path: root/src/core/procedures/automatic
diff options
authorDieter Plaetinck <>2009-03-29 18:16:42 +0200
committerDieter Plaetinck <>2009-03-29 18:16:42 +0200
commitef2290b0e31c285267bba9dde3634b628df0ebf0 (patch)
treede627bb47c87f535ad7eea5d7b3da9bc2cbef3c7 /src/core/procedures/automatic
parent71f5510aaaa20ae5ae9c773dca12028bd96aafdf (diff)
parentff1bc0cd6060d0a23911f1ef25633f706a9af619 (diff)
Merge branch 'experimental'2009.03.29
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/procedures/automatic')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/procedures/automatic b/src/core/procedures/automatic
index 3c93167..b0e327a 100644
--- a/src/core/procedures/automatic
+++ b/src/core/procedures/automatic
@@ -1,24 +1,32 @@
-# This procedure is EARLY in development!!
# This is a procedure for automatic deployment/installation/configuration of systems. # TODO: document! (readme, notes about deployment profiles, examples, ...)
+# check /usr/share/aif/examples for some example config files.
+# This procedure can easily replace the old quickinst script if you look at the "generic install" config file
+# Look at the base procedure to see the phases and which workers they'll execute.
+# It should be:
+# phase_preparation=(configure intro sysprep select_source runtime_network runtime_repositories runtime_packages)
+# phase_basics=(set_clock prepare_disks)
+# phase_system=(package_list install_packages auto_fstab auto_networkTODO auto_locale auto_keymap_font configure_system mkinitcpio locales install_bootloader)
+# phase_finish=(msg_report)
# In theory, the only manual thing should maybe be configuring the runtime network and putting the configfile in place
# TODO: I don't know if you can do non-interactive dm_crypt stuff.. maybe by pulling luks keyfiles from svn/git/..?
+# TODO: for worker_configure_system, we probably want the user to specify hostname, root pass etc.
+# TODO: implement setting hostname, keymap, consolefont, network settings
+# for a list of recognized variables, see examples/generic-install-on-sda
depend_procedure core base
-var_ARGS_USAGE="-c <config>: Specify a configfile (profile) to be used (optional)" #if we need some settings that we're missing, we'll ask for them
-phase_preparation+=(msg_automatic) # this can happen probably a bit earlier..
+var_ARGS_USAGE="-c <config>: Specify a configfile (profile) to be used"
+# TODO: if the user does aif -p automatic -c, then $1 is ":-" ??? if you do -c <something> then it's ok.
process_args ()
if [ "$1" = '-c' ]
[ -z "$2" ] && die_error "You must specify a config"
- source $2 || die_error "Could not source config $2"
exit 5
@@ -28,69 +36,51 @@ process_args ()
worker_intro ()
- notify "Automatic procedure running..."
+ notify "Automatic procedure running profile $var_AUTOMATIC_PROFILE ..."
worker_configure ()
+ [ -z "$var_AUTOMATIC_PROFILE" ] && die_error "You must specify a config file to use this procedure"
+ source $var_AUTOMATIC_PROFILE || die_error "Could not source config $var_AUTOMATIC_PROFILE"
+ # Check mandatory options
+ [ -z "$PARTITIONS" ] && die_error "You did not specify a partition scheme"
+ [ -z "$BLOCKDATA" ] && die_error "You did not specify a partition scheme"
+ [ -z "$GRUB_DEVICE" ] && die_error "You did not specify a grub device"
+ # initialize internal variables based on variables set by the user (some of the vars are handled in other workers):
-# not used
-worker_msg_manual ()
- notify "A few manual things need to happen first..."
-worker_msg_automatic ()
- notify "**** From now on. everything will be automatic. Enjoy the show!" # not true: you need pass for dm_crypt
-worker_fetch_configs ()
+worker_select_source ()
- true
+ var_FILE_URL=${FILE_URL:-file:///src/core/pkg}
+ var_SYNC_URL=${SYNC_URL:-}
worker_runtime_network ()
- if ask_yesno "Do you want to (re)-configure your networking?"
- then
- interactive_runtime_network
- else
- infofy "Ok. skipping network config"
- fi
-# Check if we have all needed settings loaded from the profile
-worker_runtime_settings ()
- if check_is_in $var_RUNTIME_PACKAGES svn
- then
- [ -z "$SVN_USERNAME" ] && ask_string "Please enter your svn username" && SVN_USERNAME=$ANSWER_STRING
- [ -z "$SVN_PASSWORD" ] && ask_password svn #TODO: if user entered incorrect password, the install process will just fail..
- [ -z "$SVN_BASE" ] && ask_string "What's the base path of your svn repo? (no ending /) " && SVN_BASE=$ANSWER_STRING
- [ -z "$DEPLOY_CLASS" ] && ask_string "Which hostclass are you installing? (optional)" '' 0 && DEPLOY_CLASS=$ANSWER_STRING
- SVN="svn --username $SVN_USERNAME --password $SVN_PASSWORD"
- elif check_is_in $var_RUNTIME_PACKAGES moo
- then
- # Maybe more stuff later
- true
- fi
- [ -z "$HOSTNAME" ] && ask_string "Hostname of target system?" && HOSTNAME=$ANSWER_STRING
- return 0
+ true # for now. we assume the user has taken care of this himself already. doing this interactively wouldn't be a good default anyway.
+ # maybe check if network works, if not, try dhcp. let user override by using a static config in his config file
+ #if ask_yesno "Do you want to (re)-configure your networking?"
+ #then
+ # interactive_runtime_network
+ #else
+ # infofy "Ok. skipping network config"
+ #fi
worker_prepare_disks ()
process_disks || die_error "Could not process_disks"
if ! process_filesystems
@@ -105,31 +95,35 @@ worker_prepare_disks ()
+worker_package_list ()
+ [ -z "$var_TARGET_PACKAGES" -a -z "$var_TARGET_GROUPS" ] && var_TARGET_GROUPS=base
worker_install_packages ()
target_prepare_pacman core extra community #TODO: it would be better if this was a separate worker, i think
- [ -z "$TARGET_PACKAGES" ] && die_error "No packages listed to be installed!"
worker_set_clock ()
- #timezone="Europe/Brussels"
- #Not doing anything. hwclock is set already and configs are coming from svn anyway..
+ #TODO implement this
-worker_install_bootloader ()
- install-grub /dev/sda
+worker_auto_network () {
+ # temporary override because i need to implement this
+ true
-worker_runtime_yaourt ()
+worker_install_bootloader ()
- _yaourt_replace_pacman
+ grub-install $var_GRUB_DEVICE --root-directory=/mnt