### This howto explains how to install/upgrade aif on an arch system / arch installation cd ### * an installation cd is in essence just an arch system, it just has the aif package installed. you can install aif on any system without problems. * install cd's from 2009.02 and up have aif on board, so probably you don't need to do anything at all. * there is a "binary" package in extra, containing a recent release * there are 2 source packages in AUR, one for each branch in git. ( see http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=aif ) - aif-git: latest code from the git master (stable) branch: recommended! - aif-experimental-git: latest development code. Code is tested here and if ok, merged into master. Use at own risk!! So, assuming you want to upgrade the aif package on an installation cd, to say aif-experimental-git from AUR, you would: 1) Boot from the installcd 2) Open 2 shells, one as user root, one as regular user (arch) 3) Copy paste the code below. # root shell: /arch/setup. # fake ftp install so it lets you run the network configure script Alternatively, if you have a recent version of AIF installed and it comes with the partial-network procedure, you can execute that to set up your network. # when network works, quit installer pacman -Sy git fakeroot # You need about 192MB ram for this! 128MB is not enough. # arch shell wget http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/aif-git/aif-git.tar.gz tar -xzf cd aif-git makepkg # root shell: pacman -U /home/arch/aif-git/aif*.pkg.tar.gz 4) Fire it up! (as root) aif -p #you can skip networking. For more info see README or aif -h.