflicts=('mod_wsgi') make -C py2 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install } # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: