post_install() { if [ ! -d '/var/lib/postgres' ]; then mkdir -p '/var/lib/postgres' fi if ! getent group postgres >/dev/null; then groupadd -g 88 postgres fi if ! getent passwd postgres >/dev/null; then useradd -c 'PostgreSQL user' -u 88 -g postgres -d '/var/lib/postgres' -s /bin/bash postgres passwd -l postgres >/dev/null fi systemd-tmpfiles --create postgresql.conf } post_upgrade() { post_install $1 # FS#23858, fix postgres user shell issue postgres_shell=$(getent passwd postgres | cut -d: -f7) if [ "$postgres_shell" = "/sbin/nologin" ]; then chsh -s /bin/bash postgres fi if [ $(vercmp $2 '9.2.1-2') -lt 0 ]; then echo "Note: The Unix domain socket location has changed; be sure to" echo " restart any local applications using" fi } post_remove() { if getent passwd postgres >/dev/null; then userdel postgres fi if getent group postgres >/dev/null; then groupdel postgres fi }