# provides.pl ## # Script for printing out a provides list of every CPAN distribution # that is bundled with perl. # # Justin Davis use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all'; use strict; package Common; sub evalver { my ($path, $mod) = @_; $mod ||= ""; open my $fh, '<', $path or die "open $path: $!"; while (<$fh>) { next unless /\s*(?:\$${mod}::|\$)VERSION\s*=\s*(.+)/; my $ver = eval $1; return $ver unless $@; warn qq{$path:$. bad version string "$ver"\n}; } close $fh; return undef; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Dists; sub maindistfile { my ($dist, $dir) = @_; # libpath is the modern style, installing modules under lib/ # with dirs matching the name components. my $libpath = join q{/}, 'lib', split /-/, "${dist}.pm"; # dumbpath is an old style where there's no subdirs and just # a .pm file. my $dumbpath = $dist; $dumbpath =~ s/\A.+-//; $dumbpath .= ".pm"; my @paths = ($libpath, $dumbpath); # Some modules (with simple names like XSLoader, lib, etc) are # generated by Makefile.PL. Search through their generating code. push @paths, "${dist}_pm.PL" if $dist =~ tr/-/-/ == 0; for my $path (map { "$dir/$_" } @paths) { return $path if -f $path; } return undef; } sub module_ver { my ($dist, $dir) = @_; my $path = maindistfile($dist, $dir) or return undef; my $mod = $dist; $mod =~ s/-/::/g; my $ver = Common::evalver($path, $mod); unless ($ver) { warn "failed to find version in module file for $dist\n"; return undef; } return $ver; } sub changelog_ver { my ($dist, $dir) = @_; my $path; for my $tmp (glob "$dir/{Changes,ChangeLog}") { if (-f $tmp) { $path = $tmp; last; } } return undef unless $path; open my $fh, '<', $path or die "open: $!"; while (<$fh>) { return $1 if /\A\s*(?:$dist[ \t]*)?([0-9._]+)/; return $1 if /\A\s*version\s+([0-9._]+)/i; } close $fh; return undef; } # for some reason podlators has a VERSION file with perl code in it sub verfile_ver { my ($dist, $dir) = @_; my $path = "$dir/VERSION"; return undef unless -f $path; # no warning, only podlaters has it return Common::evalver($path); } # scans a directory full of nicely separated dist. directories. sub scan_distroot { my ($distroot) = @_; opendir my $cpand, "$distroot" or die "failed to open $distroot"; my @dists = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$distroot/$_" } readdir $cpand; closedir $cpand; my @found; for my $dist (@dists) { my $distdir = "$distroot/$dist"; my $ver = (module_ver($dist, $distdir) || changelog_ver($dist, $distdir) || verfile_ver($dist, $distdir)); if ($ver) { push @found, [ $dist, $ver ]; } else { warn "failed to find version for $dist\n"; } } return @found; } sub find { my ($srcdir) = @_; return map { scan_distroot($_) } glob "$srcdir/{cpan,dist}"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Modules; use HTTP::Tiny qw(); use File::Find qw(); use File::stat; *findfile = *File::Find::find; sub cpan_provider { my ($module) = @_; my $url = "http://cpanmetadb.appspot.com/v1.0/package/$module"; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; my $resp = $http->get($url); return undef unless $resp->{'success'}; my ($cpanpath) = $resp->{'content'} =~ /^distfile: (.*)$/m or return undef; my $dist = $cpanpath; $dist =~ s{\A.+/}{}; # remove author directory $dist =~ s{-[^-]+\z}{}; # remove version and extension return ($dist eq 'perl' ? undef : $dist); } sub find { my ($srcdir) = @_; my $libdir = "$srcdir/lib/"; die "failed to find $libdir directory" unless -d $libdir; # Find only the module files that have not changed since perl # was extracted. We don't want the files perl just recently # installed into lib/. We processed those already. my @modfiles; my $finder = sub { return unless /[.]pm\z/; push @modfiles, $_; }; findfile({ 'no_chdir' => 1, 'wanted' => $finder }, $libdir); # First we have to find what the oldest ctime actually is. my $oldest = time; @modfiles = map { my $modfile = $_; my $ctime = (stat $modfile)->ctime; $oldest = $ctime if $ctime < $oldest; [ $modfile, $ctime ]; # save ctime for later } @modfiles; # Then we filter out any file that was created more than a # few seconds after that. Process the rest. my @mods; for my $modfile (@modfiles) { my ($mod, $ctime) = @$modfile; next if $ctime - $oldest > 5; # ignore newer files my $path = $mod; $mod =~ s{[.]pm\z}{}; $mod =~ s{\A$libdir}{}; $mod =~ s{/}{::}g; my $ver = Common::evalver($path) || q{}; push @mods, [ $mod, $ver ]; } # Convert modules names to the dist names who provide them. my %seen; my @dists; for my $modref (@mods) { my ($mod, $ver) = @$modref; my $dist = cpan_provider($mod) or next; # filter out core modules next if $seen{$dist}++; # avoid duplicate dists push @dists, [ $dist, $ver ]; } return @dists; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Dist2Pkg; sub name { my ($name) = @_; my $orig = $name; # Package names should be lowercase and consist of alphanumeric # characters only (and hyphens!)... $name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $name =~ tr/_+/-/; # _ and +'s converted to - (ie Tabbed-Text+Wrap) $name =~ tr/-a-z0-9+//cd; # Delete all other chars. $name =~ tr/-/-/s; # Delete leading or trailing hyphens... $name =~ s/\A-|-\z//g; die qq{Dist. name '$orig' completely violates packaging standards} unless $name; return "perl-$name"; } sub version { my ($version) = @_; # Package versions should be numbers and decimal points only... $version =~ tr/-/./; $version =~ tr/_0-9.-//cd; # Remove developer versions because pacman has no special logic # to compare them to regular versions like perl does. $version =~ s/_[^_]+\z//; $version =~ tr/_//d; # delete other underscores $version =~ tr/././s; # only one period at a time $version =~ s/\A[.]|[.]\z//g; # shouldn't start or stop with a period return $version; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package main; my $perldir = shift or die "Usage: $0 [path to perl source directory]\n"; die "$perldir is not a valid directory." unless -d $perldir; my @dists = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } (Dists::find($perldir), Modules::find($perldir)); for my $dist (@dists) { my ($name, $ver) = @$dist; $name = Dist2Pkg::name($name); $ver = Dist2Pkg::version($ver); print "$name=$ver\n"; }