path: root/src/lib-archboot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib-archboot/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib-archboot/ b/src/lib-archboot/
deleted file mode 100644
index e41c9a3..0000000
--- a/src/lib-archboot/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-donetwork() {
- ifaces=$(ifconfig -a | egrep "Ethernet" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's|$| _|g')
- if [ "$ifaces" = "" ]; then
- DIALOG --yesno "Cannot find any ethernet interfaces. You probably haven't loaded\nyour network module yet. You have two options:\n\n 1) Probe for the correct module now.\n 2) Switch to another VC (ALT-F2) and load your module\n with the modprobe command, then switch back here (ALT-F1)\n and continue.\n\nIf you know which module you need, you should do Step 2 and\nselect NO below. If you don't know which module you need,\nchoose Step 1 by selecting YES below.\n\nProbe for network module?" 18 70
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- probenic
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- ifaces=$(ifconfig -a | egrep "Ethernet" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's|$| _|g')
- if [ "$ifaces" = "" ]; then
- DIALOG --msgbox "No network interfaces available." 0 0
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- while [ "$INTERFACE" = "" ]; do
- DIALOG --msgbox "Available Ethernet Interfaces:\n$(ifconfig -a | egrep "Ethernet" | sed 's# #_#g')\n\nIf your ethernet interface is not listed,\n1) Probe for the correct module now.\n2) Switch to another VC (ALT-F2) and load your module with\n the modprobe command, then switch back here (ALT-F1)\n" 0 0
- dialog --backtitle "$TITLE" --extra-button --extra-label "Probe" --ok-label "Select" --menu "Select a network interface" 14 55 7 $ifaces 2>$ANSWER
- case $? in
- 1) return 1 ;;
- 0) INTERFACE=$(cat $ANSWER) ;;
- *) probenic ;;
- esac
- ifaces=$(ifconfig -a | egrep "Ethernet" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's|$| _|g')
- done
- DIALOG --yesno "Do you want to use DHCP?" 0 0
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- DIALOG --infobox "Please wait. Polling for DHCP server on $INTERFACE..." 0 0
- dhcpcd $INTERFACE >$LOG 2>&1 || DIALOG --msgbox "Failed to run dhcpcd." 0 0 || return 1
- sleep 10
- if [ ! $(ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep 'inet addr:') ]; then
- DIALOG --msgbox "DHCP request failed." 0 0 || return 1
- fi
- S_DHCP=1
- else
- while [ "$NETPARAMETERS" = "" ]; do
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your IP address" 8 65 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your netmask" 8 65 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your broadcast" 8 65 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your gateway (optional)" 8 65 "" 8 65 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- GW=$(cat $ANSWER)
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your DNS server IP" 8 65 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- DNS=$(cat $ANSWER)
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your HTTP proxy server, for example:\nhttp://name:port\nhttp://ip:port\nhttp://username:password@ip:port\n\n Leave the field empty if no proxy is needed to install." 16 65 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- DIALOG --inputbox "Enter your FTP proxy server, for example:\nhttp://name:port\nhttp://ip:port\nhttp://username:password@ip:port\n\n Leave the field empty if no proxy is needed to install." 16 65 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1
- DIALOG --yesno "Are these settings correct?\n\nIP address: $IPADDR\nNetmask: $SUBNET\nGateway (optional): $GW\nDNS server: $DNS\nHTTP proxy server: $PROXY_HTTP\nFTP proxy server: $PROXY_FTP" 0 0
- case $? in
- 1) ;;
- esac
- done
- ifconfig $INTERFACE $IPADDR netmask $SUBNET broadcast $BROADCAST up >$LOG 2>&1 || DIALOG --msgbox "Failed to setup $INTERFACE interface." 0 0 || return 1
- if [ "$GW" != "" ]; then
- route add default gw $GW >$LOG 2>&1 || DIALOG --msgbox "Failed to setup your gateway." 0 0 || return 1
- fi
- if [ "$PROXY_HTTP" = "" ]; then
- unset http_proxy
- else
- export http_proxy=$PROXY_HTTP
- fi
- if [ "$PROXY_FTP" = "" ]; then
- unset ftp_proxy
- else
- export ftp_proxy=$PROXY_FTP
- fi
- echo "nameserver $DNS" >/etc/resolv.conf
- fi
- ### Missing Proxy Configuration
- DIALOG --msgbox "The network is configured." 0 0
- S_NET=1
-probenic() {
- workdir="$PWD"
- DIALOG --infobox "Looking for a matching ethernet module. Please wait..." 0 0
- printk off
- cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- DIALOG --msgbox "No ethernet modules were found!" 0 0
- printk on
- cd "$workdir"
- return 1
- fi
- # modules with no modalias exported! status kernel 2.6.18
- NOTDETECTABLE="hp ne de4x5 wd cs89x0 eepro smc9194 seeq8005 ni52 ni65 ac3200 smc-ultra at1700 hp-plus depca eexpress 82596 de600 eth16i de620 lance ewrk3 e2100 lp486e 3c501 3c503 3c505 3c507 3c509 3c515 myri10ge"
- for mod in ${NOTDETECTABLE}; do
- modprobe $mod >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- ifconfig -a | egrep "Ethernet" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- DIALOG --msgbox "No matching ethernet modules found." 0 0
- else
- DIALOG --msgbox "Probe succeeded. Your network module is loaded." 0 0
- fi
- printk on
- cd "$workdir"